Gordon Robertson has an important message for you about how CBN is standing strong with the nation and people of Israel amid the unjustified attacks from Gaza these past couple of weeks.
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- Hello, this is Gordon Robertson,
the president of the ChristianBroadcasting Network.
Years ago, decades ago,
back in the early 1970s,
my father made a commitment to Israel
that regardless of whatever happened,
CBN, the Christian Broadcasting Network,
would always stand with Israel.
And over the past few weeks,
we've seen incredible events happen there
and we want to send the message
to everyone in Israel,
everyone in the Christian world as well
that we continue to stand with Israel.
We've stood with you on therioting on the Temple Mount
and we filed a news reportshowing that they had stockpiled,
the Palestinians hadstockpiled rocks and fireworks
in that mosque, the Al-Aqsa Mosque,
and were using that religious site
as a place to inciteviolence against Israelis.
And that was the provocation
that led to Israeli security forces trying
to bring peace to the Temple Mount.
We stood with you also
at Sheikh Jarrah to show the real story
behind what was happeningin that neighborhood,
the history that dated back to 1948,
how before 1948 it was owned by Jews
and not by Palestinians.
And we had an interview
with a Palestinian resident
to show the real story of what happened.
- My father take the house
from the Jordanian in 1956.
There is agreement betweenJordanian and UNRWA.
Jordan give the land
and the UNRWA built the 28th house
for 28 refugee family.
- Back in the 50th anniversary
of the reunification of Jerusalem,
we stood with you to showthe world the real story
of the Six-Day War,
the real story of theBattle of Jerusalem told
by the combatants themselves,
the members of the Israels Defense Force
who went into the city
and for the first time,
said the Temple Mount was in our hands.
And in that story, we told the real story
of the Jordanian occupationof Jerusalem in 1948.
- [Narrator] In the end,
350 Jewish men were takenas prisoners of war.
68 people were killed.
And 1,400 Jews wereexpelled from their homes.
In the Jewish Cemeteryon the Mount of Olives,
thousands of graves were destroyed.
Headstones were used as building blocks
for the Jordanian army barracks
and officers built latrineson top of the stones
to defile them.
58 synagogues were demolished.
Hundreds of Torah scrolls were burned.
And for the time in 1,300 years,
Jews were denied access totheir remaining holy places,
including the Western Wall.
After the battle,
Colonel el-Tell reported to his superiors
that the Jews had been defeated.
- [Colonel] Only four daysafter our entry into Jerusalem,
the Jewish Quarter hadbecome their graveyard.
Death and destruction reigned over it.
As the dawn of Friday, May28, 1948 was about to break,
the Jewish Quarter emerged,
convulsed in a blackcloud of death and agony.
For the first time in 1,000 years,
not a single Jew remainsin the Jewish Quarter.
Not a single building remains intact.
This makes the Jews'return here impossible.
(dramatic music)
- And we know that with God,
all things are possible.
And with God, Jerusalem hasbecome the unified capital
of the modern state of Israel.
As rockets were fallingon southern Israel,
we stood with you thenand we stand with you now.
- [Chris] Our CBN News teamexperienced what it means
to have a shelter nearby.
- [Man] You've got a live one.
(rocket booming)
That's how it sounds.
(rocket booming)
- And that shelter was madepossible by CBN Israel.
We want to provide protection
and comfort for our friends in Israel.
And we do this because we love Israel
and because of the commitmentthat my father made
to always stand with Israel.
But we also know there's someoneelse standing with Israel.
And he will always be there.
So in the middle of your trouble,
always remember Psalm 121.
"I will lift up my eyes to the hills,
from whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and Earth.
He will not allow your foot to be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
shall neither slumber nor sleep."
And today, remember those words.
Israel is a miracle,
for a nation to be born in a day in 1948,
for the exiles to come home again,
for the desert to bloom,
for all these wonderfulthings that have happened,
we must praise God becausehe has been the one
to stand by Israel.
He watches over his Word to perform it.
May God continue to bless Israel
and may we all pray forthe peace of Jerusalem.
God bless you.