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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - May 20, 2021


- [Terry] This first onePat, comes from William

who says, "Hi Pat,

I heard someone on TV preach about

how God can forgive you of your sins

but often doesn't removethe penalty of those sins.

Is this really true?

And if God won't remove

the penalty of my past sins,

is there even a point

in turning my life around?

- [Pat] Well, you're looking at eternal.

I mean, eternity

is what's really important.

I mean, what happens here,

in this earth is,

you know,

minuscule, compared to a life

lived with God forever and ever.

And Paul said,

I'm just doing everything I can.

If I may attain to theresurrection of the dead.

So you want your sins forgiven.

Now let's assume,

that you shoot somebody,

in cold blood,

first degree murder.


when you do that,

you say, God, I sinned against you.

I'm sorry.

Please forgive me.

And God says,

alright son, daughter--

I forgive you.

But what is the judge going to say

in the court, when you get convicted.

He's going to say,

I'm sorry.

It's going to be life in prison.

Or it may be the death chamber.

That's the temporal punishment.

And there are two different things.

God can forgive,

but the courts may not.

I mean,

what you have done may bear an impact.

If you do something to hurt yourself

we've been talking abouthealth and everything.

If you hurt your body,

God can forgive you for doing it,

but you still might get emphysema,

or you still might get--

Gandhi was talking about the leaky gut.

You still might get that.

All right.

What's the other question.

- [Terry] This is John who says,

Can conflicting, condemning,

or incessant thoughts

affect one's salvation?

Should I ask Jesus

to be my Lord and Savior

every time negative thoughts

about Christianity pop up in my head?

Or do I just need to repent?

Are persistent, negative thoughts

sinful in and of themselves?

- The Bible says this,

let the words of my,


the words of my mouth

and the meditation of my heart

be acceptable.

So what we're thinking

and what we're doing,

and the Bible also says

break up your fallow-ground.

So the time for all of us

we have to continually

break up the fallow ground.

We have to continue to come to the Lord.

You don't have to continue to get saved,

but we do,

our hearts do get hardened along the way.

And we do need

to have times

of refreshing where,

we get right with God,

because these things do build up.

All right.

- Floyd says,

Pat, is America now

what the church of Sardis was?

Revelation 3:1-3 says,

you have a reputation of being alive,

but you're dead. Wake up!

But if you do not wake up,

I will come like a thief.

- All right, look,

they were churches in Asia

that were involved in revelation.

All of them, by the way,

are in the modern day Turkey.

But I--

You can't just say,

well, this is the church today.

This is the church today.

I think the one inLaodicea is closest to it.

You know, but to say,well, this church is this.

I mean, God didn't make me a judge.

And he didn't make you a judge that way.

And to say that,

that means you're judging and saying,

well the church is like this.

Maybe yes, maybe no.

I think what we all need to do

is to learn from those things.

And they were all parts of, of Jesus.

Every one of them.

And this one is on fire.

This is dead.

This, you know, be hot or cold,

or a banish you out of my mouth.

All those things.

You find some evidence of it everywhere.


- This is Linda who says,

what exactly does "amen" mean?

We say it at the end of every prayer.

- It means. Let it be so.

That's what it means. Let it be so

Amen. Okay.

- Beverly says,

when we get to heaven,

will we recognize people we know,

or watched on television?

Such as precious Ben Kinchlow?

Will the ones we knew also recognize us?

Does the Bible have a scripturethat answers this question.

- Look at Jesus talking about the,

the Rich Man and Dives and,

and the Rich Man was taken to hell.

Dives was taken by theangels to Abraham's bosom.

Then he looks down and he said,

look, let me go and talk to my brothers.

And, and Abraham said, no,

there's a great gulf between us fixed,

but he did recognize it.

I think we will know people.

I don't know necessarily,

if you're in an audienceof 20 million people.

I'm not sure that every one of them

in that audience isgoing to recognize you.

- But do you remember the little boy

that wrote the-- His Dad actually wrote

the book "Heaven is for real."

And he recognized family members.

They knew who he was

- Unborn, I mean therewere little children

who were aborted.

Absolutely. Okay.

Well that's all the time we've got.

But yeah, I think there's going to be

a recognition in heaven.

That's what you're asking.


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