- Welcome to The 700 Club.
A school board meeting rated X!
Lewd passages read outloud by parents up in arms.
So what's the source ofthese jaw dropping words?
They're assigned reading for students
in the 9th grade.
What's going on in Virginia'sLoudoun County schools?
And whose heads may roll because of it.
Tara Mergener revealsthe outrageous detail,
behind this explosive scandal.
- Loudoun County hadalready become ground zero
for a number of national debates.
Mainly because parents are making noise.
A warning, what you'reabout to hear, is offensive.
- "Every time she made too much noise,
I'd walk in and kick her."
- "Jasper wasn't even my boyfriend,
just this dude I did somehacking with once in a while."
- "It's okay, it's cool,
this is what girls do at parties!"
- Those jaw droppingwords read by mothers,
from books recommended to students
in Loudoun County public schools.
Now a move to recall someschool board members,
may be gaining steam.
Ian Prior says the LoudounCounty School Board,
is abusing its power.
- But when it comes to parents
that want answers to what their kids
are being taught,
or not taught in school,
they have no answers.
- [Tara] Prior is among a growing number
of frustrated parents,
forming the Fight For SchoolsPolitical Action Committee.
- We're gonna talk aboutthe need for change
in Loudoun County School Board.
- [Tara] Collecting about2,500 signatures so far,
aimed at unseating several board members.
Accused of using a secret Facebook page,
to target parents who oppose them.
- They're look to push material,
or thoughts into a school system,
and less focus on reading,
writing and arithmetic.
- [Tara] School boardmeetings often boiling over.
Last week, several angrymoms took it up a notch.
Shocking the crowd,
by holding up signs and reading aloud,
sexually explicit passages from books
on the high school reading list.
Another word of warning,
what you're about to hear, is offensive.
- "I grab her by the neck,
and start punching her."
- "He had a big (beep).
And sometimes, a girljust needs a big (beep)."
- "His pants around his ankles,
squeezed between April's straddled legs,
as she lay on top of the teacher's desk."
- How did we get theseunacceptable topics?
Well one, you didn't followyour procurement policies
when you bought $1.8 million worth
of these trash books.
- [Tara] Interim SuperIntendant, Scott Ziegler,
declined CBN's request for an interview.
The only school board memberwho answered our calls,
told CBN, "She could not speak
for other members.
But that she did not readthe material in question.
Nor are members required to do so".
On another sensitive subject,
the district denies Loudoun'sso-called Equity Plan,
is a disguise for gettingCritical Race Theory
into classrooms.
This mother though, doesn't buy it.
- CRT is racist.
It is abusive.
It discriminates against one's color.
We don't want your political advertisement
to divide our children, or belittle them.
- [Tara] Ziegler describes the district's
equity priorities as,
"An effort to providea welcoming, inclusive,
affirming environment for all students".
Meanwhile, Prior is hoping backlash here,
will also inspire othercommunities to fight back.
- This country was founded on the ability
of people to disagree.
And what we're seeing inLoudoun County public schools,
is that there is no room for disagreement
with their agenda.
- Recall efforts are rarelysuccessful in Virginia,
most failing to get therequired signatures,
or getting dismissed by the judge
for insufficient evidence.
But Prior believes thatthese board members,
are in for a rude awakening.
Tara Mergener, CBN News.
- Just think ladies and gentlemen,
Loudoun County,
Loudoun County in Virginia,
has the highest per capita income
of any county in the United States.
Because so many governmentworkers are there.
And somehow, the Left has come over
and taken over the state of Virginia.
It has been unbelievable,
how a formerly Conservativestate has turned,
(laughing)whatever the color is.
It has totally been shifted.
And now there's a bigfight for the governor,
and one of the Republicans who's running,
is using this Loudoun County school
as a poster boy of whatcan happen in Virginia.
It is unbelievable!
This is the state whereHarry Byrd reigned,
was conservative for so many years.
Lindsey Allmen and all these people
who were the heads of the state.
And in a short period of time,
a small group,
because of Washington,
Washington has so many Liberals
in the District of Columbia.
And they moved into Loudoun County,
and they've got so much money,
and they have done some horrible things.
But maybe,
maybe maybe,
this a bellwether,
and people are looking to Virginia.
Because if this state flipsback the way it used to be,
then it'll be a wake up call,
if you will,
for the rest of the nation.
But Loudoun County,
can you imagine on theedge of Washington D.C.,
in Northern Virginia,
doing this horrible--
and assigning pornographic literature
for children to read in the 9th grade.
- And calling it education.
- Oh, it's astounding.
And then of course they're trying
to put in the CriticalRace Theory as well.
And it's just the beginningof what's being done.
I remember, if the statement--
it was years and years ago--
where one educator said,
"So what if Johnny can't read?
We've got him 'til hegets to be 16 years old".
So the whole idea was toindoctrinate children,
and to move him in to a leftward course.
And if they can't readand write and spell,
just tough luck.
And now that they've gota whole new math program
they wanna put in the schools,
and our children will be so far behind
the other nations of the earth,
unless we do something about it.
But Loudoun County,
keep your eyes on Virginiathis next election.
Well in other news,
rotating judges,
mandatory retirement,
and adding more justicesto the Supreme Court.
All are part of PresidentBiden's commission
to quote, "Study the High Court".
But is any of this constitutional?
John Jessup has that.
- Thanks, Pat.
President Biden's commissionon reforming the Supreme Court,
met for the first time Wednesday.
One big question on their plate,
should the number of justices be expanded
beyond the current nine seats.
CBN's George Thomas has this look
at the proceedings,
and conservative reaction.
- America has had nine justices
on the Supreme Court since 1869.
But now that Conservativeshold a six to three majority
on the High Court,
some Democratic law makersand Liberal groups say,
it's out of balance.
And needs to be fixed.
- [Narrator] The Court illegitimate,
far-right majority,
installed through hyperpartisan political schemes,
will put even settled precedents
and our rights at risk.
- [George] Liberal groupslike Demand Justice,
among those pushing a Democratic bill
to so-call pack the court.
President Biden is not afan of packing the court,
but he announced the commission,
to study expanding andaltering the Supreme Court.
On Wednesday, 36 membersof the commission met
for the first time virtually.
- I will support anddefend the Constitution
of the United States.
- [In Unison] I will supportand defend the Constitution
of the United States.
- [George] To discussreforming the High Court.
The commission made up of dozens
of scholars and activists,
mostly Liberal,
and some Conservatives,
met to lay the groundworkfor the group's agenda.
- We definitely haveour work cut out for us.
- [George] The idea of expandingthe number of justices,
getting the most attention.
- We plan to look,
as others have indicated,
not only at current proposals,
but also proposals aboutmembership and size,
that have been floated at other times
in American history.
- [George] The commissionwill also explore
if Congress has the power toreverse Supreme Court rulings.
And whether justices should serve
on the bench for life.
- We're gonna look at thejustices' length of service,
and how frequently the Court's membership
should turn over.
And this is gonna included proposals
for term limits,
and mandatory retirement.
- [George] Conservativeshave blasted Biden's proposal
to overhaul the High Court.
After all, Biden,
in 1982, said packing the Court was quote,
"A bonehead idea".
- There's not a problem on the Court,
the only problem is,
that the Left for years,
has relied upon the Judiciary
to do its bidding.
- [George] Senator Lindsey Graham,
telling CBN's Abigail Robertson,
that all that changed when President Trump
put three Conservativejudges on the bench,
tilting it in their favor.
- And the goal of the Liberal Left,
is to stack it with Liberals to undercut
the Conservative majority that all of us
have worked so hard to obtain,
through the right process.
- [George] The group willhold several more meetings
over the next six months,
before giving thePresident their analysis.
George Thomas, CBN News.
- Thanks, George.
Pat, this issue sparking heated debate.
- Back in history,
in the 1930's,
President Roosevelt,
Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
put forth a very aggressive agenda
to bring America out of the Depression.
And it was a really interesting proposal.
But he wanted to have a nationalrecovery administration,
he wanted all these variousother rules and agencies.
Well the Court continually ruled many
of those new deal initiatives,were unconstitutional.
So Roosevelt, who had a powerful stand
in the public,
and had both houses ofCongress on his side.
They were both Democrats.
Both the majority of the House,
the majority of the Senate.
And Roosevelt said, "OK,
what I'm going to do,
is appoint five new judges to the Court,
and that will balance off the ones
who are bullying against my programs.
And therefor the new deal legislation
will run constitutional".
Well when he did that,
there was an outcry in the country.
And both houses of Congress,
though they were his party,
voted against it.
Because they thought this was an outrage,
to take away the Court.
And when you go way back to the case
that I first learned about in law school,
Marbury versus Madison.
The whole thought was,
the chief judge then said the courts
had the power to review acts of Congress.
Now what these Liberals want to do,
is to reverse that,
and say Congress has the power
to overturn the rulingof the Supreme Court.
Well we have three bodiesthat make up our country.
We have the Executive, the President.
We have the Legislative,
which is the Congress.
And we have the Judiciary.
And now the Democrats,
when they are losing power,
they want to control it all.
They think, "Well we have the presidency,
we have the Congress,
now we want the Courts.
We wanna take all three,
and then we can put throughour socialist agenda".
Folks, don't let them do it.
Because it's wrong.
- Pat, Congress is taking astep towards investigating
the January 6th incursion of the Capital.
The House voted to establish a commission
to investigate the factsand influencing factors,
leading to that January mob attack
on the US Capital building.
35 House Republicans voted in favor,
however, House MinorityLeader, Kevin McCarthy,
and Senate MinorityLeader, Mitch McConnell,
oppose the commission.
As does former President Donald Trump,
who still holds considerableinfluence in the party.
It is unclear if the measurewill pass the Senate,
where it will need 10 Republican votes.
Well turning now tothe escalating violence
between Israel and Hamas.
There are reports from both sides
on progress towards acease-fire agreement,
that could possibly go into effect
by the weekend.
This, as the United Statesstepped up pressure on Israel.
President Biden telling Prime Minister,
Benjamin Netanyahu, Wednesday,
that he quote,
"Expected to see significantde-escalation today,
on the path to a cease-fire".
The fighting did let up over night,
with Israeli forces carryingout fewer strikes on Gaza.
Rocket attacks from Gazainto Israel also decreased.
Well Hamas has launchedmore than 4,000 rockets
at Southern Israel.
More than 90% intercepted
by the Iron Dome anti-missile system.
As CBN's Chris Mitchell reports
from Central Israel,
Iron Dome is saving lives on both sides
of the conflict.
(rockets soaring)
- In just over a week,
close to 4,000 rockets
have forced some four million Israelis
into bomb shelters.
As they seek cover,
an aerial battle takes place in the sky,
with Israel's Iron Domeproviding an amazing layer
of protection.
Behind me is one of the manyIron Dome anti-missile systems.
Here in South and Central Israel.
During the conflict with Hamas
and other terror groups,
the Iron Dome has shot down more than 90%
of the rockets comingout of the Gaza Strip.
- Imagine yourself, that those 90% rockets
that were intercepted,
would be falling into our cities.
- [Chris] CBN News metone of the men responsible
for creating this technological marvel,
Retired General, Doron Gavish.
Through cooperation andfunding from the US,
Israel developed theanti-missile system 10 years ago.
It's the technological equivalent
of a bullet hitting a bullet.
- 10 years ago, it was only the beginning.
We had to kind kind of invent the wheel.
Because there is noother place in the world
that something like this is going on.
- [Chris] This viralpicture literally seen
round the world,
captured the essence of the Iron Dome.
On the right side,
you see rockets fired from Gaza.
Then on the left side,
Iron Dome shoots them down.
- I see first of all,
the willingness of the Hamas
to throw rockets into our cities.
This is something unthought of.
And this is somethingthat we cannot accept.
I think neither us,
and neither any democracy in the world.
- [Chris] CBN Newsexperienced the effectiveness
of the Iron Dome,
when we took shelter from a rocket attack,
and heard the Iron Domeintercept two missiles overhead.
General Gavish, seesit as a true lifesaver
on both sides of the fight.
Many believe without Iron Dome,
Israel would've beenforced into a ground war.
With potentially massive casualties.
- By end of the day,
we can look in the mirror,
and we can say we did something
for the defense of Israel,
we did something for our civilians,
and we're saving life.
And this is what the other fence is doing.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,
and an Iron Dome anti-missilebattery, Central Israel.
- Thanks, Chris.
Pat, back to you.
- Ladies and gentlemen,
I wanna say as strongly as is possible,
we cannot allow the Left in Congress,
the so-called squad,
to take away our robust defense of Israel.
Israel is the only real democracy
in the Middle East.
They are a bastion of freedom.
And they are like havinga forward aircraft carrier
out in the midst of a troubled sea.
And people are crying out for the fact,
they must de-escalate.
They've got to stop this.
Well, Israel has got todo something about Gaza,
to stop them from sending rockets.
And Hamas has taken over Gaza.
And I talked to Chris the other day,
apparently it's not wise for Israel
to start a ground war,
to take the Hamas out of Gaza.
Because it would just betoo bloody and too costly.
But at the same time,
they cannot be pulled backfrom defending themselves.
Just imagine as one person said,
what would happen if wewere having rocket attacks
in New York City,
coming across the border from Canada.
What would we do?
Well we would not let it happen.
And Israel should not haveto let it happen either.
So behind the Iron Dome,
that's one thing,
but Israel needs to be allowed
to have air strikes against Hamas targets.
And it looks painful,
and it looks bloody in a sense,
but they have a right to self defense.
And we should stand behind them for that.