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Parents Fight to Recall VA School Board Over Raunchy Reading Material and Critical Race Theory

Parents Fight to Recall VA School Board Over Raunchy Reading Material and Critical Race Theory Read Transcript

- Loudoun County hadalready become ground zero

for a number of national debates,

mainly because parents are making noise.

A warning, what you'reabout to hear is offensive.

- Every time she made too much noise,

I'd walk in and kick her.

- [Woman In White Shirt] Jasperwasn't even my boyfriend,

just this dude I did somehacking with once in a while.

- It's okay.

It's cool.

This is what girls do at parties.

- Those jaw-dropping words read by mothers

from books recommended to students

in Loudoun County Public Schools.

Now a move to recallsome school board members

may be gaining steam.

Ian Prior says the LoudounCounty school board

is abusing its power.

- Well, when it comes toparents that want answers

to what their kids are beingtaught or not taught in school,

they have no answers.

- [Tara] Prior is among a growing number

of frustrated parents

forming the Fight for SchoolsPolitical Action Committee.

- We're gonna talk aboutthe need for change

in the Loudoun County school board.

- [Tara] Collecting about2,500 signatures so far

aimed at unseating several board members

accused of using a secret Facebook page

to target parents who oppose them.

- They're looking to push material

or thoughts into a school system

and less focus on reading,writing, and arithmetic.

- [Tara] School boardmeetings often boiling over.

Last week, several angrymoms took it up a notch,

shocking the crowd by holding up signs

and reading aloudsexually explicit passages

from books on the highschool reading list.

Another word of warning,

what you're about to hear is offensive.

- I grab her by the neckand start punching her.

- [Woman In White Shirt]He had a big (beep)

and sometimes a girljust needs a big (beep).

- His pants around his ankles

squeezed between April's straddled legs

as she lay on top of the teacher's desk.

- How did we get theseunacceptable topics?

Well, one, you didn't followyour procurement policies

when you bought $1.8 millionworth of these trash books.

- [Tara] InterimSuperintendent Scott Ziegler

declined CBN's request for an interview.

The only school board memberwho answered our calls

told CBN she could notspeak for other members

but that she did not readthe material in question

nor are members required to do so.

On another sensitive subject,

the district denies Loudoun'sso-called equity plan

is a disguise for gettingcritical race theory

into classrooms.

This mother, though, doesn't buy it.

- CRT is racist.

It is abusive.

It discriminates against one's color.

We don't want your political advertisement

to divide our children or belittle them.

- [Tara] Ziegler describes thedistrict's equity priorities

as an effort to providea welcoming, inclusive,

affirming environment for all students.

Meanwhile, Prior is hoping backlash here

will also inspire othercommunities to fight back.

- This country was founded

on the ability of people to disagree,

and what we're seeing inLoudoun County Public Schools

is that there is no room fordisagreement with their agenda.

- Recall efforts are rarelysuccessful in Virginia,

most failing to getthe required signatures

or getting dismissed by thejudge for insufficient evidence,

but Prior believes these board members

are in for a rude awakening.

Tara Mergener, CBN News.

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