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Feel Sluggish? Here's How to Get Your Energy Back

Feel Sluggish? Here's How to Get Your Energy Back Read Transcript

- [Lorie] Americans are dealing

with a new kind of energy crisis.

- Fatigue and tiredness now isan epidemic in this country.

Well, over 50% of people actually complain

of chronic tiredness andthat includes millennials.

And that's certainly not ourexperience in years past.

- [Lorie] What's changed?

According to Dr. Steven Gundry author

of "The Energy Paradox,"

what to do when yourget-up-and-go has got up and gone.

It's all about looking inside ourselves.

More people have an unhealthygut today than in the past.

And that's the primarycause of our energy crisis.

- Two o'clock in the afternoon

all of a sudden kind of allsystems seem to go on pause.

You don't feel like working anymore.

You don't feel like doinganything with the kids anymore

and you just wanna lay downor reach for an energy bar

or get another pick me up a cup of tea.

- [Lorie] Dr. Gundrysays this zaps our energy

because of holes thatdevelop in the gut lining.

- If you're tired andfatigued, you got leaky gut.

- [Lorie] And that leakingcauses inflammation

which can drain huge amountsof our precious energy.

- Inflammation is actuallyour white blood cells,

our immune system, ourfoot soldiers if you will,

attacking threats thatactually come into our body

primarily through the lining of our gut.

- The good news is wecan repair a leaky gut

and reverse other gut issues

by consuming lots of different types

of good bacteria called probiotics,

then feeding those good bacteria

lots of fiber rich foods called prebiotics

causing the bacteriato thrive and multiply.

These probiotics can befound in supplements.

Foods like yogurt and KimChee and drinks like Kombucha.

Then it's important totake so-called prebiotics

found in supplements orfoods like fresh vegetables.

These literally feed the goodbacteria helping it reproduce.

- They actually communicate

to the energy producing organelles

in all of our cellscalled the mitochondria

to make more energy.

So probiotics that youmanufacture by eating prebiotics

literally turbocharges you're energy.

- [Lorie] And it's alsoimportant to stay away from foods

that deplete energy, thatincludes the usual suspects

of too much sugar and processed foods

which can also damage the gut.

Gundry further recommends resisting

the temptation to overmedicate.

- Please, please, please, try to avoid

taking antibiotics for simple things

like runny noses or scratchy throats.

Try to avoid eating animals

that have been raised withantibiotics from factory farms.

It turns out antibiotics killoff most of the good bugs

in our intestines that actuallyprotect us from leaky gut.

- [Lorie] And don't take certain heartburn

and acid indigestion medicineslonger than two weeks.

- We now know that these actually stop

the energy producing organelles,

the mitochondria from working

because they interrupt howmitochondria produce energy

which is called proton pumping.

- [Lorie] Dr. Gundry says people suffering

from low energy usuallyneed more Vitamin D.

He recommends a 5,000 IU daily supplement

and going outside.

- We actually produce ATPenergy from sunlight exposure.

- [Lorie] Lastly, inorder to feel energetic

during the day we needa good night's sleep.

However, blue light comingfrom our electronics

can keep us from falling asleep.

Dr. Gundry recommends turning them off

hours before bedtime or wearingblue light blocking glasses.

Lorie Johnson, CBN news.

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