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SQuire and Louise introduce new Godwink series called "Dogwinks"

SQuire and Louise coined the term 'Godwink' defined as personal messages of encouragement from God, and now they have a series called, "Dogwinks," that shares the many blessings of man's best friend. Read Transcript

- Ruby is a hero.

She's a National Search and Rescue winner.

She's also a dog, and her storyis being made into a movie.

It's just one of manytrue stories about canines

in a brand new book called "Dogwinks."

- [Narrator] Best-sellingauthors Louise DuArt

and Squire Rushnell are well known

for their popular "Godwinks" books

that have brought laughterand inspiration to many.

With more than 1 1/2million copies in print,

the successful series has been the basis

of several record-breakingHallmark movies.

This time, Squire andLouise share a collection

of true stories about our canine friends

and the blessings theybring in their latest book,


The first "Dogwinks"film, "Rescued by Ruby,"

will premiere on Netflix next year.

- Please welcome back to "The 700 Club"

our good friends, SquireRushnell and Louise DuArt.

It's great to have you with us, guys.

- Hi, Terry.- Hey, great to be here.

- And you have had sucha tremendous success

with your books "The Godwinks" series.

The expression Godwink hasreally become a household word.

So how did "Godwinks"inspire the book "Dogwinks"?

- (laughs) Well, we know that a Godwink

is one of those little coincidencesthat isn't a coincidence

but comes from divine origin.

Well, a dogwink is anytrue Godwinked story

with a dog right at the center of it.

So it's using another wayto get people to think

about the Lord, you know.

- Pat and I both love dogs.

We've both had them.

You say dogs have a definitepurpose in God's plan for us.

Explain that.

- Well, I think that, Ithink that God and dog

use the same three lettersto be spelled together.

And there are so many commontraits between the two of them.

- Well, when you think about it,

God is, He loves usunconditionally, so do dogs.

God is faithful, so are dogs.

God protects us, so do dogs.

And God, as we've talked about before,

is no respecter of persons.

You know, you can be homeless

or you can be a person in a mansion.

It doesn't matter whatreligion or color or anything,

a dog's gonna love you no matter what.

- Even if you voted red orblue, it doesn't matter.

- Well, Squire, earlier wementioned your upcoming movie,

"Rescued by Ruby."

Tell us Ruby's story quickly.

- Well, Ruby was a seven month old pup

at the SPCA in Rhode Island,

Australian shepherd,border collie, very smart,

but very high energy.

Now, Pat Inman was the ladytrainer who got the dogs ready

for their adoption interviews,and Ruby's problem was

that she had been returned five times.

And the lawyers started getting worried,

and they decided toeuthanize her in two hours.

Well, Pat Inman calls up andsays, "You can't do that,

"Ruby's smart.

"Can't you call the statepolice canine unit?"

And the manager said, "Youknow, we've never been able

"to get them to take one of our dogs.

"They get these dogs that cost $15,000,

"bred for search and rescue."

"Well, can't you try?" she says.

And then she leaves in despair,

not wanting to think about poor Ruby.

Well, the manager did take her up on that.

He called the canineunit and the commander.

How here's the first Godwink.

He just had his budget cut.

He had a trooper named DanO'Neill he wanted to recruit,

but now no dog.

So he took a chance, heput the two together,

and, after a grueling six months,

they became champion status.

But wait, there's another amazing Godwink.

Two years go by.

It's a cold snap inProvidence, freezing nights.

A boy has been in thewoods, lost 48 hours.

Canine units sent out.

Ruby takes off, Officer Dan finds Ruby

at the bottom of a ravinelicking the bloody face of a boy.

He calls the other units,put him on a stretcher,

take him to the hospital.

And Officer Dan goes to see the parents

to give them the good news.

And the mother is crying.

And as Officer Dan starts toleave, she calls after him.

"Officer, have you everheard of a dog named Ruby?"

He said, "Ma'am, that's my partner."

She cried.

She said, "My name is Pat Inman.

"I advocated for Ruby to live,

"but I never knew what happened."

He said, "Ma'am that means thatthe dog you saved just saved

"your dog's life."- Your son's.

- That is a Godwinked dogwink.

- Boy, I guess it is.

Louise, when people read"Dogwinks," what overall message

do you want readers totake away from the book?

- Well, you know, I thinkGod uses every part of nature

and all creatures great and small.

He'll use birds, He'll use dogs, whatever.

But when our man's best friend is used

in such a special way,

all through the book there's stories of,

miracle stories of how adog found cancer in a woman

just by sniffing, you know.

Dogs have this keen sense of smell.

How a dog saved a littlebaby who was attacked

by a rattlesnake, all kinds of things.

So I think that these stories give us hope

and know that God cares about us.

He uses everything to touch our hearts.

- He really does.

The book is, it's areally entertaining read,

but it's also very touching,just like the story of Ruby.

It's called "Dogwinks."

It's available wherever books are sold.

And I'm sure there aregonna be some movies

on a number of these dogs.

Thanks, you two. It's greatto have you with us today.

- We got three movies in here on the-

- (laughs) I don't question that.

(all laughing)

We love you.

Thank you so much for being with us today.

- Thanks, Terry.- Bless you.


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