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Supreme Court to Consider 'Landmark' 15-Week Abortion Ban and It Could Be a Game-Changer

Supreme Court to Consider 'Landmark' 15-Week Abortion Ban and It Could Be a Game-Changer Read Transcript

- The Supreme Court madethe announcement Monday,

which comes by way of achallenge to a Mississippi law.

And with the current 6-3conservative makeup of the court,

the outcome could be different this time.

That law limits access to abortion

after 15 weeks of pregnancy

and challenges fetal viability

as the standard for abortion.

- You can't legislate away an entire group

of human beings' rights, thechildren that are in the womb.

- [Jenna] Lila Rose,president of Live Action

on CBN's "Faith Nation."

- And it's time for thelaw and the Supreme Court

to catch up with science,which is crystal clear

that human life begins before birth

and that the only differencebetween a pre-born child,

whether that child is 10weeks old, 15 weeks old,

or moments before birth,and us, a born human being,

is our age and our level of development.

- [Jenna] The Mississippi casedoes not directly challenge

the current legal right to an abortion,

but it could lay the groundworkfor more restrictions.

And if Roe v. Wade were to be overturned,

abortion would become a state issue.

- Ultimately, the hopeis that the Supreme Court

will take the handcuffs offthe states and allow them

to pass laws that reflect the values

of the people that live there.

- [Jenna] Mallory Quigleywith the Susan B. Anthony List

says the mood of the country is shifting

and that the majority ofAmericans are now pro-life.

- This year alone, more than500 bills have been introduced

at state legislatures across the country.

61 have, at this point,been signed into law

and it's not even June.

This is the crescendo of a groundswell

of pro-life momentum that's been growing,

especially in the last 10 years,

and it's in a directcontrast to the legacy of Roe

and the extreme pro-abortion jurisprudence

that we have in this country.

- [Jenna] Pro-choice advocatesare voicing their opposition,

NARAL calling it an ominous sign

that some states areready to ban abortion.

And the Biden administration too.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki

condemning what she callsDraconian state laws,

adding that President Biden is committed

to turning Roe into codified law.

- And the president and the vice president

are devoted to ensuringthat every American

has access to healthcare,including reproductive healthcare.

- For now, we'll haveto wait until the fall,

when the court should hear arguments

and then release a decision next spring.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.


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