CBN Provides Life-Saving Bomb Shelter to Israeli Community in Time of Need
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- [Chris] CBN Israel recentlyinstalled a bomb shelter
at a playground in the town of Yesha,
a Jewish community insouthern Israel that is
often targeted by rockets from Gaza,
and it wasn't a moment too soon.
(rockets whistling)
Gil Refua and his wife, Shira like
to take their children to the playground
that's right around thecorner from their home.
And they say the new shelteris important for their kids
to live a normal life.
- So on one side youwanna let them be kids,
playing, having fun, just do what kids do.
And there is another side,the side that's always
worried, always have to be in control,
will have to know what's goin' on.
That's how we live, here.
- It's really, it can be veryquiet and suddenly a bombing.
The more bomb shelters there will be
the security feelingwill be, will be higher.
We can go to the playgroundand we know there's
another shelter therethat we can count on.
- [Chris] In less than a week,Hamas and other terrorists
have launched some 2,000rockets at communities
like Yesha in southern Israel and beyond.
Those who live in Yesha andcommunities close to them
have less than 15 seconds tomake it to the bomb shelter.
We visited them a second time
during this current wave of attacks.
- It's rough.
We didn't had a lot of sleepless night.
We had a lot of sirens.
- This is the bomb shelterCBN Partners provided
for the people of Yesha.
During this time of constantrocket fire from Gaza
just a couple of miles away,
it came at just the right time.
- It's a game-changer for us,the people who lives in Yesha
that the facts that we knowit's here, it's amazing.
- Gil suffers from PTSDdue to his time serving
with the police and as a medic.
He says he is gratefulfor CBN Israel's donation
of the bomb shelter.
And having it where hischildren play will give him
and Shira more piece of mind
the next time they hear the sirens.
- Well, a lot of peopleare talkin' and doin'
but here, you're actuallyhere at this time.
(loudspeaker announcingin foreign language)
- And at the end of ourvisit, our CBN News team
experienced what it meansto have a shelter nearby.
(bomb thundering)
- [Cameraman] You've got a live one.
(bomb thundering)
That's how it sounds.
(bomb thundering)
- And back outside, we saw the smoke
from the Iron Dome interceptions.
- I don't think thatI can express in words
what I'm feeling now,but a big, big thank you
and just a hug, you know,a hug from the heart.
- Having that shelter therenow, I can feel more secure
to send them to play,gives a lot of relief.
For us, it's a great gift.
It's heartwarming to knowthat people are looking out
for us and giving what they can.
Thank you.