U.S. State Department Releases 2020 International Religious Freedom Report
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- Well, we think we gotour audio issues resolved
so we're gonna try again with Penny Nance
with Concerned Women for America.
Penny, you heard Antony Blinken.
He was connecting religiousfreedom to human rights.
What would you like to seethe Biden administration do
to back up statements like that
and advance religious freedom?
- Well, and that's correct.
Religious freedom is auniversal human right
that was endowed by our creator.
A state can't give it and astate cannot take it away.
It comes from God.
And so in the United Stateswere founded on this principle.
I just wished that theBiden administration
would recognize that right forChristians in this country.
That they would recognizethat a baker in Colorado
has the right to refuse to bake a cake
for a same-sex marriage,because it is against his faith.
I wish that the Biden administrationwould not try to engage
in the moral equivalencybetween what is happening
and the terrorism that's been rained down
on the Israelis today, right now,
and what's happening in Palestine.
It is, excuse me, what'shappening in Gaza.
So it is just very important
that we are very clear thinking on this.
The Trump administrationled on this issue.
I was very grateful to be with them
at the opening of theU.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.
When the Trump administration,
after 22 years of otherpresidents promising this,
actually moved the embassyfrom Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
We've been very clear onthis issue in the past.
Unfortunately, the Bidenadministration's weakness
makes it less safe forpeople around the world,
for Christians around the world,
and does not helpChristians in this country.
- Penny, so, from China toSaudi Arabia to here at home
and what you were talkingabout conscience protections,
what do you see right now
is the biggest threatto religious freedom?
- I think that you are seeing this,
and there's been reports on this,
is a massive increase in anti-Semitism.
In the last two years therehas been an astronomical rise
of anti-Semitism.
In this country there's beenover a hundred incidents.
Certainly you have incidentsin Iran, in the Middle East,
of violence against Christians.
You mentioned Saudi Arabia,but you could mention
other Middle Eastern countries as well.
And so it is very important
that the U.S. lead on this issue.
But we have to be, as Isaid before, very clear-eyed
on what the challenges arehere in the United States,
here at home, particularlywhen you have this
woke culture that ismarginalizing Christians
in our own nation.
- All right, Penny Nance withConcerned Women for America.
Thank you so much.
It's great to have you on today.
- Thank you. Thanks.