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CBN NewsWatch AM: May 11, 2021

On Newswatch AM May 11th: deadly fighting in Israel: terrorist groups launch more than 300 rockets and mortars toward Israel, and Israel’s military responds with more than 100 strikes in Gaza; CBN Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell ... Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- And thank you for joining us

on this Tuesday, May 11,2021, I'm Efrem Graham.

Ahead today, attacks on Israel.

Missiles launched on the Jewish State

with air raid sirens in Jerusalem

and battles on the border.

We're gonna bring you alook inside the fighting

and what it could mean for the attempts

to form a new government in Israel.

Fallout from the cyber attack

on a major East Coast pipeline.

Some gas stations on theEast Coast shut down.

What the hackers aresaying about the attack

and concerns that other majorU.S. systems could be at risk.

Christian churches in theIslamic kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

It sounds like a fantasy,but we're gonna show you

why it could happen.

And the Bible says a merry heartdoeth good like a medicine,

and science agrees.

We're gonna hear fromone pastor and author

who says joy is the key toseeing healing in your life.

All those stories and more are ahead

in this edition of CBN Newswatch.

We want to begin this half-hour in Israel,

where terrorist groupsfired more than 300 rockets

and mortars at Israel within 24 hours,

while the Israel Defense Force responded

with more than 100 strikes inside Gaza

and called up 5,000 reservists.

As Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem,

the battles on Israel's southern border,

the streets of Jerusalem,and throughout the country

show no signs of stopping.

- [Chris] Beginning Monday during the day

and then throughout thenight, Hamas and Islamic Jihad

fired barrages of rockets into Israel.

On Tuesday, they hit two buildings

in the Israeli coastal town of Ashkelon,

wounding some 30 Israelis,

and later hit this home in Ashdod.

On Monday afternoon, sirens wailed

in the City of Jerusalem forthe first time since 2014.

These Israelis had gatheredon Jerusalem Day to march

into the city celebratingthe reunification

of Jerusalem in 1967.

Police also evacuated theWestern Wall during the sirens.

Several rockets did hitcommunities on the outskirts

of Jerusalem, damaging homes.

Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu warned Hamas

and other Islamic groups.

- [Translator] Thisevening on Jerusalem Day,

the terrorist organizations in Gaza

have crossed the red lineand attacked us with missiles

in the outskirts of Jerusalem.

Israel will respond with great force.

We will not tolerateattacks on our territory

or our capital, on ourcitizens or our soldiers.

- [Chris] Netanyahu also warned Israelis

the current conflictcould go on for some time.

The Israel Defense Force responded

with airstrikes at Hamas targets

inside the Gaza Stripto stop the rocket fire.

Hamas said 24 were killed,including a number of children.

The IDF says some ofthose who died were caused

by stray rockets fired by Hamas.

Palestinian Authority PresidentMahmoud Abbas' Fatah Party

called for more demonstrationsin Jerusalem with this video.

"This is Jerusalemcalling to its residents.

And Jerusalem, we willredeem it with our lives.

We will sacrifice for thesake of the Al-Aqsa Mosque

until the last breath.

We will turn the world upside down

for the sake of this homeland."

Former UN Ambassador for IsraelDanny Danon told CBN News

Abbas has been behind theriots of the past few weeks.

- We have to understand thatit is not a spontaneous riot.

It is orchestrated by PresidentAbbas from the beginning.

He decided to cancel the election

in the Palestinian Authority.

And he knew that there would be

a lot of criticism about that.

And immediately we putthe focus on Jerusalem.

They are using the holy site of Jerusalem

in order to incite riots and violence.

- [Chris] The riots for the last two weeks

and the rockets of thelast several days come

during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan,

when they are increasedcalls for martyrdom,

jihad, and holy war.

Hopes were high that thesituation would calm down

with the end of Ramadan on Wednesday.

Now it looks like Israelcould be preparing for war.

- Chris Mitchell joins us now with more.

So Chris, where do yousee this conflict headed?

- Well, we don't know exactly.

It could be preparing for war,

as I just said in that report.

The IDF has called up 5,000 reservists.

They're also telling Hamas right now

they want to make surethat Hamas understands

that they can't do this with impunity,

and they'll pay a pricefor what they're doing.

Some people say theycould be over this week

after Ramadan is over.

They're calling this the Ramadan Intifada.

So Ramadan is over Wednesday night.

There's a possibility thatthings will calm down after that.

But we don't know.

Hamas for itself isalready claiming victory.

They may like to have it oversoon and they may not want

to pay the price thatIsrael wants Hamas to pay.

But I want to just addto that what Danny Danon,

the former IsraeliAmbassador to the UN said,

and this is what I'm hearing from people

that are following thePalestinian Authority

and this dynamic between Hamasand the Palestinian Authority

is really something that'sgoing on is competition

between Hamas and the PA.

Mahmoud Abbas did cancel those elections,

and he did it because he knew

he was probably gonna lose to Hamas.

So then he started this distraction

of the riots in Jerusalem.

That was gaining him popularity.

So then Hamas does whatit can to gain popularity

among the Palestinian population.

And it's working, actually.

They're getting more and more popular.

And for a while, Abbas was.

So really it's not asmuch about what's going on

against Jerusalem or Israel,it's what this internal dynamic

of one Palestinian group,the Palestinian Authority,

against Hamas, who gets the most attention

and who gets the most credit.

- Chris, have you seenanything like this before?

- Unfortunately, I've watchedthis movie before, Efrem,

and I've seen it many times.

We were down on the border there with Gaza

back in 2012, 2014, and many times

these are not spontaneous,they're orchestrated.

And what happens in the end is

that Israel is the onethat gets condemned.

And then you have meetings like yesterday

at the United Nations Security Council

where they're askingrestraint on both sides,

but they're not actuallyrecognizing who's instigating this

and who's behind much ofthis violence right now.

So this is a happening right now, Efrem.

We don't know exactlywhere it's gonna be going,

but we hope and pray forthe peace of Jerusalem.

Yesterday, many peoplehad not heard sirens,

including myself.

I heard some of the boomsthat had gone on for some

of the rockets that had hitjust outside the city limits.

People are hoping and prayingit's not gonna continue.

- Now, of course, Chris,this is all happening

while there is an attempt

to form a coalition government there.

What impact is it having?

- You know, yesterday, on Monday, Efrem,

they were gonna have finalized relations

with this Islamic Arab party called Raam.

But because of the rocketsby Hamas and Islamic Jihad,

the head of Raam, hisname is Mansour Abbas,

he called off those coalition talks.

He's not gonna renew the talksuntil the violence stops.

So it remains to be seenwhat's gonna happen.

Yair Lapid from the Yesh Atid Party,

Naftali Bennett fromYemina, they were actually

very close to getting an agreement.

But this could delaythat for days or weeks.

It actually puts IsraeliPrime Minister Netanyahu

in an advantageous political position

because he'll be able to take Israel

through this situation right now.

But for the time being,the coalition government

that had been planned is in jeopardy.

And it also, as I mentioned yesterday,

undermines the Abraham Accords,

the relationship between Israel and many

of these Sunni Arab nations.

It makes it very tough forthese Sunni Arab nations

with all this fighting going on right now.

- Tenuous times, thank you somuch for your report, Chris,

our Bureau Chief there in Jerusalem.

Here's a look now at some other stories

in the news at this hour.

Government regulatorshave now approved the use

of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine for children

as young as 12 years old.

Shots could begin as soon as Thursday.

Republicans are preparingto launch an all-out attempt

to stop a democratic billon voting in the Senate.

Democrats call it a voting rights bill,

but Republicans say itis a federal takeover

of elections from the states.

The federal tax deadline is upon us,

and 50% of Americansbelieve taxes are too high.

That is according to a new Gallup Poll.

Coming up, if your gasstation is out of gas,

that cyber attack on a major pipeline

is probably the reason why.

We're gonna tell you what we've learned

about the attack and itsimpact when we come back.

You're watching CBN Newswatch.

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- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Graham,and this is Studio 5.

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- We're learning new detailsabout the cyber attack

that shut down one of thecountry's largest pipelines.

That pipeline supplying nearly half

of all fuel to the East Coast.

The governor of NorthCarolina has now declared

a state of emergency.

And we're also hearing fromthe accused cyber criminals

behind the attack, as theysay their goal is cash,

not chaos.

CBN's Jenna Browder has the story.

- The cyber criminal gangaccused of the attack

is now acknowledging it was them.

And they say it's all about the money.

The FBI confirming DarkSidedeveloped the ransomware

which has now halted thepipeline for four days.

- We are preparing formultiple possible contingencies

and considering whatadditional steps may be useful

to mitigate any potentialdisruptions to supply.

- [Jenna] DarkSide posting astatement Monday saying it,

"Never meant to create havoc,

and that our goal is to make money."

The hackers not saying, though,

just how much money they want.

- Well, it's a very significant attack.

We're talking about a majorpiece of energy infrastructure.

I've been calling it the jugular

of the U.S. gasoline systems.

- [Jenna] Cybersecurity expertand author Amy Myers Jaffe

on CBN's Faith Nation.

- This is the largest cyber attack

that the United States has seen

that affected majorinfrastructure in this way.

- [Jenna] Officials stress thepipeline has not been damaged

and that Colonial is merelytrying to play it safe.

And according to the pipeline's owners,

some manually-operated smaller terminals

are operating again, but the main pipeline

is not expected to be up andrunning for several more days.

Americans already paying for it.

- It affects anyone thatneeds to drive a car

to and from work, to and from school,

to and from a store to get groceries.

- [Jenna] Experts warn theshutdown could spike gas prices,

already up six cents agallon in the last week.

And some gas stations like this one

in North Carolina have run out of fuel.

And an estimated 7% of stations

in Virginia were out of gas as well.

Airlines affected, too.

American Airlines sayingsome nonstop flights

from Charlotte, NorthCarolina will now make stops

to get fuel where there's more supply.

Meanwhile, President Bidensays he'll be speaking

about the attack with RussianPresident Vladimir Putin.

- I'm gonna be meetingwith President Putin,

and so far, there is no evidence based on

from our intelligence peoplethat Russia is involved,

although there's evidence

that the actors' ransomware is in Russia.

They have some responsibilityto deal with this.

- [Jenna] His administrationmaking clear it's concerned

about the growth inransomware, the impact on state

and local governments,and the country's reliance

on private energy companiesand their defenses.

- Unfortunately, these sorts of attacks

are becoming more frequent.

They're here to stay and we have to work

in partnership withbusiness to secure networks

to defend ourselves against these attacks.

- And congressional leaders are pointing

to the broader need toprotect not only pipelines

but the electric grid,communications and financial systems.

Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- [Efrem] Still ahead, couldwe see Christian churches

in the Islamic Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

Even Christmas trees.

It sounds unthinkable,but as we'll show you,

it could actually happen.

We'll have the story foryou when we come back.

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- When it comes to religiousfreedom, there is no question,

Saudi Arabia has a long way to go,

but it is also true fewcountries can boast the type

of change happening in the kingdom today.

And it could even lead to Christianity

being allowed in the Islamic kingdom.

Jennifer Wishon has this story.

- Christmas trees, even talkof a future Christian Church?

No, this isn't a fantasy.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is making

and considering changesonce thought impossible.

- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabiais incrementally moving

in the right direction.

- [Jennifer] Johnnie Moore,who sits on the U.S. Commission

on International ReligiousFreedom, never thought

religious liberty inSaudi Arabia was possible.

Now he thinks it's inevitable.

It's still illegal forChristians to worship publicly,

but in recent years, thekingdom's religious police

have eased off raiding worship services.

- I would love one dayto celebrate Christmas

on the Arabian Peninsula.

And this year, by the way,they allowed Christmas trees

in the kingdom.

And increasingly therumors that Saudi Arabia

might actually considerhaving a Christian church

in the kingdom in some capacity.

At this point these are allrumors, but the very fact

that they are rumors is significant.

- [Jennifer] Especially in light

of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's aim

to reform the kingdom's judicial system,

Sharia law based on a strictinterpretation of the Koran,

one that's not tolerant of other faiths.

Is this a pretty big deal?

- For the Crown Princeof Saudi Arabia to say,

no, we're gonna have lawslike the rest of the world

and we're gonna putthose laws down on paper,

I mean, this is an astonishing reform.

- [Jennifer] Watchdog groupsalso point to improvements

in the kingdom's school textbooks,

removing some hateful references

to Jews, Christians, and others.

- Increasingly, we'reseeing strong leadership

throughout the Arab world thatis pushing back on extremism

and saying it's not enoughto stop the extremist.

The real way of stoppingextremism is raising a generation

that doesn't have to fearthose who worship differently.

- [Jennifer] Incrementalmoves that may one day Lead

to Muslims, Christians,and Jews coexisting

on the Arabian Peninsula.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.

- [Efrem] Coming up, theBible says a merry heart

doeth good like medicine,and science agrees.

We're gonna hear from a pastor and author

who says joy is the key toseeing healing in your life.

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- [Announcer] It's about overcoming.

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- [Announcer] Watch Goingthe Distance with Shawn Brown

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- Happiness is crucial to your health.

A new study fromNorthwestern Medicine says

that happiness can lower your risk

for cardiovascular disease,lower your blood pressure,

and reduce stress.

And the Bible tells usa merry heart doeth good

like a medicine.

Pastor and author DougAddison told CBN News'

The Prayer Link program joy is the key

to seeing healing in your life.

Take a look.(dramatic music)

- And Doug, the Lordalso told you that in May

supernatural help and new joy will be sent

from His sanctuary, whatwill this look like?

- Yeah, well, one of thethings is really crucial

to your health is joy,and the enemy has done,

I mean, when he hit us,he hit hard in this area,

by isolation, losing lovedones and all the craziness.

He hit us below the belt, so to speak.

He hit us with the lacking of joy.

And Proverbs even saysthat if you don't have joy,

that broken heart canreally crush your bones

and dry your spirit.

The Lord says that He'sbringing people out of,

in fact, this is a vision I saw.

It just took me back when I saw it.

I saw masses of people,these are believers,

coming out of the dark night of the soul,

out of the wilderness.

They all had candles.

They all had these, thelight of the Lord with them,

but the enemy had tried to shut us down.

And there's a massexodus going on right now

out of the darkness.

And the Lord is releasing to you,

you've just got to ask Him right now,

strategies on how to get healed.

- Speaking of that, Doug, you were healed

from the symptoms of Huntington's Disease,

a disease the doctorstold you was incurable.

How do you explain yourmiraculous healing?

- Oh my goodness, it's beenhard to document that one.

And UCLA Medical Centerhas me in a study right now

because it's so tragic,there's no remission.

It is a DNA, a genetic disease that killed

almost all my entire family, my mom,

my aunt, my uncles, mybrother and my sister,

are all in heaven prematurely.

They died in their 60's.

They started getting sickin their 40's somewhere.

It's so tragic because there'sno medication or anything.

But you know, when Igot diagnosed with it,

gene positive, I have the gene

and I got diagnosed when I was 42,

I pressed into the Lord,I got healing strategy.

And that's what's important.

When Jesus prayed for people,

He didn't usually pray the same way.

One He said, "This one comesout with prayer and fasting.

This one is because of the lack of faith."

One time He spits onthe ground, makes mud,

and puts it in a guy's eye.

In other words, listen, don'tjust prayer the same way,

especially if you're not getting results.

So I pressed in and Igot healing strategy.

Now I'm 62 years old, I'mstill not showing symptoms

of Huntington's, andI have the same level,

it's a CAG count, of 42,which was my family members.

And I tell you, I plan on living long.

And the Lord is moving rightnow, especially in this area

of getting a strategy for your healing.

- Amen, and you look likethe picture of health, Doug.

Can you give us seven tipson how to receive healing?

The first one is worship.

Can you share a few of thoseother tips with us as well?

- Yeah, you know, there'ssome different things

that you can do.

First of all, I don'tknow if I'm gonna cover

all seven here, but I'lljust tell you really quickly,

is how I got this breakthrough.

I began to create theenvironment of healing.

That's what you do, that'swhy worship's important.

And also get some Bible versesthat back up what you need.

'Cause it's like a legal document.

And the place of prayer is actually

like the courts of heaven.

It's like a legal document.

And so get some Bible versesthat you could decree.

Then I would highly recommend,and this is the turnaround

for me, if you can dothis, take communion daily,

and whatever it might be for you.

Some people, they mightnot be able to do it based

on their faith, but I say, you know what,

press into the Lord and getthis, communion is so important.

I started doing it when I was sick.

I was so ill.

A few years ago I got hitagain with Lyme disease.

I got hit with a chemical sensitivity.

I've been healed of all of that

as well as the Huntington's Disease,

and it was using Bible verses.

It was using worship as yourway to connect with the Lord.

And here's another big one,you've got to get this,

is agreement, the power of agreement.

If two agree together, it will be done.

But Ecclesiastes 4:12 is the key.

One can be overpowered.

So if you're prayingby yourself right now,

you can be overpowered.

Two can defend themselves.

I don't know about you,I want to go beyond.

A cord of three strandsis not easily broken.

So get a three-strandprayer team around you.

In other words, find more than that

and continue to shiftthe spiritual atmosphere

by stepping away from negativity.

- And you can catch ThePrayer Link this evening

at 6:30 Eastern Standard Time.

And you can find thaton the CBN News Channel.

Time now for your Tuesday Tweetable.

It's a message I pray will bless you.

And I also hope you willbless others by posting,

tagging, tweeting, andsharing it with them.

The dream that looks toobig and feels too heavy

is meant for you, but it isn'tmeant for you to do alone.

It is a God-sized dream thatGod wants to work in you

and through you, butit's not just for you.

It's for His kingdom.

That business you want to start,

that book you want to write,

that family you're called tocreate or to foster, get busy.

Their lives are waitingfor you to get to work.

That is gonna do it for thisedition of CBN Newswatch.

Want to remind you youcan always find more

of our programs on the CBN News Channel.

You can find them there at any time.

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We'd love to know what you think

about the stories you've seen here today.

You can email us,

And you can reach outand touch us on Facebook,

Twitter, and Instagram.

Hope you'll join us againright here next time.

Make this a terrific Tuesday.

We'll see you right backhere same time tomorrow.

Goodbye and God bless.(dramatic music)


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