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Regent University Celebrates 2,500 Graduates: 'You Can Do all Things Through Christ'

Regent University Celebrates 2,500 Graduates: 'You Can Do all Things Through Christ' Read Transcript

- [Reporter] This past Saturday,

Regent University celebratedits 41st commencement ceremony.

Graduates were celebrated virtually

as they watched from their homes.

Each graduate received agraduation package in the mail

containing gifts to help them celebrate.

The ceremony began with a powerful singing

of the national anthem byRegent alum Joy Windham.

♪ What so proudly we hailed ♪

- [Reporter] Pat Robertson,

founder and chancellorof Regent University,

presided over the ceremony.

The keynote speaker

was former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

- Every one of you willneed the strength of Christ.

You'll need the strength of Christ in you

to achieve your goalsand to live in a country

where you can exercise yourright to worship your God

as you see fit.

- [Reporter] Regent offersover 150 degree programs

and concentrations in itseight graduate schools

and undergraduate program.

It has one of thetop-ranked online bachelor

and master's degreeprograms in the country.

This year, over 2,500 undergraduate

and graduate degrees were conferred,

the largest in Regent history.

Graduate reflections weregiven by Jessica Grove-Herrera.

- The (indistinct) didn't look like

what we thought it would at the beginning.

It took twists and turnsthat were challenging,

but in the end,

we found that we could faceour challenges head-on.

- [Reporter] Similar to last year,

this year's celebration wasn't preferred.

Still, each individualgraduate was honored

for their hard work.

Hannah Grace Rew received herbachelor of psychology degree

and says she's excited forall God has planned for her.

- And so it's kinda like itsays in the Book of Esther,

perhaps you've been calledfor such a time as this.

Not saying there'sanything special about me,

but rather special about allpeople who've been called.

- [Reporter] The graduates were charged

to fulfill Regent's mission

of Christian leadershipto change the world

and reminded that all thingsare possible with God.

- So whether it is abasedor whether it's abounding,

however your life takes you,

I want you, as my charge toyou today, I want to tell you

you can do all things through Christ

that strengthens you.


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