China's cyberspace crackdown on Christianity; U.S. troop withdrawal, rise of the Taliban. What it means for Afghan Christians; Divisive Critical Race Theory & rewriting American history. Race war ahead? Juror bias. Equal justice except for Chauvin?
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(intense dramatic music)
- [Reporter] Today from the Global Lane,
China's cyberspacecrackdown on Christianity.
- Chinese Communist Party is determined
to erase and destroy theChinese Christian churches
- [Reporter] US troopwithdrawal, rise of the Taliban.
What it means for Afghan Christians.
- It could even encourage some of them
to want to leave the country.
- [Reporter] Critical race theory
and rewriting American history.
- What it's going to dois cause an ethnic war
in this country.
- [Reporter] And juror bias,
equal justice, except for Chauvin.
- And it's all righthere on the Global Lane.
(intense dramatic music)
Chinese Communist Partyis expanding its crackdown
against Christians.
Church members there sayit's the worst crackdown
since Mao's CulturalRevolution in the 1960s,
but Mao could never have
imagined cyberspace and social media.
The Chinese government isnow targeting Bible apps
and Christian chat rooms.
International Christian concern reports
that Christian WeChataccounts have been blocked.
And Bible apps have been removed
from the China App store.
Here with more is ChinaAid President Bob Fu,
his organization has justreleased its 2020 report
on persecution in China.
What do you make of thislatest news of China's
now targeting Christianchat rooms and Bible apps?
- Thank you, Gary.
Good to be with you again.
Yeah, I mean to remove and suspend
all the Bible relatedapps and teaching accounts
in the public WeChat rooms
with millions of followers
shows the Chinese Communist Party
is determined to erase and destroy
the Chinese Christian churches.
I mean even from the virtual site.
So with the so-calledpandemic of course excuses,
now the Christian churches
including both the officialgovernment sanctions churches
and the independent house churches,
they were all not allowed to operate
even in the virtual setting.
- That's amazing.
It's not just shuttingthe doors of buildings
but also shutting doors online.
So let's go a little broader now, Bob,
what did ChinaAid find
after examining Chinese government actions
against Christians and otherpeople of faith during 2020?
- ChinaAid has found withover in depth research
that in 2020, the persecutionagainst the Christian churches
against the human rights lawyers,
both in the government sanctions church
and the house churches have reached really
to the worst level that we have not seen
since the Cultural Revolution in 1960s.
I mean, this is the third year
of a top Communist Party'sso-called sensitization campaign
which means anything thatis found not compatible
with the President Xi's ideology,
communism, socialismis going to be regarded
as the enemy of the state ideology.
And we have seen even the church members
who are organizing prayermeetings online had been targeted
with criminal andadministrative detention.
Just in the past few days,
the largest house church in Beijing
the Beijing Zion churchhave two of their pastors
being kidnapped and even sentenced to
10 days administrative detention.
And we have seen of course underthis sensitization campaign
pastors receive four anda half years imprisonment
for refusing to put the Communist Party's
posters of propaganda intheir church building,
for refusing to put a Communist Party's
national flag at their parking lot.
Of course, so we have seen Pastor Wang Yi
that who was sentenced tonine years imprisonment
for preaching a sermon pleadingfor President Xi to suspend
his crack down, asking him to repent
so that he can get salvation.
That is 10 years, I mean,nine years imprisonment.
- And part of that, Bob,
I know we've talked in the past
about facial recognition software,
social credit scoring, peoplebeing denied jobs, promotions
they have low scores.
They're not consideredto be good communists.
They don't have favors.
So how is that scoringaffecting Christians
or people who are not part
of the government approvedgovernment controlled church?
- Yes, 2020 marked really the first year
I think is the whole called the national,
the digital authoritarianism rule
with literally 2.6 billionface recognition cameras
has been installed all over China
which means every Chinesewill have two face recognition
cameras are following them.
The so-called social creditscore had been also instated
with the big data plan.
If you are a Christian,
if you are especially a Christian pastor
or a house church leader
or anyone who has a religious faith
that is not compatible with the communism
will guaranteed have a lower score
which means you may be banned
from even buying a train ticket
or air flight tickets
and which means youcouldn't get a promotion
which means your family members
cannot join the civil servant test
or join the military.
So you are regarded absolutely
as second or third class citizen.
- A lot of Americans areafraid that may come here
with vaccine passports and so forth.
So finally, Bob, on this program
and other CBN News programs
we've reported for some time now
about the Chinese CommunistParty's persecution
of the ethnic Uyghurs.
Many of our viewers don't realize
that not all Uyghurs are Muslim.
There are quite a few UyghursChristians tell us about them
and do they suffer the same oppression?
- Yes, you're right.
Gary, the Uyghurs Christians
and Uyghurs Muslims, andeven the other minorities
like Kazakhs had beensuffering the genocide.
And as former Secretary Pompeo designated
I mean between 1 to 3 million
of them are still inthe concentration camp.
China Aid just rescued a Kazakh family.
The mother suffered at least 16 months
in the concentration camp.
She herself was abused,
and also she was a witness.
Eye witness seeing a systematic government
organized a force to prostitution
on how can we with a good conscience
deal with a governmentcommitting such a grave,
a genocide and a crime against humanity.
And yet we're stilltreated this as business
as usual like this Americancompanies are doing in China.
So it's the time to have a wake-up call.
- Okay. China Aid President Bob Fu.
Thank you Bob, for providingthose insights today.
We appreciate it.
- Thank you Gary, for having me.
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(dramatic music)
- [Reporter] Now that we'vemoved into the month of May.
Us troops are starting tomove out of Afghanistan.
President Biden has ordered the last
of the remaining 2,500 American troops
withdrawn by September 11th.
But some members of his own party
are urging him to reconsider.
Former Secretary of StateHillary Clinton says
the Biden decision is a wicked problem
with huge consequences.
- Well here to provideus with some insights
on what the US troop withdrawal may mean
for the people of Afghanistan,including the country's
tiny Christian community is John Weaver.
Mr. Weaver served the peopleof Afghanistan for many years.
He knows the country well.
He's author of the book,
Inside Afghanistan, A Missionof Mercy To a War Torn People
Before 9/11 and Beyond.
John, thank you for being with us.
So do you agree with formerSecretary of State Clinton
that the Afghanistan withdrawal decision
is a wicked problemwith huge consequences?
- Gary it is gonna have consequences
and we know without the US troops there
and the international community
it could turn into a volatile situation.
Only God knows how the Talibanwill proceed moving forward
with this decision.
- Well, I know we should beconcerned for all Afghans
but much attention of course
is being placed on theplight of women there.
What gains have they made
during the 20 year USpresence there, John?
What would the withdrawal mean for them?
- Well, there have been a lot of gains
for women and children.
You know, there's a lot ofdevelopment that's happened
over these 20 years, Gary,
but of course if theTaliban have more of control
we know that their agenda is very much
very strict conservativeIslamic view of life
which depresses women and children.
And so it could become worse for them.
- Well, I know that womenhave made tremendous gains
and so have children,
especially females in education, jobs.
We see them all over theplace, working in bakeries,
also, you know, baking bread,
also at beauty salons and so forth.
I mean, that's a significant difference
from what it was 20 years ago.
How do we assure that that continues?
- Well we pray and hopethat the Afghan government
the national army can keep,you know, peace and stability.
Yes, there are some wonderful gains.
I mean, having lived there
before 9/11 and nowliving there after 9/11
some amazing gains primarily for
well there's even womenin government, Gary.
I mean, it's amazing thesteps that have gone forward
for women and children
with the international community's help,
primarily led by our government,but only time will tell
if the Taliban had more of a seat
at the table in terms of the government
how they'll respond to those developments
specifically for women.
- We've seen some commentsfrom Afghan government leaders
and even members of the Afghan military
saying they are up to thetask of taking on the Taliban
by themselves.
Are they, what do you think?
- Well, I was just on acall a few minutes ago,
on a Zoom call with someAfghan church leaders.
And the challenge they sayis that in the remote areas
it is more difficult for the national army
but in places like, youknow, Mazar and Kabul
and Herat the bigger cities,
there is a growing presence of the police
and the Afghan military.
I've actually seen attimes where they have tried
to do what they can tokeep the Taliban at bay.
But only time's going to tell
how this will actually play out.
- What can you tell us aboutMuslim background believers,
the MBBs in Afghanistan.
- There are thousands of them.
Often we get asked thequestion, do we know how many?
We always would say,well, there's not enough
but yet there are a few thousand
Muslim background believerswho are following Jesus now.
They love Jesus.
They meet in the houses.
It's a small group type of a venue.
It is slowly spreading,
but it is very dangerous,very difficult for them.
We want to stand withthem in prayer and support
and believe that as we know,the gospel is the answer.
Jesus is the answer, thekingdom of God is the answer.
And we pray that like 11and the dough the gospel
and got into spread
throughout the 34provinces of Afghanistan.
- What will the US troop withdrawal mean
for those Christians?
I'm assuming they'reconsidered to be apostate.
So their lives are at risk anyway,
there'll still be in danger regardless.
So what will it mean for them also
for the advancement ofthe gospel in Afghanistan?
- Well, time will tell,
but obviously if theTaliban have more of a say,
they will definitely wantto add more persecution
that already exists towards
the minority Christiancommunity that's there.
It could even encourage some of them
to want to leave the country.
You know, there's arevival happening in Iran
and some of that spillingover, even into Afghanistan.
So we don't know exactly
how migration might influence Afghans
that are in the country
but we want to trustnow that there's enough
of a Christian presence thatwill stay in the country
continue to be salt and lightand to weather the storm
possibly a persecution and opposition
from a more Taliban influence government.
But yet we know God'snot, no one can stop God,
no one can stop his spirit.
And so we trust his word
will continue to spreadthroughout Afghanistan
in the midst of thesechallenging days ahead for them.
- So the troops may not bethere, but God is always there.
So a lot to pray about, right, John?
- Amen. God is always at work.
Would encourage the listeners,
please stand in prayers.
It's Ramadan now, someof you might be aware
that God does mysterious thingsduring the month of Ramadan
revealing himself to Muslimsin dreams and visions.
We hear testimonies of that all the time
but let's please stand in prayer
for our brothers andsisters in Afghanistan.
The gospel was spread notonly among the 34 provinces
but the dozens of people, groups
and tribal groups and ethnicgroups and language groups.
There'll be a witness, aclear witness of the gospel.
- Okay, John Weaver, author of the book,
Inside Afghanistan, AMission of Mercy To a War
Torn People Before 9/11 and Beyond.
Thank you, John.
We appreciate your insight.
- Thank you, Gary.
Bless you.
Have a great day.
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(dramatic music)
- The state of Idaho is pushingback against the teaching
of Critical Race Theoryin its public schools.
Governor Brad Little hasfollowed the lead of governors
in Utah and Arkansasby signing legislation
enacting a ban on CRT teaching
also at public universities in his state.
US Department of Educationunder President Biden
is proposing the public schools
in the entire US should be forced
to teach Critical Race Theory.
At the heart of Critical Race Theory
is the idea that America was founded
by White supremacists
and the country's history
of racism and inequalitystill has an impact
on modern day societyright here in the USA.
Well, joining us to share his thoughts
and set us straight is Autry Pruitt.
Mr. Pruitt is the CEO
of the New JourneyPolitical Action Committee.
Autry, always good to talk to you.
Thanks for being here.
So what's the historyof the CRT, the origins
and why is Critical RaceTheory being pushed now?
- Well, the origins go,
actually, if you reallyreally trace the origins,
go way back into the 60s.
Although a lot of thisstuff is more modernized.
This stuff goes wayback in the 50s and 60s.
Some of it with the radicalsocialists at the time
but the notion is very, very simple.
The notion that everythinghas to be viewed
through a pigment
through the prism, excuseme, of pigmentation.
Everything has to beviewed in that manner.
And so it doesn't matterwhat subject you're in.
It doesn't matter whatpoint you're in history
rather you're now
or rather you're back in16, 1750 or 1664, right?
Doesn't matter.
You've got to view it
through the lens ofsomeone's pigmentation.
And then that informs howthings progressed in the future.
So you have a situation now
and it particularly in theUS where schools want to say
you cannot succeed or arethere things you can't do
or you will always havebe held back because
originally the country was founded for, by
and to support only White males.
- Well, I'm kind of offended by that
because I'm a descendant
of someone who came here on the Mayflower
and I must say, I know theycame for religious freedom
because they were beingpersecuted in England.
So why do you believethe CRT is now a threat
to the future of the nation?
- The CRT is a threat to thefuture of not only the nation
but us as individuals, becausewhat it does is it tries
to put people in categories and groups
that have nothing to do withthe actual demonstration,
demonstrable demonstration of your merit,
of what you do, of what you go out
and how you access the community.
It has nothing to do with your work ethic.
It has nothing to doif you show up on time.
And what it's going todo is cause an ethnic war
in this country, that'swhat's gonna happen.
And it's to some extentit's already happening
- Well, and it may leadto more segregation.
And my understandingMartin Luther King Jr.
fought for integration
not segregation herewe are right back again
where we were prior tothe civil rights struggle.
So a number of States
have either passedlegislation or considering it.
So what's the likelihoodthe federal government
will drop its push
if more States start banning it.
- I think the federal government's gonna
keep its push going because theSupreme court ruled long ago
that if you take the federal tax dollars
then the federal governmentcan put stipulations
can put controls and rulesthat come with those dollars.
So I think the left side of the aisle
the Democrats are goingto keep pushing forward
within the federal governmentto keep CRT on the agenda
or you're gonna be forced toturn down those federal money.
- Well, Autry then Iguess it just means people
are going to have to goto their school boards
and get more involved.
Is that correct?
- Yes. It means two things.
One they're gonna haveto get more involved
in their school boards inthe curriculum development,
and two, what thelegislature should be doing
is passing laws that basically say
they set up parent reading committees
and we can pay the parents for this,
for their time by the way,parent reading committees, right?
It can rotate between a volunteer list
of parents who are... or list of parents.
I'm sorry, who want to volunteer to read.
And we can again reimbursethem for their time.
So it's semi-volunteer, but these parents
have to be currentlyin the school district
their students have to be current students
in the school district andthey should read textbooks
before they're used in the classroom.
That's the way to solve this problem.
And they give it their stamp of approval.
Then at that point, the teacher
or the school district can use it.
That would curb a lot of this stuff,
right from the beginning
- Oh that sounds like a sensible solution,
Autry Pruitt, CEO of New Journey PAC.
Thank you Autry for setting us straight.
We appreciate you.
- Thank you so muchfor having me on board.
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(dramatic music)
- New questions are beingraised about possible juror bias
on the George Floyd trial.
Late last August, juror number 52
Brandon Mitchell attendeda 57th anniversary rally
commemorating MartinLuther King Jr's march
on Washington, seemsinnocent enough, right?
But the event was more
than just a commemoration ofthat historic turning point
in America's civil rights struggle.
Mitchell and other attendeesheard speaker after speaker
including George Floyd's family members
talk about Floyd and police brutality.
- It's time to get your kneeoff our neck in this country.
- My brother cannot be a voice today.
We have to be that voice.
- So folks here's the problem.
First, Mitchell told members of the media
that he had never been to Washington.
Then this photo surfaced on Facebook
showing him attending the DC rally
wearing a Black Lives Matters T-shirt.
Mitchell later admittedand defended his attendance
saying the protest providedhim the opportunity
to be part of something.
Well, last week, Mitchell appeared
on Good Morning Americatalking about George Floyd.
- His name is going to live on,
his legacy is now cemented in history.
And that is huge.
And that is unfortunate.
That's a positive lining
within a negative result as his death.
But that's just me as a positive person
who's kind of lookingtowards the bright side.
- So not an impartial roledetermining guilt or innocence
but Mitchell viewing his mission
as one to bring aboutpositive change to society.
Folks, Mitchell wasnot an impartial juror.
He may have committed a felony
on his jury selection questionnaire.
When asked if he had ever participated
in a protest about police use of force
or police brutality,Mitchell responded no.
He said the August,2020 march on Washington
was 100% not a demonstrationfor George Floyd
but it was at least partially about Floyd.
Also during juror selection,Mitchell told the judge
he knew nothing about theDerek Chauvin George Floyd case
but it was discussed repeatedly
at that DC rally that Mitchell attended.
Folks it's time to set aside emotions.
Social change cannot comewhen there's been injustice
for both the victim and the accused.
As unsympathetic as most of us are
to former police officer Derek Chauvin,
he has the right to a fair trial
with impartial, unbiased jurors.
Expect a new trial or an appealto be granted in this case.
That must happen, because the rule of law
and due process are centralto who we are as Americans.
We must remain committedto those principles,
the character of our nationand the future of our Republic
are at stake.
Well, that's it today from the Global Lane
be sure to follow us on CBNnews channels, social media
and our broadcast affiliates.
And until next time, be blessed.
(dramatic music)