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Studio 5: Inhale Exhale - May 5, 2021

Mercy Me shares its new album Inhale Exhale. Singers and authors unite for a Faithful project to honor women of the Bible. And Dante Bowe takes us inside the Maverick City Music and Elevation Worship album called Old Church Basement. Read Transcript

(bright upbeat music)

- And welcome to Studio 5,

Mercy Me, Faithful and"Old Church Basement",

they're all coming together in this show

and it is a joy to bring it all to you,

so, let's dive right in

with the countdown to the top five stories

in the world of Uplifting Entertainment,

here are your first two.

At number five.

- Our weapons will not beused to wage war on the world,

it is not our way.

- [Efrem] Big and long awaited news

from the world of of Wakanda.

- [Reporter] Fans finallygot a confirmation

of "Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever"

according to a new Marvel video,

it has a release date of July 8, 2022.

The T'Challa character playedby the late Chadwick Boseman,

will not be recast.

- [Efrem] At number four.

♪ Move the immovable ♪

♪ Break the unbreakable ♪

♪ God, we believe ♪

♪ God, we believe for it ♪

- [Efrem] CeCe Winans' live album

continues its reign atthe top of the charts,

and the busy singer, pastor,wife, mother and grandmother

has a new project.

- Hi, I'm CeCe Winans invitingyou to my Mother's Day event,

celebrating generations of motherhood,

with myself, my mom and mydaughter Ashley, who's a new mom.

- [Efrem] In this Instagram post,

Winans' invites all to alive online conversation,

Friday evening, where she and her family

will discuss the joy, struggles, beauty,

and hope found in motherhood.

- It's time to believe for the impossible,

speak to the mountain

and command it to move.

(air whooshing)

- And that begins this week's countdown,

we'll pick things back up at number three

in just a little bit.

You know, their music has been the focus

of a major motion picture,

and now, the men behind,"I Can Only Imagine"

have some new music to share.

MercyMe's latest album iscalled, "Inhale (Exhale)"

and once again, compellingreal-life stories

are behind the songs.

We're sitting down withtwo members of the band,

Bart and Mike.

(air whooshing)

♪ Can't believe we've come this far and ♪

♪ It feels just like getting started ♪

♪ Somehow we're still runninglike those kids back then ♪

You guys have had suchgreat success already,

how does this project compare

to what you've done in the past

in your mind, for both of you?

- It's one of our the worst album

we've ever had.(both laughing)

- It's garbage.- Does anybody ever say that?

I always wonder, like, it's like,

"Is this your best project?"

No, it's like fourth.(Efrem laughing)

♪ Can you see it ♪

♪ Can you feel it ♪

♪ This dream inside is still alive today ♪

It's incredibly special to me

for some obvious reasonslike my son being on it

but the biggest one for me is,

I can't think of analbum that has literally

time stamped a period of our life.

♪ For something new ♪

♪ We're on our way ♪

For me, it's almost like apostcard from the pandemic,

like, when I look back 10years from now I'll know,

even from the name ofthe album to the artwork

it's like this artisticimage of a set of lungs.

It's like, yes, and that'sthe reason it's 16 songs

and we kept writing it,

all these songs kind ofcame from this season.

♪ Too afraid of the unknown and ♪

- There's everything from likesuper poppy moments to like

old school gospel, tolike schizophrenic rock,

like it's literally across the map and

I'm really proud of the way it turned out

and all the influencesthat we kinda ran through

the MercyMe filter to,

it's by far the most diversething we've ever done.

- My name is Gary Miracle

and on New Year's Eve 2019,

I was airlifted to ahospital in Orlando, Florida

and I fell into septic shock

and 107 days later Icame out of the hospital

and I had lost all four of my limbs.

- Tell me about the song that was written

and that we're seeing now on Gary.

- Yeah,

man, watching Gary gothrough what he went through

and especially from a distancebecause of the pandemic,

you know, I don't think werealize how much it was impacting

what we're writing at the time and

"Say I Won't" started asmore of a it's, you know,

the verses are about youridentity in Christ and under,

when you realize what's insideof you, everything changes

and then by the time I was finished with,

in watching Gary's story,

it became this overcomerkind of rocky moment,

you know, by the end it's,

I mean even the whole song

had a little bit of an attitude to it,

like, I dare you to saythat I can't do this and

that's all Gary's fault.

♪ I'm gonna run ♪

♪ No, I'm gonna fly ♪

♪ I'm gonna know what it means to live ♪

♪ And not just be alive ♪

We wanted an emotional video,

something that wouldjust really, you know,

since we couldn't reachour fans any other way,

something that would really impact them

and out of the conversationI had with Gary,

I called him and said, "Hey man,

would you let us tell your story for you

since you're just talking abouthow you're not ready yet?"

And he was in tears, he's like, "Man,

this is something we've been praying for,"

and yeah, he was absolutely in,

and the video turned out better

than we ever thought possible

and we kinda createda monster 'cause he'll

literally text almost every day,

like, "Hey man, it'sflowing down on the charts,

what's going on?"(Efrem laughs)

We couldn't be prouder to be able to kinda

be a part of this journey with him

and, we trust each otherlike crazy and it's

he said, I can't imagine anybody else

going through this with him and

yeah, it's just, it's, you know,

after 25 years of being dear friends

it just feels fitting that,we can help share his story.

♪ The world's gonna hear ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm gonna shout ♪

♪ And I will be dancing ♪

♪ When circumstances drown the music out ♪

♪ Say I won't ♪

- What's your favorite track today?

- My favorite is a songcalled, "Let yourself be loved"

it starts out talking about, you know,

it's a simple concept for us to be,

like, God asks us to love our neighbors

as we love ourselves

and that shouldn't bea very hard thing but

were not really great at loving ourselves,

like I look in the mirror, Isee every mistake I've made,

I don't see myself as Jesus sees.

- It's a big one, man, like I,

for the longest time, I, you know,

when it says, "Love yourneighbor as yourself,"

I just thought that weweren't good at that and

but it didn't really makesense since Christ is in us

and that, you know, we're a new creation,

I just was like, howare we not good at this?

And then one day thought,wait, the problem is

that we're not that fond of ourselves

and so, maybe we aregenuinely loving our neighbors

with everything that we have

but we don't like what we seewhen we look in the mirror.

So, we have to love ourself first.

How in the world

do we do anything elsewithout starting there?

And so, it sounds likesuch a simple message

but it genuinely probably

is the most importantmessage on the album.

(air whooshing)

- Good news, MercyMe's "Inhale(Exhale)" is out right now,

be sure to add it to your playlist.

Still ahead.

♪ I have seen the Lord ♪

♪ I will speak of Him ♪

See what happens when these women unite

to explore stories ofgreat women in the Bible.

- [Narrator] In the fall of 2019,

a group of celebratedfemale authors, artists,

and songwriters gatheredto build friendships

by writing together in community.

- [Efrem] It's a faithful project released

just in time for Mother's Day.

(air whooshing)

- [Narrator] Remember for a moment

what it was like to be a child.

You believed every story you were told,

you saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphaned

and at-risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells

the only story truly worth believing.

We believe that every child

should have the opportunity to dream,

the chance to take challenges

and turn them into possibilities,

the chance to stand onthe promises of God,

to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told,

they have their whole lives ahead of them.

Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe,

we will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(bright soft music)

(child giggles)

(air whooshing)

- [Efrem] At number three,

- [Man] Who are the unstoppable warriors?

- We're the Mitchells,

the only people who can save the world.

- [Efrem] It's a Studio 5 sneak peek

at the "Mitchell's VS The Machines",

a fun story

of a family who would ratherspend time on their screens

but they must unite

to battle robots lookingto take over the world.

- I'm Katie, I'm sort of a weirdo.

My parents haven't figured me out yet,

to be fair, it took me awhile to figure myself out.

My brother, also weird.

- Hi, would you like toback me about dinosaurs?

No, okay, thank you.

- [Katie] And my mom.

- Katie face cupcakes.- Wow!

All of us really.

- How about we put our phones down

and we can make 10 seconds

of unobstructed familyeye contact starting now.

(clock ticking)

See, this is good righthere, this is natural.

(air whooshing)

- [Efrem] At number two.

♪ I need your grace ♪

Grammy award-winning gospelsinger, Jonathan McReynolds

adds actor to his resume,

with a role in the newfilm, "Favorite Son"

streaming on BET Plus this week.

- Those are my sons, Blaine and Camden.

- You got more songs likethat in your repertoire?

- Yes.- Yes.

- If you're ever in Atlanta, look me up.

- Thanks.- I will.

- Let me have that, youknow, we gonna reach out.

Effective today,

Soul Gift will be the officialpraise team of the church.

- But we already have a minister of music.

- [Wilson] Things change.

- [Efrem] This is a Studio5 first look at the project

directed by actress, Robin givens.

- How are you?

- I'd love to bring outhere for a few months.

Welcome to Atlanta.

- It's been awhile sinceI felt connected to music

the way that I did with yours.

- This whole time, youwanna be the star, man.

- No, stop, no, get off of him- come on, man.

- You leave and you aredone here, I'll cut you off.

- Nothing I do is evergood enough for him.

- It doesn't even matter,God already chose your path.

- Everybody's gonna know your name.

(air whooshing)

- And the countdown of the best headlines

in Uplifting Entertainmentcontinues in just a little bit,

we'll get to this week's number one story,

please, stick around for that.

Just in time for Mother's Day,

we wanna share a music and book project,

they are songs and storiesof great women in the Bible,

it's called Faithful,

and two of its creators are with us

right here in Studio 5.

(air whooshing)

♪ Call upon Him ♪

♪ Call upon Him ♪

♪ There is power ♪

♪ In the name ♪

Tell me what exactly is Faithful?

- Wow, it's a collaboration of

women coming together as a community,

songwriters and authors,

which I think is maybe the first time.

- [Reporter] During that time,songs and stories were born

out of a collective responseto God's faithfulness to women.

- Women authors and women song writers

coming together and writingaround women of the Bible.

- [Narrator] In a collaborativebook, album, podcast

and live event.

- The process of comingup with music easier

in this type of atmosphere

than what you do inyour individual careers?

- Sandra's probably more used to writing,

you're used to co-writing,right, all the time.

I don't get to do as muchof that and so, for me,

I'm actually learninghow to get better at it,

I will say that I do better if I'm like

off in a corner kind of, like,going over lyrics in my mind

or like kind of, theletting the story unfold

and I get a little bit like,

I need to go take a walk with this,

so, I think if anything, itwas really healthy for me

to like, be able to get inthe room with other women

and kind of just be braveto sort of, you know,

put your idea out thereand it's fine, you know,

when you just, you kind of offer

a line or you kind of pull out a truth

and then it's just fun all of a sudden

to just hear someone else belt it out

and so, it's like a really,

it's vulnerable but it'sreally sweet as well

and since we.

- What's this process likeand what's the end result?

- We did, sort of, like somecreative writing together,

praying, kind of, just

sitting in a quiet space with each other

and then we kind of brokeoff into different groups

and got to write songs together,

and so, it was fun to haveauthors getting to sit

in small rooms with songwriters

and we're getting to glean from them

and they're getting to putsome of their words to melody,

which I think was just likea really beautiful thing

and I think the hope is obviously to

encourage women everywhereto get in community together.

That's my hope for the whole thing,

is that it would just be a way to

bring this sort of little community

out into the world in away that encourages women

to collaborate with each other.

♪ Then I'll survivethis impossible thing ♪

- I have really enjoyed seeingthese songs come together.

♪ You belong to me ♪

♪ And I belong to Him ♪

When you listen to therecord or read the book,

it's just seamless,

you hear one voice and then another voice

and it just flows from one to the next,

so, it reminds me

of the unity that we'rereally designed for

and what I hope for it is

in this year that has been sodisruptive for so many people,

this is really a uniquetime for this to come out

because we began this project before that

and then all of theseunexpected things changed

in our lives, right,

and then it's coming out justas the world is waking up and

what a reminder that God isthe constant faithful one,

and I think if that really comes through,

we have this encounter withthese women of scripture

that really come tolife to us in a new way,

that's really, my hopeis that it would become

like that we would hear this story

and all these stories in a new way again.

♪ Let us draw near to each other ♪

♪ We are one, we are one ♪

(air whooshing)

- The Faithful projectis available right now

and it makes for awonderful Mother's Day gift

as we honor the greatwomen in our lives today.

Before we take a brief break,

we have a story inpictures to share with you.

Here's this week Studio 5 snapshot.

(air whooshing)

Megan Markle adds a new title

to her royal resume.

The Duchess of Sussex issoon to be a published author

with her very first children's book,

it's called "The Bench".

The story shares the specialbond between a father and son

as seen through the eyes of a mother,

and it's inspired byMegan's own experiences

seeing her husband, PrinceHarry, and their son, Archie.

"The Bench" will be released June 8th

just ahead of Father's Day

and this sneak peak is thisweek Studio 5 snapshot.

Coming up next.

♪ So I remember when I wasin that old church basement ♪

♪ Singing hallelujah ♪

It's recording artists, Dante Bowe.

Tell me about the partnership

with Elevation Worship and Maverick City.

With an insiders look at"Old Church Basement".

♪ It's just an old hallelujahwith a new melody ♪

(air whooshing)(bright upbeat music)

(bright soft music)

- [Narrator] Life,

it's meant to be lived fully.

(bright soft music)

Jesus said it, "I came to give you life,

life to the fullest."

Life in your family,

life in your finances,

life in your body, mind and spirit.

Life in your everyday.

(bright soft music)

At we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

(bright soft music)

We're here to help you discover life.

(bright soft music)


live it fully,

(bright soft music)

- Hey, if you're tiredand exhausted all day

you can't think clearly andyou really just need a cup

or even a pot of coffeeto get through your day,

then join me, Dr. JoshAxe for this new series

where I'm gonna teach youhow to transform your diet

and use essential oils and supplements

to get a better night sleep.

- [Narrator] Wake up to your best life,

call 1-800-700-7000 to getyour free DVD or booklet

of "Protect Your Sleep" today.

♪ Build Your Church, Build Your Church ♪

♪ Build it from the Ground Up ♪

♪ It's your Church ♪

♪ Build Your Church, Build Your Church ♪

♪ Build-it from the Ground Up ♪

♪ We're your Church ♪

- Well, the long wait is over,

what you saw and what you're still hearing

is the sound of Maverick Citymusic and Elevation Worship

who teamed up for a new albumcalled "Old Church Basement".

The entire project is on repeateverywhere I go these days.

One of the prominent voiceson the project is Dante Bowe

and he is here with us inStudio 5 for a first look

at the visual album.

(air whooshing)

♪ But every now and then ♪

♪ It can get a little complicated ♪

♪ So I remember when ♪

♪ I was in that oldchurch basement, singing ♪

♪ Hallelujah is all I need ♪

♪ When I think of Your goodness ♪

♪ And Your love for me ♪

"Old Church Basement",what's that song about

and why that is the title?

- Yes, okay, so,

we wrote a song called"Old Church Basement",

pretty much just talking about

how we all were raised.

It was me, Chandler Moore,

Steven Furtick

and I wanna say it was Brandon Lake and

we were all just talking about

how we were raised in these small churches

with the wood floors, that we found God,

we found God in these churches

and we are who we are todaybecause somebody put us there.

Our grandmothers, our moms, you know,

our dads, whoever, someoneput us in those small churches

where no one was famous, no one was known,

but they preached as if they were TD Jakes

and they sang as if they were Tasha Cobbs

and that's just what life was and

we wanted to write a songthat was just about, you know,

it's just, it's the same hallelujah,

and there's a lyric in the song that says,

it's just an old hallelujahwith a new melody.

♪ And it's the only hallelujah ♪

♪ Halle ♪

- Tell me about the partnershipwith Elevation Worship

and Maverick City.

- Steven Furtick

wanted, had a dream of justcollabing with Maverick City

and so, he called us inone week to write songs.

We just pretty much came for two weeks

and we wrote a bunch of songs with them,

we ate dinner with them,

we cried with them, we prayedand we did all this stuff and

this album is a reflection orthe fruit of that community.

♪ More than enough ♪

♪ More than enough ♪

♪ More than enough ♪

- "Jireh" was powerful especiallyknowing Chandler's story

to be writing that song

as he literally lost everythingin a fire just days before.

I'm trying to envisionand feel what it was like

for all of you guys to be inthe room together doing it.

- This was probably the most important

Maverick City recordingI've ever been a part of,

this was very, very potent

and very special thingshappened in the room

that hadn't happened in our rooms before.

It was just a very, very,very, very important album.

♪ I'm gonna wait on the Lord ♪

♪ You are the only Lord ♪

- [Efrem] "Wait on the Lord",tell me about that as well,

you and Chandler.

- [Dante] Yeah, oh,

this is my favorite song from the project.

- [Efrem] Oh, wow!

- We wrote, "Wait on theLord" me, Furtick, Brandon and


and reality is, usually I'mgonna have to pray into it,

usually I'm gonna have to putsome faith to my action and

the song is just shedding light on that,

that, you know, it's notgonna always be this moment

and a lot of people evenlook at me and Chandler

and Furtick and they see thepoint and they're like, Oh,

one day and it's like no, man,like the waiting on the Lord

and not just waiting butwhile you're waiting,

being grateful, having gratitude,

showing honor to people,showing honor to God

and not just like mopingand like being sad

and angry all the time and bitter about

when is it my turn and all that stuff,

so, that's what the songis pretty much about.

♪ This is what happens when you wait ♪

- Again, Dante Bowe is oneof the more prominent voices

on this project, it iscalled "Old Church Basement"

and it's available whereveryou get your music.

With that, we have madeit to the number one story

in this week's countdown ofUplifting Entertainment News.

(air whooshing)

At number one.

- My name is Captain Quaid Malloy

and I am the only two time champion

of Bisbee's Black and Blue tournament.

- [Efrem] That's actor Dennis Quaid

in the soon to be releasedNetflix film, "The Blue Miracle".

- You can join us.- Join you?

- [Man] Yeah, at Casa Hogar.

- [Boy] I'm not an orphan.

- Hey, Jack, not that floor.

- You can't expect street kidsto learn manners overnight.

- You got 20 years to learn all that.

- [Efrem] And we havethis Studio 5 first look

at the incredible true story

of the Mexican boys home

that entered the world'sbiggest fishing tournament

to save their orphanage.

(thunder roars)

(bright upbeat music)

- Maybe God just wanted to get

all the unluckiest kids in one building

so He could crush us all.- Jack, again, enough!

(air whooshing)

- [Reporter] Hurricaneordeal was the biggest storm

we've seen in decades.

- How much food do we have left?

- About a week.

- World's biggest fishing tournament,

best teams in the worldcompete for millions in prizes.

- Sorry, but I'm afraid youdon't qualify for this list.

- What if your team meetup with a local fisherman?

It doesn't have to be anybody even good,

don't even have to be a fisherman.

With them?

Those kids?

- Moments away.- And we're on a bridge

where a lot of joggers hang out,

and so, they should be thrilled with us

by the time we're done with this.

It's the first time we're trying to tell

a whole story in a video, so,

there's nothing likehaving about four minutes

to tell a really good story, so.

- [Efrem] Before hittingthe road for their fall 2021

30-city tour,

MercyMe drops theirfinal word in Studio 5.

(air whooshing)(bright upbeat music)

(engine roars)(car honks)

- Hi, Superbook fans, here'ssomething else you love.

(Gizmo laughs)

It's the new Superbook Bible app.

(groans) It's packedwith games, activities

and Superbook episodes thatyou can watch for free.

Oh, no!

There's trivia, a fun day with devotional

and answers to your Bible questions,

plus an easy to understand Bible

the whole family will enjoy.

You can even create your ownSuperbook character, ta-da!

(Gizmo laughs)

- News Four channel coming...

- Oh, sorry, pardon me, sorry, excuse me.

Ouch!- Are you getting this?

- Earn super points towin daily prizes too

and so much more!

(Gizmo sighs)

Time to get back to my adventures.

See you soon.

It's the Superbook Bible app,

free downloads on iTunes,Google Play and Amazon.

- And welcome back to Studio 5,

this week's soundtrackis probably no surprise,

it's Maverick City Musicand Elevation Worship's

"Old Church Basement".

We shared some of that music,

so, here's a bit of abehind the scenes look

with the artists having a little fun,

it's, what's playing in my ear.

♪ It's an old hallelujah ♪

♪ With a new melody ♪

♪ Oh I was blind ♪

♪ But now I can see ♪

♪ Old hallelujah with a new melody ♪

And on that musical note, weare just about out of time

for this week's edition of Studio 5,

so, let's turn the pageat least for a moment

and take a peek at what'scoming up next week.

(air whooshing)

- Steve believed in you.

(upbeat suspenseful music)

He trusted you.

Why did you give up that shield?

(upbeat suspenseful music)

- I did what I thought was right.

- [Efrem] Cinema andtelevision come together

in Marvel's, the "Falconand the Winter Soldier",

Studio 5 sits down with the stars.

- Sam's journey leading up to the series

is him

basically returning fromthe bleep and coming home.

The series picks up right after the bleep,

so, you find these characters trying to

reacclimate themselves

into culture, into society,

into the world that theyonce knew five years ago.

- For this up close look at the series

before the final episode is released.

(air whooshing)

Well, that is just one of a few stories

we are working to bringyou come next week,

I pray you'll make timeto join us for that

and share the show with someone else.

Before we say goodbye today, though,

I'd like to check back inwith MercyMe for a final word.

(air whooshing)

- You don't have to live inthe fear that you lived in

during the whole pandemic

and, you know,

it's awful what it is,but enjoy every second.

- It's not as bad asyou think it's gonna be

and you don't have to like,just be so consumed with

your circumstance, like myhope isn't in my circumstance,

my hope is this unchangingsalvation that I have in Christ

not what's coming at me

and that's the thing I lostthe most this last year

and until about September,I was like, wait a second,

this is not my hope,

the band touring orwhatever that looks like,

that's not my hope.

(air whooshing)

- That's MercyMe's Bart and Mike,

that is a great final wordfor this edition of Studio 5

and this week's look atUplifting Entertainment,

until next time, make timeto uplift someone around you

and then please come on back

and see where Studio5 takes you next week.

Bye-bye, thank you so much for watching.


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