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Praying For Your Needs: May 5, 2021

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing. Read Transcript

- Absolutely. Heed to those words.

Look back and see and remember

what God has done for you in your life.

No matter what you're going through,

if you're walking througha storm right now,

I believe the Lord wants youto look back in your life

and remember how He's brought you

through the differentcircumstances in your life,

to encourage you and build your faith

in the storm that you'rewalking through right now,

to believe the promise of God,

which is that you will seethe goodness of the Lord

in the land of the living.

And Gordon and I are gonna pray for you,

but before we do, we wantto continue to encourage you

in your faith, in your struggle right now.

We've got some answer to prayers

that we're gonna share with you.

So, this is from Terry.

So for three months, Terryof Denver, Colorado struggled

with a breathing issue.

Nothing was helping.

Then one day, he waswatching "The 700 Club"

when he heard Gordon say,

"Someone has been sufferingfrom a viral infection

"that has spread into your lungs.

"It is very painful for you to breathe.

"God is healing that now."

Terry was able to immediatelybreathe without difficulty.

Praise God.

- All right, I've got one herefrom Samuel from Wisconsin.

He felt intense pain in his neck and back.

During a "700 Club," he heardAshley read a testimony.

It's incredible, the power of testimony,

just reading a testimony

from someone who was healedof pain much like his.

In the testimony, theperson placed his left hand

on his neck and spine.

Well, by faith, Samuel did the same thing

and believed God forhealing while we prayed.

He called the prayer line rejoicing.

He is pain-free.

How do you get it?

How do you get a healing?

How do you get an answer to prayer?

Well, let's follow what the Bible says,

that you can enter intoHis presence with singing

and into His courts with praise.

The Apostle John talked about

we can go boldly to the throne of grace,

and if we ask in accordance with His will,

we know that He hears andwe know that He answers.

So what's God's will?

Well, you see it in heaven,

and in heaven, is anybody sick?

The answer's quite clearly no.

So don't for a minute think

that God's put some disease onyou to do something for you.

No, He hasn't done that.

It's not His fault.

It's not His will.

So we can pray boldly andin accordance with His will

for healing for you now,just what Rebecca did.

She went into His presence with singing.

Here she's got a 10-pound tumor

and she's saying I'mgoing to praise my God.

I am going to enter intoHis presence with singing

and then into His courts with praise.

You're not gonna praiseHim for the illness,

but you can praise Him forthe healing in advance.

So do that right now.

Lord God Almighty, Ithank you for the answer,

that you are the answerto every human need,

for by your stripes, I am healed.

I was healed.

My healing was accomplished2,000 years ago.

I thank you for your sacrifice for me.

I thank you for your love for me.

I thank you that you're working

all things together for my good,

that you've got an answer to this problem.

You can solve this now.

And that is how you do it.

So we're gonna pray.

We're gonna do this andGod's gonna do His part

because He's right there with you.

The praise that's on yourlips that's already happening,

He's already there.

Let's pray, let's believe,and God will do the rest.

Lord, we thank you.

We thank you for Jesus.- [Ashley] Yes.

We thank you that you sentyour only begotten son,

your beloved one, you sent him.

You loved us so much that you sent him

and that whosoever, that'sus, we're a whosoever,

would believe would not perishbut have everlasting life.

Jesus came that we might have life

and have it more abundantly,

so we receive that life right now.

We receive that salvation.

We receive our healing now.

We thank you for it.

We thank you for beingthe answer to our need

and we receive it in Jesus' name.

Ashley, God's given you something.

- Yeah, I believe somebody'swatching with laryngitis

and you literally lost your voice.

God is restoring that.

He's healing you of thatillness, that sickness right now,

and you'll be able to sing loudly.

There's somebody else watching,

you have some spots inthe back of your throat

and you're concerned about that.

It's also affecting your speech.

The Lord is healingthat for you right now.

Just receive it, declare it,sing of the Lord's goodness.

- There's someone, you heard the reading

of the testimony about the neck pain.

You've got neck pain in theright side of your neck,

and you're laying your right hand over it.

You just felt a tingle likeelectricity go through that.

You're healed instantaneously.

Do whatever you couldn't do before

and receive it right nowin Jesus' name, amen.

Call us if you've beenhealed, 1-800-700-7000.

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