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America's Dangerous New Censorship: Alan Dershowitz Talks to CBN News About the Threat

America's Dangerous New Censorship: Alan Dershowitz Talks to CBN News About the Threat Read Transcript

- From a sitting presidentto average Americans

voicing their opinionsabout COVID-19 origins,

masking, and vaccines, itseems if you share an opinion

that doesn't support aprogressive narrative

you could be censored, maybe even banned

from social media platforms.

Appearing on this week'sepisode of "The Global Lane,"

constitutional law expertAlan Dershowitz says

this new censorshipposes a danger to America

and the Constitution.

And students are leading the way

just as they did 80 years agoagainst Nazi book burners.

- The millennials today are onthe forefront of censorship.

They think they have the truth,and they don't need dissent,

they don't need due process.

Why bother with dissentingviews or free speech

if they know what the truth is,

if they know that every whitecop who shoots a black person

is of course guilty, withoutregard to the facts of the law,

if they know that every man who is accused

by a woman of course is guilty,

the woman is always gonna tell the truth,

if they know that everybodywho raises questions

about an election arelying and making up facts,

even if you disagree with them,

why do you need free speech?

So, yeah, I think, we'renot in Nazi Germany,

we're not in Stalin's Russia,but we are getting close

to situations wherenon-government officials,

and that's what's so dangerous,

non-government officials,Twitter, Facebook,

and YouTube are determiningwhat we can hear,

what we can say.

You know, the FirstAmendment has two aspects,

the right of the speaker to speak,

but the right of the audience to listen.

And we the audience are beingdeprived of free speech.

Let me give you an example.

Bobby Kennedy, the Senatorand former attorney general

and a great environmental lawyer,

but he's a vaccine skeptic.

I am more of a supporter of vaccination.

We had a wonderful debate.

It could have been heldat any major university

in the world, and it wason constitutional law

and medical considerations, on science,

and hundreds, even thousands of people,

watched the debate and liked it.

And then YouTube took it down.

They said, "Vaccinationis not a debatable issue.

We don't want to hear two sides of it

and we don't want our audienceto hear two sides of it."

So hundreds of thousands ofpeople were denied the right

to hear me and BobbyKennedy debate this issue.

I won the debate by default.

I don't want to win the debate by default.

I want to win the debate on the merits

in the marketplace of ideas.

- Big tech CEOs willdeny they're censoring

conservative speech orspeech that doesn't quite fit

their progressive narratives,but we've already seen

how they blocked the "New York Post" story

about Hunter Biden's laptop.

That happened just priorto last fall's election.

So that censorship decisionmay have influenced the outcome

of the presidential vote.

So how worrisome isthat type of censorship,

influencing electionoutcomes by preventing

all factual informationfrom being made public?

- It's very dangerous becauseit not only prevents that

or has interference with that,

but on so many other aspects of life,

on whether to take the vaccinationor not, on other issues.

The head of the little townof Brooklyn Center said

that he thought thatthe woman police officer

who pulled out her guninstead of her taser

and thought she was firing the taser

yelling "Taser, taser taser,"

when she was indicted for manslaughter,

the town guy said sheoughta be given due process.

And he was immediately fired for calling

for a constitutional right,due process for every citizen.

You get fired and there were threats.

And if they didn't fire him,

there would be all kinds of repercussions.

That's the problem that'sgoing on in America today.

- You were a Harvard law professor.

What's happening inuniversities like Harvard, Yale,

others that were onceknown as places of debate,

discourse and freespeech, what's happening?

- I'll give you an example.

At Harvard, I have acolleague named Ron Sullivan,

the first AfricanAmerican ever made a Dean

of the Harvard Collegeand he was a great Dean.

And then he made the "mistake"of defending Harvey Weinstein

for about a month onconstitutional issues.

And the students in hiscollege said they felt unsafe.

They didn't feel unsafewhen a year earlier

he defended somebodyaccused of a double murder,

but they felt unsafe becausehe was representing somebody

who they didn't likeand who had been accused

of sexual misconduct.

So he got fired by Harvard University

for who he represented.

If John Adams had been aprofessor at Harvard back in 1771,

he'd have been fired, I guess,

for representing theBoston massacre soldiers,

and Abraham Lincoln would have been fired

because he represented somedisreputable characters.

And great people in America

have represented awful people over time.

And during McCarthyism,they got fired for it.

And under the new McCarthyism,they're fired for it as well.

So we have a violationof the First Amendment,

the Sixth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment.

Many of the millennials just don't care

about the Constitution.

They know the truth with a capital T.

And why have dissent,why have due process?

Why bother with those cumbersome excesses

when we know the truth and don't need

to hear an opposing point of view?

- I don't think they're taughtthe constitution anymore.

So is it too late to reverse this trend?

What do we do about it?

File lawsuits, regulate big tech, what?

- First of all, it's not too late.

We write books, as I do.

We have talk shows like you do.

And we try to appeal directlyto the American public.

Then we go to the Supreme Court.

We have legislation whichcould restrict the ability

of social media to takeadvantage of Section 230,

which exempts them from lawsuits

if they continue to censor speech.

So a lot of things we can do,we haven't lost this battle.

And it's part of a bigger war.

And look, I lived through McCarthyism

as a student in college.

We overcame that and Ithink we'll overcome this.

- And for more stories likethis and interviews like this

we encourage you to checkout "The Global Lane."

You can watch it this eveningat 8:30 Eastern Standard Time.

And of course, you can findthat on the CBN News Channel.


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