Hit by a car and thrown 75-feet, 9-year-old Brendon Scott beat death after bleeding out four times on the operating table and given little chance to live.
Read Transcript
(upbeat music)
- Well, thanks for joining us,
welcome to the show.
We're calling them the megaphonesfor the far left today.
That's how current news and social media
have been described.
And could that soon be changing?
- Will conservatives belaunching their own space
on social media?
David Brody brings us this look
at the emerging media landscape.
- [David] We may no longer
see Donald Trump in front of cameras
or feel the impact ofhis late night tweets,
but his infamous label, fake news
lives on as much as ever before.
- This is a news media that
will look you in the face
and say that they are a news media,
but they're nothing of the sort any longer
'cause they are unquestionably
the megaphones for thefar left in America today.
- [David] When Trump departed,
he left a gift of inflatedexposure and better ratings
to a number of conservative media outlets
including Newsmax and One America News.
Meanwhile, Fox News only got lumps of coal
from the outgoing president.
- Fox has become fake news too,I don't know what happened.
- [David] While Fox remainsthe major conservative voice,
things have changed sincethe events of January 6th
especially when it comes to staying away
from so-called flame throwers
like US CongresswomanMarjorie Taylor Greene.
What's been your experience there.
I've looked for you there,
I don't see you there oftenif at all, I don't know,
I don't track it totally,
but what's your experience there with Fox?
- Well, if you notice David,
I'm one of the mostconservative members of Congress
and I'm never invited to be on Fox News.
Everyone knows that Fox News
changed drastically after the election.
Republicans all over the country
constantly talk about how Fox has changed
and they don't see itthe same as they used to.
- [David] The Georgia Congresswoman
seems to be part of a growingdistrust of the media.
Recent polls shows that
of those who voted for president Trump,
92% of them see the media today
as just a part of the Democratic Party.
Another poll shows since January 6th,
that feeling among Republicanshas increased even more,
up some 7%.
Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi
says the Trump faithful
have totally tuned outthe mainstream media
over issues such as coverageof election integrity issues
during the 2020 election.
And even his answer is somewhat telling.
- In some ways David it's hardto argue with the faithful
and the belief of the faithful.
The facts don't seem to really matter
and the evidence doesn't seem to matter.
- [David] So where doTrump conservatives go?
Some are looking to alternative outlets,
which have refused toback away from charges
about a rigged election.
At first, social media served as a way
to get around the mainstream influence,
although with Twitter and Facebook
leading the censorshipcharge, it's becoming trickier
and options to fully speakout have become limited.
One other thing that could change
the conservative landscape,
president Trump getting set
to launch his own social media version,
we don't know what it is, butit sure will shake up things.
- David any timeframe for this,
it seems like the longer we go
the less likely it ishe's going to launch.
You got any inside information?
- Well, I've talked to acouple of folks, Lara Trump,
not just Lara Trump, buta couple of people inside
Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lagoheadquarters, if you will,
and they are all saying that it's coming,
and it's coming soon.
Now, when I had those conversations,
that was about a week or two ago.
So whatever soon is inDonald Trump's orbit,
but it's going to happen,
I think it's just aquestion of not just when,
but what shape that'sgonna gonna look like.
- Well, people have been leaving
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,
is that having any effecton the social media outlets?
- Well, you know, it's funny,
if you look at some of thetrending in social media,
Twitter, Facebook, not so much Instagram,
but Twitter and Facebook, forsure, it's kind of been flat
but that's been for awhile now, 2019, 2020,
and now of course we're into 21,
so it's been kind of a bit hard to gauge
other than the fact thatjust not only anecdotally,
but clearly, conservativesare looking for other outlets
and they're doing it in spades Gordon.
I mean, excuse me, part of the problem,
and some of theconservatives I'm talking to
are saying that it's our own fault,
as in that's conservative saying
it's our own fault in the sense that,
big tech, they see them as liberal,
then they try to engage on these platforms
and therefore it's kind of like, you know
why are we doing thisto begin with exactly?
As a matter of fact, oneperson, a conservative
told me it was like anabusive relationship.
Why do we keep comingback for more punishment?
And I think that is sortof the way conservatives
are not only thinking about it,
but they're also trying tofigure out what do they do next?
I mean, how do you getout of the relationship?
And I think that's wherewe're at right now.
- All right, Well, some are staying
with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,
what are they telling youabout their strategies
for fighting big tech censorship?
- Well, look they say Gordon,
like, why are we going toshrink away from the fight?
In other words, get into the lion's den.
Go ahead and, you know,for example, Tomi Lahren
I can tell you this, you know,the Fox Nation host there,
anyhow, she told me for ina long conversation about
that she's got what, a fewmillion followers on Twitter,
why would she give up that platform?
No reason to do that,just to make a stand,
morally to say, I'm against you, Twitter
and go to other places.
She can go to other places,
many conservatives aregoing to other places,
but the big name conservativesare also staying on Twitter,
and it's interesting Gordon,
what they're doing is many of them,
for example DineshD'Souza, he's on Twitter,
but instead of putting anyfresh content on Twitter,
he's putting his Rumblelinks, his links to Rumble,
this new conservative,
in essence, kind of aconservative YouTube site,
he's putting those on Twitter,
trying to direct traffic that way.
So that's a bit of howthe nuance in all of this.
- All right, well, we'vegot a viewer question.
This is Cheryl on Facebook.
How can everyday people takea stand against fake news
when our voices are also censoredon social media platforms?
- Well, it's a reallygreat question and look
and I think this is whateverybody's trying to figure out.
I guess the answer is
you go and look for alternative outlets.
And when I say alternative,
let me be clear what I'm talking about.
I'm not talking aboutconspiracy theory websites
or anything like that,
I'm talking about legitimateconservative social media sites
that have started, for exampleCloud Hub is an example.
You know, I know Parlerhas retooled a little bit
and there's others.
So, but you have to be careful.
I mean, you know, therethere's Gab, G A B,
Gab is out there.
So I think what people are doing is
that they're trying tofind these other sites
because they want to speak out,
they want to have freedomof speech if you will,
they don't feel like they'refinding that on Twitter.
I think the bigger problemhere Gordon is, once again
we have enough divisivenessin this country,
we've seen it everywhere.
And now we're seeing it on social media
where the conservatives aregoing into their echo chamber
the liberals have alwayshad their echo chamber,
but now it's on big tech,Twitter, and Facebook,
and even look at thevaccination situation.
I mean, you have the VPs,the vaccinated people,
and the UVP is the unvaccinated people.
I mean, it just seems likeevery facet of American life
is being divided, and thatincludes social media.
- Well, the philosopher in me is saying,
this is all part of a dialectic.
And then the historian is alsosaying, this is nothing new.
The Pulitzer Prize is named for a
famous newspaper publisherwho absolutely had
agenda-driven news coverage.
Is this really somethingnew for American politics
and American news, or is thisjust the same old, same old?
- Well, it's a different formof the same old, same old.
We've seen this in past,
I don't want to saycenturies, but in decades,
I mean, I'll be honest with you,
I mean, Alan Dershowitz callsit a new form of McCarthyism.
He says it's worth worse than McCarthyism
as to what's happeningregarding free speech
in big tech today.
That's what Alan Dershowitz,
the famed Harvard lawyer told me.
So, you know, I think you're seeing it
in all different shapesand sizes for sure.
I will tell you thatthis kind of brings up
the legislative aspect of all of this,
we've heard about Section 230,
I don't want to geek out and talk about
all of the details of it,
but basically Section 230 is part of the
Communications Decency Act of 1996.
It was written beforeGoogle, before Facebook,
before Twitter, and it gavethese social media companies,
in essence, that are around today,
giving them liability protection.
So the question thenbecomes for conservatives,
if they get back in power in the midterms
and possibly the presidency,
what will they do abouteliminating Section 230?
They've talked about it for a long time.
We'll see what happens.
- Well, I don't think thatelimination is really the key.
The key is how do you extend free speech
into private platforms?
And is that even possible
to have those kinds ofconstitutional protections?
But Section 230 is just a damage claim.
You can sue for damages, soall that does is shut it down.
It doesn't really open it up.
So the debate will continue.
And David, thanks for theinsight, thanks for joining us.
You can get the latest on Section 230,
and all the dialecticsand current news coverage
by downloading the CBNNews Channel app today.
- Well, still ahead.
No job, no money, noway to feed her family.
COVID-19 took everythingfrom this single mom.
So why are both she andher children smiling today?
Find out right after this.
(upbeat music)
Deep trouble,
that's what Jyoti knew shewas in after COVID-19 hit.
She lost her job, shecouldn't pay her rent,
she had no money for food,
so where did she find work,
and the answer to all her prayers?
Just watch.
(upbeat music)
- [Reporter] Jyoti usedto work cleaning schools.
- When we were hit byCOVID-19 and lockdown started,
then schools were also shut down.
I was in deep trouble.
I had no money to payfor rent or to buy food.
- [Reporter] Jyoti is a single mother.
She was married, but whenshe became a Christian,
her Hindu husband abused her
and eventually abandonedher and their children.
- During that time in God, Ireceived strength and comfort.
After that in every step of my life,
God took care of me and counselled me.
For this reason,
my heart is filled withgratitude for God forever.
- [Reporter] Jyoti heard aboutan Operation Blessing kitchen
opening in the children's center,
where her kids used to go after school.
- Thanks be to God that I got a job here.
He took care of all my needs.
Now I get a salary andI'm happy that I can buy
essential household itemsand pay my rent on time.
(speaking in a foreign language)
And now, all my worrieshave been taken away.
- [Reporter] In addition toproviding for her own family.
Jyoti helps many familiesin her community,
serving people in needwith the love of Christ.
- This is all by the grace of God,
and I thank all those people who helped us
to open this community kitchen,
and gave us a job during the lockdown.
I wish them from the bottom of my heart
that may God bless them abundantly.
- If you are a 700 Clubber
Jyoti's thank you is for you
because you have changed her life.
I love the way you see so clearly
the freedom in her faceand not just the relief,
but also the pride that she'sable to feed her children,
pay for her rent, take care of her life.
You know, when COVID 19 happened
for people who live insome form of poverty
on a regular basis, it was devastating.
Because of your gratitude andbecause of your compassion
and your concern,
we're able to give to people like Jyoti
an opportunity for a hand up,
for a way to keep herfamily healthy and well,
and we want to say, thank you.
You know, it's just 65 cents a day,
$20 a month to be a 700 Club member.
If you're not already, wouldyou consider doing that today?
Many of you heard, youknow, Jyoti lives in India.
There's been a horrificoutbreak of COVID-19 in India.
Tremendous increase in the numbers there.
Help us be there forpeople in need, won't you?
That's just one part of the world.
If you're a 700 Club member,
you're at work all aroundthe world and here at home.
Our number is toll free,that's how you join us.
1-800-700-7000, just call
say, I want to join "The 700 Club"
or you can log on tocbn.com and do it that way.
Will you do it using Pledge Express?
That's electronic,monthly giving, I love it.
You don't have toremember to send anything,
you don't have to havestamps or envelopes on hand.
Your bank does it for you.
You can stop at any time you want,
but it does give us someadditional savings on your gifts
so that we can give toeven more people like
Jyoti and her children.
So call now, 1-800-700-7000.
Just say, I want to join "The 700 Club"
and I want to do it using Pledge Express.
We say thank you
- Still ahead, struck by a minivan.
The impact sent this boyflying 75 feet down the road.
His parents thought hewas dead on the spot.
So how did he survive the crash?
That's up next.
(upbeat music)
Prepare for the worst,
that's what the doctortold Jennifer Scott,
after her son had been hit by a minivan
traveling 45 miles an hour.
Brendan was in the ICUwith a litany of injuries
and broken bones.
He had already bled out four times.
His doctor said Brendan'scondition was desperate.
So why did his mother refuse to lose hope?
Take a look.
(soft music)
- [Reporter] Rural nation, Michigan.
A minivan was passinga slow moving combine,
when a small figure appeared from nowhere.
- We both heard the tires screeching.
- Then I turned and looked
and Brendan was laying in the road.
First thought was fear.
- [Reporter] Richard and Jennifer Scott's
nine-year-old son Brendan,
was running across thestreet to the neighbors
when the minivan hit himat 45 miles per hour,
knocking him 75 feet down the road.
- His body looked pretty twisted.
- [Reporter] They arrivedto find his eyes open,
but unresponsive andblood coming from his ear.
- I immediately thoughthe was already gone.
- I just kept remindingBrendan that God has him.
Mom and dad are righthere and keep fighting.
- God, please don't take my baby.
That's, those were the only words.
- [Reporter] After calling 911,
Jennifer texted her church's prayer chain
with a simple message.
- Prayers Brendan.
And as soon as I hit send,
the comments started cominglike praying, praying
and a calm, really did come over me
because I knew God was working.
- [Reporter] Brendan wastaken to Sparrow Hospital
in Lansing, Michigan withboth legs and his jaw broken.
He also suffered a punctured lung,
a ruptured spleen and a brain hemorrhage.
Even then the mostlife-threatening concern
was the extensive bleeding from his liver.
Dr. Stephen Guertin wasone of several doctors
on Brendan's case.
- He was in desperate condition and,
the essential thing was toget to the operating room,
get into his abdomen and tryto get the bleeding stopped.
- [Reporter] With her son in surgery,
Jennifer reflected on how,
after many years ofpraying to have children,
she and Richard welcomedBrendan into the world.
Now with two more boysand two adopted girls,
they once again leanedon their faith in God
as their first born fought for his life.
- I was definitely scared.
I had to rely on him for the strength.
- I knew that Brendan was my miracle child
when I conceived him and hestill has miracles in him.
- [Reporter] In the OR the team was still
trying to stop the bleedingwhen Brendan's home stopped.
- He actually bled to deathin the operating room.
There was no more blood in his heart.
And so what they did was,
the surgeon literally tookthe heart in his hands,
and as the heart started tofill, he started squeezing it.
- [Reporter] By now more people
had joined the family in prayer
as the team continuedmassaging Brendan's heart.
But doctors knew that anyattempts after 20 minutes
would likely be futile.
- When they got to the20 minute mark or so,
people started to question,can we really go further?
Will it help him to go further?
And literally right at that moment,
his heart started againby itself, spontaneously.
- [Reporter] It was a win, buthis liver was still bleeding.
And Dr. Guertin gavethe parents little hope.
- I just didn't know if he could make it.
And his mother looked atme with this just certainty
that I was sort of surprised by,
and she said, no, you're wrong.
He's going to live.
- I couldn't let myself believethat anything but a miracle
was about to happen.
- [Reporter] And the Scotts say it did,
as doctors were able to stop the bleeding.
Now in the pediatric ICU,Brennan faced another fight.
With extensive head injuries,
doctors feared he wouldhave permanent brain damage.
- They said he might not make it
through the next couple of days.
- To see him laying there,fighting for his life
was just really hard.
- [Reporter] Meanwhile,
prayers continued topour in from everywhere.
- If it wasn't for the support,
I don't know how we would've made it
through the first night.
- The nine year old madeit through the night
and over the next few critical days,
they watched for positiveneurological signs.
Then on day five, Brendan woke up,
not only able to respondto verbal commands,
but a special touch from mom.
- He's never liked tohold my hand like this,
it's always.
And so whenever I would grab his hand
and I would hold on to it,
he would slowly get, itstarted with the pinky
and then eventually he just
would lace his fingers through mine,
and I just knew that he wastelling me, mom I'm here.
- I just couldn't believe it.
The fact that he was alive butalso the fact that he clearly
was with it, it was amazing.
- [Reporter] Brendan underwenta total of eight surgeries
during his four week stay in the hospital
before going to rehab.
But it only took three weeks,
not several months as doctorspredicted for him to go home.
- And they were like,we can't explain this,
and the body shouldn'tbe able to heal that fast
and you don't have to explain it to me,
I know where it's coming from.
- [Reporter] Within a few months,
he was back to running aroundand even riding his bike.
- I knew in my heart thatGod wouldn't take my child,
but even I didn't imagine thathe would restore him fully.
- He represents one of the best examples
I can think of in alifetime of doing this.
- [Reporter] other than the scars
and brief moments of memory loss,
Brendan shows no signsof long-term effects
from his injuries.
He and his family knowhe's a walking miracle
and a testament to the power of prayer.
- Bible says where two ormore to come to me in my name,
their prayers will be answered.
And we had countless numbersof prayers coming in.
- God actually does miracles.
- This just provedGod's willing to answer,
if you're willing to ask.
- God is willing to answer,if you are willing to ask.
Get that deep within you,
God is willing to answerif you are willing to ask.
Now here you have somethingabsolutely horrific,
which would be every parent's nightmare.
And you heard the mother,
as she's getting all these bad reports,
a peace settled over her
and the Bible calls that
the peace that passes all understanding,
where you know, God has your future
and you know, God is at work,
and you know that he is able
to work all things together for your good.
Those are amazing things,and miracle things.
The fact she had peace is a miracle.
The fact that Brendansurvived that first surgery
is a miracle.
The fact that he came out withno brain damage is a miracle.
The fact that he's a vibrant, healthy,
very energetic young man,
those are all miracles,
because God loves to do miracles.
What is he looking for?
Well, he's looking numberone for you to ask.
Then he's looking for yourheart to be loyal to him.
The eyes of the Lord, go toand fro over the whole earth
to show himself strong,
to those whose hearts are loyal to him,
hearts who are set on him.
So today we're going to pray.
As we get ready to pray,
we're going to read someother miracle reports,
but just get it set in your heart,
are you going to be loyal to him?
Are you going to start questioning
when the bad reports come in?
Brendan's mother's heart was loyal.
She had the peace thatpasses all understanding,
that in and of itself is a gift from God.
God wants to give this to you.
Get your heart, get the eyeof your soul set on Jesus,
look to him, he's the authorand the finisher of your faith.
Get set, and we're going to pray.
Now here's Emma on Facebook.
God healed me of threecancers at one time,
I have been cancer free for five years.
I could have died.
Thank you Jesus for saving me,loving me and holding me up.
- Well, then we receivedmore good news from YouTube,
Irasha writes,
God has restored myrelationship with my husband.
I thank God every single daythat he heard my prayers.
He saw my heartache and suffering
and now I am happy and at peace,
I will thank him untilthe very end of my life.
- All right, we're going to pray.
We're going to come into agreement.
The Bible says when two ormore agree touching anything,
it shall be done.
So let's rely on him,
let's be loyal to him
and he will show himself strong for you.
Lord, we lift up everyone in the audience
who is having disease, infirmity,
anyone who is at risk for losing a child,
anyone in a hospital,
anyone with COVID-19 or cancer,
anyone who is sufferingwith physical pain,
Lord we lift them all to you,
and we rely on you
and know that you area miracle working God.
We come to you with these requests
and we ask that you wouldstretch forth your hand
to do miracles, signs and wonders today.
Lord, just what you did with Brendan,
you raised him up from a hospital bed,
raise people up today,
for we ask it in Jesus name.
Terry God's given you something.
- Yeah, I believe that there are
many, many people right now,
who've been suffering fromchronic pain situations,
unending, incapable of finding an answer.
God is setting you free from that now,
you're just going to feel awarmth come over your body.
Tracy, you've been praying for release
from pain for a long time,
just receive it now,
put your hands up and beginto worship and thank the Lord.
- Someone with nerve painand it's chronic nerve pain
in your right cheek,
God is healing you rightnow in Jesus' name, Amen.
If you've been touched, letus know, give us a call,
Here's a word from Jeremiah.
I am the Lord, the God of all mankind.
Is there anything too hard for me?
(upbeat music)