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'Pig Book' Shows Even with America's $28 Trillion Debt, Congress Just Keeps Ladling Out Cash

'Pig Book' Shows Even with America's $28 Trillion Debt, Congress Just Keeps Ladling Out Cash Read Transcript

- [Paul] A number oflawmakers still concerned

about spending and deficits joined

in a virtual news conference to highlight

out of control spending they say

could eventually bankrupt America.

- There's dirty little secret in this town

and there's a consensus that says

spending and debt just don't matter.

- [Paul] The 2021 pig book highlights some

of Capital Hill's latestcases of wasteful spending.

$1.7 billion for 17 F-35 jet fighters

not even requested by the Pentagon;

$663,000 to help wipeout the brown tree snake;

$19.7 million handed over tothe East-West Center in Hawaii

though there was no formalbudget request for it.

Tom Schatz who overseesthe annual pig book

points out after a supposed10-year ban these wasteful

earmark projects havereturned, but in disguise.

- The new earmarks are calledcommunity project funding,

an absurd designation thatcovers almost everything

that the government does.

- [Paul] Senator Rand Paulpoints out the pig book says

these pork barrel projectsare back with a vengeance.

- It highlights 285 earmarkscosting $16.8 billion.

- For far too long, earmarks had been used

as a form of legal bribery,enabling party bosses

to pass irresponsible andbloated spending that has

ballooned government spending and added

to our staggering $28trillion national debt.

- [Paul] And they warn thatmuch worse is still ahead

thanks to President Biden'smassive infrastructure bill.

- Two-trillion plus, plus, plus.

The number keeps growing.

- [Paul] Only about 6%will go for things like

roads and bridges, while therest covers a wide range.

- On silly things like asquirrel sanctuary in Tennessee

or turtle tunnels in Florida,

and critter crossings in Vermont.

- [Paul] Paul Strand,CBN News, Washington.

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