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President Biden's Massive Infrastructure Plan Faces Stiff Resistance

President Biden's Massive Infrastructure Plan Faces Stiff Resistance Read Transcript

- The president's massiveinfrastructure plan

faces stiff resistancein the months ahead.

Republicans calling it abig liberal spending agenda

that comes with major tax hikes,

while on the left, progressiveDemocrats are demanding

even more money to tacklethings like climate change.

President Biden says he's opento negotiating the details

of the two trillion dollarplus package; however...

- Here's what we won't be open to.

We will not be open to doing nothing.

Inaction simply is not an option.

- [George] While theplan calls for spending

around $820 billion on roads, bridges,

railways, airports, and power grids,

there's also massive amounts of money

going to projects that Republicans say

isn't related to infrastructure,

like $400 billion for carefor the elderly and disabled.

- This package that they'velaid out at the beginning,

styled infrastructure, is a Trojan horse

for massive tax increasesand a whole lot of more debt

and a whole lot of spending.

- [George] Republicanssay that extra spending

coming from Democratsstretching the definition

of infrastructure.

New York's DemocraticSenator Kirsten Gillibrand

getting flak after she tweeted

that, "Paid leave is infrastructure.

Child care is infrastructure.

Caregiving is infrastructure."

Republicans like Ted Cruz pushing back.

"Abortion is infrastructure.

Gun control is infrastructure.

Forced unionization is infrastructure.

Whatever the left wants isinfrastructure," Cruz tweeted.

Politico estimated thatonly about 37% of the bill

will be spent on what thepresident himself defines

as infrastructure projects.

The president defending theamount of spending in the bill.

- I've heard from my Republican friends,

say that it's, may ofthem say it's too big.

They say, "Why not focus ontraditional infrastructure?"

We are America.

We don't just fix for today.

We build for tomorrow.

- [George] The presidentwants to fund his agenda

by raising the corporate tax rate to 28%,

rolling back former PresidentTrump's 2017 tax cuts,

and expanding the globalminimum tax rate to 21%.

Republican lawmakers andbusiness groups argue

the hikes will crushAmerican competitiveness.

- What the president proposed this week

is not an infrastructure bill.

It's a huge tax increase, for one thing,

and it's a tax increaseon small businesses,

on job creators in theUnited States of America.

- [George] Democrats hoping to use

a budget reconciliation process

to bypass Republican opposition

got a major setback fromone of their very own today.

West Virginia Senator JoeManchin, a key Democrat,

said, under no circumstances,would he support passing

bills like the infrastructure one

without Republican support.

"I simply do not believebudget reconciliation

should replace regularorder in the Senate,"

Manchin wrote in "The Washington Post."

"Senate Democrats mustavoid the temptation

to abandon our Republican colleagues

on important national issues."

George Thomas, CBN News.


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