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Report: Biden Administration Considers Restarting Trump's Wall Construction to Fill in 'Gaps'

Report: Biden Administration Considers Restarting Trump's Wall Construction to Fill in 'Gaps' Read Transcript

- And here with us now isCongresswoman Kat Cammack,

Republican lawmaker from Florida.

Congresswoman, thank youso much for joining us.

So you are on theSouthern border right now

examining the situation firsthand.

What have you found?

- Well, what I've seenis just unconscionable.

It is the most heartbreakinghumanitarian crisis

that I've ever seen in my lifetime.

And what I saw justyesterday was five year olds,

six year olds walking upto border patrol agents

out of the brush.

It's unconscionable really.

There's no other word.

You get so upset and you want to cry,

but then you get so angry

because this is a manmade disaster

from the lack of leadershipthat we have in Washington.

I saw and spoke with young girls who

have taken 17, 20 day journeys

from Guatemala, Honduras, up through,

being escorted by cartels.

Their parents have paid $6,000

and when they're struggling to speak

we asked the border patrol agents

why they're having a hard time speaking.

And it's because they've lost their voice

from screaming becausethey had been raped.

It is unconscionable whatwe are seeing down here.

This is a humanitarian crisis.

This is a national security crisis.

And we are encouraging this

through the policies ofthe Biden administration.

This is human traffickinghappening right in front of us.

And if you are a six year old,

you are being trafficked back and forth,

used as a pawn by the cartels.

- So I understand youwent on a walking tour

to see the currentoperations at the border.

What was that experience like?

What did you see on that walking tour?

- So what we've seen is acouple of different things.

The wall, for example.

The wall constructionhas stopped completely.

In this sector alone, theRio Grande Valley sector,

which is the busiest one

as far as apprehensions,narcotics, smuggling happening,

they were allocated a bit,a little over $2 billion

for 110 miles of border wall back in 2017.

To date, they only have23 miles completed.

And of that 23 miles,

only three miles has thetechnology that has the sensors,

the cameras, and the lights as part of it.

There's gaps everywhere.

And because of the humanitarian crisis

they have taken the 900border patrol agents

that would be in the field apprehending

and turning people around,

they're now in the Donnafacility and elsewhere

basically glorified babysitters

trying to manage thehumanitarian crisis with all

of the unaccompanied minorsthat have come across.

The border wall, it works.

I have talked to dozens of agents

and they say we need the wall,please resume construction.

And the most egregious thing of this,

is that we're stillpaying the contractors.

- So we're told you also toured

a migrant processing facility.

Was that the Donna facility?

- Yeah, so we saw both the Donna facility

where they are processing children

and families but we also saw Tops.

Tops is literally a bridge.

And then underneath that bridge

it's construction wiring

and barricades that they have put together

kind of like a nightmareDisneyland of sorts

where illegals can come right up,

self-report basicallyjust walk up and say,

Hey I'm an unaccompanied minor

and I'm supposed to turn myself in,

I just crossed the river.

And they get processed.

And then they get turned over to an NGO.

And then the NGO pays fora bus ticket to go anywhere

in the United States that they want to go.

They are just completely overwhelmed.

And this is happening withfacilities all along the border.

The conditions are as bestas the border patrol agents

can make them.

Customs and border patrolhas done a phenomenal job

with the limited resources that they have.

But at the end of the day,

these folks are not hereto be babysitting children.

They are here to be protecting our borders

and we are are being distracted

by this humanitariancrisis that's happening.

Meanwhile, narcotics are flowing

at a rate of 5000% increasefrom just last year.

- So let me ask you this.

You know, we see this situationreally worsening by the day.

We see some of these images.

Hear horrific stories.

Congresswoman, what doyou think is the solution?

- The solution really is implementing

what the Trump administrationhad put in place.

Something as simple as a queue.

Establishing a queue where people coming

across a legal port of entry.

If that goes away, which it's currently

being litigated right now assomething that should go away.

If that goes away, we're goingto see thousands, thousands

of illegal migrants, tryingto basically rush to get

across that single whiteline onto US territory

because then that automaticallytriggers a process.

With a queue, it's orderly,and it allows customs

and border patrol toallocate their resources

to narcotics detection, to the smuggling.

We have gang members,terrorist watch list folks

that are coming across.

These are the things thatborder patrol agents need

to be focusing their resources on

not processing unaccompanied minors,

who are being brought over bythe cartels by the thousands.

- Well, CongresswomanKat Cammack of Florida

we appreciate you beingwith us this evening.

Thank you so much.

- Thank you.


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