- Well, welcome folks to "The 700 Club".
Pure bedlam at the border.
Waves of immigrants droppedevery day on US solo
by smugglers and the drug cartels,
little children's sex traffickedand unimaginable suffering
and overflowing detention centers.
Can anything stop the madness?
CBN's Tara Mergener has just returned
from the Rio Grande Valley
with a firsthand look atthis explosive crisis.
- Given what they seefrom a front row seat,
many tell us they have no confidence
the Biden administrationwill stop the humanitarian
or national security crisisalready out of control.
- It's beyond, you know, a border crisis.
- [Tara] And Myra Floresbelieves many South Texas voters,
Republican and Democratare furious about it.
- We're talking about child trafficking
and we're seeing thatthe cartel and smugglers
are making billions.
And this is the same organization
that is terrorizing also Mexico.
This doesn't benefit anyone.
- [Tara] During our eightdays at the Rio Grande Valley
we caught a closeup glimpse
of what's troubling so many here,
waves of migrants droppedon USA soil each day
by the smugglers and drug cartels
they pay thousands ofdollars for what they believe
is their only chance ofopportunity and survival.
(sirens blaring)
Latest data from Customsand Border Protection shows
some 171,000 migrants in March,
five times more than just a year ago.
This as White House presssecretary, Jen Psaki,
again downplays the situation here.
The latest when asked aboutthe possibility of terrorists
sneaking into the country.
- Encounters of knownand suspected terrorists
are very uncommon.
- [Tara] As theadministration plays defense,
this new poll shows 40% of Americans
disapprove of Biden's response
while just 24% approve.
Detention facilities continue to overflow.
At this one in Dona,
the numbers reportedly expanded six fold
in a matter of days.
- Every facility we havealong the Southwest border
is over capacity right now.
(boat engine revving)
- [Tara] Other critics like Raul Cruz
who live along the river,blame president Biden
for rolling back Trumpimmigration policies
he insists we're working.
- They're getting processedand then released,
it's not due to Border Patrol's fault,
they're out there doing their job.
It's due to the new Bidenadministration's policy,
the 100 day no deportationthat's going on.
- We're told it takes aboutthree hours of paperwork
for every migrant that comes through
as agents rush to quickly process it all,
record numbers are beingreleased without court dates
that would require them to face a judge.
In Washington, I'm TaraMergener, CBN News.
- It's a crisis,
but the Biden administrationwon't acknowledge it.
What they're trying to do
is to just redo whatever Trump did.
They've got to rebuild the border wall,
they've got to finish that construction.
They've got to stopthese people coming in.
They've got to say clearly,
you are not welcome tocome into our country
unless you come in legally,but they haven't done it.
And so there's a flood ofpeople, we're being overwhelmed
and they will not acknowledge it.
They hold this,
somehow it's it's a failed narrative
that they're going to fix it.
They haven't fixed anythingand they must work.
They've got to make astatement and stop this.
Well in other news, revivingthe Iran nuclear deal,
that's president Biden's goal.
So what does Israel have to say about it?
Efrem Graham has more.
- Pat, the United Statesand Iran have started talks
aimed at restarting theIranian nuclear deal.
As Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem,
some fear, this development
will ultimately help Iran inits quest for nuclear weapons.
- [Chris] The announcementcame as four of the five powers
who signed the 2015 nuclear deal
met with Iranian officials in Vienna.
Mediators arrange to work ingroups for the US and Iran.
One would discuss removing sanctions
imposed by former President Trump,
and the other would discussIran's enrichment of uranium.
President Trump pulled outof the deal in May, 2018,
but President Biden made it
one of his foreign policy priorities
to reenter the nuclear agreement.
- We know these will be tough talks.
We know there will bedifficult discussions ahead
but again, this is a healthy step forward.
It's a healthy step forward because
it allows us to moveforward with what we see
as the only path to achievewhat President Biden
and as a candidate,candidate Biden laid out.
And that is a mutual return to compliance.
- [Chris] Since Biden became president,
Iran began enrichinguranium to one step below
weapons grade uranium.
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu
warned about reentering the agreement.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- [Translator] We must not go back
to the dangerous nuclear deal with Iran,
because a nuclear Iran
is an existential threatto the state of Israel,
and a great threat to thesecurity of the entire world.
- [Chris] Others warn, itgives in to Iran demands.
- The most expedient way toget a crisis with Iran over
is to pay Iran's extortion racket.
It's essentially a policy of appeasement,
which allows you to atleast get the crisis
off the front burner,
kick the can down the road
until such time as Iranstarts asking for more money
or begins to escalate again.
- [Chris] For weeks Iran andthe US had been at a stalemate.
The US said it wants Iranto reduce uranium enrichment
before lifting sanctions,
while Iran demanded theUS lift all sanctions
before reducing enrichment.
In Israel, many believe the agreement
accelerates Iran's roadto nuclear weapons.
Already this year, the IDF chief of staff
and Israel's defense minister
had threatened military action
if they see Iran gettingclose to a nuclear bomb.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Naturally, this is raising concern
throughout the Middle East, Pat.
- Without question Israel is going to have
to take a preemptive attackagainst those nuclear facilities
because the Iranians have made it clear
they will destroy Israeland they do not hesitate
to use a nuclear weapon to make it happen.
Israel cannot permit it.
So what's going to happen?
There will be war.
If we continue this policy that's the,
of appeasement of those models,
we cannot do that,
but if we do, it will invitea Middle East war, Efrem.
- Pat, turning now tocontinuing controversy
over Major League Baseball's decision
to move the All-Star gamefrom Atlanta to Denver
over Georgia's new election law.
Tuesday President Joe Biden, again,
referring to the law as racist.
- It is reassuring to see that
for-profit operations and businesses
are speaking up about how
these new Jim Crow laws
are just antithetical to who we are.
- [Efrem] Meanwhile, critics point out
there is no real differencebetween election laws
in Colorado and Georgia.
Both States allow early voting
with Georgia actually allowingmore days than Colorado.
Both states have voter ID laws,
and both states allowno-excuse mail in voting.
With that, some arecalling for corporations
and the Biden administration
to pull out of the 2022Beijing Olympic Games,
over China's human rights abuses, Pat.
- You know, it's shocking
when the president of the United States
deliberately misstates the case.
And to say this is Jim Crow onsteroids is just outrageous.
There are many, manystates that ask for an ID
when you go to get registered.
Here in Virginia,
you've got to show me thatyou are who you claim to be,
they want to check you off the road
when you give them the,your driver's license,
or some proof of identification.
The Georgia law is no different at all
than what they have in Delaware.
And the president of the United States
is deliberately misinterpreting that law.
Why he's doing it we don't know,
but what he is doingis hurting businesses,
and the interesting thing about Georgia
is almost 50% African-Americanin the population,
and so who were being hurt?
Small businesses in Georgia
that president Biden issupposed to be protecting.
He's supposed to be thepresident of all of us,
instead of that, he'sstirring up racial strife
that is totally unnecessary.
But that's what we're dealing with,
an operation, a presidentwho does not tell the truth,
- Pat, CBS's "60 Minutes"is coming under fire
from Florida Democratsover a story suggesting
Republican governor RonDeSantis gave a campaign donor
priority to distribute vaccines.
The story suggesting DeSantischose to distribute vaccines
through Publix Pharmacies
because it made a $100,000contribution to his campaign.
That narrative sparking a swift rebuke
from two Democraticofficials in the state,
the Director of the state'sDivision of Emergency Management
calling the insinuation ofpay for play, pure malarkey
tweeting, period, full stop.
No one from the governor'soffice suggested Publix
Palm Beach Mayor Dave Kerner
issued a statement accusing"60 Minutes" of putting out
quote, intentionally false information.
On Fox News DeSantis said the report
left out his full explanationof why Publix was chosen.
- They edited out all the key facts.
I gave a very detailed two minute response
at the press conference.
The reason why Palm Beachwanted to do Publix,
they have 65 Publix and90% of their seniors
live within a mile and a half.
And so we are in a situationwhere that was very convenient
and it made a lot of sense.
CBS cut that out and they acted like
we weren't trying tomake it widely available.
- CBS defended the story
saying it routinely editsfootage for clarity, Pat.
- Folks, you got tounderstand what the game is.
The Democrats right now do nothave a public figure to run.
Biden cannot possibly have another term.
There is no way that a manof that mental capacity
can run again for office.
So who do the Democrats have?
They have a failed governor in California,
they have a failed governor in New York.
So who is the champion?
They don't have one.
So who is the Republican champion?
Well, DeSantis is coming outas one of the great governors
and what he is doing is amazing,
what he has done in Florida,just simply amazing.
So what do the Democrats want to do?
What does the liberal media want to do?
They want to tear him down,
so he cannot be aappropriate standard bearer
for the Republican Party.
And so this hit piece byCBS was just outrageous.
I mean, they cannot pose any longer
as a legitimate news source.
With that hit piece, it was so outrageous
to claim that he's using public markets,
as a pale for campaign contributions.
I mean, even the Democrats in Florida
are saying this was outrageous,but that's the game.
They want to destroy anybody
who will stand againsttheir liberal agenda,
and you and I,
and the rest of Americanscan't let it happen, Efrem.
- Pat, more Americans are gettingtheir COVID-19 vaccination
setting a new record of 4million vaccines in a single day.
As Charlene Aaron shows us,
the president is nowmoving up the deadline
to make the shots available to all.
- President Biden is bumpingup his deadline by two weeks
for states to make all adults in the US,
eligible for COVID vaccines.
But even as he expressed optimism
about the pace of vaccinations
health officials warn
the nation is not out of the woods yet.
The president cheering people
for getting their shots Tuesday
as he visited a vaccinationsite in Virginia.
Later at the White House,
moving up the vaccinationeligibility deadline
to April 19th.
- Every part of this country,
every adult over the age of 18 or older
will be eligible to be vaccinated.
No more confusing rules,
no more confusing restrictions.
- [Charlene] Nearly 42% of all adults
have received at leastone dose of the vaccine,
including 80% of teachers,
school staff and childcare workers.
Indiana recently joined agrowing number of states,
easing restrictions,lifting mask mandates.
Still health officials urge caution,
fearful of a possible fourth wave.
But according to data fromJohn Hopkins University,
nearly half of thenation's new COVID-19 cases
are concentrated in just five States.
The CDC blames highlytransmissible variants
that are affecting mostlyyoung adults and children,
as well as youth participation in sports
and other group activities.
- We are learning that manyoutbreaks in young people
are related to youth sportsand extracurricular activities.
According to CDC guidance,
these activities should be limited.
- Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci says
the federal governmentwill not require Americans
to get so-called vaccine passports
to prove they'd gotten shots.
Governors in Florida and Texashave signed executive orders
banning vaccine passports.
Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- Country inching closerto herd immunity, Pat.
- Well, you know, I'vetold you the other day
on Friday I got the J&J one shot vaccine.
I didn't even have a sorespot where they gave it,
I've had absolutely noill effects whatsoever,
and it'd be good if you could get it.
And I think it's gotta be made available,
but let's not again turnthis country over to Fauci
and his gang of socialists,
who want keep you from doing anything.
After two weeks when you'vehad one of those shots
you should be able to go out among people,
you're not going to be,
you will neither infect them
nor will they be able to infect you.
Coronavirus has been a terrible thing,
we have overreacted to it,we've handled it wrong,
but nevertheless,
we're all coming out on the other side,
and for that, I thank the Lord.