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700 Club Interactive - April 7, 2021

Harold's 6-year-old daughter was killed in a hit and run accident. he chose to forgive the killer, he now teaches others about the power of forgiveness. Read Transcript

(techno upbeat intro music plays)

- Well, welcome to the show.

Thanks for joining us today.

We're going to talk about abortion.

Pro-life or pro-choice,

it's an issue that continuesto divide Americans.

Part of the problem is the propagation

of myths surrounding abortion.

- So what are the liesthat the abortion industry

doesn't want you to know

about the 62 millionbabies lost to abortion?

Paul Strand reports.

- One of the toughest battles for people

against abortion is addressing assertions

around the issue that maketaking a life more acceptable.

(baby giggles)

Like for instance, that alife doesn't really begin

'till a baby's outside the womb.

- This idea that, before the baby's born

and nothing's really happening,

it's basically nothing.

And then all of a sudden, poof and birth,

(newly-born baby crying)

we have a baby.

- [Paul] In her book The Choice,

Danielle D'Souza Gill takes

on what she calls myths accepted as fact.

She points to the actualfact, there's much more

than nothing the first few weeks, writing,

"In the first trimester alone,

the baby's toes, fingernails,bendable elbows, nose,

head, hormones, and heartbeat develop."

There's a myth womenaren't wounded by abortion.

Michelle Shelfer takes thaton her book Prepare a Room.

- [Michelle] "The blow to awoman's identity that occurs

with abortion can be likened

to a race horse that loses a leg,

an athlete who suffers a disabling injury,

or an artist who goes blind,

except that we did it to ourselves."

- [Paul] Brandi Swindell opened

a pro-life pregnancy center next

to a planned parenthood clinic.

- All the studies show,

and all the stories show,from heartfelt women,

that they have been deeply-woundedby abortion violence.

Abortion is a violentact on a woman's body.

And of course we know it takes the life

of that innocent child.

- We suffer not onlythe loss of our child,

but the loss of ourselves as mothers.

- [Paul] Some pro-choicetypes assert fathers-to-be,

and really all men, should be taken

out of the equation altogether.

- They want to make it really just

between the woman and the abortionist.

- [Paul] Author SteveKarlin of 40 Days for Life

says no.

- Every child that I'veever met has both a mother

and a father, and half of thevictims of abortion in terms

of the babies are male babies.

And so, I think it'sdisingenuous for those

in the culture that tried to claim

that this is a women's issue only.

- [Paul] Another myth isthe unborn may be human,

but they aren't persons,

with the rights all people naturally have.

- And this goes down toreally their very existence,

and their varied ability to live or die.

- [Paul] In her book, she writes,

"This is the justification the Nazis used,

claiming that Jews arehumans but not persons."

"This is the justificationused for slavery,

claiming that blacks arehumans, but not persons.

- When the myths and falsehoodsof abortion are ripped away,

society must then copewith a devastating truth.

That abortion takes the lifeof a person just as real

as you are or I am.


- Well, Paul, let's talk about

men suffering whenthey're party to abortion.

What, what's the, whatare the facts behind that?

- Yeah, the truth is that, you know,

men have as much of aconscience as women do.

And this is, this goesright to the core of,

of what's in a man to be a father.

When you rip that away, thatreally goes to his very core.

One of those authors told me

that it's a, when a woman does this

to a man that doesn't let himhave any part in the decision,

it's like emasculating him.

It's basically saying, youknow, you're not really a man.

You don't get to be a father.

And also many of them suffer.

There was one guy that was,

that was interviewed for this story.

He talked about how he, hewanted to just jump off a bridge.

He wanted to commit suicide all the time.

He thought he mightdrink himself to death.

Another talked about havingnightly nightmares of this woman

and this beautiful littlegirl in the distance.

And all he wanted to dowas hug that little girl.

And he knew that that wasthe child that was aborted

by a former girlfriend.

So, you know, men are human.

They hurt.

- Yeah, definitely.

Well, how have developments in science

and technology helped debunk some

of the myths surrounding abortion?

- You know, that's interesting.

Way back in 1973,

when the Supreme Courtdoes, decided Roe V.

Wade, this was, the biggest question

of all was,

"When is a child viable?"

"When is it actually a person?"

And there just wasn't enough science.

But now with things likeultrasound, where you see,

you know, all the way back tothe beginnings of this child

and you can see the, theforming like within days.

And it, it's, it definitelyhas given us that thing,

that this really is a human.

And when women see that ultrasound,

when they're given that choice to see it,

some 80, 90% of the time,

they change their mind.

They say, "That's my baby."

Even hearing the heartbeatoften that makes a woman turn

around and say, "I'mnot going to do this."

So science has led us moreand more see that thing.

Also, the fact that they cannow operate so much younger

than they used to, they canoperate on, well, what they say

at some hospitals isthere they are operating

on a 21-week-old baby

and saving its life whilejust down another hall,

they're aborting ones thatare just the same age.

- Well, talk about theprogress we're making.

Yeah, I think we can all agree

that we want a culture wheremothers want their children

and, and want to love their children.

So what progress are we making

and becoming a more pro-life culture?

- Well, one of the mostinteresting things is

we see the numbers risingamong young people,

that more and more of themare becoming pro-life.

Fewer and fewer of themwant to abort their babies.

And the number of abortionshas gone way down.

It was more than a million and a half

not that many years ago.

Now it's down around 900,000or so, which is, you know,

it's bad, but that's a big drop.

There was something like2,500 abortion facilities

in the country.

Now, there's less than 700.

So there is some progressbeing made, but I fear

that so much on theother side is happening.

Like right now, you havean administration that's

pushing, funding of abortion,where every American has to,

you know, throw their taxpayer dollars

into making this happen.

And the more that youmake something legal,

that you tell society,

"This is something worth us paying

for it,"

it gets it into people's consciousness,

consciousness that, you know,this is, this is outright

and this is something right to do or else,

why would it be legal?

So I fear that other side.

- I do too.

But at the same time,

you look at the ultrasound, you can't help

but think that's a baby.

Paul, thanks for joining us.

You can always get thelatest on that story and more

when you download the CBSNews Channel app today.


- All right.

Well, coming up.

What could you say

to the man who killedyour child and then tried

to hide his guilt?

Watch as this father tracks down

the man responsible for hissix-year-old daughter's death.

What did he say when he found them?

And why was it so shocking?

You'll find out right after this.

(serious upbeat transition music plays)

"Turn yourself in."

That was the desperateplea from Harold McDonald.

A hit-and-run driver had killedhis six-year-old daughter.

So did Harold want to, wantthe killer to come clean

in order to punish him?

No, Harold wanted to forgive him.

- [Narrator] On January 16th, 1996,

Harold McDonald was running errands

when he received a phonecall no parent wants to get.

- A pastor had told meto rush to the hospital

because Shawny had been in an accident.

- By the time Haroldarrived at the hospital,

his six-year-old daughter,

Shantaya, whom he affectionatelycalled Shawny, had died.

(soft sad melancholic music plays)

- I couldn't believe it.

It's like something punched me

in the gut and took thelife out of me because,

(Harold's hand slapping one another)

that's all I had.

- [Narrator] Harold, who had sole custody

of his daughter, learnedshe had dropped a picture

she had drawn for him in the street.

When she went back topick it up, a car hit her,

leaving her with fatal injuries.

In his pain and grief,Harold turned his focus

toward the driver who never stopped.

- I wanted to be pleasing toGod, and whatever I can do

to be that example, Iwas willing to do it.

Even if it hurts, Iwas willing to forgive.

- [Narrator] By now,the heartbreaking story

of Shawny's death had hit the local news.

What touched the communityeven more was Harold's response

when reporters asked if he had a message

for the person responsible fortaking his daughter's life.

- I pleaded with him, to turn his self in.

And I said,

"I love you,"

"And God loves you."

The next day, MandrelSweeney turned himself

into the police.

Harold didn't press charges.

The young man was chargedwith the misdemeanor

for leaving the scene of anaccident and released on bond.

The following day, Haroldvisited Mandrel at his home.

- And here this young guy,18 years old, and said,

"Harold, I am so sorry. I didn't see."

"I didn't see yourbaby. I didn't see her."

"I, I, I was going too fast,"

"And would you please forgive me?"

As I extended forgiveness to Mandrel,

Mandrel begin to just cry

And he came, and he hugged me,

and I had the opportunityto, to pray with him.

Forgiveness wasn't for Mandrel.

It was for me.

And it started the processof healing instantly.

- [Narrator] More than 500 people gathered

at Shawny's funeral.

- I was an example to ourcommunity, on how to forgive,

how to give grace, how tolove, how to just let it go.

- [Narrator] A year later,Harold fulfilled his dream

and opened his barbershop.

As he emerged as a strongpillar in the community,

he was still grieving thedeath of his daughter.

- (indistinct) wake up where I would dream

that she was here with me.

And the prayers I would pray is just,

"God help me. Lord, help me."

- [Narrator] By thenHarold's story and gesture

of forgiveness had fadedfrom the public eye,

yet some still remembered.

One was Dalonika, who recalls talking

to Harold in his shop about his daughter

- That man who was ontelevision, his personality,

his, his ability to forgive,

I, I felt like he was justunreal as a, as a person.

- [Narrator] That starteda friendship that led

to their marriage three years later.

During that time, Dalonika saw

on a deeper level the griefher husband was going through.

- He still hurt. Did he forgive?

He, he had nothing butgood to say about Mandrel.

There was no denial

that Harold loved thisman with a God-like love.

- [Narrator] Haroldbelieves that forgiveness,

along with Dalonika's prayers and support,

brought healing and anend to the nightmares.

- The type of life that I would be living,

if I would not have forgivenMandrel, would have been a life

of pain, life of revenge,and life of anger.

And I would not have met my wife.

But because of it, I'm able tolive in the fullness of life.

- [Narrator] On January 16th, 2021,

as they've done for years,the family released balloons

to remember Shawny's life.

One balloon for each year.

- Releasing the balloons issignificant of releasing love,

and peace, and joy, and happiness.

And this is what I believe

that Shawny was on this Earth for.

- [Narrator] Ever since,Harold found his own healing

from grief.

He gives people in his barber'schair more than a haircut.

He offers counsel to thosestruggling with forgiveness.

The couple also have a weekly radio show

where they minister to married couples.

They also co-authored abook on Harold's journey

of forgiveness that ledto his total healing.

- Let God heal your heart.

And it doesn't matterif it's seven times 77.

Give it back to God and say,

"I choose to forgive,"

and trust God to heal you.

- God can heal you.

And He can set you free

from all the struggle, allthe pain, all the heartache.

You got to trust that God got it.

- Yeah. You've got totrust that God's got it.

And oftentimes, most of the time,

pretty much every time,when you forgive somebody,

you're not just doing it for that person.

You're doing it for yourself.

And you heard Haroldhimself talk about that.

When he chose to forgivethe man who killed

his six-year-old daughter,

he said it wasn't just for that person.

It was for himself, andit instantly set him free.

And it instantly startedthe process of healing.

That's what Harold said.

He was able to forgivethe man who accidentally

killed his six-year-old baby girl,

because of the love of God,

because of the forgivenessthat our Father God gave him,

and gives me, and gives you.

And I love to think backto Jesus on the cross.

Jesus was dying on thecross and He prayed,

"Father, forgive them forthey know not what they do."

He prayed to His HeavenlyFather to forgive His accusers,

to forgive the men who tortured Him,

to forgive the people whowere mocking Him in the crowd

as He was dying on the cross

He prayed for His enemies,

and He chose to forgive them.

And even more powerful than that,

it is because of thebloodshed of Jesus Christ,

the blood that was pouredout for you and for me,

that God is able to forgive us

of our iniquities towards Him.

So if God is able forgiveus, if Jesus Christ himself,

was able to forgive thevery people that sent Him

to the cross to die avery brutal, brutal death

for you and me,

we need to forgive otherswho cross us, who offend us.

We live in a world whereoffense has just run rampant,

but the love of God gives usthe opportunity to forgive.

So if you are watching rightnow, and you have unforgiveness

in your heart, today isthe day to release yourself

from bitterness and offense.

Because when you hold unforgiveness,

that's what you're, you're...

You are in bondage.

You are in bondage withbitterness and offense,

and that's not what God has for you.

That's not the life thatHe wants you to live.

He wants you to live in freedom.

And when you choose to forgive others,

you are living in freedom,

the freedom that God has given us

through His Son, Jesus Christ.

So if you feel thatunforgiveness right now,

I believe the Holy Spiritis moving in hearts

and minds right now.

Yield to that. Yield to that today.

And pray with me to forgivethose who have hurt you

intentionally or unintentionally.

Pray with me right now, friend.

Father God,

I confess my unforgiveness, Lord.

And I ask in the name ofJesus that you forgive me

of my unforgiveness towards others, Lord.

And by an act of my will,

I choose to forgivethose who have hurt me,

who have crossed me,

who have offended me intentionallyor unintentionally, Lord.

I choose to forgive them.

Lord release me from the bondageof bitterness and offense.

And Lord, I ask for abaptism of Your love.

I pray that the loveof God floods my heart,

so that I am able to abound and love,

and treat others in love, God.

I thank You for the healingthat You're bringing me

in my heart, and in my mind,in my spirit right now, God.

Thank You, Lord, for theforgiveness of my sins.

Jesus, thank You for whatYou did on that cross.

I pray all of this in YourMighty and Holy Name, Jesus.

Amen and amen.

And if you just, you justprayed that prayer with me,

Please give us a call at 1-800-700-7000.

We actually have some resources for you

that's just going tohelp you continue to move

and operate in forgiveness.


- Well, still to come.

Efrem Graham shares the answerto the burning question.

"Are there any Christians in Hollywood?"

That's right after this.

(exciting mellow upbeat music plays)

Oh, spring is in the air,and so our allergies.

(Ashley chuckles)

But Hollywood is also opening up.

Celebrities are telling theirCOVID vaccinations stories

and Justin Bieber took advantage

of the Holy Week to bringthe world some encouragement

of his own.

- Plus, we get an insidelook at the reopening

of one of broads, Broadway'smost loved theaters.

Here's Efrem Graham withthis week's top five stories

from Studio 5.

(brief transition effect rolls)

- [Narrator 2] At number five,

- Our team has been special.

Last two years, winningthis team in the power five,

we've been really, really good.

And they're, they're even better people.

- [Efrem] Coach cuts through,and the Baylor Bears still

celebrating the NCAA collegebasketball championship,

beating previously undefeatedGonzaga Monday, 86 to 70.

with Jared Butler being

the final four's most outstanding player.

- Our Lord and Savior,I say it all the time.

You know, He gets us through everything.

Jesus Christ, man.

He's the truth.

And He was with us tonight.

He's with us all season.

He's (indistinct) wherever wego and He just sustained us.

You know, He brought us together.

He brought this team together,

transfers, people from(indistinct) overseas.

I can't, it's just tremendous.

I, it just comes, and itcomes off full circle.

And it's just amazing, man.

(brief transition effect rolls)

- [Narrator 2] At number four,

- Fans of Justin Biebergot an Easter surprise.

(one of Justin Bieber'slatest songs plays)

The Canadian singerreleased a six-track album

called Freedom, notifyingfans on Instagram.

The Beliebers were shocked bythe drop of the new release,

because the 16-track Justice album

came out just two weeks ago.

(one of Bieber's songs plays)

Justice debuted in first place last week

on the Billboard 200 album chart.

This week, it's in second.

(one of Justin Bieber'slatest songs plays)

- [Efrem] Bieber's surprise Gospel EP

includes collaborations withhis pastor, Judah Smith,

worship leader, Chandler Moore,

and recording artist, Tori Kelly.

(Bieber's Freedom plays)

♪ Freedom, going to feel good. ♪

(brief transition effect rolls)

- [Narrator 2] At number three,

it's the Mitchell family.

(The Mitchell's vs.The Machines OST plays)

- I'm Katie.

I'm sort of a weirdo.

My parents haven't figured me out yet.

To be fair, it took me awhile to figure myself out.

My brother, also weird.

- Hi, would you like totalk to me about dinosaurs?

No? Okay, thank you.

- And my mom.

- Katie-faced cupcakes.

(Katie shouts in horror)

- All of us really.

- (indistinct) put our phones down,

and we can make 10 seconds

of unobstructed family eye contact.

Starting now.

(loud tabletop banging)(sick guitar riff plays)

See, this is good righthere. This is natural.

- [Efrem] The quirky clan whobecomes unlikely superheroes

on a road trip to save theworld from a robot apocalypse.

It's a Studio 5 first lookat the animated adventure

The Mitchell's vs. The Machines,

ahead of its April 30threlease on Netflix.

- We're the last people left?

It's with us, to save the world.

- Katie, we're gonna do this together.

Mitchell family on three,

(Mitchell family chatters in confusion)



Mitchell family!

(brief transition effect rolls)

- [Narrator 2] At number two,

(Mariah Carey taking a video)

Mariah Carey just got herfirst COVID-19 vaccine.

That's her from a videoof the moment she posted

to her Instagram, along with a plea

for everyone to follow her example.

(Mariah Carey advises)

With that plea, MariahCarey joins the growing list

of celebrities

sharing their COVIDvaccine experience online,

hoping to encouragetheir fans and followers

to take the shot.

(brief transition effect rolls)

- [Narrator 2] At number one,

- I love theater.

I can't explain it.

It's just when I have tickets

to a show, it lifts my whole day.

- [Efrem] That's actor, Nathan Lane,

back on stage Saturday,where the neon lights

of Broadway's famed St. JamesTheatre were lit up again

after being out for more than a year

because of the pandemic.

- It made me very emotional.

I'm an actor myself.

So it's been a year, over a year

since I've been on stage,and just to sit down

in the theater was just astonishing.

It felt really good.

Of course, it's socially distant

and everybody was really careful,

but it was amazing to be part

of it.

Really amazing.

(Savion Glover performing on-stage)

- [Efrem] World-renowned tap dancer

Savion Glover alsoperformed for the small mass

and socially distancecrowd at this pop-up event.

(audience applauding)

- All right.

Well with us now is Efrem Graham.

And Efrem, welcome back to the show.

- Thank you to have,thank you for having me.

- Of course.

Well, we got to talk aboutthe famous St. James Theatre

on Broadway has officially reopened.

A huge milestone forthe entertainment world.

What more can you tell us about it?

- Well, there actuallyis going to be a series

of 300 pop-up events thatyou can't buy a ticket,

(Efrem chuckles)

you can't find out in advance.

You just have to be in theright place, at the right time.

And then you are sociallydistance in the theater.

So the, not only the St. JamesTheatre, but other theaters

throughout New York willhave the opportunity

for these events to pop up.

And as you saw actors who, you know,

just happen to be thereand enjoy it and be

in the audience were certainlyvery much appreciative.

It's been more than a yearsince Broadway closed.

And as you see there, a test

for COVID that happenedbefore you can enter.

You show proof that youeither had the vaccine.

A number of things have to happen

before you're able to get inside.

And there's no advancedwarning, but people are

certainly enjoying the opportunityto be back on Broadway.

- Yeah, that's awesome.

I'll be honest.

I kind of forgot about Broadway.

(Efrem laughs)

- Good.

- I, Honestly, I was so...

I was thinking so much

about, like, movies and movie theaters.

I forgot about theater.

(Ashley chuckles)

- Yeah, yeah. That's important. Yeah.

- Like, the art of it all, you know.

- You've been to Broadway?

- Oh, yeah.

- Oh, okay.

- I did, I, yeah. I'm used to be a...

- From way back?

(Efrem chuckles)

- Yeah. I did theater in high school.

I did graduate with a theater minor,

so I have an appreciation...

- But you've been to Broadway,you've made the pilgrimage...

- Oh, absolutely.

(Efrem chuckles)

Yes. Yes.

Oh, I plan on going back to.

- Did you get thediscount same-day ticket?

(Efrem chuckles)

- Um, yes. A few times.

- TKTS, that's the way to go.

- (indistinct)

- So I'm glad, I'm glad tohear Broadway's coming back up.

- We all are.

And we're also glad tohear the movie theaters

are going to be open up.

- Yes. Yeah.

- So there'll be lots

of the world of entertainmentfor Efrem to report.

(Efrem and Ashley laugh)

- Yeah.

- All right. Let's go to

what's making these thingsopen and that's a vaccination.

So Mariah Carey has joined with Ashley Key

(Efrem chuckles)

going public

with their COVID vaccine experience.


- Yes.

- what can you tell usabout this movement?

- They, they really wantto encourage people to

do it.

Tyler Perry actually hosted a clinic

just this past weekend at his facility.

He was disappointed

that only 50% of hisemployees actually showed up.

So he really wants an, aswell as other entertainers,

want people to get the vaccine

so the world can reopen.

I mean, the goal is, youknow, mass vaccination,

herd immunity, so that things can return

to a, more normal than they are right now.

- [Ashley] Uh-hm. Yeah.

- Okay.

- I mean, I, I got my firstshot yesterday. Praise God.

- Her arm is sore.

- My arm is sore.

- And she wants to let everybody know,

(Ashley chuckles)

- Yes.

- Her arm is sore.

- Here's the thing,

- and don't, don't (indistinct)

- unless you want to punch back.

(Everyone laughs)

- So if you dare,

- Just saying.

Anyways, but no, it was areally great experience.

I, at first, was hesitantabout it, but I honestly,

I felt a total peace.

I did my research.

This is what I'm doing for me.

And I feel like that's whatpeople have to remember.

You do you. I'm going to do me.

That's that. No judgment,no shame, you know.

- Agreed. 100%.

I'm vaccinated.

My wife just got her second, so yeah,

I'm still right on board.

- Yeah.

- Are you, you're stillgoing to wear a mask.

- I'm still gonna wear a mask. Yes.

That, that I'm gonna keep.

- Will, will you wear a mask?

- Sure. Yeah, I'll do it. Yes.

- You'll do the mask still?

- I'll do the mask still.

- Okay.

- Well, you?

- I've, I've had my first.

- Okay, there we go.

- Anxiously awaiting the second,

and then I'm waiting

for two weeks to go by.

- Yes.

- And it'll be, thank God Almighty.

I can, you know,

(soft mellow music plays)

- Yes.

- go places and not have to worry

about this horrible disease.

That would be great.

- Amen to that.

- Well, for all thelatest in entertainment,

you can always check out

Efrem's weekly stow, show Studio 5,

and there's going tobe a lot more coverage.

Now, we leave you with the scripture,

"As far as the east is from the west,

so far does He remove ourtransgressions from us.

God bless.

(show outro fades)

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