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News on The 700 Club: April 5, 2021

As seen on “The 700 Club,” April 5, 2021. Read Transcript

- Welcome folks to this edition

of "The 700 Club."

I hope you all had awonderful and holiday.

And Terry's with us.

Did you have a wonderful holiday?

- I did.

It was a beautiful day here.

I don't know about what it was like

in your part of the country,

but here it was perfect.

- It was beautiful.

Well I'm pleased to reporton Friday I finally,

I waited for the J&J-

- You did.

- Vaccine.

One shot, not any reaction whatsoever.

- Good for you.

- Not any pain, nothing.

- That's great.

That's great.

- And it was a model ofefficiency the way they did it.

They had the NationalGuard working with them.

They processed thousands of people

in this one site.

It was remarkable.

- There were thousands there?

- Standing in line and everything.

- Wow.

- Anyhow I was very happy.

And now I'm, I'm supposedto wait two weeks.

- And then you're good to go.


- I'm good to go.

Wherever it is, I'm ready.

Well folks, if you wanna get impressed,

a staggering two trillion dollars

for a massive infrastructure bill.

Well, we would all likea good infrastructure.

Nobody wants potholes, nobodywants bridges falling down.

What what is the White House touting?

And why is only $615 billion

actually going to go for infrastructure?

Where's the rest of thattrillion dollars going?

Plus, what's the whopping tax increase

that's going to pay for it all?

Dale Hurd has more.

- The White House may callit an infrastructure bill,

but to Republicans it's a goodie bag

of left wing spending,

and Republican Senator Roy Blunt

says only about 615 billion

of Biden's two trillion dollar plan

actually goes forinfrastructure improvements.

- There's more in the package, George,

for charging stationsfor electric vehicles,

174 billion, than there is for roads,

bridges and airports.

- [Dale] The bill includes $213 billion

for so called sustainable

and affordable housing,400 billion to expand home

or community based care for seniors

and people with disabilities.

And $174 billion for programs

to build a national network

for 500,000 electricvehicle chargers by 2030.

- We're gonna have auto workers,

union auto workers I hope,

making cars one way or the other,

why not have them leading the revolution

into electric vehicles,

which by the way, there isa very hot competition for.

- [Dale] Blunt said if the administration

could have kept the billfocused on infrastructure needs

it would have sailed through Congress

with bipartisan approval,

but energy secretary Jennifer Granholm

indicated to CNN the White House

is willing to pass the bill

without Republican support,

raising the possibility ofusing a budgetary maneuver

that limits the amountof votes needed to pass.

Meaning Vice President Kamala Harris

might once again cast the tiebreaking vote in the Senate.

In addition to the wasteful spending

is the means to pay for it.

A hike in the corporateincome tax from 21% to 28%,

and an increase in taxes oncompanies' foreign earnings.

- Corporations, we all know,

have not been paying their fair share.

- [Dale] But after Donald Trump

pushed American companies

to return their factories to the U.S.,

Republicans are worried the tax hikes

will encourage corporationsto leave again,

taking jobs with them.

- If we go back to the second,

first or second highestcorporate tax in the world,

which works to our disadvantage.

- And some Democratsdon't like the bill either

because it will hurt business,

or doesn't or doesn't spend enough

on their favorite left wing causes.

Bernie Sanders wants moremoney for climate change

and student debt.

Senate minority leaderMitch McConnell says

the last thing the economy needs right now

is a big whopping tax increase

on all of the productive sectors

of the U.S. economy.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Isn't it amazing?

You know, they can saila bill through the Senate

and through the House

that would call for true infrastructure.

I think we all realize thatour roads have gotta be fixed,

our bridges can't fall down,

and we've got to do something.

And that puts peopleto work in honest jobs.

But, for example, in charging stations,

in Europe, Volkswagen isbuilding the charging stations

all over Europe,

and they will own the charging stations.

And you look at gasoline pumps,

they aren't put in bythe federal government.

They're put in by Texaco or Exon or Shell,

or all those otherstations, those companies.

There's no reason in the world

the United States government

and the taxpayers of America

have to build electric charging stations.

I'm all for electric vehicles,

but it can be done in the private sector.

Why I the world would becripple our corporations

to make them unefficient

in competition against other nations

and other corporations

and put a burden of taxlike of this magnitude,

it just boggles the imagination

of how dumb the peopleare who run our country.

And one wishes for something better.

Well in other news, socalled cancel culture

has struck Georgia.

Major League Baseball is pullingout of its All Star game.

What does the presidenthave to do with it?

Efrem Graham has more.

- Pat, blow back afterMajor League Baseball

pulled its All Star game out of Atlanta

over Georgia's new election law.

Democrats charge it'srestriction against minorities.

Supporters charge Democratsare playing politics,

pointing out the lawexpands early voting access

in most counties, expands weekend voting

to two Saturdays andpotentially two Sundays,

permanently adds drop off balloting

which was a temporary measurefor the 2020 elections.

It also prohibits outsidegroups from handing out food

and water to voters within 150feet of a polling location,

but allows water stations wherevoters can serve themselves.

The law also requires a valid photo ID

to request an absentee ballot.

President Joe Biden jumping into the fray

called the Georgie lawJim Crow on steroids,

but so badly misrepresentingpart of the law.

The Washington Post fact checkergave him its worst rating,

four Pinocchio, forfalsely claiming the bill

ends early voting soworking people can't vote.

On ABC's "This Week,"

former New Jerseygovernor, Chris Christie,

accused the president of breaking his word

to unite the country.

- I sat here and listened to

the president's inaugural address,

and I just wanna, a quick couplereal quick points from it.

Politics need not be a raging fire

that destroys everything in its path.

Every disagreement doesn'thave to be cause for total war.

And we must reject a culturein which facts themselves

are manipulated or made up.

And Joe Biden's broken his own rule.

84 days.

And now he's lying to theAmerican people, George.

He's lying about this bill.

He's lying to the American people about it

to cause the raging fire hesaid he was gonna put out.

I'm very disappointed.

- The criticism of divisive politics

is growing beyond Sundaymorning news programs.

During this weekend's coverage

of the NCAA final four,

sports analyst Charles Barkley spoke out,

saying politics in Americais about divide and conquer.

He says, quote, "I think most white people

"and black people are great people.

"I really believe that in my heart.

However, he continued,"the system is set up

"where our politicians,whether they're Republicans

"or Democrats are designed tomake us not like each other

"so they can keep theirgrasp of money and power."


- Well, you know, folks, Ithink we better recognize

the greatest opportunity forfraud is in mail-in ballots.

And what the law thatthey're now trying to propose

and jam through Congress

would make this fraudulent activity

a permanent fixture of our election.

The Constitution gavethe state legislatures

the ability to govern theelections in their states.

This would be a national law

that they wanna put through.

And what Georgia is doing

is a mere thing we've all got to do.

In order to get an absentee ballot

you've gotta show a license to show

that you're the personthat's gonna get the ballot.

There isn't anything Jim Crow about that.

So these companies like Coca Cola

and others that start screaming

and canceling Major League Baseball

and that kind of thing,it's just outrageous.

I mean it's simply outrageous.

People ought to read the dumb bill

and see what they're talking about,

and they don't do that.


- Pat, a major foreignpolicy challenge for Biden.

The Pentagon is on alert

as Russia steps up provocations in Europe

and other parts of the world.

Russia is building a military forces

on its border with Ukraine.

This comes as fighting betweenMoscow supported separatists

and Ukrainian forces is increasing,

with about 20 Ukrainiandefenders killed so far in 2021.

Russia conducted militarydrills in the Arctic recently,

and is increasing military flights

near Alaska's air space.

And near NATO airspace,

as well as its submarine activity

in the Atlantic Ocean.

Analysts say this is all a test

of the Biden administration's resolve

to stand up to aggression.

One foreign policy writer says

this could be Biden's firstserious test with Russia.

Turning now to the Middle East,

a major U.S. ally facingan internal threat.

King Abdullah of Jordanput down a possible coup

against his rule.

As Chris Mitchell nowreports from Jerusalem,

the potential overthrow

of the king represents a threatto the entire Middle East.

- [Chris] On Sunday,Jordan's foreign minister

accused the country's former crown prince,

Prince Hamzah, of conspiringwith foreign elements

in a nefarious plot.

- [Translator] Investigations,monitored interventions

and communications that include

communications with foreign parties

about the best time to start steps

to destabilize Jordan.

- Jordanian security forceshave arrested more than a dozen

they say were involved in the plot,

and placed Prince Hamzahunder house arrest.

He released a videoclaiming his innocence.

- The attempt to claim conspiracies

and foreign backing,

and so on and so forth

have been seen in this region,

and in this country,unfortunately recently,

over and over and over again.

And they are a tool of tyranny.

- [Chris] Faced with competing narratives,

the U.S., Israel and many Gulf Arab states

stood behind Jordan's King Abdullah.

The state department said

"King Abdullah is a key partner

"of the United States,

"and he has our full support."

Israel's defense minister Benny Gantz said

"A strong, thriving Jordan is an Israeli

"security and economic interest.

"And we need to do everythingwe can to assist them."

The U.S., Israel and Western Powers

consider Jordan's King Abdullah

a major strategic ally.

The U.S. has provided

substantial militaryassistance to the king,

and about 3,000 American troops are based

in the Hashemite kingdom.

If the king fell, it wouldbe a blow to stability

in the region.

For now the situation is stable,

but some say it's a wake up call

that the monarchy of Jordan

may be at risk in the future.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- The U.S. and Iran aretaking initial steps

to reengage with indirect negations

as the remaining members

of the JCPOA agreementmeet in Vienna this week.

The goal is to try and getIran back into compliance

after it violated restrictions

on enriching uranium in advance of

the U.S. rejoining the deal.

This is a priority ofthe Biden administration.

In 2018, the U.S. backed out of the deal

when President Trumpaccused Iran of cheating.

Stat Department spokesmen Ed Price says

he doesn't expect there willbe an immediate breakthrough

as difficult decisions are still ahead.


- Well we're going tobe challenged by Iran,

don't think they're not.

And the Iranians have that concept

that before the Mahdi comes,

before the 12th Imam comes,

there has to be chaos.

And so there are fanatics in Iran

who are dedicated people

of the Islamic faith

who feel that there will be a chaos

and they do not mind a nuclear war.

And they've talked openly

about using a nuclear bomb against Israel.

So we cannot go along with any program

that allows them tocontinue enriching Uranium

and building up nuclear weapons.

It's just that simple.

The last deal was a giveaway to them

large amounts of money

and other things that would enable them

if they didn't build up nuclear forces

of having the Quds force

and their other behind the scenes

terrorist groups operating.

We should not go for that again.

It's just that simple.

But we're going headlong right down the road

that was traveled before,

and it was a folly then, it's a folly now.


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