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Democrats Vow to Take Action on Gun Control after 2 Mass Shootings

Democrats Vow to Take Action on Gun Control after 2 Mass Shootings Read Transcript

- Congressional correspondentAbigail Robertson

joins us now.

Abigail, is it true that Democrats think

they may finally get a gun control bill

across the finish line?

- That's right, John.

Democrats on Capitol Hillhave long been calling

for stricter gun control lawsspecifically background checks

and they believe now is the time

that that change might happen.

- I think we're potentiallyat the dawn of a new era.

- [Abigail] President Biden said Tuesday

he wants common sense solutions

passed in the House and Senate.

- We can ban assault weapons

and high capacitymagazines in this country.

Once again, I got thatdone when I was a Senator.

It passed, it was lawfor the longest time.

And it brought down these mass killings.

We should do it again.

- [Abigail] Democrats arealso calling for items

like increased backgroundchecks and extreme risk laws,

where family members andfriends could report people

they're concerned about owning a firearm.

- Before each of thetragedies in Tucson, Aurora,

Navy Yard and Santa Barbara,

family members and lawenforcement saw warning signs,

but they were powerlessto stop the shooter

from getting a firearm.

- [Abigail] An idea oneHeritage Foundation Scholar

said in a hearing she believes

could get significant bipartisan support.

- When you look at the general idea

of targeted interventions of people

who are showing these risk factors,

we're dealing with thingsthat again are targeted

and not broadly impacting people

who are not likely to be adanger to themselves or others.

- [Abigail] But on background checks,

Swearer testified she does not believe

that fixes the problem.

- When you look specificallyat mass public shootings

as I mentioned toSenator Grassley earlier,

the biggest problem is thatmost of these individuals,

despite these warning signs,

were able to pass background checks

and obtain their firearms.

- [Abigail] Majority leader,Chuck Schumer vowed Tuesday

to push the Senate on these measures.

- The Senate is going todebate and address the epidemic

of gun violence in this country.

Today, our hearts are withthe people of Colorado

and with everyone whoselives have been touched

by gun violence.

- Republicans were open todiscussing background checks

and red flag laws in 2019,but never passed anything.

The Democratic majority leadersays this Senate will be.


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