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Psaki Slips and Calls Border Surge a 'Crisis', House Passes Pathway to Citizenship for Dreamers

Psaki Slips and Calls Border Surge a 'Crisis', House Passes Pathway to Citizenship for Dreamers Read Transcript

- With migrants pouring across the border

and the number of childrencoming into the country

on pace to set a record,

lawmakers are rushing to solve

at least part of the immigrationproblem with legislation.

In a near party-line vote,

the House approved a bill Thursday

that would give legal statusto around 2 million Dreamers

brought to the US illegally as children.

The bill also extends tohundreds of thousands of people

led into the country forhumanitarian reasons.

And in another measure,

the House voted to givesimilar protections

to 1 million farm workers here illegally.

But both bills face anuphill battle in the Senate.

Republicans insist anyimmigration legislation

must also strengthen border security.

- Legalizing anybodyunder these circumstances

will lead to even moreillegal immigration.

- [Jenna] Senator Lindsey Graham,

who has for years joineddemocratic Senator Dick Durbin

in sponsoring the DREAM Act,

signaling he's now hesitant

to move it across the finish line.

- Biden has lost controlof the US-Mexican border.

Until he regains control byimplementing policies that work,

it's gonna be very hard to dothe Dreamers or anybody else.

- [Jenna] This week,

he joined withRepresentative Maria Salazar

on the Dignity Act, whichcombines legal protections

for undocumented immigrantsand border security.

- I'm offering dignity.

What I'm offering isthe art of the possible.

I'm offering to bring thosepeople out of the shadows,

the ones from TPS and the air,

everybody that who's beenhere for more than five years

and does not have a criminal record.

- [Jenna] Democrats argueDreamers and farmers

need that protection now.

- Dreamer are doctors,nurses, lab technicians,

contact tracers, and job creators.

- [Jenna] This all happeningamid serious concerns

about the surge of migrants on the border.

The White House has labeled it a challenge

and steadfastly refusedto call it a crisis.

But in what seems to be a slip-up,

Press Secretary Jen Psakiused that exact word Thursday.

- As you all know, therehave been expectations set

outside of, unrelated to any vaccine doses

or request for them,

that they would be partners

in dealing with the crisis on the border.

And there have been requests, unrelated,

for doses of these vaccines.

- And for years,

Congress has been unableto come up with a solution

for the immigration problem.

And with Democrats andRepublicans holding steady,

it doesn't appear they'll be able to do it

this time around either.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.


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