Daniel Marcias had only a 20% chance of surviving COVID, but this didn’t stop his family from remaining focused on God’s promises.
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- I said, do not give up,
fight like there's no tomorrow,
he said, "I love you to Giselle."
And I knew that that wasgonna be a gut-wrenching
last minute words that I'll never forget.
- [Narrator] Giselle Aguirreand her adult sisters
were sick with worry,
both their parents,Daniel and Maritza Macias
had been suffering withCOVID-19 for over a week.
Now their dad was being rushed
to a hospital with breathing issues
while their mom wasquarantining alone at home.
- I didn't say bike to my husband,
he was rushed right away.
There is this anxious feeling,
this heaviness that he's not coming back.
- [Narrator] A few hoursafter Daniel was admitted
to Pomona Valley Hospital.
Giselle and the doctor agreedto put him on a ventilator.
Before they did Giselle asked the doctor
if she could pray for her.
- She said, "Sure."
Like with a real like timid voice.
I started to pray over her,
and I asked the Lord to just use her hands
and he worked through her,
and at the very end, I said, amen,
and she said, "Amen."
- [Narrator] Then the familiesstarted a prayer chain
that quickly spread across the country.
A short time later, thedoctor called Giselle back.
- And she said, "Yourdad has been intubated,
"I did not, and I've neverdone this without doing this,
"but I did not have to puthim in an induced coma."
And she goes, "The Godwho you are praying to
"he heard your prayers."
We knew that prayer wasgonna be the crucial rock
to how we were gonna standin the most darkest of times.
- [Narrator] Over the next two weeks,
Daniel remained in critical condition.
During that time, Giselle and her sisters
started having a dailyworship and prayer time
on their parents' front lawn.
- We sang and we literally felt
like the heavens werejust being open for us.
We would just sit there crying
because we knew that mom wasstanding behind this window,
and dad is in a hospitalwhere we don't know
if anyone's even touchinghim with a sense of love
- [Narrator] Stillquarantined inside her house,
Maritza was anointingfamily pictures with oil
and praying for her husband.
- I would anoint him in thename of Jesus, the Holy spirit,
and I will, I will talk to Daniel,
you will live and not die,
Daniel, you will live and not die.
And I asked the Lord togive me a peace in my heart
and to remind me constantlyof your scriptures.
- [Narrator] Yet, Danielwas not getting any better.
It was during that time
Giselle spoke to one of her dad's doctors.
- He says, "We're reallyrunning out of our resources,
"at this point your dad hasa 20% chance of living."
We were very discouraged,but we had so many around us
lifting our arms, in our weakness
we felt the strength of others.
- [Narrator] With time running out Giselle
and her sisters agreed onan experimental treatment
where their dad wouldreceive a plasma infusion
from someone who hadthe COVID-19 antibodies.
However, finding a matchingdonor could take days,
they weren't sure Daniel had.
- We fasted from that nightall the way to the next day.
We just believed that plasma was coming.
The very next day we get a phone call
and they tell us that a donor
has donated their plasma
and it's exact same matchesmy dad, same blood type,
and we were ecstatic.
we were like, oh mygoodness, this is so awesome,
Lord, you are so powerful.
- [Narrator] Daniel received the plasma
after 16 days of being on a ventilator,
all they could do now is wait.
- And we just prayed andprayed that that plasma
would just really work in my dad's blood
and would reverse things for the good.
- [Narrator] And it did.
The very next day Danielstarted to improve.
On day 19, Maritza calledto check on her husband.
She and her family were amazed
to learn Daniel was off the vent.
- We screened, my sisters,we called my grandmother,
we called all our prayer warriors,
I mean, we just toldeverybody, rejoice, thank God,
dad is off the ventilator.
- [Narrator] There was onlyone thing Daniel had to do
before he could go home.
- Doctors told me,"Listen, you cannot go home
"until you start walkingand start talking."
I think the Lord just gave me the power,
I asked them for the power
and he gave me the straight to walk.
- [Narrator] On may 12, just over a month
after entering the hospital,Daniel returned home.
- Our dad was here, he was home,
this is home now, it was notcomplete until he came back.
I said, oh God, you did hear us,
you did, you were paying attention,
you heard our prayer andyou answered our prayers.
- It made me feel like Iwas wanted, I was needed.
- [Narrator] Later, thecommunity celebrated
Daniel's recovery with a drive-by parade.
He and his family continually thank God
for answering their prayersand encourage everyone
to call on God for helpin their time of need.
- So we do not stop praying,
I don't care what the devil says,
but the word says thatGod heal our diseases.
- There's nobody elsecan hear me but the Lord.
You just wanna yellout and say, thank you,
and everybody can hear you like alarm.
- There was many hard times, many tears,
but when you stay focused
and do not allow the enemyto tell you otherwise,
you will win this battlethrough Christ's strength
and that is the only way.
(soft music)