Pat and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.
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(soothing music)
- Prayer erases all distances.
- [Pat] And I want it to.
- Yes. You know, the Lord says
where two or more aregathered, we're here,
she's there with her husband
- Yeah.
- But I love what she said
when she said, "I am deciding to take it".
- I'm deciding to take it, yeah.
- You know, that makes adifference, doesn't it?
- It is.
- It really does.
Well, this is an answer to prayer, also.
This is Larry of Lititz, Pennsylvania.
He started having significanttrouble breathing,
even after seeing a doctor.
Three weeks passed with no improvement.
Larry watched this program
and heard you, Pat, say,"someone with a lung condition,
you've been having a hard time breathing.
Right now, if you just touch your chest
in the name of Jesus, you are healed".
Larry put his hand on his chest
and believed God for complete healing.
At his next appointmentLarry's doctor confirmed,
he is healed.
- [Pat] Praise God.
Here's somebody, Lucille,who lived in a place called
Summerfield, Florida wasextremely discouraged.
Lucy, Terry said, "somebody,your name is Lucy or Lucille.
I don't know the depression,
but you are having a hard time
climbing out of that pit
and receive what God has for you today.
Joy of the Lord is your strength".
In exercising her faith,Lucille claimed her deliverance
and she is set free.
So, we want to pray for you folks.
God is no respecter of persons.
He's helped a few of thesepeople that you've heard about
but they're, whoever you are,wherever you're watching,
and whatever country you'rein, whatever language,
God loves you.
So Terry and I are gonna join hands.
We're gonna believe God for you.
Father, in Jesus' name,
we pray for the people in this audience.
And we pray that your spirit might
come down and touch themin the name of Jesus.
There's somebody, I believethe name is Jonathan,
you've got it right here and it's draining
and it's sort of aninfection in that area.
Just put your hand over there and touch it
in Jesus' name, touch him.
Completely healed. Terry?
- Someone else, you have acondition with your eyes,
with the, like the, the liningof your lids underneath.
- [Pat}
Like little, it's, it almostfeels like sand in your eye,
but it's actually like littlegrowths that are there.
God's healing that for you right now.
You're not gonna have that watering
or that stinging, burning feeling.
It's just gonna be gone, in Jesus' name.
- Is it Mandy? You've got a goiter
or there's a growth in your, in your,
well it's the thyroid, but it's a goiter.
Just touch that, thatgoiter is going to go down,
in Jesus' name. Terry?
- Yeah, someone else,you've fallen in the shower
and you have a lot of bruises
and just pain from all of that.
God's healing everything thatis a result of that fall.
You're just going to be whole
and normal again in Jesus' name.
- [Pat] Thank you Jesus. Thank you Lord.
- Thank you.
- I believe that somebodyhas had this COVID
and you've got brain fogand oh man, it's so hard.
You can't concentrate.
It's Nicholas, Nicholas,you can't concentrate,
but God right now is givingyou clarity of thought.
And it'd be like a power of God just going
through your head right nowin Jesus' name, touch him.
Now Father, for those of thisaudience, wherever they are,
let the anointing of theHoly Spirit come upon them.
May they know your power in Jesus' name.
[Terry] Thank you.
- Amen. Well folks, thankyou for, give us a call,
let us know what happened.We'd love to hear it from you.