'We Give God all the Glory:' Gospel Group 'The Erwins' Receive First Grammy Nomination
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- I think I last spoke to you guys
for your Christmas project
which is now nominated for a Grammy?
- Yes, sir, that's right.- Wow.
- Yeah and it still doesn't make sense.
We can't even believe it,but we praise the Lord.
- How are you feeling as we approach
a very different Grammy celebration?
- Oh, well, I guess probably the same way
we'd feel if it was normalbecause it's our first time
to even be considered and nominated.
We don't know what
a normal Grammy presentationlooks like for us,
but man, it's just amazing.
We'd just like to say,we give God all the glory
to be in this position andto be where He's placed us
is just an amazing honor.
- For all of you, what'sthis time been like?
It's been such a unique
and challenging year for our country.
I'd like to hear from each of you,
what's this time been like for you?
- Yeah, so we grew uptraveling over 280 days a year.
All of our lives we've been doing that,
traveling and singing with our father.
He's a preacher.
So, that's what we grew up doing.
So, this year was very, very different.
We had how many dates cancel Keith?
- Over 90, between 90 and 100.- Over 90.
In 2020.
So, it was the most thatwe have ever been home
in our entire lives.- That's right.
- So, that was, it wasnice in a way, you know?
- Yes.- We got to do
some things that we've never gotten to do.
- Yes.- Have lazy days at home.
We don't even know whatthat is or was before 2020.
So, in a way it's been a blessing for us.
Keith, you just had a little baby boy.
- That's right.- Your first child.
- Yep, that's right.
- Little Landry was born in December.
- That's right.- Yeah.
- And then Cody, I know you've stayed busy
with your two little babies.
- Yeah, I have two little girls at home
so it's never a dull moment.
I kinda get on the bus andget a vacation every weekend.
But it's been nice.
We shouldn't complain.
Yeah. We shouldn't complain.
Everybody's had the samestruggles that we have
and we're just thankfulthat hopefully we're
on the uphill climb for all this
and we're just giving God the praise
for what He allows us to do.
Chris?- I'm a homebody.
So, I thoroughly enjoyed.
I thoroughly enjoyed hibernating all
of 2020 or most of 2020.
So, but with that being said, we had a lot
of time in the studio once we were able
to get into the studio safely,
back in August of 2020, I guess.
And we recorded two albums.
So, we definitely were productive
on the latter half of 2020.
But, with that being said, I honestly,
I did enjoy being home for a little bit.
It's good to look in perspective and have
a good perspective on what we experienced.
It obviously was not ideal.- No.
- For anybody, but with that being said,
I did enjoy the downtimebecause like as Katie said,
we've been doing this all our lives.
So, a year of being home andgetting to really spend time
with your family was something that was?
- Very unique.- Yeah.
Very unique for us, yeah.
- It was definitely a change of pace.
- [Chris] So that wasgreat, I enjoyed doing that.
- But you have used thatchange of pace, as I hear,
to produce some new music.
So, we've got a new album on the horizon?
- That's right.
I don't wanna get in troublewith our record label
on saying the dates or anydetails on the album yet,
but all I can say is it's coming.
- Stay tuned.- We are completely done
with it and we cannotwait for everyone to hear
what we have been working on so hard.
We've invested so muchtime into this music
that we're about to release
and we're so excited,
more than ever we'reexcited about this one.
- Yeah, and it's not about,obviously it's not about awards
or nominations or anything like that.
But with that being said,the recent Grammy nomination
has absolutely pushed us towant to be the best we can be.
And to further hone in on our craft.
- That's true. The acknowledgement.
- Yeah.
- The acknowledgement means so much
and it makes us work harder.
Makes us wanna work harder.- It's giving us the drive.
- Knowing that this title will be
with our ministry forthe rest of our careers,
that at this momentwhere Grammy nominated.
And so, we just give Godpraise for just that title
and it's gonna put us ina position more of even
more of responsibility for our work ethic
and we're up to the task.
We're ready to work.
- When the world does open back up,
what are you guys most looking
for as a group?
Looking forward to?
- Well singing to more people
than we have in the last year.
I mean, we've suffered a lotof empty pews and empty seats.
You can imagine.- Camera lenses.
- Camera lenses.
We've done a whole lot of thisright here, which is awesome,
don't get me wrong, butit's just not the same
as being in a congregation,in a sanctuary, an arena,
you know, where you just feel the energy.
And we we miss it.
We talk about it all the time,
how much we we miss getting on the bus
and going to different venues
that God allows us to go to,
and just meeting so many amazing people
all over the country.
And man, that stuff's justkind of been put on hold
and there it's gradually getting back
and so we're thankful for that.
But, we'll be readywhenever it's full speed.
- Yeah.- I'm ready to hug
some friends that I haven'tbeen able to feel as close to.
- That's exactly right.
- I think we're all missing that for sure.
Now the single that's steady climbing
and it's a hit right now foryou guys is a familiar tune,
but new to your voices andthat's "Nobody," right?
- That's right.- Yeah.
- Yes sir.
That's right.
- Yeah. We recorded this song
on an album entitled"Favorites: On Repeat"
which is by the title itpretty much explains itself.
We recorded a bunch of songsthat has influenced each of us.
We all picked a few songs
that has influenced us over the years.
And we picked old songs.
We picked songs from like the Hinsons.
- Sandi Patty.- Sandi Patty, yeah.
- Phillips, Craig, and Dean.
- Steven Curtis Chapman.- Yeah.
We did, we picked a lot of great songs,
but this was, obviously thisis definitely a newer song.
So, but we picked it because
the message of the song "Nobody"that originally was done
by Casting Crowns and Matthew West,
it absolutely encapsulates our-
- Whole ministry.- Yeah, our ministry.
It puts everything inperspective in the right way.
So, we couldn't pass up onsinging or covering this song.
So, the fact that we get to sing it
and that we released it, it's an honor.
And we wanted to bring it to our genre,
to our audience, and to show them
how amazing the lyrics are.
The casting crowns has alwaysgot some strong lyrics, man,
that always just slap you in your face.
And that's what we love,man, with the strong lyrics.
And this was no different.
And this was a song that we, like I said,
just wanted to bring to our congregation,
our audience, and in our genre.
- Beautiful, very well done.
Very well done indeed.
I'd like to hear from each of you,
who are you listening tobesides yourselves these days?
So, who's playing in your ear?
I do a segment where I talkabout the music in my ear.
What's in each of your ears?
- I got one, I got one.
My favorite Christian artists right now.
They are newer.
I know the dad's been aroundfor a little bit producing
and stuff, but We theKingdom, I love them so much.
Franni is one of my newfavorite singers ever.
And so I love We the Kingdom
and they just dropped their new album
and it's so good, "Holy Water."
- The deluxe edition, yeah.- Yeah, yeah.
- That's right.- It's great.
- How 'bout you, Kevin?
- Well, I stick pretty close to the label.
I'm listening to Triumphant's new record
they just released.- Yeah, Triumphant's great.
"Bigger Than Sunday" Ibelieve is the album cover.
They got great stuff.
Check them out if you'venever heard of them.
They're a quartet on our label
and they're killing it right now, man.
- I've been in kind of anostalgic feel recently.
- Nice.- We already brought up
his name, but Steven Curtis Chapman
is one of my all time favorite artists.
I may be wrong, but I stillbelieve he has more devil words
than anybody in Christian music.
But his "Declaration"album is what I grew up on.
I think it's 20 years old.
The record is 20 years old, but man,
his production and howjust fresh, every song.
I mean, he's still doing it, man.
That's what's amazing aboutthat man and his career,
but I love, I'm a kind of being in
a nostalgic feel right now.
So, I like Stephen Curtis.
- Mine's a two-part.
I have two, if that's okay.
I may be breaking the rules.
But, one for each year.
I have been, I've always,we've always been a fan
of CeCe Winans, but I've been going back
in her catalog recentlyover the last few days.
And I mean, she is incredible.
Her songs are incredible.
And I mean, obviously she has a legacy
of great music anyway,
but I'm torn between CeCeWinans and The Isaacs.
I love The Isaacs as well.
- And their new records, "Fire."
- "Songs for the Times."- "Songs for the Times."
- It's great.- Great album.
- Nice, nice.
And CeCe Winans has a newproject coming next week.
- Does she really?- Yes she does.
- Her first live recording.
- [Keith] Oh my goodness,thank you for telling me that.
- Yeah. I interviewedher actually last week.
She's got a new projectat the end of next week.
- Oh my goodness.- Oh cool.
- I'm glad you told me.- That is awesome.
- I didn't know that.- That's so cool
that you got to talk to her.
- I'm pretty sure it's a live recording.
- Wow.- She's amazing, amazing.
Before I let you guys go,
I'd like to hear from each of you
if you could go back in time,you're already very young,
but if you could go back intime and give some advice
to your younger self about yourfuture, what would you tell?
What would you say?
- Wow.- Okay.
That's a loaded question?
- Yes, absolutely.- Loaded question.
I'm ready.- Do it.
- Okay.- Fire away.
- Honestly, for me itwould be contentment.
I would tell myself tobe content and be pleased
or okay with, accept whereyou are, when you are,
because as a, I guess, aself-obsessed perfectionist,
I like to look aheadand try to plan and try
to form myself in a waythat is okay with me.
So with that being said,looking back and reflecting
on over-analyzing thingsand feeling pressured
to reach a certain level.
But with that beingsaid, just being content,
being happy with where you are
and the fact that God hasyou there for a reason
and to learn from that.
- Well, and my thought maybe a cousin of that thought.
It may be very close,but enjoy the moment,
enjoy where you're at,
where God has you in theseason that he has you in.
And like you said, we're still very young,
but we have done this all of our lives.
And I think we all fourcan already look back
to where God has brought us from
and be thankful for those moments.
And I just hope that wewere enjoying those moments
while we were in those moments
as much as we are now looking back on them
because, man, God has brought us through
some amazing, amazing places.
And we've always beensurrounded by just tremendous,
genuine, Christian people full of love.
And we just pray.
We all four, we think about that often.
We praise the Lord forwhere He's brought us
and hopefully we'reenjoying those moments.
And even today, even this interview,
for allowing us to be here,
we hope that we're enjoyingevery second of it.
- I think I would just tell myself
just be yourself, no matterwhat, whatever that means.
I have so many rolemodels that I look up to
and, you know, take tips and tricks from,
and that's great, butultimately be yourself.
You know, the worldalready has those people.
The Kim Hopper, TaRandaGreenes, all of them,
be Katie Erwin.- CeCe Winans.
- CeCe Winans.- Exactly right.
- Be yourself no matter what.
I think that's what I would need to hear
at a younger age now that I know that.
- Yeah, I would agree withall what you guys said.
I would say live in the moment.
Take every day, don'ttake any day for granted
and just cherish your friendsand family and even more.
And I think you will not gowrong by living by those advice
if a younger me could tell me now.
So, that's pretty important.
- I love it.
Thank you guys so much.
It's been a joy talking to you as always.
Thank you. Thank you.
- Thank you.- It's our honor, Efram.
Thank you brother, thankyou for what you do.