USCIRF's Gary Bauer: US Companies Must Respond to Communist China's Brutal Repression
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- Gary Bauer with theUnited States Commission
on International ReligiousFreedom joins me now.
This report says there'sclear and convincing evidence
of Chinese genocide against Uyghur Muslims
and that China's leaders
are the architects of this genocide.
What should the United States do
in response to these new findings?
- The United Statesgovernment has a number
of tools at their disposal.
They can sanction membersof the Chinese government
that are implicated in thisgenocide of the Uyghur people.
They can put various penalties
in our trade relationshipbetween the two countries.
But the real problem hereI think is not in the hands
of the United States government.
It's how American businesshas been either directly
or indirectly empoweringthe kind of repression
that we're seeing in Communist China,
not only against the Uyghur Muslims
but against all religious faiths.
And USCIRF particularly wantsto call out corporate America
for their failure to take steps
to ensure that this does not happen.
- And Commissioner Bauer,to that very point,
your commission says thereare numerous US companies
including Nike, Amazon, and Tommy Hilfiger
that are making theplight of Uyghurs worse.
Tell us how they'refueling the persecution.
- Well, this is both interestingand deeply disturbing.
20 years ago, huge debatein the United States
on whether we ought to give China
most favored nation status in trading.
There was heavy lobbying by theAmerican business community,
by the National Chamberof Commerce to do that.
And one of the arguments was that
if we did this newimproved trade relationship
with Communist China, itwould change Communist China.
What we're seeing over the last 20 years,
the trade with China ischanging American corporations
and making them lobbyists,
in many cases, for Communist China.
The Uyghurs are beingforced into slave labor.
Literally, they're being putinto factories where they work
for nothing or virtually no wages.
Numerous corporations inEurope and the United States
have their supply chainsin Communist China.
And those supply chains are being poisoned
by being implicated in that slave labor.
- What would be your message then
to these various conglomerates
that are operating today in China?
- I would say to US companies,
remember you are American companies.
Stand for American values.
And if you don't, we're goingto call you out and shame you.
You're risking your company's reputation
by not taking this issue seriously.
- Commissioner Bauer, thank you so much
for coming on the broadcast.- My pleasure.