Prager University Launches 'PREP,' Education Resource Program for Educators and Parents
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- There's a new alternativefor supplementing
how your child learns in public,private, or homeschooling.
It's called PREP
and it's offered by theconservative Prager University.
CBN's Charlene Aaron talkedwith one of the creators of PREP
on what it is and why shebelieves it is needed.
- We feel alone.
If any of us stand up and ask a question
to a principal or a teacheror an administrator-
"Gee, why is this being taught
with this perspective whenkids should just be taught
reading, writing, and arithmetic?"
So, we formed the group here at PREP.
It's stands for Prager U Resources
for Educators and Parents.
It's a long word so welike to call it PREP.
We formed PREP for two reasons.
One, so us parents can not feel alone
and we can find kindredspirits and strength
to be able to speak up inour schools and communities.
And also we're gonna be creating
some fun, entertaining programming
specifically for kids kindergartenthrough the 12th grade
that celebrates American values
of honesty and equality under God
and respect and all of those things
that we treasure here in this country.
- So, Jill, tell me what'savailable for parents
and how can they use it?
- Okay, so first off, we have a few things
that are available right now.
It's really exciting
because we just launched a few months ago
and we already haveabout over 6,500 members.
And in that membership,
you have access to a privateFacebook discussion group
where you can sort of ask,talk about different issues
that are happening in your own community.
That group has about 12 thou-excuse me, 1,200 members.
That group has 1,200 members.
And so, what happens in that group
is a honest discussion seeking solutions
in everyone's individualschool and community.
Parents and teacherswho are in that group.
We have some amazingteachers in that group.
We can talk to each other.
We can say, "This iscoming up at my school.
How can I talk to a teacher about this?
What's the right course of action?"
So, it's sharing information.
The other component thatwe're really excited about
is our programming that's going to launch
on our website in April.
So, right now, we're puttingtogether specifically
story times for kindergartnersthrough second graders.
I read a story based on American values
and we have these short and sweet videos
where kids can be entertained,
parents know that the programming
is educational and wholesome,
and they also develop the appreciation
and the love for our country
that is quite frankly lacking
in a lot of our educational institutions.
And we're doing similarvideos and programs like that
for, you know, the thirdthrough the fifth grade
and the sixth grade and junior highs
and high schoolers and up.
So, those are all going tolaunching in April on our website
which you'll be able toaccess on
- How are educators using PREP
and what are they telling you about it?
- What the teachers are doing
is they're exchanging lesson plans
that they have individuallycreated at their own schools
that celebrate Americanliterature or American history
or, you know, have discussionsabout censorship, big tech,
anything in an unbiased way
because the districtsor the private schools
that they perhaps teach at
aren't allowing that kindof unbiased curriculum
to be offered officially.
So, a lot of these teachershave individually said,
"You know what? I'm goingto create my own unbiased-
Here are the facts.
These are the historical dates, times,
everything that children need to know."
And they're exchangingtheir lesson plans as well.
In fact, one of our teacher-It's really incredible.
One- a few of our teachers in the group
sort of started this snowball effect
and started saying, "Hey, you know,
I created this for Americanliterature 11th grade
if anyone wants to access it."
And right then and there,
even a lot of our homeschool parents said,
"Hey, this is- we'vebeen looking for this.
This is great."
And so, it's a real informationaland educational exchange.