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Studio 5: Yes Day - March 10, 2021

Jennifer Garner brings a best-selling children’s book to Netflix with Yes Day. Sir Anthony Hopkins leaves audiences speechless with The Father. And the star of Disney’s Raya And The Last Dragon shares her video diary. Read Transcript

(band playing)

- And welcome to Studio 5.

We've got a fun-filled comedystarring Jennifer Garner,

a gripping drama starringSir Anthony Hopkins,

and the diary of a Disney princess.

We have a star-packed Studio 5 this week.

So let's get right to the countdown

of the top five headlines

in the world of uplifting entertainment.

Here are your first two.

At number five.

- This



- The answer:

She is this week's Jeopardy guest host.

The question:

Who is Katie Couric?

- [Efrem] The journalist takes her turn

filling in as host ofthe game show this week

and raises money for a fitting cause.

- It's a real honor to help out

as all of us recover from the loss

of the truly irreplaceable Alex Trebek.

I'm really excited toannounce that Jeopardy!

will be matching thewinnings from each show

I guest host and donating that amount

to the Pancreatic Cancer DreamTeam from Stand Up To Cancer.

So thank you, Jeopardy!

- [Efrem] At number four.

- I don't need her or anyone else.

I can manage very well on my own.

- Everything all right?

- Who are you?

- Anthony, it's me. Paul.

- Who?

- I live here.

- What is this nonsense?

- [Efrem] High praise and awards buzz

for Sir Anthony Hopkins

and his role in the new film "The Father".

Playing an aging man,

losing his mental abilityto care for himself.

Sir Anthony Hopkins, uh, just


What was it like to casthim and to direct it?

- I wrote the script forhim and with him in mind

because I had thisconviction that he would be

the greatest in it.

- And the countdown continues

throughout the rest of the show.

Moms, dads, and children of all ages.

We have a fun film for you and for me.

We all get tired of hearing and saying no.

Actress Jennifer Garner hopesto inspire us all to say yes.

She's the producer and starof the new film "Yes Day".

We chatted with Jen, her co-stars,

and the film's director to bring you

this Studio 5 first look.

- If there's one thing I'velearned from being a mom,

it's that parents and kidsalways disagree on one thing.

- No, no, no!

- Rules.

But saying no 50 times an hour?


Absolutely not.

Nope on a rope.

It's part of the job.

No, no no, no no, no.

But all of that is about to change.

- Jennifer, I understandyou've been actually living

Yes Days for a few years.

What started it?

- I'll show you what started it.

This book by Amy KrouseRosenthal was on my kids' shelves

and I read it to them and theydreamed it's no, no, no, no.

And finally, yes!

- Have you heard about Yes Day?

There's this new thingwhere parents say yes

to everything their kidsask for for 24 hours.

- Radical!

- How am I just hearing about this?

- I started doing thatabout nine years ago

and the next thing you know,

now it's a movie and everyone can try it.

- Well, Yes Days are, like, fun.

- And Mom and Dad are, like, fun-killers.

- We are plenty fun.

- What's been the mostoutrageous ask for a yes

in your time of doing it?

- The asks I find are really more simple

than you might think.

When my kids were little,

they would want to sit inthe front seat of the car

and play with the knobs or the radio.

'Cause they had-

They were always stuck in a car seat.

We wouldn't even drive anywhere.

They just want it to feel what it was like

to do all the windows by themselves.

And it's always somethingsilly that you don't expect.

You might have to helpthem think of it, though.

- In the end, you know, whenyou look at all the activities

and all the requests onbehalf of the children,

you realize that everythingboils down to time,

time and focus.

I mean, that is the mostbeautiful gift that you can give

to someone you love up to thepeople that you care the most.

Time. Time and focus.

- We used to say yes to everything.

We can be fun again.

- Really?

- Let's do this! Arriba!

- Jennifer, so you are notonly a star in this film.

You're also a producer.

What made you want tosee this story on screen?

- I was looking for somethingto do that was joyful.

And that reflected my experience as a mom,

with my kids getting a little bigger

and still with a little one

and the age differencesbetween them and just, yeah.

So it's, it's actually very personal.

It's a very personal story for me.

- It's Yes Day!

- Who's ready for Yes Day?

- Ellie wants to do the hair and makeup.

- I have a vision.

- Yes.

I'm glad you're using your watercolor.

- Everly, can you tellme about the character

that you play and what's she like?

- She likes to


funny and sometimes disobey in a funny way

which is a lot like us.

- So Julian, tell me about your dude.

- Yeah. I play Nando Torres in the film

and he's like funny, fun,energetic, like, exciting.

And I actually, I relateto him in a lot of ways.

- Windows down!

- What?- What?

- What do we do?

- One word, two letters: N O

- What is it about thisstory in this project

that connected with you most?

- It's Jennifer Garner, to be honest.

She's a very genuine,

super considerate, nice


And she's extremely optimistic.

Every time I work with her, honestly,

I feel like I'm a better person.

I feel like I have a better attitude.

When she said, "Hey, I wantto do a movie call" yesterday.

I was like, there's noway I can say no to that.

And it was pretty amazing as Ifound out about it, you know.

The reason she wanted to do this

is because she finds it very invigorating,

very positive for her family

and she wanted to sharethat with the world.

- This is gonna be awesome!

- Charge!

- You are going down!

- See, I'm not always a fun-killer.

- There's no way youguys are going to make it

throughout the whole day.

- I hear myself when I'm with the kids.

And I think I wouldn'teven hang out with me.

If we want Yes Day to make a difference,

we need to go all in.

- I need to win this gorilla for my kids.

- You're going down, lady.

- I did it!

I won that gorilla!

- That's my mom!

- "Yes Day" begins streamingon Netflix this week.

So say yes to watching with the family

and adding a Yes Day toyour weekly calendar.

Still to come:

- What's the matter, Dad?

- Strange things going on around us.

- We've already begun sharing some

of our look at "The Father"in this week's countdown.

What's the technical difficulty

of bringing the play to cinema?

Get much more from the playwright

turned film director behind the project.

- What I didn't want to dowas just to film the play.

- Our sit-down withFlorian Zeller is next.

- Orphan's Promise is committed

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But we don't want to go alone.

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One child, one family,

one community at a time.

Will you join us?

- [Efrem] At number three.

My singer voice has alwaysbeen my guardian angel.

Keeps me safe.

- [Efrem] New snapshots fromthe National Geographic series

"Genius: Aretha".

Capturing some of the "Queen of Soul"

Aretha Franklin's most iconic moments

over the course of nearly five decades.

The four-night event begins March 21st.

- Thank you so much. Thank you very much.

- [Efrem] At number two.

- And the Grammy goes to-

- [Efrem] The Grammy Awardsare handed out Sunday.

♪ Every minute, every moment ♪

♪ Where I've been and where I'm going ♪

- [Efrem] And Zach Williamscould take home his second award

for Best Contemporary Christian Song.

Tell me about thisproject, "There Was Jesus"

and to be nominated with,

of all people, the legendary Dolly Parton.

- Yeah. I mean just, thisis a special song for me.

I mean, this is, thisis very much my story.

If I think back to the last20 years that it took me

to get to where I'm at in my life.

♪ There was Jesus ♪

♪ In the fire, in the flood ♪

♪ There was Jesus ♪

♪ Always is and always was ♪

- How do you prep for theGrammys of the year like this?

- Honestly, I think it's awesome

because I don't have to go out

and buy a suit and get all dressed.

I'm not the-

It's so hard for me.

I'm a big guy. I'm about six, six, two 40.

So it ain't easy to goout and find clothes.

I've always gotta have themmade when I go to some events.

So this year I've got a link,

you know, to kind of log into.

And I guess if I justwant to put on shorts

and a nice jacket, nobody even knows.

- Be sure to stick around for number one

in our countdown,

coming up in just a little bit.

Right now we turn ourattention to the latest project

starring 83 year-old, Sir Anthony Hopkins.

He's bringing the work of writerand director Florian Zeller

from the stage to the screen.

"The Father" is a gripping story of a man

struggling with aging and memory loss

and a daughter doing all shecan to be a good caretaker.

The man who gave birth tothe story, Florian Zeller,

is this week's Studio 5 sit-down.

- Date of birth?

- Friday, 31st of December, 1937.

- You are living with yourdaughter at the moment?

- Yes, until she goes to live in Paris.

- No Dad, why do you keepgoing on about Paris?

- She told me.- No, it didn't.

- I'm sorry. I knew youtold me the other day.

You've forgotten? She's forgotten.

Paris? They don't evenspeak English there.

- So Florian, this was your play,

and now it's your movie.

- It's the story of aman losing his bearings.

And I guess when I wrotethe play eight years ago,

it was about me to reconnectwith my own personal experience

because I have beenraised by my grandmother.

And she was like my motherand I was living with her

and she started to sufferfrom dementia when I was 15.

- Dad, I'd like you to meet Laura.

- How do you do, sir?

- I'd say you're gorgeous.

- Thank you.

(Anthony laughing)

- I'd say he's jolly.

- Yeah. Not always.

- It was not only about my own story.

You know, it's that everyonehas a grandmother in a way

or everyone had a father,

and everyone has or will have

to deal with this painful dilemma,

which is, you know,

what do you do with the people you love

when they are startingto suffer from dementia?

And I realized that there was something

profoundly cathartic about it.

Meaning that, just to remember

that you are not justindividuals like that,

but just that we are part

of something larger than ourselves.

- Laura has come around to help you.

- I don't need her or anyone else.

I can manage very well on my own.

- Everything all right?

- Who are you?

- Anthony, it's me. Paul.

- Who?

- I live here.

- What is this nonsense?

- Anne?

- It's me.- Ah there she is.

- Your father seemed a bit confused.

- Something wrong?

- Where's Anne?

- Sorry?

- Anne. Where is she?

- I'm here.

- What's the technical difficulty

of bringing the play to cinema?

- The thing is thatwhat I didn't want to do

was just to film a play

because I think that'snot very interesting.

What I wanted to do is to do a film

and to do what the cinema can do

and what only the cinema can do.

And my intuition is thatI didn't want "The Father"

to be a story but I wanted "TheFather" to be an experience.

And so the idea was to put you as a viewer

in this unique position,

as if you were going through a labyrinth,

questioning everything you'reseeing and experiencing

what it could mean foryourself to not to know anymore

what is the reality?

And it was a very exciting process for me

to find visual and cinematic ways

to play with the feelingof disorientation.

And you can play with allthe pieces of that puzzle

to make it work, to try to dealwith all the contradictions

in narrative and in orderto look for the meeting.

- What's the matter, Dad?

- Strange things going on around us.

- Don't worry, everythingwill sort itself out.

- Saw it in his eyes,didn't know who I was.

- It was like I was a stranger to him.

- Sir Anthony Hopkins,

just amazing.

What was it like to casthim and to direct him?

- I wrote the script forhim and with him in mind

because I had this conviction

that he would be the greatest in it.

And also because it wasnot about for him to do

what he has already done.

It was about trying toexplore something else:

very emotional territory,fragility, vulnerability.

And in a way, for him as anactor and also as a human being,

this was about trying toconnect with his own fears

and with his own feeling of mortality.

For us, it was really wonderful process.

And he was so generous as an actor,

with me and with the whole film.

- I don't know what she'scooking up against me

but she's cooking something up.

- What are you talking about, Dad?

- I'm not leaving my flat.

- I am not leading my flat!

- This really is my flat,

isn't it?

- And Olivia Coleman, she is,I mean, I've always adore her.

As soon as you see her, you love her.

- Yes!

And I knew that it wasimportant for that thing

because it's not only the story

of that man losing his bearings.

It's also the story of his daughter

facing this painful situation.

- My daughter is of the opinion

that I cannot manage on my own.

- I'm so sorry about this.

- Why? She understands perfectly.

- Was there a specificreason or tug at you

that made you want this tobe where you make your debut?

- I knew why I wanted to do it.

And so to have this opportunity,

thanks to Anthony and Olivia,

to go to that place.

It was something very special to me.

- Why do you keep looking asif there's something wrong?

Everything is fine.

- [Paul] I think she tries to do

the best she can for you, Anthony.

- Everything will be allright, I promise you.

- There's something funny going on.

- "The Father" is intheaters this week, May 12th

to be exact that comes ondemand and streaming platforms

later this month.

We need to take a break right here,

but before we do,

this is a great time toshare a story in pictures.

Here's this week's Studio 5 snapshot.

With the 63rd Grammy Awardsairing this Sunday on CBS,

we thought we'd take a look

and share a few more of those

who are up for the music honor,

especially those we followed

and hosted here onStudio 5 over the years.

Many are already scheduled to appear

on our show in the coming weeks,

and some have alreadymade multiple appearances.

This look at this year's Grammy nominees

is this week's Studio 5 snapshot.

Coming up next.

- I'm going to give you

a tour of the makeshift voiceover booth

that I've been using at home.

- Disney's newest princess

- That was awesome. Give me some shell.

- cracks open the pagesof her filmmaking diary

for Studio 5.

- As the world watches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the middle East.

- Go inside the storywith Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- Joined CBN JerusalemBureau Chief Chris Mitchell,

and get the biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

- Watch Jerusalem Dateline,Friday night at 9:30

on the CBN News Channel.


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- And welcome back to Studio 5.

It is being called thebest Disney princess movie

since "Mulan".

And as we've shared,

"Raya and the Last Dragon"boasts some 400 creators

working from home to bringthis animated film to life.

It also stars Disney's firstSoutheast Asian princess

and she's giving Studio 5this look inside her diary.

- Hi, I'm Kelly Marie Tran.

I am playing "Raya" in"Raya and the Last Dragon"

and these are my video diaries.

I'm going to give you a tour

of the makeshift voiceover booth

that I've been using at home.

So here's the microphone.

Recording from home has been really fun

but there's been some hard things

especially with having internetthat's always freezing.

It could be really frustrating

when you're in the middleof a really good take.

And then all of a sudden-

Just kidding.


That was awesome. Give me some shell.


It looks so good.

I am so just inspired by how many people

are working on this from home.

- Our actors, includingyou have been so gracious

letting us not only into their home,

into their closets,

so that we can record together.

- I'm about to watch thetrailer for the first time.


My name is Raya.

I'm realizing that

I might've always beeninto Disney character-

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.

Exhibit C.

So it's pretty crazy that now

I get to be a Disney princess.

That's pretty crazy.

Today I'm at Walt DisneyAnimation Studios.

This is actually where I auditioned.

So it's crazy to be back here.

- I'll always remember thatfirst time that we met you,

we did that recording, Kelly.

'Cause we had found the voice

and the heart behind the character.

- The best time, truly.

Oh, I love you guys.

- You're getting a littletoo big for this, bud.

- I can't wait for you guys to see this.

- That's "Raya and the Last Dragon".

It is in theaters right now

as well as streaming on Disney+.

We have made it to the final headline

in this week's countdownwith the five big stories

and uplifting entertainment.

Here's what's finishing on top this week.

At number one.

♪ Amazing grace ♪

- [Efrem] Harry ConnickJr's roots are on display

in his new album "Alone With My Fate".

What pushed you or led you to,

to recording a gospel album?

I know that, you know,your tour was canceled.

You find yourself at home,

alone with your studio instruments

and no support.

What made you decide that

"I'm going to use this timeto write a gospel album"?

- Well, I grew up, youknow, in new Orleans

and I was really luckyto have a lot of friends

who played gospel music.

I played gospel music.

I heard liturgical music,

my whole life growing up in the church.

And I always wanted tomake a gospel album.

I wouldn't call this the gospel album.

I had thought about making only

because it's not acollection of spirituals

that everybody knows.

It's got some original songs.

And quite honestly, some of the songs

deal with struggling with faith,

as much as having faith.

♪ 'Twas grace that taught my heart ♪

♪ To fear ♪

- His oldest daughter directs this video

but Harry sang every note,played every instrument

and did all thearrangements for the album,

out next week.

- You know, I've never donean album where I was writing

in real time of what I was going through.

- With this Studio 5 Yes Day challenge

Ah! I have to share some hometown eats

as we, say, celebrate Yes Day.

And fortunately for me

I've actually got my favoritehometown eat in my hand.

This is 17 Hands Coffee

and it's a butterscotch cappuccino

with three shots of espresso.

That's how I stay awake.

And while I'm still awake,

we're checking back inwith the film stars,

Jennifer Garner and Edgar Ramirez.

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- Welcome back to Studio 5.

This week's soundtrackwill have you dancing

wherever you are.

It's courtesy of Jon Batiste,

who you may know from a Late Show.

Take a listen and see why "I Need You"

is what's playing in my ear.

♪ I love the way you're livin' ♪

♪ 'Cause you so genuine ♪

♪ You got that something special ♪

♪ Didn't you know? ♪

♪ I just need you, you, you ♪

(saxophone playing)

♪ I need you, you, you ♪

♪ You, you, you, you ♪

- On that musical note,

we are almost out of timefor this edition of Studio 5.

So let's fast forward just for a moment

and see what's comingup right here next week.

- The Queen of Soul.

- As just a fan of Aretha,

I've listened to hermusic since I was little.

And I was learning her music

before I knew I was going tobe doing anything like this.

- [Efrem] Cynthia Erivobecomes Aretha Franklin

in the National Geographic limited series

"Genius: Aretha" premiering next weekend.

- And you learn those things

and you just go

"How does she become ArethaFranklin as we know her?"

- The idea that she wasable to combine her music

with activism is really special.

And I don't know the people

realize that she was an activist.

- Cynthia sits down in Studio 5

and takes us behind the scenesof the massive production.

- You got to disturb the peacewhen you can't get no peace.

That's why we celebrate her.

She's the Queen of Soul.

Your soul, mine, everybody's,she earned that ground.

- Hope you'll join us for that story

and so much more come next week.

But before we say goodbye this week,

want to return to Yes Day

and the stars JenniferGarner and Edgar Ramirez

for a final thought.


- Kablooey! That whole entire-

I want to say thousands of balloon-

- 30,000 water balloons

were used in the makingof the kablooey scene.

It was so much fun.

It's ridic-

Like, first thing in themorning, we would be freezing

'cause we'd be wet.

Then in the middle of theday, it would get hot.

We'd dry out, we'd change clothes.

And then we would just,we were just going at it.

Everyone was soaked all week.

- It was incredible.

You know, we had so much fun, you know.

And we needed to really step up our game

because most of theextras were real athletes.

You know?

So for Jennifer and I,

that was a great challenge.

And we had a lot of fun, you know.

We did all our stunts and,

and then we have that beautiful scene.

- Jennifer and Edgar.

That is a great final wordfor this edition of Studio 5

and this week's look atuplifting entertainment.

Until next time.

I encourage you to make time

to uplift someone around you.

And then please come on back

and see where Studio5 takes you next week.

Bye bye.

Thank you so much for watching.


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