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News on The 700 Club: March 9, 2021

As seen on “The 700 Club,” March 9, 2021. Read Transcript

(soft music)

- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.

We're going to take you toIsrael for a potential king-maker

who could create chaos inIsrael's upcoming election,

who is this guy?

And how did he get so much power?

And where does he stand onthe Iranian nuclear deal?

Chris Mitchell bringsus a CBN News interview

with this major power player.

(light whoosh)

- [Chris] His name is Naftali Bennett.

He served in one of Israel'selite commando units

and made millions as asoftware entrepreneur.

Now head of the Yamina Party,

Bennett is poised to play a key role

in the upcoming election.

CBN News sat down with Bennett

at his campaignheadquarters near Tel Aviv.

- How would you look atthe electoral map right now

and how does Yamina fit in there?

- Because of my unique positionin the political scene,

where I'm not, I don'tbelong to any of the blocks

neither the pro Bibi or anti Bibi block,

I've got the ability and leverage

to form a stable right-winggovernment that'll represent

the majority of Israeliswhich are right of center,

but they also want change

- [Chris] The upcomingelection like the past three

is a complicated political puzzle,

that revolves around primeminister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Even though Netanyahu and his Likud Party

will likely gain the mostseats in the election

several parties have vowedthey won't serve with him.

That narrows his optionsto former a coalition

of at least 61 seats.

Bennett has left openthe door to join Likud

in a right wing government.

That puts him in a positionof a likely kingmaker

and possibly propelling him tothe office of prime minister.

He tells CBS news, he feels up to the job.

- And I'm ready to takethat responsibility,

as former defense minister,

former entrepreneur and CEO of companies

I think I've got what's necessary

to pull Israel out of this hole

and sort of go to the next phase of Israel

as the startup nation.

- [Chris] Like most Israeli leaders,

Bennett warns about the US

reentering the Iranian nuclear deal.

- It's a terrible dealand I want to explain why,

it gives a false sense of confidence that

we've got Iran covered, but it doesn't.

The deal in fact, allows Iranto proceed to the very verge

of acquiring, not onenuclear weapon, but dozens,

all they need to do is press a button

and they'll have within days,dozens of nuclear bombs.

- [Chris] Several parties likeBenny Gantz' Blue and White

might not even cross the3.5% electoral threshold

to get into the Knesset.

That favors parties like Bennett's.

Still the question remainswhether Bennett could unseat

Israel's longest serving prime minister.

Voters will answer thatquestion on March 23rd.

Chris Mitchell, CBN Newsat the Yamina headquarters

near Tel Aviv.

- Interesting king maker you know,

if he'd sided with theNetanyahu a long time ago,

Likud would've been,

they wouldn't have hadall these extra elections

but he didn't want to do it.

So we'll see what happens but I tell you,

they're our strongestally in the Middle East,

they're a bastion againstthe terror that's there

and the, I just want things to settle down

in Israel as fast as they can,

because these are our dear dear friends.

Well in another news,

the Biden administration won'tcall this crisis what it is,

a crisis.

Immigrants are floodingour Southern border,

and officials are taking thousandsof children into custody.

What are they going to do with them?

John Jessup has more.

(light whoosh)

- Than is right Pat,

a fresh surge of migrantson the Southern border

is overtaxing the system especially

increasing numbers ofchildren now in custody.

More than 3,200 minorsare in holding facilities

most of them detained in justthe last couple of weeks.

This week, officialsare expected to announce

nearly 100,000 detentions at the border

in the month of February.

This as a flood of migrants

are moving North from Central America

in hopes that President Biden's policies

will make it easier to enter the country.

For some, the journey to the United States

stretches all the way to South America

where migrants from other countries

are big business forthieves and smugglers.

CBN contributor Chuck Holton

is tracking the most dangerouspart of their journey

as they move from a Colombian port city

into the jungles of Panama.

(light whoosh)

- [Chuck] Hundreds ofmigrants arrive every day,

already exhausted from their journey.

Many with small children in tow.

Many left their home countries years ago,

looking for a better life

but now they believe it'stime to try their luck

at getting to the United States.

The northward flow has allbut stopped since last March

when the pandemic hit,

and most countries in Latin America

still have COVID restrictions in place,

but with a new American administration,

widely seen as welcoming all comers,

the pressure to fill the human pipeline

has become too great

and a pent up surge ofhumanity is now again

looking to make it to America's shores.

Most migrants who joinedthe well-publicized caravan

start from Central America,

but the pipeline startsmuch further south.

People are coming fromall across the globe,

ostensibly fleeingviolence and oppression,

but they often pass through a dozen or so

non-violent countries on theirway to the United States,

like this Sikh man from India.

- India to Amsterdam,Amsterdam to Suriname,

Suriname to bypass Brazil,

Peru, Ecuador, Ecuador to Colombia.

- [Chuck] In this group we found migrants

from Turkey, Nepal, India, and Africa

though the biggest number were from Haiti.

That will require trekkingthrough the forbidding Darien Gap

between Columbia and Panama.

I spent two days trying to catch up

with some of these migrants

as they traverse this very dangerous area

without much success.

I've been walking the Darien Gap trail now

for over an hour up and down these hills,

it's incredibly hot,

I feel like I've beenstanding in a warm shower.

It's just kind of hard to evendescribe how miserable it is

and I'm unencumbered.

Imagine being out herewith a baby or pregnant,

or even in a wheelchair,

I've seen all three of those things

with the migrants in the last 24 hours,

they're actually doing that

and it's because they have no idea

the smugglers that bring themthrough here, lie to them

about how long this isand how difficult this is

and that's why many of themend up dying along the way.

I found this smuggler,but he refused to take me

to where the migrants were in the jungle.

He said, they're well cared for.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- They're privileged and wenever treated them badly.

It's only four days tothe camps in Panama.

- After two days of searching,

I finally found the right place,

but then I was immediatelysurrounded by angry smugglers.

These migrants arestarting their hike now,

but the smugglers are tellingme I can't go any further.

They're telling me Ican't go any further here

and telling me I got to leave,

they don't want me filming this,

they obviously don't wantthis story coming out.

(indistinct chatter)

(speaking in a foreign language)

As the threats became more intense,

it was clearly time to leave.

So I caught a ride with ateenager on a motorbike,

and that's when Irealized why the smugglers

don't want this story to get out.

More than 10,000 migrants will likely

pass through this tiny village this year.

It's big business,

which is why all the guides

tend to have a brand new motorcycle.

From Capurgana, Colombia, I'mChuck Holton, for CBN News.

- An important and revealing report, Pat.

- Thank you, you know

Biden has acted like it's not a crisis,

it is an incredible crisis that they,

were not hesitant to blamethe Trump administration,

but this is horrible.

Ladies and gentlemen,it's a humanitarian crisis

and it's because Biden hasacted as if you are welcome here

you know, and as NancyPelosi was joking about open,

instead of open Sesameopen Biden and oh boy,

this country is wide open

and they think that there'san invitation to come here

and you're gonna have a better life

or you're suffering down in Honduras,

you can't make ends meetthis poverty down there

come to America there'splenty of work and jobs

and don't worry about COVID,

we'll take you in however you are,

it's horrible andsomething's gotta be done

and Biden's got to say, no more.

He's got to let those people know

they cannot come to this country.

But instead of that,

they're making moreand more migrant camps,

they used to complain aboutTrump having these cells

and putting familiesinto jails and so forth

and the Biden administrationis vastly worse,

but it is a humanitarian crisisthat's got to be dealt with

and they won't do it,

you've got to face the problemand if they don't do it,

there's going to be, well

terrible consequences forthis nation and for others.

We cannot accommodatethousands and thousands

and millions of people comingfrom other poor countries.

You just can't do it,no nation can do that.

We've got to protect ourborders and if you don't do it,

you have chaos, there are not enough jobs,

there's not enough food,there's not enough medical care

to take care of all of our citizens,

but that's what's happening

and there's some that think,

well, the wealthy people like it

because they can get cheap labor.

That's not the way thegame is played, John.

- Pat turning to the health crisis

that's shaken the nationnow for the past year,

President Biden will deliver

a prime-time address Thursday night

one year to the day sincethe nationwide shutdown.

The pandemic claiming now

more than 525,000 lives in that time,

this as the CDC currently says,

people who've received both shots

can now visit with eachother in their homes

without masks or social distancing.

They can also get together

with those who are consideredlow risk for example,

grandparents visiting healthy children.

In another positive developmentscientists are hailing

a COVID-19 pill as theHoly grail of the pandemic.

Molnupiravir works like Tamiflufor people with the flu,

designed to stop thevirus from replicating

more research though is needed

as the drug has only beentested on about 200 people,

and Pat we've witnessedsome pretty amazing

medical and scientific breakthroughs.

- It is nothing short of a medical miracle

that we got the shots this fast

and I really think that Johnson & Johnson

deal with one shot isthe answer if possible,

but if they've developeda pill it's even better,

but I just cannotemphasize strongly enough

how deadly this COVID virusis, what it does to your brain

what it does to your lungs,

what it does to the rest of the anatomy

and wherever you are if youcan possibly get that vaccine,

I would recommend that you do it

and then not be afraid of it.


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