In their new book, “Never Grow Up,†Karen Kingsbury and her son, Tyler Russell, share the message that growing up is a part of life and children can do so with the support of family and friends.
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(upbeat music)
- "Careful what you say, itmight end up in a novel."
That message hangs on a sign
in the kitchen of Karen Kingsbury.
Her real family has been the inspiration
behind her fictional Baxter family.
And now Karen's son, Tyler,is his mom's co-writer.
Take a look.
- [Narrator] Wildly popularnovelist, Karen Kingsbury,
has again paired up withher son, Tyler Russell,
as a successful writing team.
Their latest project is Book Three
in the well-loved BaxterFamily children's series.
This time two of the Baxter girls
have come to a big decision.
In "Never Grow Up," Karen and Tyler weave
their trademark themes of faith and family
into another charmingstory for young readers.
- Welcome back to the 700 Club,
Karen Kingsbury andher son, Tyler Russell.
Hey, good to have thetwo of you with us today.
- Hello, it's lovely to be here.
- Hello, thanks for having us.
We're so excited.
- Well, Karen, I'm gonna jumpfor a second over to Tyler
and ask him what it's liketo work with your mom.
- It is such a blast.
I mean, I've learned so muchfrom her just growing up
watching her work and soto get to work together,
it feels like a dream.
I'm still learning a lot,but we have a lot of fun
creating these stories together.
- Must be, and Karen, whata treat for you to know
that you have a childthat wants to carry on
the Kingsbury tradition (laughs).
That's great.
- Otherwise we're so excitedto be able to work together.
And I had so many books thatI was already working on it,
that without Tyler, wewouldn't have brought
the Baxter family childrento life, so pretty excited.
- Well, you have 25million books in print.
Where do you get yourinspiration for the next book
after you've written so many?
- Well, it's really all God.
I mean, He gives me thestory like a movie in my head
and I just feel like the first reader
when I'm bringing it to life.
So it can be anything Icome across during a day.
It could be an interview Iwatch or a conversation I had.
So it's true, be carefulwhat you say (laughs).
- Well Tyler, it seemslike writing would be,
I know you've been a writer on your own
prior to working with your mom,
but it seems like such a personal process.
So how does the process workfor the two of you together?
- Yeah, I mean the process is really fun.
We get together andoutline kind of our map
of the story where we're gonna go.
And then we go to our ownseparate spots and work on it.
So I'll maybe do the firstdraft and then send her
that draft and she'llgive me edits or notes
and we just kind of go back and forth
'til it feels just right.
- Karen, "Never Grow Up"is actually the third book
in your Baxter Family children's series.
What made you decide to focus
on this particular theme, "never grow up?"
- Well, you know, asyou can see kids grow up
and so we thought it'd be kind of fun
if we focused this ontwo different issues.
We have Ashley who is doing aPeter Pan play with her class.
So the "never grew up" theme, she's Wendy.
And then also we have Kari,who's doing an assignment
on writing an essay on"What do you wanna be
"when you grow up?"
And that's a tough question for kids.
I mean, it's a toughquestion for young adults.
- Absolutely.
I immediately sent offfor book one and two,
so I could be sure to readthose with my grandchildren
first, before getting to three.
What's the latest on theupcoming Baxter Family TV series?
- Well, at this point they have36 episodes that are filmed,
they're edited, ready to go.
And Roma Downey, she'splaying Elizabeth Baxter
and she is also the producer.
So she's taking thisseries, the one with MGM,
they're kind of presentingit to different channels
and different networks,different platforms,
to see where God will have it land.
We're excited.
It could be any time, that announcement.
- Boy, I guess you should be excited.
That's a very big deal.
Tyler, what's in the works for Book Four
of the children's series?
Are we gonna get to watchthe Baxter children grow up?
- Such a great question.
Yeah, we're actually workingon Book Four and Five
right now, which is very exciting.
So we feel like Book Four mightbe an adventure theme book
and we might see Ashleygoing to maybe science camp.
So we're kind of in the earlyprocess of coming up with that
but definitely keep youreyes peeled for Book Four.
It's been such a dream working on these
and I can't wait to share more stories
with all of you.
- Yeah, and I think too,the thing we really love,
is that this is such a collaboration,
but it is also acollection of books really.
So if somebody just wantsto pick up "Never Grow Up"
and they've never read theother ones, that'd be fine.
It's just different slices of life.
- Mm-hmm.
Do you ever havedisagreements with each other
about what the next project should be?
- Sometimes, I mean, oncein a while I'll be like,
"Now wait a minute, Tyler, weneed a little more conflict
or he'll say, "Wait, we need more humor."
- And I feel like it's justsomething I've been learning
is, you know, we wanna servethe story, serve the reader,
and make sure that God ishonored in the process.
So it's a lot of giveand take, which is good.
- Yeah, how wonderful.
And Karen, what a treat for you.
I say again, as a parent, to see your son
grabbing the gauntlet andcontinuing to carry forth
the tradition of theKingsbury series is wonderful.
I wanna mention to folkswho have enjoyed your books,
as we know it's beenmillions and millions,
Karen and Tyler's latest book is called
"Never Grow Up" and it'savailable wherever books are sold.
So, enjoy it with your childrenand your grandchildren.
Thanks for being with us today, you two.
- Thanks for having us.- Thank you so much.
- Bless you.