CBN News Chief Political Editor John Waage Talks About Congressional Seats that Could Flip in 2022
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- Chief Political Editor,John Waage, is joining us now.
He's done a study of this.
John, the Republicans releaseda list of 48 House Democrats
that they're targeting in '22.
That's a huge number!
And why do they believe thatmany Democrats are vulnerable?
- Yeah, when you consider,Pat, that they need five,
maybe six, to take over the House,
having 48 seats to choose from is
a pretty good luxury at this point.
You know, we just selected maybe
six of 'em out of the total.
And they includeCalifornia's 45th District,
where it's Orange County.
And then also Florida's 17thDistrict, with Charlie Crist,
and the Illinois 17th,where one of the Democratic
campaign committee membersis the representative.
And also...
in Virginia, the 2ndDistrict and Wisconsin,
the 3rd District and NewJersey's 3rd District.
Those are six of them were looking at.
But of course, with 48,
you could look at almost any of 'em.
- Well have you actuallydone some of the numbers
of the polling now?
Can you give us some specifics
about several of those states?
- Well, one thing Pat, isthat many of those districts
are districts that either Biden lost
or that he won narrowly.
Also, they're districts thatwere previously occupied
by Republicans until 2018,when Republicans lost 40 seats.
So, that's really what they're targeting,
is districts that have asizeable Republican percentage
with them, but may have beenupset by President Trump.
And this is where they're looking,
is just the opportunity that's presented
from being the party out of power.
Because, since World War II,
27 seats is the numberthat a party tends to gain.
So with fighting the Democrats in 2022,
Republicans have verymuch a built-in advantage.
- John, are they goingto run on personalities?
Like we've got these wonderful women,
these wonderful Hispanics and so forth,
or were they gonna runstrictly on message,
that our message is so much more powerful
than what the Democrats have?
- Yeah, I think they'regoing to run to an extent
on their diversity.
We saw that in the RepublicanConvention in 2020.
And it truly is becominga more diverse party.
We saw these Republicanconservative women,
who did quite well inthe 2020 House elections.
So there will be that element of it.
I think they'll also berunning against the Democrats
and we'll have another 15,16 months of seeing the kind
of policies that we'veseen in the first 100 days.
That's certainly goingto be on the agenda.
And I think that it willgo district by district,
but I think you can capitalize
on the dissatisfaction as well.
You know, Pat, there are I think five
congressional districtsthey're targeting in Texas,
three or four in California,three in New York state,
two in Nevada, two in Arizona.
So some of these contestedstates, where the elections
were very questionable inthe eyes of Republicans,
they're really targetingsome House races there.
- You know, here, we'rein the 2nd District,
that's where we are, of Virginia.
And there's a guy named Scott Taylor,
who had been a former Congressman,
but he had some things that he had done
that made him really vulnerable.
And he was targeted.
We just saw ad, after ad, after ad,
not so much supportingElaine Luria, the Democrat,
but knocking Scott Taylor.
Do you think she is vulnerable?
This used to be a safe Republican seat.
- Yeah, and that's whyElaine Luria is on the list
of 48 House seats.
Because, although Biden wonthe district by five points,
if they field a good candidate,and this is true, Pat,
for around the country, ifthey field the candidate
and unite around himand they don't have any
extraneous things to give theopposition the opportunity
to really undercut, then theyreally have a solid chance
of taking back the House.
And that's true from coast to coast,
where the whole policiesof, even lockdown,
you know the New York18th District is not one
that was on our list, but in New York,
Sean Maloney is theDemocratic Campaign Chair.
So he's targeted by theRepublicans as well.
And they really think that, you know,
a rising tide can lift all boats,
and that's where theRepublicans feel that they are.
When there's an unpopular president,
we saw the Republicansgain 53 seats in 1994.
You remember that one, Pat,
and 60 seats the Republicans gained
in Obama's first off-year elections, 2010.
So we're talking about, you know,
really capitalizing onunpopular positions.
And we've certainly seen some of those
in the opening days ofthe Biden Administration.
- John, one thing, formerPresident Trump has decided
he's gonna go after allthose people who supported
impeachment againsthim and he's attacking,
especially Liz Cheney andothers who are Republicans.
Do you think, is he gonna hurt the efforts
to win these five seats, do you think?
- I don't think so, Pat.
We'll have to wait and see.
You know, the Scripture in Matthew says
"A house divided againstitself cannot stand."
I think that the party is pretty solidly
behind President Trump.
I think that targeting these
senators and congressmen is popular
with a good portion of the base,
who are pretty angry about some
of the public stands they've taken.
That'll be one of the first tests
is to see the primaries in2022 and see if the candidates
President Trump is gonnasupport actually defeat
candidates like LizCheney and Adam Kinzinger
and some people like that.
It's a very public showdown.
And you remember that in 2016,the chant that went forward,
the main battle cry was "Drain the Swamp."
The swamp hasn't been drainedand what the base feels
is they've learned a lot of Republicans
are part of the swamp,and those are the ones
that seemingly are gonnabe dealt with first.
We'll see how successfulformer President Trump is
in dealing with that.