- Well, welcome folks to thisedition of "The 700 Club."
Before I say anything more,I want to congratulate
my beautiful co-host on her 39th birthday
and-- 39 and holding,
my friend.- And holdin'.
(Pat and Terry laugh)
- Thank you.- You don't get older.
- That's very sweet of you.- You get better.
All right, well, congratulationsand happy birthday.
- Thank you.- All right.
It's called For the People Act.
That's what Democrats arecalling an election reform.
So why do Republicans callit a federal power grab?
The bill mandates early voting
and outlaws voter ID requirements,
making it easy to manipulate elections
and difficult to detect fraud.
CBN's Jenna Browder has that story.
(logo whooshes)
- With the House backin session this week,
H.R. 1 is on the floor.
Every House Democrat hassigned on to the legislation
which aims to reform federal elections,
but Republicans say not so fast.
- But you can't ever acceptwhen they steal and rig and rob.
- [Jenna] After theturbulent 2020 election
followed by the deadlyassault on the Capitol,
many agree election reform is needed.
Unfortunately, what that looks like
depends on the side doing the talking.
For Democrats, it comesin the form of H.R. 1,
which they call the For the People Act.
This legislation aims to basically create
a nationalized voting system
requiring uniform rules for all states.
It would, for example,mandate early voting,
then same day registration,
outlaw voter ID requirements,and allow ballot harvesting.
- The Democrats have beencampaigning on two key provisions.
- [Jenna] CaliforniaCongressman Ro Khanna sees it
as common sense reform.
- One, that every person shouldhave an equal right to vote,
and that the voting rights really matter
and especially after thepassing of John Lewis.
Many Americans believe thatwe shouldn't have lobbyists
and big donors and big moneyinfluencing our politics
and this would really try to get rid
of a lot of the influence of big money.
- [Jenna] Conservatives counterthat the For the People Act
only benefits progressives and liberals
by helping them keepcontrol in Washington.
- It is full of federalmandates and prohibitions
that would, in essence, weakenall of the security protocols
in the election process and,frankly, make it easy to cheat,
easy to manipulate election results,
and very difficult for states to detect
or deter election fraud.
- [Jenna] Hans von Spakovskywith the Heritage Foundation
was once a commissioner on theFederal Election Commission,
which enforces federallaws on federal campaigns.
- They're claiming it's allabout access to the ballot box,
but what they forget to tell folks
is that you have to haveboth access and security.
And there's no reason, forexample, to do what H.R. 1 does,
which is to make it illegal for any state
to have a voter ID requirement.
- [Jenna] Khanna disagrees
that getting rid of the ID requirement
would open the door for fraud.
- I don't think so.
I mean, the studies have not shown
that voter fraud is as rampant.
I mean, I know that this is a big dispute.
A lot of the voters who were not voting
in some of these statesare conservative voters,
which is why you saw the Trumpteam putting such an effort
on increasing voter turnout.
So I think we all shouldbe for higher voter turnout
and I don't think that's necessarily
always gonna benefit the Democrats.
- The legislation, firstintroduced two years ago,
would also require political groups
to disclose high dollar donors,
create reporting requirementsfor online political ads,
and in a nod to Trump, obligate presidents
to disclose their tax returns.
And with Democrats holding the majority
in the House, Senate, and White House,
this could be their time.
The bill's fate ultimately depends
on if enough Republicanswill consider the legislation
that they've rejected time and time again.
If not, Democrats couldeliminate the Senate filibuster,
which would get rid ofthe 60 vote requirement.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- Well, as they say,elections have consequences.
You know, the simple way to be the...
The biggest problem wassending ballots just recklessly
throughout the population andnot having them requested.
The idea is, if somebodywants an absentee ballot,
let them ask for it and then
absolutely verify their signature.
Nothing else.
And if they do that, it'llmake a huge difference,
but one of the problemsin the last election
is that they sent outhundreds or maybe thousands
of ballots, just sent 'em out to people.
They didn't know who they were
and who they were getting 'em
and some people were dead andsome of 'em were underage,
some of 'em weren't qualified, et cetera.
And it's just so simple.
And then when they come in,
was it your signature andverify the signature, period.
But the idea you can't have voter ID,
that people are gonna harvest ballots,
that's something that's wrong.
They go...
You know, the way they used to do it,
I mean, can still do it,
they could go to a, say, a nursing home
or a place where the senior citizens live
and go around and gather up their ballots
and then mark 'em the way they want to
and dump the whole bunch in.
That's ballot harvestingand that should be illegal.
There are many things that are wrong,
but this legislation doesn't address it.
Well, in New York, boy, oh boy,
he's up to his neck and sinking fast.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is drowning
in allegations over sexual impropriety
and a scandal over nursinghome deaths in his state.
John Jessup has more on that story.
- Pat, a third woman has come forward,
adding her voice to othersexual harassment claims
against Governor Cuomo,sparking growing calls
for accountability from his critics,
including some leading Democrats.
CBN Washington CorrespondentTara Mergener has more.
- [Tara] The stateattorney general's office
is now leading what's beingcalled a rigorous investigation.
This as calls for GovernorCuomo's resignation grow louder
and he maintains his innocence.
- I know that there isa pattern of abusive
and manipulative behavior from him.
I do think that it is timefor our governor to resign.
- [Tara] Calls from inside his own party
that Cuomo should stepdown are intensifying
after several women came outwith sexual harassment claims.
Among them, two former staffers.
- She alleges that the governor asked her
direct questions about her sex life,
whether or not she wasmonogamous in her relationships,
whether or not she had everslept with an older man.
- [Tara] Charlotte Bennetttelling the "New York Times"
it happened last spring and that,
while the governor never got physical,
he told her he was open to relationships
with women in their 20s.
She says, "I understood
that the governor wanted to sleep with me
and felt horriblyuncomfortable and scared."
Cuomo denies the allegations
and, in a statement Sunday, says,
"Some of the things I havesaid have been misinterpreted
as an unwanted flirtation.
To the extent anyone felt that way,
I am truly sorry about that."
- That's not an apology.
He seemed to be saying, "Oh,I was just kiddin' around."
You know, sexual harassment's not funny.
- [Tara] Cuomo also deniesearlier sexual harassment claims
by former aid Lindsey Boylan.
- It's, it's just not true.
- [Tara] Facing backlash over plans
to name his own investigator,Cuomo has referred the case
to the New York state attorney general.
- We have to keep politics out of this,
get what actually did or did not happen.
- [Tara] The White House also now calling
for an independent review.
- And that's certainlysomething he supports
and we believe should moveforward as quickly as possible.
- [Tara] The new allegationscome as the FBI investigates
whether Governor Cuomo coveredup the coronavirus death toll
in New York's nursing homes.
- The truth is everybodydid everything they could.
- [Tara] The scrutiny growing by the day
and now reaching a boiling point.
Fox News contributor JaniceDean telling CBN News
the death of her in-lawsin a New York nursing home
led her to speak out against the governor.
- And I was learning thisafter my in-laws died.
We had no idea that there wasthis executive order in place.
And I wasn't seeing thenews stories out there.
- [Tara] There are alsoreports that bipartisan calls
to strip Cuomo overemergency pandemic powers
are gaining steam.
Tara Mergener, CBN News.
- Increasing pressure for Governor Cuomo.
- There're two states we mentionedyesterday in the program.
One is California, wherethere's a recall petition
going on against GaryNewsom, and the same thing
in New York with Cuomo.
If this prevails, you mighthave a flip, a major flip
that would involve Houseof Representatives seats.
You could involve the possiblepresidential election.
And those two states are just,
they've been written off immediately.
They're not called battleground states
because they were givenover to the Democrats.
Now these two Democrat governors
are mismanaging things sobadly that the American people
in those states aresaying, "We've had enough,"
and there could be a seismic shift,
especially in the Houseof Representatives.
And if things continue as they are now,
my prediction would be
that the Republicans willwin control of the House
and Nancy Pelosi will nolonger be the Speaker.
- Pat, cancel culture critics say the move
to erase an iconic American author
has now reached the White House.
Today, March 2nd, isRead Across America Day,
traditionally held on Dr. Seuss' birthday
because of his contributionto children's literature.
President Joe Biden didnot mention Dr. Seuss
in the annual White House proclamation,
breaking with past presidents
who paid tribute to the author.
A Northern Virginia schooldistrict began the move
to distance Theodore Seuss Geisel,
better known as Dr. Seuss,from the annual event.
While Loudoun County PublicSchool officials cite research
that claims strong racialundertones in Dr. Seuss' books,
they are not banning them
from district libraries or classrooms.
The organization thatpreserves the author's legacy
also announced it willstop publishing six titles
due to racist images.
- "The Grinch StoleChristmas" and that's racist?
You know, there's a madnesstaking over my home state.
This is the Old Dominion.
This is the place whereHarry Byrd was the leader
of the Byrd Machine.
I can't believe LoudounCounty has gotten that bad.
But the trouble is they'respilling over from Washington DC
and this is craziness.
But to think that LoudounCounty doesn't want Dr. Seuss
and "The Grinch" and allthose wonderful books
that he wrote?
Oh, man.
I do think, if there'sa revolution coming,
I'd like to see it herein the Old Dominion.
- Pat, turning to the Middle East,
the first ever ambassadorfrom the United Arab Emirates
to the Jewish state arrivedin Israel on Monday.
Muhammad Al Khajapresented his credentials
to President Reuven Rivlin,
who thanked God in both Hebrew and Arabic.
This as Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE,
and Bahrain reportedly are in talks
about a possible security alliance.
An unnamed source tellingthe "Jerusalem Post"
the matter is being informally discussed.
And Pat, the report comes at a time
of growing tensions in the region
over Iran and the Bidenadministration's plan
to rejoin the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal.
- Well, I do think thatthose Arab countries
feel that they're more threatened by Iran
than they are by Israel.
And the fact that Israel and the Saudis
and the Bahrainis andothers are making a treaty
is just a big, big deal.
They haven't signed oneyet with Saudi Arabia,
but it's coming.
And it's a tremendous move.
But I point you again to Ezekiel 38.
Israel is living at peace in the land
and suddenly there's this coalition
that involves Persia, which is Iran,
and those northern associates
that will be identifiedin Turkey, Gog and Magog.
That will come againstIsrael in the latter days.
And it's all setting up.
Israel is gonna be at peaceand the Arabs recognize
that Iran is their biggestthreat, not Israel.
And to me, it's anencouraging thing that...
If it would bring peace,
it would be a wonderfulthing for the world.