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(air whooshes)
- [Jenna] Tonight, the rollout.
(workers clap and cheer)
Johnson & Johnson's new vaccine
joins the fight against COVID-19.
- [John] And the dust settles
(air whooshes)after President Trump
re-emerges on the public stage at CPAC.
(air whooshes)What it means for the GOP.
- I am not starting a new party.
- [Jenna] Plus...
- The woman has the right to come forward.
- [Jenna] New accusationsagainst the governor
of New York,(air whooshes)
already under fire formisreported nursing home deaths
in the pandemic.
- [John] And...
- The Iranian governmentmust be held accountable.
- [John] Religious freedomadvocates seek justice
for prisoners in Iranamid new nuclear talks.
All this and more tonighton "Faith Nation."
(urgent music with air whooshes)
- A new weapon in thewar against COVID-19.
Hi, everyone. Thank you forjoining us this Monday evening.
I'm Jenna Browder.
- Good evening. I'm John Jessup.
A third vaccine nowdeployed after FDA approval,
and this one only requires a single shot.
(air whooshes)- The new vaccine
could make it to a sitenear you this week.
CBN's Eric Philips joins us with more.
- Jenna and John, the FDAgave Johnson & Johnson's shot
the go-ahead over the weekend,
with shipments going outnationwide immediately.
Officials are hoping to get shots in arms
within the next 24 to 48 hours.
Crews have been workingaround the clock to get
the Johnson & Johnson vaccineboxed up and shipped out.
Officials say 4 milliondoses will go out this week,
the so-called one-and-done shot expected
to speed up vaccinations exponentially.
- It's also important to remember
when we say 100 million doses by June,
that means 100 million vaccinations,
patients that will have been treated.
- [Eric] Not only does the latest vaccine
require just one shot, itcan also be refrigerated
at normal temperatures,making it easier to store
than those that mustbe kept below freezing.
The FDA praises this latestvaccine for offering 85%
protection against what matters most,
serious illness,hospitalizations, and death.
(whistle descends)While it falls short
of the 95% prevention offeredby the other vaccines,
experts say that's no cause for concern.
- We have three highlyefficacious vaccines
that are safe and efficacious.
That's the bottom line.
I can tell you, I'm vaccinated now,
but if I were not vaccinatedand I was gonna go
into a clinic and theysaid, "Hey, we have J&J now,
or you can wait three weeksor so to get another one,"
I would take the one thatis available to me now,
because the quicker you get vaccinated,
the more quickly you will be protected,
and you will add ontothe overall protection
in your county, in your country.
- [Eric] So far, latest CDC stats show
more than 24 millionpeople fully vaccinated,
with nearly 49 millionwaiting for their second shot.
There's still a long way to go.
- We're not able to vaccinate80% of the population
quite yet, and by April,we'll still be a ways off.
- [Eric] After a year and morethan 500,000 COVID deaths,
pandemic-weary Americans areanxious to get back to normal,
some heading to warm placeslike Miami for spring break.
- We're going somewhere now.
- Johnson & Johnson says it'll soon test
its single-shot dose on children,
even newborns, and pregnant women.
Meanwhile, on the financial relief front,
President Biden islooking forward to meeting
with Senate Democrats on Tuesday,
now that his $1.9trillion COVID relief bill
passed the House over theweekend, John and Jenna.
- All right, Eric Philips.Thank you very much.
Well, former President Trump says he won't
start his own political party, but John,
that's not to say hewon't run again in 2024.
- Jenna, in his firstspeech since leaving office,
Trump came out swingingagainst President Biden's
first few weeks in office.
CBN News Capitol Hill Correspondent
Abigail Robertson has more.
- Former President Trump setthe record straight on Sunday
that he has no plansto start a third party.
One thing that hasn'tchanged, he still believes
he won the 2020 election,and hasn't ruled out
the possibility of running again in 2024.
- You know, they keptsaying, "He's gonna start
a brand-new party."
We have the Republican Party.
(audience cheers)It's going to unite
and be stronger than ever before.
I am not starting a new party.
- [Abigail] Trump criticizedthe first few weeks
of President Biden's administration,
particularly his immigration policies.
- Biden has failed in his number one duty
as chief executive,enforcing America's laws.
(audience applauds)
This alone should bereason enough for Democrats
to suffer witheringlosses in the midterms,
and to lose the White House decisively
four years from now.(audience cheers)
- [Abigail] Trump also praisedhis America-first agenda,
and said Republicans must makeelection security a priority.
- We must pass comprehensiveelection reforms,
and we must do it now.
The Democrats used theChina virus as an excuse
to change all of the election rules
without the approval oftheir state legislatures,
making it, therefore, illegal.
- [Abigail] Noticeablyabsent from CPAC this year
was former Vice President Mike Pence.
- Mike Pence, he's a very prayerful man,
believes that this is a time for him
to kind of stay a little more quiet,
a little more out of view, not because
he's done anything wrong, but because
he's a little bitretooling, and he's thinking
about how he re-emerges on the stage.
He's absolutely gonna be in the fight.
- [Abigail] Matt Schlapp, chairman
of the American Conservative Union,
which hosts CPAC, told CBN News
Pence was invited, but declined to attend.
- He talks to the president.
All the myths about how they kinda left
not talking to each other is wrong.
We're all in this together.
- One thing Trump didn'taddress in his speech
is the grand jury investigation
into business dealings ofThe Trump Organization.
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance
and his team finally gainedaccess to Trump's tax returns,
thanks to the SupremeCourt, and they're looking
into accusations of taxand insurance fraud,
or if he falsified the valuesof assets and buildings
in order to get loans.
Trump has denied any wrongdoing,
and calls the ongoing investigation
a fishing expedition and a witch hunt.
Reporting from Virginia,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.
- Thanks, Abigail.
Meanwhile, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo
is under more fire tonight.
- That's right, growingcalls for accountability
from his critics tonightafter a second staffer
came forward accusinghim of sexual harassment.
(air whooshes)CBN News Senior
Washington CorrespondentTara Mergener is here
with the latest on the investigation,
the fallout, and Cuomo's response.
- John and Jenna, the stateattorney general's office
is now leading what's beingcalled a rigorous investigation.
This as calls for GovernorCuomo's resignation
grow louder and hemaintains his innocence.
- I know that there isa pattern of abusive
and manipulative behavior from him.
I do think that it is timefor our governor to resign.
- [Tara] More calls frominside his own party
that Cuomo should stepdown, after this weekend,
a second former aide came forward
with a sexual harassment claim.
- She alleges that the governor asked her
direct questions about her sex life,
whether or not she wasmonogamous in her relationships,
whether or not she had everslept with an older man.
- Charlotte Bennetttelling The New York Times
it happened last spring, and that, while
the governor never got physical,
(air whooshes)he told her he was
"open to relationshipswith women in their 20s."
She says, "I understood that the governor
wanted to sleep with me, and felt
horribly uncomfortable and scared."
(air whooshes)Cuomo denies the allegations,
and in a statement Sunday says,
"Some of the things I have said have
been misinterpreted asan unwanted flirtation.
To the extent anyone felt that way,
I am truly sorry about that."
Cuomo also denies earliersexual harassment claims
by former aide Lindsey Boylan.
- It's just not true.
- [Tara] Facing backlashover plans to name
his own investigator, Cuomo has referred
the case to the New Yorkstate attorney general.
- We have to keep politics out of this,
get what actually did or did not happen.
- [Tara] The White House also now calling
for an independent review.
- And that's certainlysomething he supports,
and we believe should moveforward as quickly as possible.
- [Tara] The new allegationscome as the FBI investigates
whether Governor Cuomocovered up the coronavirus
death toll in New York's nursing homes.
- The truth is everybodydid everything they could.
- [Tara] The scrutiny growing by the day,
and now reaching a boiling point.
Fox News contributor JaniceDean telling CBN News
the death of her in-lawsin a New York nursing home
led her to speak out against the governor
- I was learning thisafter my in-laws died.
We had no idea that there wasthis executive order in place.
And I wasn't seeing thenews stories out there.
- There are also reportsbipartisan calls to strip
Cuomo of emergency pandemicpowers are gaining steam.
John and Jenna?
- All right, CBN SeniorWashington Correspondent
Tara Mergener, thanks, Tara.
(air whooshes)Well, here now for more,
CBN Chief Political Analyst David Brody.
David, the scandal overGovernor Cuomo's behavior
with his subordinates and management
with COVID-19 are on every channel.
David, what does this meanfor his political career?
Can he survive this?
- He's in trouble, John,he's in big trouble,
and here's why.
He's losing the Democrats in New York.
That's the bottom line.
You know, if you go back to Richard Nixon,
I'd rather not date myself, John,
but if I go back to Richard Nixon,
Nixon lost the WhiteHouse when Republicans
walked up from Capitol Hillto 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
and said, "Mr. President,you've lost your party."
That could be what we'reseeing here with Cuomo.
He may be losing the New York Democrats
and that party, theDemocrat Party in New York,
and that would be the undoing.
Look, it it's one thing to really blow
the nursing home deaths.
I mean, that that'sbad enough on its face.
Then you throw in a sexualharassment allegation
and another one to boot,and how many more out there?
We don't know.
This is going to go from bad to worse
pretty quickly, I think.
- David, on formerPresident Trump's speech
at CPAC, what were your thoughts on that?
And more specifically,did he quash all of this
talk about a Republican civil war?
- (laughs) Well, you know, the media love
to talk about a Republican civil war.
Here's the truth. This isDonald Trump's Republican Party.
So how do they say, "Eitherget with the program
or it's just not gonna happen?"
So, look, there's a lot to be said here.
I thought the speech wasexcellent, by the way.
I think overall, he stuck to, so to speak,
the prompter, if you will.
At the end, he talked aboutthe election quite a bit,
but you knew he was gonna do that.
It was a very good speech.
But let's remember, atthe end of the speech,
he talked about how there'll be a return
to, what'd he say, return to glory
of a Republican presidentback to the White House.
Well, he's obviouslytalking about himself.
But here are the two big ifs.
Number one, how will 2022 go?
In other words, will Republicans
be able to back the House and Senate?
The other issue is the election,
in other words, election reform.
Donald Trump isn't gonnado this all over again
if states don't get their act together
and make sure those lawsare fair and square.
- Yeah, so, David, let me ask you this.
If he does run in 2024,do you think he would
want to run with former VicePresident Pence on the ticket?
- That's a great question.
No. (chuckles) No, I don't think he will.
I mean, I think he would shake it up.
Donald Trump is all forkeeping you off-balance
and, how do I say it?
The Trump-Pence ticket?Been there, done that.
I think he'll go some other direction.
But that's another question,and a great question
for another "Faith Nation" in 2024.
(Jenna chuckles)
- David, Axios is reportingformer President Trump
received the coronavirus vaccine
at the White House in January.
Why was this not publicized earlier?
Could this help people who are hesitant
about getting the vaccinefeel more comfortable?
- Well, we don't know exactlywhy it wasn't publicized.
It could possibly be becausewe weren't quite sure
how that vaccine was gonna operate, work,
and what kind of sideeffects there would be.
But the fact that DonaldTrump would take the vaccine,
if we think that that isgonna therefore propel
all of the Trump base, theones that are concerned
about the vaccine tobegin, if all of a sudden,
we think they're gonna take the vaccine
because Trump took the vaccine?
The media might thinkthat that they're all
listening to Trump on every single thing.
Give me a break.
If they've got issues with the vaccine
because of side effects and X, Y, and Z,
just because Trump took it doesn't mean
they're gonna take it.
- All right, David Brody.We'll leave it right there.
Thank you very much. Good to see you.
- Good to see you.
- [John] Thanks, David.
Coming up, why some say theHouse-passed Equality Act
is anything but, and what itmeans for religious freedom.
(man grunts)(dog clangs)
(water trickles)
(man yawns)
(woman sighs)(water sizzles on grill)
(man yawns)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
(dog clangs)
Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep!"
- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.
(video chirps)- It's a big diplomatic
tug-of-war here in the Middle East.
- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with "Jerusalem Dateline."
- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery
that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.
- [Announcer] Join CBN Jerusalem
Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell,
(video chirps)and get the biblical
perspective on theevents shaping the world.
- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.
- [Announcer] Watch "Jerusalem Dateline,"
Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.
- [Announcer] Life. It'smeant to be lived fully.
Jesus said it.
"I came to give you life."
Life to the fullest.
Life in your family.
Life in your finances.
Life in your body, mind, and spirit.
Life in your everyday.
(upbeat piano-driven music)
(air whooshes)At, we're taking
what Jesus said seriously.
We're here to help you discover life.
Life. Live it fully.
(air whooshes)
- John, the the House Equality Act passed
by the House is heading to the Senate.
= That's right, Jenna, the bill approved
largely along party linespromises fair treatment
for the LGBTQ community, but critics say
it tramples on religiousfreedom in the process.
The legislation expandsthe 1964 Civil Rights Act
by broadening the definitionof protected classes
to include sexual orientationand gender identity.
Congressman David Cicillinesponsored the bill.
Opponents say the legislation ignores
religious freedom in many ways,
including requiring doctorsto perform procedures
like gender reassignment even if it goes
against their beliefs.
- Every American deservesrespect and dignity,
and it's important thatthe Equality Act become law
because it will, once and for all, ensure
that LGBTQ Americans can livelives free of discrimination.
- Parents who choose notto subject their child
to puberty-blockingdrugs, cross-sex hormones,
they could have their childrenremoved from their custody.
- [John] President Biden hassaid he wants to sign the bill
into law within hisfirst 100 days in office.
(air whooshes)- And here with us now
is Justin Giboney, attorney andfounder of the And Campaign.
Justin, always good to have you with us.
How does the Equality Actthreaten religious communities,
specifically kids whogo to religious schools?
- Well, one thing I thinkit's important to realize
is that while is importantthat we make sure
that the LGBTQ people are protected
when it comes to beingon the job, and housing,
and things of that nature,but there's a certain way
to go about it, andunfortunately, the Equality Act
has no consideration forreligious institutions.
When you talk about kidswho go to religious schools
that are getting federalhelp for their lunches,
that lunch money would be taken away
for hundreds of thousands of kids.
That's just not the way to go about this.
There are better ways to make sure
that we protect our LGBTQ neighbors
but at the same time realizethat religious liberty
is important, especiallywhen it comes to children.
- You support the Fairnessfor All Act, Justin.
In your view, does that billactually defend LGBTQ rights
without threatening religious communities?
- It does.
It's really a product ofwhat our democracy should be.
It comes from the Utah Compromise,
where the faith communityin Utah got together
with the LGBTQ community,and they came to something
that they could both live with.
That's how we should work together.
Unfortunately, the EqualityAct doesn't do that.
So the Fairness for All says,yes, we need to make sure
that we have protections when it comes,
again, to employment,when it comes to housing,
and things of that nature,but we're not gonna close down
Christian colleges, we'renot gonna close down
Christian hospitals, justbecause they're moving forward
their belief in many waysthat have nothing to do
with discrimination, but just because
they wanna maintain their beliefs.
So there's a more thoughtfulway to go about this.
Unfortunately, the EqualityAct is just kinda folks
shoving what they want through the process
and not really goingthrough a cleaner process
that really reflects what our government
and our democracy should be.
- So Target removed authorAbigail Shrier's book,
which is critical of transgender policies,
just days after another book critical
of the transgender movement,this one by, I believe,
Dr. Ryan T. Anderson,was scrubbed from Amazon.
You talked about this inone of your recent podcasts,
Your thoughts on whethercorporations have the right
to alter the publicconversation by removing books
like these from the debate.
- I mean, technically, we can say
that they have the right to do so,
but whether they should ornot is the bigger question.
I mean, when you're talking about an issue
that's this important, that'sreally landmark legislation
and really a novel concept or ideology
that could really change our culture
in many negative ways, thereneeds to be a full discourse.
People need to be able totalk about this in an open way
without their books gettingremoved from the shelves.
And I think when you have to remove books
from the shelves of stores like that,
then you see that maybe there's a weakness
in the argument that'strying to be covered up.
And so I think we need to just have
a real conversation about this.
Christians can do better in advocating
for our LGBTQ neighbors sothat they are protected,
that's something that the And Campaign
and I'm very serious about,but there's a way to do it
that moves forward a pluralistic society
where people can disagree and still
find ways to live together.
- Justin, you teed yourselfup quite nicely for this
when you talked about open conversations.
Let's talk about reconciliation.
President Biden campaignedon uniting the country.
Is there anythingDemocrats and Republicans
can come together onin politics these days?
- Oh, absolutely.
I think there's a hugeopportunity to come together
when it comes to COVID, to say,
"Hey, we can find a wayto make sure that we help
the people who are in need right now,"
especially when you're talkingabout folks in poverty,
you're talking about the Black community
who suffered greatly at a higher rate
when it comes to COVID, butthen you also have opportunities
when it comes to infrastructure.
There are huge, there's a lot of things
that we can do together whenit comes to infrastructure.
We've seen breakdowns in Americaninfrastructure as of late,
and this is something both parties
should be able to getbehind, but it only happens
if we're willing to do the right thing
and kinda push away some of the voices
that just wanna work together,whether it's a good thing
or not.- All right,
a good place to end.
Justin Giboney, we also should mention
your podcast is the the "Church Politics."
Justin Giboney with the And Campaign.
Thanks for being with us.
- Thanks for having me.- Thanks, Justin.
(air whooshes)Up next, why
religious advocates want the White House
use nuke talks to freepersecuted prisoners in Iran.
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CBN News.
(urgent music)
(dad yawns)
(cereal clatters)
(dad yawns)
(plastic container thumps)
(dad grunts)
(juice pours into bowl)
(cartoon music plays in background)
(dad grunts)(glass bowl slides on counter)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep!"
today.(dad snores)
- [Announcer] Life. It'smeant to be lived fully.
Jesus said it.
"I came to give you life."
Life to the fullest.
Life in your family.
Life in your finances.
Life in your body, mind, and spirit.
(air whooshes)Life in your everyday.
At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.
We're here to help you discover life.
(air whooshes)Live it fully.
- Welcome back.
The United States isconsidering re-entering
negotiations with Iranover its nuclear program.
- Some say the Islamicrepublic's persecuted prisoners
must be part of the deal.
CBN News Senior Washington Correspondent
Jennifer Wishon explains.
- [Jennifer] YoucefNadarkhani is the leader
of the evangelical church in Iran.
He was pastoring a thrivingflock of 400 members
when he was violently arrested in 2018.
It was his most recent ina long record of run-ins
with Islamic law enforcement that included
being sentenced todeath, all for practicing
his Christian faith.
He's currently incarceratedat the nation's
notorious Evin prison, and he's not alone.
Iran routinely mistreats, imprisons,
and tortures non-Muslims.
- The Iranian governmentmust be held accountable
for their abhorrenttreatment of Pastor Youcef.
- [Jennifer] Now, asthe Biden administration
works to re-establish talks with Iran
over its nuclear program,religious freedom advocates
say the U.S. must useevery ounce of leverage
to help the persecuted.
- The continued unjustifieddetainment of prisoners
like Pastor Youcefincreasingly jeopardizes
Iran's already unstable position.
- Commissioner JohnnieMoore quoted Wang Xiyue,
an American who was heldhostage for three years
in the same prison thathouses Pastor Youcef.
- [Johnnie] "Iran hasdemonstrated that it changes
its behavior only in response to strength
in the form of American-ledinternational pressure.
If the present administrationreturns to the JCPOA
without extracting concessions from Iran
beyond the nuclearthreat, it will relinquish
all U.S. leverage over the regime.
Diplomacy can't succeed without leverage."
- [Jennifer] Appeals tothe Biden administration
came during a hearing to highlight
the Prisoners of Conscienceprogram sponsored
by the U.S. Commission onInternational Religious Freedom.
Family members advocatedfor their loved ones
who've been jailed fortheir faith or belief.
Susanna Koh spoke abouther husband, Raymond,
who served as pastor ofthe evangelical church
of Malaysia before disappearing
during this well-orchestrated abduction.
- He loves to tell Bible stories
to whoever is willing to listen.
- [Jennifer] Since the commission began
its Prisoners of Conscienceprogram, 14 have been released.
Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.
(air whooshes)
- [John] Thank you, Jennifer.
Coming up, college coachesall over the country
are on the same team today.
See what's bringing them together, next.
(woman sighs)
(copier lid opens)
(plastic bag rustles)
(copier lid closes)
(buttons beep)
(copier runs)
(paper rips)
(woman sighs)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep!" today.
(copier runs)
- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Graham,and this is "Studio 5."
Cruise with me as Idiscover the good things
happening in the world of music,
sports, television, and movies.
- The fact that Ryan Coogler was
gonna be directing the film, I knew
that something special was gonna happen.
- [Efrem] We'll chat withartists at the forefront
of entertainment, andexplore the connection
between popular culture and faith.
- I asked my pastor, Isaid, "Well, does that mean
I'm supposed to be a preacher?"
He says, "Well, no, youalready have a pulpit."
- [Announcer] Watch "Studio5," Wednesday night at 9:30.
- [Announcer] Remember for a moment
what it was like to be a child.
You believed every story you were told.
You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.
What stories will the world's orphaned
and at-risk children believe?
We believe the Bible tells the only story
truly worth believing.
We believe that every child should have
the opportunity to dream, the chance
to take challenges and turnthem into possibilities,
the chance to stand onthe promises of God,
to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.
They have their whole lives ahead of them.
Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.
They are looking for a story to believe.
We will tell them that story.
Will you join us?
(hopeful music)
(air whooshes)
(chimes twinkle)(children laugh)
- Well, finally tonight, aftera year of tough challenges,
South Carolina Statebasketball coach Murray Garvin
set out to find ways toencourage his counterparts.
- He initiated the firstNational Day of Prayer
for College BasketballCoaches, with CBS analyst
Clark Kellogg and PastorTony Evans leading the event.
- But in a dark chapter, with a dark book,
I got a lit verse.
"'I have a plan for you,' saith the Lord,
'a plan for your well-beingand not your calamity,
to give you a future andto give you a hope.'"
- And the virtual event featured prayers
and uplifting messages fromcoaches around the country.
Garvin praised God for using basketball
to bring people together,and called coaches
to a season of March gladness.
- I love it.- And John, this year,
nearly all the gamesplayed in Indianapolis.
- Great thing.
Have a great night.