EXCLUSIVE: Myanmar's Special Envoy to the United Nations Talks About the Challenges Facing His Nation
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- To discuss the ongoingsituation in Myanmar,
I'm joined by my next guest, Dr. Sasa,
who is a well-knownphilanthropist, a doctor,
and a humanitarian.
Dr. Sasa, thank you so muchfor coming on the broadcast.
As I mentioned, you are awell-known person in Myanmar.
You've spent your life doingall kinds of humanitarian work
and helping those whoare vulnerable and needy.
But you have now justaccepted the position
as Myanmar's representativeto the United Nations.
So why did you decideto accept this position?
- Yeah, I have seen the suffering
of the people, my people, andthe atrocities and the pain
that was purposely imposed on the people
of Myanmar for so long and for so much.
So I believe that being in this positions,
I'll be able to help thepeople who are in need more
and ease the suffering andthe pain and also injustice,
and all these atrocities are continuing
in our country, unfortunately.
- Can you talk about what you see
as your main role in this new position
as Myanmar's representativeto the United Nations?
- I want to make sure thatinternational community are aware
that these military dictatorships,
that this military coup, isillegitimate, is illegal,
and on eight of November 2020, the people
of Myanmar have chosenthe other representative,
democratically electedmember of parliament
by the people for the people of Myanmar,
but it was overthrown inthe middle of the night
on the 1st of February, 2021.
So I want to make sure thatthe international community
recognize us as a legitimate government.
This is the law makers,
not that illegal militaryregime in the country
that only bring thedarkness and the suffering
to the people of Myanmar.
- You have a very hugefollowing on social media,
specifically on Facebook,and recently you posted
on Facebook asking peopleto send you information,
video testimony evidenceof the alleged atrocities
being committed by the military junta.
What have you received so far?
And what can you tell us about the extent
of their human rights violations?
- The state forces, the security forces,
the armed forces who shouldbe protecting the people
of Myanmar are now against thepeople of Myanmar, brutally.
And it's very sad.
They have declared a waron the people of Myanmar
in a very aggressive way.
They are arresting the people,
particularly targeting their critics.
- You had a chance to have a meeting
with the representativesof the United Nations.
Can you tell us what you you told them
about the situation in your country?
- We have collected allkinds of informations
of the brutality andthe human rights abuses
and the violations committedby the security forces
in the last three weeks.
And so it is really for us to submit
all those evidence andproof to the United Nation's
Human Rights Council andalso UN Security Council
to build up the maximum pressures
to these brutal military regimes.
- We have seen for thefirst time in this protest
that thousands ofpro-military junta supporters
are now taking to the streetsof Mandalay, of Yangon.
Do you fear that this justescalates the situation
right now in your country?
- Well, it is a fact that bythis same military coup leaders
they are given the cash,5,000, which is some $3 per day
so that they can go and protest
and disturb these peoplewho are pro-democracy.
And so it's very evil, whatthey are doing is very evil.
And our people, they make our country poor
and they make the economy collapse.
This created situationswhere all these people
will be a collapse of healthcareand a collapse of economy.
And they have created asystem where all these people
will be suffering to the maximum.
And so now the people arehaving no food to eat.
And again, they get some cash and say,
"Look, I'll give you $3 per day.
You go do for me this."
So I have got a list of everythingthat they have collected,
how much they paid to whom.
And we have got people whoare distributed the pictures,
everything, evidence thatthey are doing these,
they are making the people of Myanmar
against the people ofMyanmar, so it's evil.
- The U.S. administrationunder President Biden
has slapped sanctions on various generals
in the military junta.
Do you think that the UnitedStates and Western countries
should also slap sanctions on the various
lucrative businesses that the military has
across the country, from SIM cards
to wireless communications,to all the various enterprises
that is raking in billionsof dollars for the military?
Would you like the U.S. to do that?
- Yeah, I mean, sanctioningand punishing the generals,
it's not enough.
It's the same, the one who supported them
into this power are the same as the one
who's committed thiscrime against humanity.
So we are making the list of the company
and the people associatewith this regime, junta.
So all those business who involve
with these militaryleaderships must be punished,
because all the bullets and the weapons
that they are killing againsttheir own people are coming
from those kinds of businesses.
And therefore, we are nowasking Mr. President Biden's
administration to make tougher sanctions,
and also British governmentand European Union
to make bigger sanctions onthe people who support them.
- Obviously, the military generals
do not recognize yourappointment as the representative
to the United Nations.
Are you afraid for your life?
Are you concerned thatyou might be arrested?
- Definitely, they willdo anything to harm us.
They have issued severalnotification threatening us,
but I don't believe that they will be able
to do what they wanted to.
And then I believe that thisis a very important mission
that we have to do, andI do not serve the evil.
I do not serve their purpose.
I am not appointed by the generals,
but I am appointed bythe people of Myanmar.
Therefore, I will represent the people
of Myanmar til the end.
- You don't hide the factthat you are a Christian
and you rely on your faith.
Can you talk about maybe some Bible verses
that have encouragedyou, given you strength
in the middle of this very difficult time?
- I accept Jesus as my Savior and my Lord,
and I believe that Hedied for me on the cross.
He came from heaven to earthto serve so that I can live.
He died so that I can live.
It's very simple.
So I think, to summarize,it's all about love,,
and I'm encouraged and also reading
First Corinthian 13, versesone to seven about love.
I am inspired and also deeply touched
by that verses that talk about love.
Love is kind, love is patient,
love is not boastful, allthat chapter and verses,
those are my favorite.
And also I'm really encouraged
and get the energy and strength
from Matthew 5:3 to 12
where Jesus was talkingabout blessed are those
who are poor in spirit, fortheirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who aremourned, they will be comforted.
He say blessed are those who are merciful,
for they will receive the mercy.
And blessed are those who hunger
and thirst for justice,for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are those who are pure in heart,
for they will see God.
And I am really, reallyinspired by all those verses,
and I believe that thoseliving words are so much
to our life and our way, and, I mean,
even our political work.
I think it's veryimportant that Jesus said,
"Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
And again even say even love your enemy.
- How would you likeChristians around the world
to pray for your nation?
- I will really appreciate if our brothers
and sisters around theworld pray for my country
in this time of troubles.
This is a very difficult timefor my people in country,
and all 54 million peoplein Myanmar are under siege
by the evil and darknesses.
And no one of the 54million are safe right now.
We all are in that fearand living under siege,
including our president andstate counselor San Suu Kyi.
So I ask all our friends and also family
and our brothers and sisters in Christ
to remember our people andcountry in their prayer.
In 24 hours in a day, ifyou can give two minutes
to pray for us, I believethat we will see the miracles
that we never have seen before.
And that is the freedomof the people of Myanmar
and the democratic society of Myanmar
is striving and blessingnot only for the country,
but also for the regionand the whole world.
But I believe that the prayercan move the mountains.
So the mountain is not the mountain
in geographical locations,the mountain in the hearts
of the people, particularly the army.
We need to remove themountains of these evils
in their hearts, butit's the only by spirit,
only by faith we can remove that.
So I hope and pray thatif the whole world join us
in prayer at least two minutes a day,
I believe that that evilmountains will be removed
and that there will be the kingdom come.
The kingdom of love, the kingdom of hope,
the kingdom of peace andthe kingdom of thriving,
and His kingdom offorgiveness, His kingdom
of reconciliation will cometo my people and country.
- Thank you so much forcoming on the broadcast
and we wish you the bestand our prayers are with you
and the Nation of Myanmar.
Thank you for coming on the show.
- Thank you very much,thank you very much.
God bless.- God bless.