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Finding Purpose During COVID Ordeal

When married couple Angie and Scott were diagnosed with COVID-19, Angie eventually healed yet Scott’s condition deteriorated. Angie and their three daughters summoned a prayer army to battle for Scott’s life. Read Transcript

- [Angie] Scott was saying,

I think I need to go into emergency

because I really can't breathe.

- [Narrator] It had been afew days since Angie Bilton

and and her husband, Scott,developed COVID-like symptoms

in March, 2020.

They weren't concerned because the number

of COVID deaths in the US was still low.

Even after Scott wasadmitted to the hospital

with breathing problems,

Angie figured he'd be home soon.

- I thought they will dothe chest X-ray on him

and he'll get the treatment he needs

if he has pneumonia.

- [Narrator] Just two days later,

Scott tested positive for COVID-19.

He sent Angie an alarming text.

- Said, they're saying thatI'm not getting any better

and they're going tohave to move me to ICU

and most likely put me on a ventilator

- [Narrator] By now, Angiehad also tested positive

for the coronavirus.

Although exhausted frombattling her own symptoms,

Angie was more concerned about her husband

and she reached out to friendsand family to pray for Scott.

- To have friends come along

and breathe the word of God into you

and just come preparedto these prayer meetings

with scripture and words,it was just incredible.

- [Narrator] Over the nextweek, Scott continued to decline

and was put in a medicallyinduced coma and on a ventilator.

Angie called the hospitalthree times a day for updates.

- And then I was placingan update on Facebook

and giving a lot of details

so that people would knowwhat direction to pray

and how to pray for him.

- [Narrator] On April 6th,

10 days after going into the hospital,

Scott started to crash.

The ventilator that had been doing 60%

of his breathing was now doing 80%.

- At that point, I kind of broke down.

I really had to consider the possibility

that he might not make it

- [Narrator] That same day,

Angie called the hospital and had a nurse

put a phone to Scott's ear.

She prayed for him, playedworship music for him,

and hold him she loved him.

She also put an update on Facebook

and people immediately started praying

and fasting for Scott.

Overnight, his ventilatornumbers dropped to 55%

- And then every day after that,

there was improvement.

- [Narrator] By now,Angie's symptoms were gone.

Scott kept improving and six days later,

he was taken off the ventilatorand brought out of his coma.

- I thought, okay, he's gonna be okay.

- [Narrator] As the sedation more off,

Scott regained his strength.

Angie and their three daughters

were able to FaceTime withhim to encourage his progress.

- I remember at one point thinking,

okay, that's my husband. He's back.

- [Narrator] They also told Scott

about all the people praying for him.

- I've had thoughts of like, you know,

what has my life added up to?

What have I done with it?

Have I touched anybody?

Have I made a differencein anybody's life?

And finding out that so many people

went to bat for my wife and for me

was greatly humbling.

- [Narrator] Then on April24th, Scott was transferred

to rehab where he continued to improve.

Two weeks later, Angie was able

to be with her husband

for the first time in 42 days.

- And I walked towards him.

He forced himself up and he stood up.

- I wanted to show her, I'm okay.

I'm doing good.

It's going to be okay.

- It was wonderful.

I was so thankful to be ableto hold my husband again.

It was just a very emotionalmoment for both of us.

- [Narrator] The next day, May 8th,

Scott was released to go home.

A few days later, he was surprised

by a drive by paradecelebrating his recovery.

Although he has a few lingering issues

that he controls with diet and exercise,

Scott says he's doing well

and enjoys time with his family again.

Scott and Angie know Godwas with them through it all

and has a purpose for their ordeal.

- It was ultimately to be able

to minister to others,

to serve others, to love others,

and to be a support.

- If the story helpssomeone that's struggling

or has gone through the same thing

and just God using it forhis glory, for his benefit

to drawing people back to him,

renewing their faith if it's faded.

That's what I see God using this for.

God does answer prayer

and God is a God of miracles.

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