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'Good, Good Father' Writer Pat Barrett Opens up About His Latest Worship Music

'Good, Good Father' Writer Pat Barrett Opens up About His Latest Worship Music Read Transcript

- Worship leader andrecording artist Pat Barrett

gave us the unforgettablesong "Good, Good Father"

and this week he hassome new music to share.

It's his sophomore solo project

and it's called "Act Justly,Love Mercy, Walk Humbly."

♪ It all comes down to this ♪

♪ What You require of me ♪

♪ Love my neighbor as myself ♪

♪ And You above all things ♪

♪ Act justly ♪

♪ Love mercy ♪

♪ Walk humbly with You, God ♪

- So this album was inthe making for two years?

- Unfortunately.

(Pat and Efrem laughing)

♪ With You, God ♪

- I remember like thefeeling of two years ago,

being like, "Oh, there's a couple songs

that I'd really like to share."

And then, as time wenton and the world changed,

so did songs and whatfelt like really important

to sing about and share.

And so I'm actually now really happy.

There were moments in those two years

where you're like whycan't this be done yet?

And then now I'm so happy for the songs

that happened actually near the end.

♪ In all ways, walk humbly ♪

- The project is called

"Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly."

What are some of the singles

that came toward the end of the project?

- Funny enough, that song.

♪ The Kingdom of heaven ♪

♪ Beauty for ashes ♪

♪ It's mourning to dancing ♪

♪ It's closer ♪

Throughout the two years, Iwas like what am I even going

to call this collection of songs?

I can't do anotherself-titled album, can I?

Like just don't name it again or?

(Efrem laughing)

And what I loved about it was that even

that Micah 6:8 verse, "Actjustly, love mercy, walk humbly,"

it's such a picture of your whole life.

And this album for me andthese songs really were my way

of sharing, not just likethe love mercy songs,

but also the act justly songs,

and not just the act justly songs,

the way we behave in theway we relate to each other,

but also the walk humbly songs,

the songs that deal withgrowing and missing the mark,

and repentance and trust and faith.

And I just love that.

I love that whole picture.

And that song came at the end to give like

even language for the albumand as a whole was really,

it was really special.

♪ 'Cause there's no weaponstronger than Your love ♪

♪ There's no weaponstronger than Your love ♪

- How timely, I know thatthis has taken two years

to get done in light of allthis bit going on in our world.

But that said, God's timingis of course always perfect.

So this gets released now thesecond month of a new year

and we're still going through quite a bit.

- One of like my personalrules for albums,

I won't share a song

that hasn't actually helped my real life.

And one of the things that,you mentioned the timing of it,

nothing ever happens whenyou want it to happen

or the way you want it to happen anyways.

Like my life is not like that.

I have three kids, every morning is like

there's not enough time,

we're late for school, eat your bread.

You're just like at times,scrambling at times at peace.

And for me, these were thesongs from my every day

that helped realign my heart to worship.

And also the songs that I sang just

in my heart as I was feeling overwhelmed

and not knowing whatthe future would hold.

And so for me, it's just so weird

to release a record in the middle

of the world the way it is.

But it weirdly feels appropriate

'cause that's when itwas written a lot of it.

♪ A mighty fortress ♪

♪ A shield around me ♪

- What's your favorite song,

today at least, on the new project?

- Today it's "As For Me."

And I love that song becauseit is just a reminder.

Like I'm in my house right now,

there's a lot of things inthe world I can't control,

a lot of things I can'tdirectly touch and impact.

But something that my wife and I, Meg,

we just know and we've realized,

we can have a say onwhat this house believes

and the way we treat each other

and the virtues thatwe instill in our kids

and the behavior we model for them.

So I know everyone's makinga lot of choices out there,

but the Barretts, as forthe Barretts in this house,

we're going to serve the Lord

and it's been a challenge at times

and encouragement in other times,

and also like the realizationthat we can decide

where we point our affection today.

- "Act Justly, Love Mercy,Walk Humbly" is available

this week wherever you get your music.

And for more stories andconversations like this,

be sure to catch an allnew edition of "Studio 5."

You can find it on the CBN News Channel

tonight at 8:30 Eastern Standard time.

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