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700 Club Interactive - February 23, 2021

When doctors told Diane that nothing could be done to cure her chronic back pain after a car accident, she decided instead to believe that nothing was impossible with God. Plus, a look into Le Club 700 with Jessica Datsko and Life Changers. ? Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- Well, internationalpressure is now mounting

against China's government.

And the first, Beijing isreceiving global criticism

for its mishandling ofthe COVID-19 crisis.

- Now, it's accused of launching

a major crackdown against Christians

and committing genocideagainst ethnic Muslims.

Gary Lane has the story.

- [Gary] February 1st,2021, public security police

storm onto the property of agovernment sanctioned church

in China's Wenzhou city.

Their mission, toppling a cross

from the roof of a churchbuilding for a second time.

They'd remove the crossseven years earlier,

but church members replaced it.

Bob Fu is with ChinaAid,

a group that helps China'spersecuted Christians.

- That city alone we have documented

over 1600 churches with theircrosses where being burned,

destroyed, and destructed.

And many pastors, you know,were even detained, imprisoned.

- [Gary] China's Christiansay it's the worst persecution

against them since Chairman Mao Zedong.

- To use ambassador Sam Brownback's words,

"It's a war against the faith."

I think it's a war againstthe independent faith.

- [Gary] And it's no longer limited

to certain regions of China.

VOM's Todd Nettletonsays this massive wave

of Christian persecution is widespread,

and it's coming fromthe national government.

- What we say in 2021 isthat everywhere in China

there is intensepersecution of Christians.

There is intense effortsto control the church,

to bring the church underCommunist Party control.

- [Gary] "The crackdown isaffecting every Christian

"in China," says Nettleton,Protestants, Catholics,

government registered churches,

and unregistered house churches.

And the Chinese CommunistParty has a new excuse

for targeting Christians.

- Now, under this, the pretextof COVID-19 coronavirus,

the Chinese Communist Partyhas intensified its persecution

by banning all the church activities,

even those services ofworship or prayer meetings

in believers' own homes withtheir own family members.

(woman speaking in a foreign language)

- July 22nd, 2020, aloud knock on the door

at the home of a womanin China's Xiamen city.

She tells the police outsidethey cannot enter her home

without a permit.

Moments later, they destroythe lock and enter anyway,

breaking up what the governmentsays is an illegal meeting.

Fu says it's all part ofPresident Xi Jinping's campaign

of sinicization, which meansChristians are only considered

to be good citizens if theyadhere to communist ideology.

Despite the suffering, Bob Fu tells me

he's optimistic about thecountry's spiritual future.

He says when the CommunistParty seized control in 1947,

only about one million people in China

claimed to be Christian.

Today, after 70 years ofunrelenting persecution,

Christian numbers have grownto as many as 130 million.


- Well, Gary, tell us about the churches

that are being targeted by the government,

and individual familiesand other small gatherings.

What are you hearing about that?

- Well, you saw the video of them

storming into that woman's home,

that was back in July, as thePSB, Public Security Bureau,

did that.

This is a regular occurrence.

This happens, if Christians meet in homes

and the gathering getsto be about 50 or more,

that's when the ChineseCommunist Party becomes worried,

because they're unsure whatpeople are gathering for.

They want them to be loyal to the state

and not to the Bible and to God.

So they get 50 or more, they'll come in

and they started raiding these homes.

It's a little bit different in California,

where Christians therewere restricted to 10

to gather in homes for Bible studies.

I guess they can regather now.

But it isn't that strangethat it was worse in China.

But that is happening in China today.

But, Gordon, I think the bigger concern is

with the Early Rain Covenant Church,

now two years ago, there was a major raid,

over 100 Christians were arrested.

Wang Yi, who was the pastor there,

was sentenced to nine years in prison,

that happened in 2018just before Christmas.

And the bigger concern right now is

they're not out of the woods yet.

They're still going in andharassing these leaders

of the Early Rain Covenant Church.

Some of them have been forciblyremoved from their homes.

There've been pressures put on landlords

to pull their leases.

Others have had utilitiesshut off and they're freezing

and dealing with candlelightrather than light.

- Well, that pastor'sletter that he wrote,

'cause he knew he wasgoing to be arrested,

that letter went around the world.

And I encourage all Christianseverywhere to read it,

because it's a blueprint ofwhat authoritarian governments

try to do and howChristians should respond.

But it's not just theChristians being persecuted,

let's talk about theUyghurs, the ethnic Muslims,

in Western China.

What's going on with that?

- Well, you've got about12 million Uyghurs.

They're in an area,region of China they call

East Turkestan, they're Turkic people,

most of them are Muslims.

There are some Christians as well,

but the majority are Muslims.

And the Chinese authoritiesfeel that they're a threat

to the society.

They think that all of them are terrorists

because they're Muslims.

And nothing could befurther from the truth.

So about one fourth ofthem are now in prisons.

The U.S. Defense Departmentsays about three million Uyghurs

are in prison in re-education camps,

and they're being forcedto do slave labor,

things like making Nike shoesand components for Apple,

also Costco products.

These are Americancompanies that are having

these products manufactured,

and they're beingsubjected to slave labor.

So what are we going to do about that?

Now, also, I've been told by my contacts

that they're also being forcibly,

forced to produce solar panels,

there's a big push in the U.S.

to put solar panels in place here.

But many of those solarpanels are being produced

by slave labor, Uyghurs,ethnic Muslims in China.

- How do we track itdown as a U.S. consumer

and you want to avoid buying products

that have this kind of background?

No one wants to have anything

that was manufactured by slave labor.

So what, as an Americanconsumer, can we do

to influence companieswe buy from to make sure

they don't have this in their products?

What can we do?

- Well, I hate to say this, but, you know,

there are a lot of our leaders are saying,

"Buy American, don't buy Chinese products

"because you don't know"

Remember, Gordon, yearsago, there was this push

on don't buy the Christmaslights, the twinkle lights,

because those are being producedby slave labor in China.

So how do you know what isslave labor and what is not?

Now, you could have CEOsfrom these companies

go over to China and examinethe assembly lines there.

And the Chinese would say,"See, this is not a Uyghur."

Well, it's probably a Han Chinese,

what's the difference there?

So it's not Uyghurs. Youstill have slave labor.

And the estimate is laogai,

these are the forestre-education camps, labor camps,

that the Chinese have put in place.

50 million Chinese, that'sthe estimate, since 1947

have been forced to doslave labor in these camps.

It's still going on today.It's not just the Uyghurs.

And this is the subjectof discussion right now

in Geneva at the U.S.,

or the InternationalHuman Rights Commission

is investigating this intheir meetings now in Geneva.

And it's coming up.

We'll see if anything's done about it.

- All right. Well, Gary,thanks for joining us today.

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- Well, coming up, from fashion shows

to her own hit radio show,

success for this Frenchhousehold name wasn't enough.

So what ended up bringingher the joy she needed?

Find out after this.

(upbeat music)

- Macy Domingo had it all,fashion shows, parties,

her own hit radio and TV show.

By the age of 30, she was a household name

throughout French-speakingAfrica, France, and even Brazil.

Well that success still wasn't enough.

Now she experiences ajoy that money can't buy

as the co-host of CBN's "Le Club 700."

Jessica Datsko, hostof "CBN Life-Changers"

sat down with Macy tolearn more about her story.

- When "Le Club 700"first began broadcasting

its message of hope in2002, it could only be seen

in two West African countries.

But from those humblebeginnings, it continued to grow

into an exciting, Bible-based program

that is now seen acrossthe French-speaking regions

of the world, includingAfrica, Europe, North America,

and the Caribbean.

Every week hosts Macy Domingoand Pastor Raymond Koffi

present the gospel messagethrough life-changing stories

of hope and freedom in Christ.

Viewers can reach out to "Le Club 700"

through one of our prayer centers.

Trained prayer counselors respondto calls, emails, letters,

and even text messagesleading viewers to Christ

and supporting them throughprayer and intercession.

But the impact of "Le Club700" does not end there.

Facebook followers can access programs,

devotions from the hosts, andtestimonies wherever they are.

With over 17 years oftelevision broadcasts

and over 800 episodes, "LeClub 700" still finds new ways

to bring its audience afresh and lively program

and continues to spreadthe good news of Christ

to millions of Frenchviewers all over the world.

Macy, thank you so much for joining me

and having tea with me.

I really appreciate it.

- How it's in French, alsomerci beaucoup for receiving me.

- So to start off, can you tell me

where you're originally from?

- Originally I'm from West Africa,

country called Cote d'Ivoire.

- You've had almost a 40 yearcareer in media and radio.

- It was very good because wewere receiving all the singers

from all the places in theworld, from Europe, from Africa,

from everywhere in that show.

It was talking shows with 400 people.

And they were aired,not only in my country,

but all the African country.

And one day the TV stationof France asked to air it.

So it was worldwide.

- I read that you were even in Brazil,

hosting fashion show.- Brazil hosting

fashion shows in Rio, Sao Paulo, Brasilia.

- 25 years ago, what happenedor rather who happened

and changed all of that?

- So 25 years ago, I have all what I said,

but there's a void inside of me.

I was miserable.

After the light, the show,

the (speaking French), the people.

You are beautiful, youare this, you are that.

Went to your house or your hotel room,

you just sit down and say, what else?

The tutor of my son, whowas evangelic, came by.

I was feeling very bad that night.

I having nightmares, soI couldn't get out of bed

the whole day.

And he said, "Can I pray for you?"

And I say, "Yes."

And when he prayed, I was shocked.

I had never heard somebody pray like that

in the name of Jesus.

Gave my life to Christ and itwas done. I was born again.

- So then how did you startshifting in your career

towards Christian media?

- So it's funny becauseI'm known in the country,

known in the continent.

So when I become born again,

people begin to tellme, oh, you know what?

You have, do not we use you.

I say, this fanatic people,the Lord will tell me.

Sure enough,

after two or three years,

I was in my bedroomafter reading the Bible.

And I heard in my heart,"That voice, that talent

"is for My glory.

"This is the time nowto use it for My glory.

"I want people to knowthat in this 21st century,

"I'm God, I still doing miracle."

And I said, "God, if youreally ask me to do that,

"You will make a way."

And when I talk to my boss, I say,

"Give me one hour to do a new show."

He say, "How are yougoing to call the show?"

I said, "Testimony."

He said, "Okay."

So I was listening testimonies,

receiving the people whosaid, "God heal me like this.

"God deliver me with this."

Any it was a shocked to everybody.

And that show went on theradio for seven years.

And before that show end,

there were 800 becomeborn again Christian.

So it gave me courage, and I say

I need to do the same thing for TV.

I have a great miracleI couldn't imagine, CBN.

- (laughs) Yes!

- CBN came.

And I used to say, CBN cameto hire me in my village.

(laughs) CBN, the great CBN from America,

can you imagine?

So they came back there and said,

"We are looking for somebodyto do our show in French."

- "The 700 Club" in French?

- "The 700 Club" in French.

"And we think you can do it."

And when we did the first"700 Club" show in French,

is that in my country, okay.

But when they bring thatshow in each country,

oh, it's Macy Domingo, we take it.

Oh, is Macy Domingo. We take it.

It begin to air in allthe African country.

- 'Cause they already knew you from-

- They already knew me, soit wasn't difficult for them.

- So how long have you been with CBN?

- 17 years of the French"700 Club," global.

- And your co-host, Pastor Koffi,

how long has he, washe always your co-host?

- Yeah, we begin together 17 years ago.

He's from Cameroon.I'm from Cote d'Ivoire.

And we are everywhere.

And the letters, the people,the way they get saved.

For me, I'm still saying, "God, thank you

"that I obey Your voiceand I obey Your calling,"

because people are getting saved.

That's the main reward.

- Yeah, that's incredible.

Thank you so much, Macy.It's truly a privilege.

Thank you for taking the time.

- Thank you so much.

- Well, there's an insidelook at our French version

of "The 700 Club" that'sthroughout West Africa.

It's also broadcast inFrance and in Belgium.

And you are a part of it.

If you're a member of "The 700 Club,"

you're a part of preachingthe gospel around the world.

It's the best thing we can do.

It's the one thing thatwill lead to satisfaction

in eternity.

Think this thought,

what do you get to takewith you to heaven?

Well, the answer's quite simple.

The people you lead to Jesus.

And if you're a part ofpreaching the gospel around,

then you're going to havesome great joy in heaven.

When you preach thegospel around the world,

start thinking of the numberof people that you can reach.

If you're a member of "The 700 Club,"

you're reaching French WestAfrica, you're reaching India.

We're in, boy, I think it'sover 50 languages this year,

where we're preaching the gospel.

And we believe in preachingthe gospel in tongues.

We get people that have the same language,

have the same culture, and share stories

of what Jesus is ableto do in their country,

in their language.

And it's wonderful what happens.

Lives are changed for all eternity.

You can be a part of it ifyou join "The 700 Club."

If you're already a member,

think about increasing your gifts.

Think about going to 700 Club Gold,

that's $40 a month.

1000 Club, $1,000 a year, thatbreaks out to $84 a month.

At whatever level do it now.


And if you liked Jessica's interview,

you can watch "Life-Changers."

All you have to do isdownload the CBN Family app

and you can watch on yourschedule anytime day or night

and get caught up in what CBNis doing around the world.


- Well up next, a caraccident leaves a single mom

in a world of pain.

And even doctors toldher nothing could be done

to free her from the suffering.

See how she found a supernaturalsolution after this.

(inspirational music)

Diane Pillmeyer was on her way home

when a drunk driver plowed into her car.

18 years later, Diane was still in pain,

but she never gave up hopethat one day she'd be healed.

- On a scale of 1 to 10,the pain was 10 and above.

It was discouraging.

The range of motion thatI had with using my arms

and my upper shoulderswas very, very limited.

And I was raising two boysby myself at the time,

and I had to keep working.

- [Terry] When a caraccident left Diane Pillmeyer

with permanent muscle damage in her back,

doctors told her she wouldhave to live with pain

and limited range of motionthe rest of her life.

But Diane trusted God for her healing.

- I know I have a greatphysician in heaven

who's my father and who takes care of me.

I had to learn patience.

I just had to wait on His time.

- [Terry] Diane says she prayed for years,

until one day God healedher of her back pain

and restored most allof a range of motion.

But by then she had also beenhaving frequent headaches.

- I just had to rely on the Lord,

getting through the moments of pain,

getting through the headaches,

waiting patiently for His time to move.

- [Terry] A few years later,she learned from a chiropractor

that her spine was still under stress,

which was causing the headaches.

Treatments offered temporary relief,

but she knew only Godcould completely heal her.

Then in June 2015, she waswatching "The 700 Club."

- This one particular day,Terry had a word of knowledge.

- There's someone else.You have a spinal issue.

I don't know what it is, butyou have some kind of a block

to the impulses that needto connect down your spine.

God is healing that condition for you.

- I felt a chill. I felt a warmth.

I was getting so excited.

I knew that that healing was for me.

Immediately, I could tell 100%of healing had taken place.

I just felt on top of the world.

- [Terry] First time in years,

Diane was completely pain-free.

- I attribute all that healingto the Great Physician,

My God, my Savior, Jesus.

I now can do all the work Ineed to do during the day,

have energy in the evening for my son.

(Diane laughing)

It pays to be patient.

Sometimes it's hard to step out in faith,

but as soon as you takethat step of faith,

the Lord meets you.

In the end, He will take care of you.

He has your back.

- He had Yvette's back for sure.

That is an amazing storyof the faithfulness,

the goodness, the powerof God to touch all of us.

Here's another praise report.

This is Yvette on Instagram.

She says, "God protected my brother

"from a nasty car accident.

"He walked away without abroken bone or any deep cuts.

"The Lord who promised is faithful."

And she is saying, "Thank you, Jesus."

- Well, here's Laurie on YouTube.

She's saying, "On anepisode of 'The 700 Club,'

"a prayer was given aboutsomeone having esophagus

"and lower intestinalproblems which was causing

"a lot of pain and discomfort.

"Also that they werehaving problems eating

"and drinking anything.

"Well, that word was forme. I was healed that day.

"I can truly say I was blessedto have had that healing.

"Thank you. Thank God for healing me."

And that's wonderful.

Isn't it incredible thata prayer that's recorded

and then posted on YouTube has power?

Isn't that incredible?

Isn't it incredible, a prayeron television has power.

A prayer on Facebook has power.

Why, why?

And the scripture's very clear.

The gospel is the power of God.

When you preach the goodnews, when you announce it,

it changes the atmosphere.

You can literally feel it.

When you start talking about a Savior

who loves you infinitely, who created you,

who breathed life intoyou, and had a dream

about coming down inthe cool of the evening

to talk with you.

And we messed that dreamup, but He didn't give up

on His dream.

He said, "I've got a plan.I can make this work.

"I can come down. Ican live just like you.

"I can be tempted in all respects.

"I can live the sinless life.

"And then at the end ofthat, I will offer my soul

"as a sacrifice for your sin.

"And I will give up Mybody so that by My stripes

"you can be healed sothat we can be together

"for all eternity."

Isn't that wonderful news?

And that's good news for you.

And you don't have towait 18 years to get it.

You can it right now.

Terry and I are going to pray.

We've announced the good news.

The power of God is with you right now.

Let it just flow through your body.

In an act of faith, lay yourhand on that area of the body

that needs healing.

We'll agree with you.

Scripture says, "When two ormore agree, touching anything,

"it shall be done for themby my Father in heaven."

You're going to touch,you're going to announce.

Terry and I are going to agree.

And God will do the rest.

Lord, we lift the audience to you.

We lift everyone who is laying a hand

on that area of thebody that needs healing.

And together we say outloud over it, be healed now

and be made whole.

I am healed by thestripes of Jesus Christ.

I receive it into my body.

I receive it into everytissue, every organ,

every cell of my body, I receive it now.

In Jesus' name, behealed and be made whole.

Terry, God's given you-

- Yeah, someone.

You know, you just hadso much on your plate,

more than you feel like you can handle.

God's going to give you more strength

than you can possibly imagine.

And you're gonna see victory in this.

You've had some depression over it.

You've had some anxiety over it.

Your life's been impacted.

Right now, begin to praise the Lord.

Right where you're at, liftyour hands up and praise Him

and receive His powerand His faithfulness.

- There's someone, your name is Mabel,

and you're just overcome.

You are struggling just to find hope

to make it through the day.

The God of all hope iscoming to you right now.

He's giving you a new vision,a new light for your life,

new energy for you.

In Jesus' name, amen and amen.

If you've been healed, letus know. Give us a call.


Here's a scripture from Hebrews:

"Let us hold fast theconfession of our hope

"without wavering, for Hewho promised is faithful."

For Terry, for me, forall of us, God bless.

We'll see you tomorrow.

(upbeat music)

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