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News on The 700 Club: February 16, 2021

As seen on “The 700 Club,” February 16, 2021. Read Transcript

- Welcome folks to this edition

of "The 700 Club."

No power and life-threatening cold,

that's what millionsof Americans are facing

after a massive winter storm.

And now there's even more danger.

What is it?

And how are officials scrambling

to keep it from getting worse?

Caitlin Burke has more.

- Extreme cold poses a new threat

to residents in the South

as millions are without electricity,

and the region's powergrid is at risk of failing.

- The next few days aregoing to be very tough.

To those who have lost power,

I know you are frustrated,

I know you are miserable,

I know you're uncomfortable.

I know it is very miserable in this cold

without heat.

- [Caitlin] Those who haven't lost power

are being asked to conserve their energy.

And power officials inTexas and 14 other states

using controlled rolling black outs

in an effort to save the grid,

something that's never happened before.

- It's cold.

Kids around, trying to stay warm.


There's no firewood anywhere.

No stores open.

- [Caitlin] Officials saynew generation power sources

like wind turbines havecompletely frozen over

and bee taken off line.

And even more traditionalpower generation methods

have started to fail in theultra cold temperatures.

Meanwhile, all of this is playing out

in the middle of a pandemic,

and vaccine storage facilitiesare also losing power.

- The vaccine had reached a temperature

that it needed to be distributed

and in arms within 12 hours.

We began immediately upon notification

mounting a vaccine campaign unexpectedly

'cause we're in the middle of disaster.

- Travel conditions also remain a problem

as many areas have solid layersof ice coating road ways.

In Tennessee, this pickuptruck pulls out of a driveway,

and then slides sideways down the street.

In Mississippi, at least five

18-wheelers involved in this pileup.

And in Texas, a man standing by this SUV

barely escaped after a second car

came flying down an embankment.

Overnight a tornadogenerated by the winter storm

destroyed homes in a North Carolina town,

killing at least three people.

As of this morning,

more than 70% of the continentalU.S. is covered in snow.

And weather officials saymore than 50 million people

could see temperatures dip below zero

over the next several days.

Caitlin Burke, CBN News.

- You know, isn't it amazing,

we've been fighting global warming.

You've heard about globalwarming, global warming.

I tell you what ladies and gentlemen,

like it or not, about every 50 years,

50,000 years, excuse me 20,000 years or so

you have an ice age,

and we're coming up on one of them.

And those climate alarmists don't like it.

But I believe what ought to be done

is to take Joe Manchin from West Virginia,

and see if he'd switchto being a Republican,

let him be in charge ofthe energy committee,

and then begin to say we'vegot to have some coal.

We've got to have natural gas.

We've got to have some oil

because those windfarms aren't gonna work.

And some of the otherthings in the Green New Deal

just won't be enough to keep us warm,

'cause it's getting cold,

and it will continue to get colder.

And global warming is not the threat

that everybody makes it out to be.

I'm just sorry, it just isn't.

But man, it is cold. (laughing)

I hope you can stay warm.

And I pray for our dear friends in Texas

and other places wherethey're lacking power.

But we really have gotto emphasize the fact

if they shut off all the natural gas,

they shut off all of the oiland the coal and so forth,

we're not gonna have enough fuel

to keep this place, this country,

we've got warm in the coldweather that's coming,

and there will be plenty of it.

Well, in other news, alarming variants

of the coronavirus has everyone on edge.

The big question, could theytrigger a new surge in cases?

Efrem Graham has more.

- Pat, as the number ofnew cases is dropping,

there's fresh concerns mutationscould lead to an increase.

The South African variant,now in eight states,

is troubling because it appears vaccines

aren't totally effective against it.

And some patients have been reinfected.

- In South Africa there were people

who got infect with the original virus,

recovered and then got reinfected

with this new variant,the South African variant.

- [Efrem] Researchers arenow tracking seven variants

that started here in the U.S.

Meanwhile, in California,the administration

is opening the first federally managed

mass vaccination site.

And President Biden istraveling to Wisconsin today

for a town hall to win support

for his $1.9 trillion virus relief plan.

A COVID-19 coverup.

That's what New York GovernorAndre Cuomo is accused of

after his secretary admitted

his administration withheld data

on coronavirus nursing home deaths.

The Governor tried to put out the fire

in a news conference yesterday.

CBN's Jenna Browder has thestory now from Washington.

- New York governor, Andrew Cuomo,

is under mounting pressureto answer questions

about his administration's handling

of COVID-19 in nursing homes.

But his explanation yesterdayin his news conference

only outraged law makers

and families who lost loved ones.

- I'm gonna clarify factson the nursing homes.

- [Jenna] The governor telling cameras

his administration washonest in its reporting

of COVID nursing home deaths,

but conceding--

- I understand the public hadmany questions and concerns,

and the press had many questions

about nursing homes primarily.

And I understand that they werenot answered quickly enough.

- [Jenna] Last week it was revealed

12,743 long-term patients died

of the virus in New York,

much higher than the state'sofficial tally of 8500.

And in a phone call withNew York state democrats,

Cuomo's secretary admitted that his office

withheld data on the numberof COVID nursing home deaths

because they were afraid itwould be used against them

in the Justice Department investigation.

- There is a toxic political environment,

and everything gets politicized.

- [Jenna] Last MarchCuomo issued a mandate

allowing some 9,000COVID-positive patients

into nursing homes.

Families want to know if their loved ones

could have been saved.

- Our seniors deserve justice.

And that requires anindependent investigation

with subpoena power.

FOX News' Janice Deanlost both of her in-laws,

and has been speaking outabout Cuomo for months.

- [Janice] He is a liar.

He just continues to lie

and deflect and blame everyone else.

- [Jenna] She wants an independent,bipartisan investigation

into Cuomo and his administration.

- [Janice] I am calling onevery single lawmaker in Albany,

and also on the federal level.

Do you not see what ishappening right now?

Do you not care about all ofthe people in New York state

that want to find out why their loved ones

died in nursing homes?

He didn't follow the science.

You don't put infectedpatients into nursing homes.

That is the bottom line, governor.

- [Jenna] Calls for the governorto resign continue to grow,

and lawmakers on both sides ofthe aisle are taking action.

- Today I'm calling uponthe Department of Justice

and Attorney General James

to investigate Governor Cuomo,

his administration from top to bottom.

- [Jenna] Democratic assemblywoman Alessandra Biaggi:

"To New Yorkers watchingCuomo's press conference,

"it is riddled with lies,

"theater and deflection."

- The truth is everybodydid everything they could.

- In addition to investigations,

state Democrats have also discussed

taking away the governor'semergency powers

to deal with the pandemic.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- Despite yesterday's news conference,

still many unanswered questions.


- The thing of it was

the Javits Center had plenty of beds,

they didn't use them.

President Trump sent a whole ship,

a hospital ship from Norfolkall the way up to New York

to accommodate patients,they didn't use them.

I think Franklin Graham actually had

a hospital available in CentralPark, they didn't use it.

They didn't need to put those nursing home

people into this infectedenvironments, but they did.

And the governor's trying to cover it up.

It's just shocking.

Absolutely horrifying.

And he's trying to makea movie and be a star,

and all this kind of stuff.

It's just shocking what's happening.

They were committing people to death.

You can't put a sick nursing home person

into an infected environment,

and then when they die,

then you cover up the fact

of how many people died.

It's appalling.

Well it's not just New York.

It's amazing two of the bluest states,

California and New York,

they were thought well they're safe

forever for the Democrats,

not anymore because in California

there's been an unbelievablesurge of interest

in a recall movement aboutGovernor Gavin Newsom.

And they have enough signatures,

they wanna make sure theyget another 500,000 more

so there's no questionwhen they're checked out.

But they have a million and a half now,

they've got another 500,000 they wanna get

to make sure everything is set.

But you're looking at California

and New York,

and if these states go,

I really believe we'regoing to see a sea change

in the leadership of our nation.

But, Efrem, you can tell us more

about what's happening in California.

- Pat, leaders of a movement called

Recall California Governor Gavin Newsom

say they do have enough signatures,

as you said, to force aspecial statewide election.

Recall Newsom 2020 announcedit's gathered 1.5 million

signatures needed,

and is now working toget up to 500,000 more

before the March deadline.

Recall leaders cite Newsom's response

to the COVID-19 pandemic,

which has included strictstate wide lock downs

on businesses and even churches.

The election must take place

60 to 80 days after thesignatures are verified.

Microsoft says a foreign power

enlisted more than1,000 software engineers

to pull off a massive computer hack

against U.S. government agencies.

It came through infected software

from a company called Solarwinds in Austin, Texas.

The software providesnetwork monitoring services

to the White House, the Pentagon,

and the Departments ofTreasury, Justice and Commerce.

The breech was so dire

the Pentagon ordered an emergency shutdown

of the internal network thathandles classified material.

It's considered the largestand most sophisticated attack

the world has ever seen.

Turning now overseas,

widespread protestscontinue to (indistinct)

the Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar

three weeks after a military coup.

Now security forces areintensifying their crackdown

against those demanding areturn to civilian rule.

George Thomas has the latest

on the escalating crisis.

- Myanmar's military, armedwith a new security law,

are warning protestors that any attempts

to subvert their powercould land them in prison

for more than 20 years.

- (speaking in foreign language)

- [George] Across this country

thousands are defying the new law

and heightened security measures,

hitting the streets to demand the release

of detained civilian leaders.

Among them, ousted leader

and Nobel Peace Prizewinner, Aung San Suu Kyi.

She won in November elections,

but then the military took over,

claiming voter fraud.

- [Translator] We voted our government

fairly and righteously.

But this unfairness isruling over the righteous,

and it makes me and allof us, the civilians,

sad and angry.

- [George] Lines ofmilitary vehicles have taken

up positions around Myanmar'slargest city, Yangon,

as coup leaders urge protestors

to return to work.

- [Translator] The number of protestors

was reduced yesterday,

so the military took advantage of that

and brought militaryvehicles onto the streets

to intimidate the people.

- [George] The military also wants

sweeping power to access user data,

block websites, order internet shutdowns

and imprison critics.

More than 400 people havealready been arrested

since the February 1st coup.

- Ongoing arrest of political leaders,

government officials, civil society actors

and media representatives

are deeply concerning,

as are the restrictions on the internet

and communication services.

- [George] The United Stateshas condemned the coup,

and last Friday imposed sanctions

on the military chief and his generals.

A prominent Christian leader

has told CBN's Asiacorrespondent, Lucille Talusan,

that Myanmar needs prayer.

- Pray for Myanmar.

Pray for people of Myanmar

to have that kind of mentality

that we all are one family.

Pray for it so we have peace

and reconciliation in our country.

George Thomas, CBN News.

- Unfortunately thecrisis is only escalating.


- This should not be allowed to stand.

We just can't have militarygroups taking over.

And that woman, Kyi,who was freely elected,

was a champion for human rights,

and we need to stand with her.

That's the famous (indistinct)

on the road to Mandalay,

where the flying fishes play,

and the sun comes out like Berma,

like thunder across the bay.

Rangoon, and it now has a different name,

but it was fabled thatit's a beautiful country.

And, again, you just hate to see

these vicious people take over,

when you think of the killing fields

that took place in Asia,

there's a savagery that lies underneath

that peaceful exterior thatcomes out from time to time,

and it's just shocking.

The way the United Nations,

the nations of the worldshould just stand against that,

and not allow a civiliantakeover of a government.

Peaceful transition topower to be thwarted

by a group of colonels, generals,

whatever they are,

and to put in military rule.

But that's just one more example.

We can't let that kind of stuff stand

because it'll be like a cancer.

And little by little it'llcome back to haunt us all.


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