♪ Hey, hey ♪
(upbeat music)
- Reviewing President Biden'sfirst few weeks in office.
Good evening, and welcome
to this special President'sDay edition of "Faith Nation."
I'm John Jessup.
- And I'm Jenna Browder.
A big stimulus to boostthe American economy,
President Biden wants tospend nearly $2 trillion
on his relief plan.
But many Republicans thinkthat is way too much.
- Biden's agenda also includes plans
to increase government spending,
and higher taxes in the years ahead.
CBN's Caitlin Burke has this look
at what that could mean forthe economy and your wallet.
(logo whooshes)
- President Joe Biden ispreparing to spend big.
His goal?
To rescue Americans and the US economy
from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The question remains ishe spending too much?
- I cannot watch people lose their jobs,
and we have to act.
We have to act now.
- [Caitlin] The Bidenadministration's nearly $2 trillion
rescue package would pumpmoney into vaccine deployment,
reopening schools, fundingstate and local governments,
and of course, putting money directly
into the hands of Americans.
It's a steep price tag,
but Biden says the nationcan't afford anything less.
- Now, I know what I justdescribed does not come cheaply,
but failure to do so will cost us dearly.
- [Caitlin] Economists agreegetting out of the pandemic
is the first step towardseconomic recovery.
Where they don't agreebegins from that point on.
By some estimates,
Biden has proposed close to $11 trillion
in long-term spending plans,
investing in healthcare,infrastructure, energy,
and education over the next decade.
- President Biden promisesmassive new spending,
most of which, frankly,is the proper priority
of state governments.
So he wants to expand education spending,
and transportation spending,
but that's why we have state governments.
We don't need the federal government
increasing spending on that.
- Those are all spaceswhere we have lacked
adequate investment for a long time,
not just four years, longer than that.
You need to try to makeup for the investments
that have been neglected over time.
Those are specific areas of spending
that I do think it's important to do.
- [Caitlin] 1/3 of that newspending would be courtesy
of more than $3 1/2 trillion in new taxes,
including reversing Trump's taxcuts for large corporations,
and high-earning families,along with some new taxes.
Critics say the tax hikeswould hurt the economy,
including many smaller businesses,
at a time when we can't afford it.
- President Biden wants to raise taxes
not to reduce the deficit,but to increase spending.
So I think this would be adeath spiral for the economy.
Higher taxes would damage growth,
and that would push debt ever higher
compared to the size of the economy.
- [Caitlin] Chris Edwards,Director of Tax Policy Studies
at the Cato Institute predicts
it would send big business back overseas.
- Big corporations, they don'thave to locate in America.
If you're building, if you'rebuilding electric cars,
or you're building semiconductors,
you can locate your new factory anywhere.
You don't have to investin the United States.
So by raising the corporate tax rate,
you'll be driving those new factories
and facilities overseas, and ultimately,
that is bad for American workers.
- [Caitlin] Laurence Kotlikoff,a professor of economics
at Boston University, disagrees.
He says there are incentivesthat can lure businesses
to invest in the US.
- That's called 100% expensing.
You may also have heard ofaccelerated appreciation.
These are ways to say, look,you, Caitlin, are investing
in the US, you're gonna haveto pay a higher tax rate,
but on the other hand,
we're gonna give you some money upfront.
- [Caitlin] Some economists also warn that
Biden's tax increases will trickle down
to the average American.
If economic growth slows,
and businesses don't grow as quickly,
the American workerwon't make as much money,
and will end up with alower standard of living.
The almost $28 trillion national debt
is another major concern.
Austan Goolsbee, a former economic advisor
to President Obama, andcurrent advisor to Biden,
says raising taxes is how webegin to address our debt.
- It's going to involve more revenue.
It's going to involve tax rates going back
to something like the historicrates and historic levels,
not the depressed levels on that
that we've seen thelast three, 3 1/2 years.
- [Caitlin] Critics sayonly a decrease in spending
will make a difference.
- The way to chip away atthe federal government debt
is simply to lower thegrowth rate in spending,
or free spending for a few yearswhile the economy recovers.
That way, we can get thisdeficit on a downward path.
- [Caitlin] Caitlin Burke, CBN News.
- Both Democrat-controlledchambers of Congress have
cleared the way for therelief measure to pass,
without Republican support.
The White House is hopingto have something signed
by March 15th.
That's when extra unemploymentinsurance benefits
from a prior relief measure expire.
- Well, just weeks into his presidency,
Joe Biden's administrationis slowly coming together.
The goal was to get his nominees confirmed
ahead of the impeachment trial that
is now consuming the Senate.
- As Senior Washington CorrespondentTara Mergener explains,
the impeachment trial,the change in leadership,
and the deadly Capitol Hill attack are
quickly changing the atmosphere
for lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
- Ahead of the hearing,some Republicans vowed
not to forget the delays and pushback
against PresidentTrump's cabinet nominees.
So far though, theprocess for Biden has been
fairly low-key.
- The ayes are 84.
The nays are 15,
and the confirmation is confirmed.
- [Tara] During a series
of back-to-back cabinetconfirmation hearings-
- I simply cannot support his nomination.
- He's a man of integrity,a man of principle.
- [Tara] A mostly respectfulback-and-forth with nominees.
- I suspect all them will have
fairly straightforward confirmation.
- [Tara] A far cry from thetumultuous cabinet fights
that defined the Trump era.
- [Crowd] Shut it down, shut it down!
- [Tara] When angry protestors gathered
outside then Senate Minority Leader
Chuck Schumer's home demanding resistance.
- [Crowd] Just vote no!
- We need people like ChuckSchumer to stand up for us.
- [Tara] And Senate Democrats forming
a fierce wall of opposition.
- [Man] Republicans on theSenate Finance Committee
approved President Donald Trump's nominees
for Health and Treasury Secretaries,
despite not a single Democratbeing present for the vote.
- We've had sort of anintensification of procedural combat.
And so, you saw that theSenate was historically
slow to confirm many of Trump's nominees.
- [Tara] Whether this kinder,gentler approach continues
remains to be seen.
In a December "WallStreet Journal" article,
Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming wrote,
"Don't expect Senate Republicans to forget
"how the Democrats treatedMr. Trump's nominees.
"Don't expect the tensof millions of Americans
"who voted for Mr. Trump in 2016 and 2020
"to forget it either."
- I, Alex Michael AzarII, do solemnly swear-
- [Tara] Over the pasttwo administrations,
the swearing in of newcabinet appointees has taken
close to the incomingadministration's first 100 days.
(group applauds)
Now, after four years ofthe Trump administration,
followed by the chaosfrom a disputed election-
- You have people that areregistered who are dead,
who are illegals, who are in two states.
- [Tara] Republicanstrategist Tom Rath believes
there is an appetite for calm.
- I don't think this is gonna be
a totally partisan confirmation process.
If it did, it would be amistake for Republicans.
- [Tara] After theJanuary 6th Capitol mob-
- [Man] They're gettinginto the Capitol tonight!
They're getting in there!
- [Tara] The hope istempers will cool a bit.
- Republicans, Democrats,staffers on both sides
were attacked, if you will.
And that's going tohave a cohesive effect,
and I think it's gonna help Joe Biden
when it comes to some of thoseSenate confirmation battles.
- [Tara] In reality, thenew Democrat majority could
confirm nominations withno Republican support,
since Vice President KamalaHarris plays tie-breaker
in the 50/50 chamber.
(gavel thuds)
Still, not exactly smooth sailing.
- I think you will see Biden's nominees
mostly getting through,
but there may be a lot of delays
that Republicans are ableto impose in the meantime.
- I would be privilegedto work with Congress.
- [Tara] Senator Josh Hawleyblocking quick consideration
of Homeland Securitynominee Alejandro Mayorkas,
who is expected to roll backTrump immigration policies.
- There will be a vote whetherto convict the president.
- And the question remains
what impact Donald Trump'ssecond impeachment trial
will have on other Senate floor business.
Experts say Biden needsto prioritize nominees
he wants confirmed quickly,
especially those he sees as most crucial
to enacting his agenda.
Beyond the cabinet, presidentscan flood the Senate
with more than 1,200executive branch nominations,
many offices, which oftensit vacant for months.
In Washington, I'm TaraMergener, CBN News.
(logo whooshes)
- [John] Coming up, couldthe Biden White House
be the most pro-abortionadministration to date?
How some answer that questionwhen "Faith Nation" returns.
(upbeat music)
(bucket clinks)
(water splashes)
(man yawns)
(water splashes)
(woman sighs)
(grill hisses)
(man yawns)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep."
- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside-
- It's a big diplomatic tug-of-warhere in the Middle East.
- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with "Jerusalem Dateline."
- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery
that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.
- [Announcer] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief Chris Mitchell
and get the biblical perspective
on the events shaping the world.
- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.
- [Announcer] Watch "Jerusalem Dateline,"
Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.
(dramatic music)
(light music)
- [Announcer] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.
(light music)
Jesus said it,
"I came to give you life,
"life to the fullest,
"life in your family,
"life in your finances,
"life in your body, mind, and spirit,
"life in your everyday."
(light music)
At cbn.com, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.
(light music)
We're here to help you discover life.
(light music)
Life, live it fully,
(light music)
- The battle overabortion saw a major swing
when President Biden took office.
The country went from what many viewed
as the most pro-lifepresident in recent years,
to possibly the mostpro-abortion president.
- And that swing of thependulum has pro-life advocates
considering how a Bidenpresidency might undo
some of what are seen as pro-life gains
from the last four years.
CBN's Paul Strand reports.
- So help you God.- So help me God.
- Congratulations, Mr. President.
(audience applauds)(audience cheers)
- [Paul] Just after JoeBiden's inauguration-
- A loving, generous, and gracious God-
- [Paul] Pro-life Americansgathered for a memorial
to the nation's 63 million aborted unborn,
and to pray that killing anymore will become unthinkable.
They also realize, however,
they now face an administration likely
to make abortion moreacceptable than ever.
- Tragically, this is themost pro-abortion president
in American history, andif you look behind me,
it's the most pro-abortion Congress.
- It's gonna be sad.
A lot of good that theTrump administration did
on the life issue,
a lot of those thingsare gonna be rolled back
by the Biden administration.
We're already seeing that.
- [Paul] Despite thissudden turn in Washington,
40 Days for Life official Steve Karlen
sees reason for optimism.
- Presidents change, legislatorschange, judges change,
but God never changes,and the pro-life movement,
including 40 Days forLife, I think has seen
some of our biggest successeswith pro-abortion presidents.
- We went through eightyears of President Obama,
saw abortions reduce and clinics close.
Same with President Clinton.
- Maybe those wins camebecause pro-lifers pray
and fight harder during those years.
If that's the case, they'regonna need that resolve now
more than ever, becausewith Democrats controlling
both houses of Congressand the White House
it means a unified frontmaking abortion more available.
- That's unfortunatelysomething the left is
really focused on, and I knowthat in sex education classes
and all these things happening in schools,
they will definitely bepushing abortion more.
- [Paul] And the push will be for laws
to make abortion feelmore acceptable and right.
- For all the talk that,"Well, you can't impose
"your morality via the law,you can't legislate morality,"
that's exactly what peoplelook to the law to do
to help us do what is right,
and to help us avoid what is wrong.
- [Paul] One of the movement's goals
might go too far, though.
If they end the Hyde Amendment,
a rule long-supported by both sides.
That means all Americantaxpayers would pay
for federally funded abortions.
- Not just, you know, radical Democrats,
but even moderate Democrats,as many maybe think Biden is
want to repeal the Hyde Amendment.
- [Paul] They'll arguethat abortion is a right,
and even a necessity.
- They claim that this issomething that women have to have
in order to be, you know,successful, and so on.
And so, because of that, ifpoor women cannot afford it,
the government has to pay for it.
- And make taxpayers,Christians, church members,
pro-life people responsiblefor paying for abortions.
- [Paul] And if you makeit free, people will come.
- There's definitely a movementto subsidize abortions,
and what we subsidize, wewill expect to increase.
- [Paul] Another fear ofthese big government moves,
the Biden administrationmight try to wipe out
any state law that limitsabortion more than national law.
His campaign promised, "Hisjustice department will do
"everything in its power tostop the rash of state laws
"that so blatantly violate Roe v. Wade."
As it is, even now, Washingtonis basically unlimited
in allowing abortions,
even those into theninth month of pregnancy,
a practice also only allowed by countries
like China and North Korea.
- These gruesome late-term abortions,
and man, when we find ourselveson a human rights list
next to China and North Korea,
it is a sign that somethinghas gone dramatically wrong.
- [Paul] Meanwhile,Gill is concerned about
the influence of celebrity culture.
- They will probably elevatethe voices of people,
like Michelle Williamsand other celebrities,
who have talked about howthey wouldn't have, you know,
their Golden Globe Award, and so on,
if they hadn't gotten an abortion.
- [Paul] One result of all this could be
a backlash among the American people.
The majority tend to befar more anti-abortion
than these proposed moves would allow.
- Their radical viewsof nine-month abortions,
you know, taxpayer-funded abortions,
most of Americans don'tsupport either of those things.
- It's gonna be more difficult,
and we're gonna have to do a lot to resist
some of the radically pro-abortion things
they're gonna try and pass.
- [Paul] Still, Karlen remains hopeful.
- I think we will continueto see many lives saved,
and many abortion workers converted,
and abortion facilities continue
to go out of business at a record rate,
regardless of what takesplace in the Capitol.
- I was standing in frontof the Capitol 30 years ago,
there would have been 2,200abortion clinics in America.
Today there's under 700.
We are seeing Americans moreembrace a culture of life,
regardless of what happened
in the elections on November 3rd.
- [Paul] Paul Strand,CBN News, Washington.
(logo whooshes)- Thanks, Paul.
Why some believe there'sa push to convince
some conservatives todenounce their support
of former President Trump.
That story next on "Faith Nation."
(upbeat music)
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(dramatic music)
(man yawns)
(cereal clatters)
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(bright music)
(man groans)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep" today.
- [Announcer] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.
Jesus said it,
"I came to give you life,
"life to the fullest,
"life in your family,
"life in your finances,
"life in your body, mind, and spirit,
"life in your everyday."
At cbn.com, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.
We're here to help you discover life.
Life, live it fully,
cbn.com.(light music)
- Welcome back, for four years,
Democrats and others on theleft have really struggled
to understand how DonaldTrump was elected president
back in 2016.
- Now that President Biden is in office,
Democrats control the White House
and both houses of Congress.
But some are still focusedon changing the minds
of Trump supporters.
Jennifer Wishon explains.
- It's no secret Americanswho supported the presidency
of Donald Trump mystified those known
as the liberal media elite.
Still, many Americans gaspedwhen a trusted news voice
millions used to wake upto made this statement.
- The question is how are we going
to really almost deprogram these people
who have signed up for the cult of Trump?
- For many citizens, it was jaw-dropping
to hear something so radicalfrom a respected journalist.
What did you think when you heard her
calling for Trump supportersto be deprogrammed?
- You kind of get that sinkingfeeling in your stomach,
because it's so disappointing.
You're like, "Oh wow, seriously?"
It's a year since Fox Nationlast visited the border.
- [Jennifer] Longtime journalist,
and former "60 Minutes"correspondent Lara Logan,
who now hosts her own show on Fox Nation,
"Lara Logan Has No Agenda,"says this so-called idea
is more widely acceptedthan you might think.
- Just the idea that anyoneneeds to be deprogrammed
is such a radical idea, and yet it is,
this is not an idea that you're hearing
on the fringes, right?
This is an idea that's beingpublished in the opinion pages
of "The Washington Post."
- [Jennifer] She's right.
This comes from "Post"opinion writer Brian Klaas.
"So do we have any hope ofdeprogramming the millions
"of Americans who aredevoted to dangerous lunacy?
"Don't hold your breath,"
one in a slew of articles and commentary
that accept deprogrammingas a necessary response
to Americans disappointed bythe presidential election.
- There are millions of Americans,
almost all white, almost all Republicans,
who somehow need to be deprogrammed.
They're, it's as if theyare members of a cult,
the Trumpist cult.
- [Jennifer] Logan pointsout she's not motivated
by politics or party,
rather outrage over themedia's self-sustaining
sinister narrative that in some cases
threatens the very lives
and livelihoods of millions of citizens.
- There is an entireinfrastructure that is built
around sustaining this narrative,
and targeting millionsof people in this country
who see the world differently,
and who they regard as a threat,
and now as illegitimateenough to have to be erased.
Hunter Biden's laptopwas a conspiracy theory
until it wasn't, and Russian collusion was
never ever cast as a conspiracy theory,
but it wasn't true, andhow damaging was that?
(gunshots blast)
What about the fact thatStephen Scalise was shot
by a Bernie Sanders supporter?
What is it that BernieSanders supporters believed
that justified picking up a weapon
and going and trying to kill someone?
I mean, that's much more than sinister.
That's much more than just media bias.
There are actual politicaloperatives who are being paid,
and who have placement and access
throughout the media who are making sure
that these narratives are sustained.
- What is this?
Is this just about Donald Trump?
Or is this just about conservatism?
What do you think?
- This was never about Donald Trump,
and that's what madeDonald Trump so threatening
to all the people thatreally, really, really went
out of their way to destroyhim, and to get rid of him.
It was all about focusingeverybody on the man,
so that you wouldn't rememberto focus on the principles,
so that you wouldn't realizethat what actually happened
for the first time inliving memory is that
we, the people, as itis in the Constitution,
actually said, "Okay, we'regonna exercise our rights.
"We've had it, we're done.
"We're done with you sayingthings can only be done
"this way in Washington.
"We're done with youtaking our tax dollars
"and then telling us that you know best.
"We're done with paying for NATO,
"and then being disregarded and criticized
"and blamed for everything bythe international community.
"Fine, we won't, we won'tpay your defense bills, then.
"We don't understand why youagreed to this trade deal
"with China that destroyedmanufacturing in this country.
"We don't understandwhy you still are part
"of the United Nations wheneveryone at the UN says
"that America's, you know,to blame for everything."
And what the propaganda was all about,
what the targeting of Donald Trump,
and the emphasizing of, you know,
every annoying thing abouthim that got emphasized
over and over and over and over again
was shaming you into not voting for him,
or admitting that you vote for him,
and distracting you from thereal principles at stake,
so that he would be limited inwhat he'd be able to achieve
and that he couldquickly be gotten rid of,
as fast as possible, andhow do you know that's true?
'Cause you don't haveto take my word for it.
What do I know, I'm just a journalist.
Well, you know it's truebecause look what happened
even before he left office.
The target shifted.
It went from Donald Trump to you.
- [Jennifer] It's a chilling assessment,
one Logan says as beingbacked up with action.
Just look at the Departmentof Homeland Security's
new domestic terrorism bulletin
warning of ideologicallymotivated violent extremists
here at home, people theformer CIA director calls
a greater threat than Al Qaeda.
- This threat from domesticviolence extremists
is much more challenging, I believe,
than it was in terms of goingafter foreign terrorists.
- [Lara] Have we reallyforgotten what 9/11 was like
that you're treatingJanuary 6th like 9/11?
- [Jennifer] And she warnsthe media might not realize
what it's ultimately sacrificing.
- So right now it's reprogramming,
or deprogramming Trump supporters.
What about when it's deprogrammingChristians of all kinds,
including left and right?
People think, "Well, I'm a better person
"than a Trump supporter," right,
"because I believe I'vestudied critical race theory,
"and I voted for Joe Biden,
"and I would never vote for Donald Trump,
"or a horrible, nasty Republican," right?
Except you go to church, andGod and religion is a threat
to progressive secularmovement in this country.
And now, you need to bedeprogrammed, and who's next?
Who else is on the list?
- For Logan, who's anative of South Africa,
that's a question she tellsme she never, ever thought
she'd be asking about theUnited States of America.
Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.
(woman yawns)
(machine creaks)
(machine beeps)
(machine whirs)
(paper rips)
(machine whirs)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep" today.
(machine whirs)
(upbeat music)- I'm Efrem Graham,
and this is "Studio 5."
Cruise with me, as I discoverthe good things happening
in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.
- The fact Ryan Coogler wasgonna be directing the film,
I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.
- [Efrem] We'll chat withartists at the forefront
of entertainment, andexplore the connection
between popular culture and faith.
- I asked my pastor, I said,
"Well, does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"
He says, "Well, no, youalready have a pulpit."
- [Announcer] Watch "Studio5," Wednesday night at 9:30.
- [Narrator] Remember fora moment what it was like
to be a child.
You believed every story you were told.
You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.
What stories will the world's orphaned
and at-risk children believe?
We believe the Bible tells the only story
truly worth believing.
We believe that every child should have
the opportunity to dream,
the chance to take challenges,
and turn them into possibilities,
the chance to stand onthe promises of God,
to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.
They have their whole lives ahead of them.
Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.
They are looking for a story to believe.
We will tell them that story.
Will you join us?
(gentle music)
(light music)(child laughs)
- Finally tonight, with JoeBiden in the Oval Office,
one thing, John, isreturning to the White House.
- That's right, Jenna, it's the tradition
of having pets back at1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Two German shepherds, Champ and Major,
have made their way to the White House.
Major is making historyas the first shelter dog
to take up residence inthe Executive Mansion.
Both dogs recently appeared
in a coronavirus publicservice announcement
with First Lady Jill Biden,
which aired during "The Puppy Bowl."
Two cute dogs there.
- They are cute dogs, man's best friend.
Nice to see at the White House.
- That's right.- Well, that's gonna do it
for this President's Day everyone.
- We hope to see youright back here tomorrow.
(upbeat music)