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Bill Maher Mocks the Bible and Christians as Secular Dems Say 'Religious Right' Is a Threat to America

Bill Maher Mocks the Bible and Christians as Secular Dems Say 'Religious Right' Is a Threat to America Read Transcript

- David Closson,

director of Christian Ethicsand Biblical Worldview

at the Family ResearchCouncil joins me now

for more on the double standard

that is appearing more andmore within our culture wars.

David, thank you so muchfor coming on the broadcast.

First off, your reaction

to Mr. Maher's attack on Christianity.

- Well, thanks for havingme on the show, George,

and you know, it's interesting,

I don't know many Americans,

let alone Evangelical Christians,

that go to Bill Maher for their humor,

let alone their theology.

And when you listen to thecomic's remarks last Friday,

it just shows he'sdoesn't really understand

even the basic tenets of Christian belief,

which isn't really that surprising.

He's an avowed atheist,

we've know this abouthim for a very long time.

But the remarks that he said,

conflating what happened on January 6th,

which was just horrible,with basic Christian theology

it absolutely don't make any sense,

but it definitely shows us

where the left is goingwith this cancel culture,

trying to silence any views

that diverge from thenarrative that they wanna tell.

- David, do you thinkDisney and Lucasfilms

is aware of the clear double standard

with Gina Carano and Pedro Pascal?

- It's a great question,

and you look aroundall sectors of society,

the entertainment industry, Hollywood,

it's really clear thatOrthodox Christian beliefs,

whether it's on sexuality and marriage,

but even just beliefs on theperson and work of Christ,

are increasingly not justseen as a little weird

or a little bigoted, but as subversive.

And that's why, you know,what we do here at FRC

is try to make sure thatChristians, and especially pastors,

are aware what's goingon and are standing up.

This is not a time for us to back down.

We need to stand up forwhat our faith teaches us.

- Are we even seeing this in Congress

with the hearings right nowto impeach the president

and the emphasis onthe Capitol Hill riots?

Yet, not a similar response

to all the rioting that happened

back when Black Lives Matter protesters

were basically hijacked

by rioters like Antifawith another agenda.

- No, you're absolutely right, George,

and so I live here in Washington, DC,

and over the summer

this was a reallyinteresting place to live.

Even the building that I work in

had to be boarded up because of the riots.

And so it is clear, andI've written about this,

there is a double standard on the left

and I think it's theyknow what they're doing,

they're seeking to sideline Christians,

they're seeking to embarrass us

and belittle us for our beliefs,

which is why scripture tells us

we need to speak the truth in love.

And so although we need tobe loving as Christians,

we need to make sure thatwe are standing for truth

and this is what Jesushas called us to do.

- Is it made more difficult with the,

it seems like almost the daily assault

against people of faith

or people who have conservativeviews on various issues,

whether it's life or marriage,

and do you sense that this is going

to increase in the future?

- I do think it's gonna increase,

and you know, we've talked about

how elections have consequences.

Just in the first couple of weeks

of the Biden administration,

looking at all the executiveorders that have come out,

whether it's thetransgender military policy,

whether it's reinstating federal funding

for overseas abortion,

the beliefs thatEvangelical Christians hold

are increasingly, again,

not just being construedas out of the mainstream,

they're being construedas hateful, as bigoted.

And I think there reallyis a coordinated effort

to drive Christians outof the public square,

and so that's the impetusbehind cancel culture.

And it's important to realizewhat's going on and to stand.


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