Iran and Israel in war of words and threats - could military confrontation be near? Plus, China’s growing threat to the free world; and how to pray for a world seemingly poised for war; and how the 3,000-year-old true color purple confirms ... ...
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(shofar blaring)
- This week on "Jerusalem Dateline,"
Iran and Israel face off ina war of words and threats.
Could a military confrontation be far off?
Plus, the growing threat of China
and what it means to the free world,
and how to pray about a world
that seems poised on the verge of war,
and the true color purplefrom 3,000 years ago,
and how it confirms the Bible,
all this and more this weekon "Jerusalem Dateline."
Hello, and welcome to thisedition of "Jerusalem Dateline."
I'm Chris Mitchell.
Iran denied a request by FrenchPresident Emmanuel Macron
to include Saudi Arabia in negotiations
for a new nuclear agreement.
It's one of the latestdevelopments in the effort
to keep Iran from getting a nuclear bomb.
President Macron warnsthat time is growing short
to keep Iran fromgetting a nuclear weapon.
Iran says it's reachingits goal of producing
20% in rich uranium faster than expected.
20% is one step away fromweapons-grade uranium.
- (speaking in foreign language)
- [Interpreter] We weresupposed to produce
120 km of 20% uranium annually, but now,
in less than one month, we have enriched
about 17 kg, which is evenahead of our timetable.
- [Chris] While the Biden administration
says it wants to negotiate astronger, better nuclear deal,
Iran and its ally,Turkey, refuse that offer.
Iran wants to use its leverage
to drop the economic sanctions.
- (speaking in foreign language)
- [Interpreter] I should emphasize this.
America was the one whowithdrew from the JCPOA
and breached its commitments.
Now, it's America thatshould return to the JCPOA
and fulfill its commitments.
- It also set a February 21st deadline
for the EU signatories to drop sanctions
or it will cut off accessfor UN nuclear inspectors
and increase uranium enrichment.
The Biden administrationis considering naming
Robert Malley as its envoyto the nuclear negotiations.
Critics, like Senator Tom Cotton said
the choice of Malley wouldsend the wrong signal to Iran.
He tweeted, "It's deeplytroubling that President Biden
would consider appointing RobMalley to direct Iran policy.
Malley has a long track record of sympathy
for the Iranian regimeand animus towards Israel.
The ayatollahs wouldn't believe
their luck if he is selected."
In the meantime, Israelis watching closely,
and on Sunday, IsraeliDefense Minister, Benny Gantz,
told an Egyptian TVstation, it's keeping open
its military option to stopIran's nuclear program.
The US Senate Committee voted
to back President Biden's nominee
for Ambassador to the United Nations,
paving the way for full Senate approval.
Linda Thomas-Greenfield ispledging to continue to fight
against the anti-Israel BDS movement
at the international body.
CBN News correspondent,Julie Stahl, shows us
what the BDS movement is all about.
- [Julie] It's called BDS, the Boycott,
Divestment and Sanctions movement.
- BDS are, in fact, all aboutcreating political pressure
on the State of Israel to allow economic,
academic and cultural boycott or pressure
on the State of Israel to allow
millions of Palestinians toreturn to the State of Israel.
- [Julie] Author Einat Wilf says BDS uses
what she calls the placard strategy.
- Placard strategy is the equations that
everyone who goes to ananti-Israel demonstration
sees on their placards.
Zionism equals or Israelequals or Star of David equals.
It never says Zionism equalsthe political movement
for self-determinationof the Jewish people
in their homeland, whichis the accurate definition.
- [Julie] And Wilf saysit's been very effective,
even though the equations are lies.
- Their words likecolonialism, racism, apartheid,
sometimes even Nazism and genocide.
These words are all chosen because,
in our collective consciousness,they connote evil.
Basically, people areexposed to an ongoing refrain
that says, "Zionism, Israel,Star of David equals evil."
- [Julie] It's not only about slogans
on placards at demonstrations.
- It's in the United Nations.
It's on television.
Give an anti-Israel speaker30 seconds on television,
they'll manage to sayIsrael, Zionism, colonialism,
apartheid, genocide in the same sentence,
regardless of what is the question.
- [Julie] BDS often claimsto be a grass roots movement,
but Tzachi Gavrieli says
there's nothing grass roots about it.
- One could be operating in New York.
One could be in Italy.
It's a network operatedand being headquartered
from Ramallah by anelement or organization
called the BNC, theBDS National Committee.
- [Julie] Wilf says there's nothing new
about the movement.
- The Palestinians are stillcommitted to their old goal
of no sovereign statefor the Jewish people
in any borders anywhere.
The BDS movement continuesthe same old idea
that the Jewish people are uniquely evil,
that the world will be a better place
if there was no Jewish state in it,
which again is a veryancient antisemitic theme.
- [Julie] Both Wilf and Gavrieli said
it's important to keep fighting.
- Continue very vigorously and with
(speaking in foreign language)
as the Lord said, "Be very strong
to tell the truth about Israel."
- First thing is really toexpose BDS for what it is,
that it might be non-violent in its means,
but it is very violent in its end,
about the fact that it's not about peace,
and ultimately, they should be confronted
on campuses, in the media,everywhere which they operate
to expose them fortheir sinister purposes.
- [Julie] Julie Stahl,CBN News, Jerusalem.
(rock music)
- [Chris] Up next, thegrowing menace of China
and what it means for the free world.
(upbeat music)
(lively music)
♪ Joy, and where there'sjoy, there's action ♪
♪ It's like a great attraction ♪
♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪
♪ With a little more satisfaction ♪
♪ I love the way this joy makes me move ♪
♪ I got the joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy, I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy, joy is in the heart ♪
♪ Joy, I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy, I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy, joy is in the heart ♪
♪ Joy, joy is in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
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(rock music)
- China is the greatest threatto freedom and democracy.
That warning came from the former top
US intelligence official, who said America
should also prepare foran open-ended period
of confrontation with Beijing.
George Thomas has the details.
- Napoleon Bonaparte, theFrench military leader
said, more than two centuries ago
that, "China is a sleeping lion.
Let her sleep, for when she wakes,
she will shake the world."
China's president, XiJinping, has emphatically
declared that the lion has awakened.
(boots tramping)
John Ratcliffe, Directorof National Intelligence,
wrote in a recent wallStreet Journal editorial
that China is America's number one
national security threat,and that, 'Beijing
intends to dominate the rest of the planet
economically, militarily,and technologically."
Michael O'Hanlon is withBrookings Institute.
- It is the way a great power
with a non-democraticgovernment chooses to seek
to extend its influence worldwide,
- Ratcliffe accuses China of deploying
what he calls a rob,replicate and replace approach
in its ambitions to dominate the world.
- It's been well knownfor decades that China
tries to copy the industryof other countries
and then takes it to scale,makes it more efficient,
and largely operates,sorta built its way up
through the global economicranks with that approach.
- [George] China'sforeign ministry dismisses
Ratcliffe's claims whileaccusing Washington
of unnecessary playing the China threat.
- (speaking in foreign language)
- [Interpreter] The relevant article
with its sensationaltitle does not present
any solid evidence at all.
It offered nothing newbut repeating the lies
and rumors to smear China.
- [George] CBN News hasdocumented China's rise
for more than two decades.
Fast-forward to 2020 as we examine
how China's president,Xi Jinping, has been
massively overhaulingthe country's military,
economy and political influence as part of
his great rejuvenation project.
- Which, to put it intosort of Trumpian terms,
means to make China great again.
- [George] Tom Millerdocuments China's rise
in the book, "China's Asian Dream."
Miller says, since takingthe reins, Xi has been
on a trajectory of preparing China
to be the world's dominant power.
- China has been very very deliberately
trying to realize its kind of ambition
to become the global superpower.
- [George] Chinesescholars say it's also part
of Xi's deep belief that his country
has a divine right to rule the world.
- The mandate of Heaven isfrom China's imperial past,
where Chinese emperor's believe that
they not only have the right,
but they were compelled byHeaven to rule the world,
and there's this notion ofTianxia or all under Heaven.
(artillery blasting)
- [George] One way is by military force.
As commander-in-chief of theworld's largest fighting force,
Xi has remade China's People'sLiberation Army or PLA
into a military rapidly closingthe gap on US firepower,
The Pentagon revealing for the first time
that China now has theworld's largest Navy
and plans to double itsnuclear warhead arsenal
in this decade, whichincludes ballistic missiles
that can reach the United States.
- It's likely thatChina will seek to build
a military that is equalto or, in some cases,
superior to the USmilitary or the military
of any other great powerthat China perceives
as a potential threat.
- [George] O'Hanlon saysChina's capabilities
in emerging technologies such as robotics,
artificial intelligence, andnext-generation technology
and telecommunications nowrival that of the United States.
- We used to be ahead o'China by, you know, half a lap
on the proverbial track.
Now, we're ahead by maybe a few strides,
and China is maybe even closingthe gap further as we go.
- Ratcliffe insists thatresisting China's ambitions
of becoming an economic, military
and technological superpower will be
the challenge of our generation,
and warns that America should prepare
for an open-ended period ofconfrontation with Beijing.
George Thomas, CBN News.
(rock music)
- [Chris] Up next, a conversation about
how to understand the timesand how to pray for the world.
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(rock music)
- Many Christians aroundthe world are concerned
about the growingpersecution of the church,
cancel culture and the possibility of war.
To address these concerns redemptively
and how to pray about these times,
Rick Ridings, co-founder of Succat Hallel,
a 24/7 prayer ministry here in Jerusalem
wrote an article called,"Intercession and Prayer:
How To Intercept World War III."
I spoke with Ridingsabout his prayer strategy,
detailed in the article.
Rick, thanks for joiningus on "Jerusalem Dateline."
You wrote recently that this time
is one of the most importanttimes to be praying
since World War II.
What did you mean by that?
- I meant there's a global warfare.
Many times, people justlook at what's going on
in their country or one or two countries,
but there really is a globalspiritual warfare going on
that I believe is thegreatest since World War II.
At that time, they werebeing barraged with news
day after day of Hitlergetting another victory,
of him beginning to exterminate the Jews,
and it looked like therewas no way to stop him.
If you just went by what you saw
in the news at that time,it seemed totally hopeless
and why even pray?
What good will it do?
- You mentioned Rees Howells.
Why was he so instrumental in World War II
and what's the lesson for today?
- He was the head of aBible college in Wales
and they had really learnedin intercessory prayer
not to just pray inreaction to what you see
on the ground happeningaround you or in the news,
but to wait on the Lordin worship and prayer
until you could really beginto have God's perspective
and begin to find out, what does God want
to do in the future?
So, for example, in World War II,
when it looked like it was all over,
that Hitler was really decisively winning,
the Lord showed them to pray
that Hitler would go into Russia.
As a military man, heshould have known better
than to go into Russiawith a lot of his troops
right before winter, but he went in.
They prayed that he would notbe able to take Moscow quickly
as the news was predicting,
and Hitler just got stuck in the snow,
and it severely crippledeverything else he did,
and from there on, that was
the turning point of World War II.
- Rick, you talk aboutfive phases of prayer.
The first two are aboutintercepting World War III
and a time of war and a time of peace.
- I felt in 2017 that theLord spoke to my heart
that there was going tobe great harvest coming in
places like Iran, Saudi Arabia,
and I felt like he said,when that would begin,
Satan would try to cut it off
the same way he did with World War I,
which occurred right afterthe great outpourings
of the Holy Spirit in Wales,in Azusa Street, in Korea.
There was a great missionsmovement of young people
from universities going in large numbers,
and then Satan succeededin stirring up World War I,
and young people who wouldhave gone into missions
instead were sent into thewar and died in the war,
and I felt like the Lord said,
"Don't be ignorant of Satan's schemes.
He will try to start a World War III
when the harvest begins, and you are
to encourage people topray that that be stopped
in the way that Rees Howellssaw World II come to an end.
- Hm, in the next two phases, Rick,
you talk about geographical areas,
Taiwan and the South China Sea, and also
you talk about the capitalshere in this region,
Ankara, Tehran andMoscow, talk about those.
- I felt the Lord beganhighlighting that already in 2019
very clearly to us that there would be
an evil alliance forming between
Ankara and Tehran and Moscow.
Right after the Lord showed us that,
they're traditional enemies,it didn't make sense
that those three wouldwork closely together.
Right after the Lord showed us that,
a week later, they met inAnkara with the three from,
the three foreignministers of those nations.
So I believe there'ssomething evil, but again,
we're not fighting flesh and blood.
We're fighting againstprincipalities and powers,
but principalities use personalities,
and so, we need to cutit off at that level,
and I felt the Lord showed the same thing
would happen in China,that China would begin
by moving on Taiwan, and ifthat was not stopped early on,
it would grow into a regional war,
and if those two regional wars
happened at the same time,they could spin out of control
into a World War III.
- You talk about themantle of Rees Howells.
What did you mean by that?
- The mantle was thisunderstanding and revelation
that we're not to just pray according to
what we see with our eyesor think with our minds
or our political opinions, but that we're
to worship and pray until the Lord
begins to show us things as He sees them
because He's delegated authority
on the earth to the believers,
and we are to pray andproclaim His will upon earth
as it has already been decided in Heaven.
- Then finally, Rick, what are you there
at Succat Hallel praying right now?
- Well, we're praying obviouslyprotection over Israel.
We're praying protection andgrace in the Middle East,
that it not turn in, if there's any kind
of military action necessary with Iran
that that would happenquickly and decisively
and within God's boundaries,preferably covert warfare
to stop their nuclear bomb plans
rather than an overt warfare, and to pray
that the harvest will continue to go forth
in a great way in Persia and Iran
and in the Middle East,and also we're praying much
where this is a season where we believe
God is stirring up the Jewish people
to come home from places like New York,
where there's such an antisemitism
being expressed right now,and when they're here,
then Ezekiel 37 says that,
once the bones are connected,
God will begin to breatheupon them by his Holy Spirit.
That's where yourlisteners can pray for that
breath of the Holy Spirit for the
North, South, East andWest upon this land.
- Well, Rick Ridings,appreciate your article
and your exhortation to be praying
at this very important time.
- Always a joy to be withyou, Chris, bless you.
- If you'd like to read Ridings' article
or learn more about Succat Hallel,
you can log on to SUCCATHALLEL.COM.
(rock music)
Up next, a groundbreaking discovery
that sheds new light on the Bible
from the time of KingDavid and King Solomon.
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(rock music)
- For the first time,Israeli archeologists
have recovered 3,000year old pieces of fabric
from the time of KingDavid and King Solomon.
The groundbreaking discoverysheds new light on the Bible
from the book of Genesis to the gospels.
The discovery took place onthis hill in Southern Israel.
Archeologists found theroyal color purple fragments
in the Timna Valley, andthrough carbon dating,
confirmed the fabric had beenpreserved for 3,000 years.
- The real excitement was when Naama,
Dr. Naama Sukenik, called me one day.
She told me, "well, we found this proof,
the molecules of the color fromthe lab, it's true purple."
- [Chris] True purplecomes from an ancient,
sophisticated process using dye
extracted from sea snails found
in the Mediterranean Sea.
It usually took a lot ofwork and thousands of snails,
which made the dye sometimesworth more than gold.
The dry, desert conditions in the Valley
preserved the fabric.
- So, we found in Timna, the Argaman,
the more purplish color, whichis associated with kings,
also the priests and also the tabernacle.
It provides an excellent background
to the biblical recordfor this particular time.
- [Chris] The region is mentioned
a number of times in the Bible.
The Timna Valley islocated in the Negev Desert
in Southern Israel, and it's also the area
of the Kingdom of Edom.
- In the book of Genesis, chapter 36,
we hear about the Kings of Edom
that ruled over the land of Edom
before Israel had kings.
- [Chris] This land is also where
Gideon defeated the Midianites.
- We hear in the book of Judges
about the Kings of Midianwhen Gideon, you know,
kills, he killed all the Midianite kings.
The spoil is actually thepurple, the Argaman garments.
So, we're really havinga physical evidence.
You can, you know, touch thegarment of an important figure,
if not the king of thesepeople 3,000 years ago.
- [Chris] And whereDavid defeated his foes.
- We read in the Bible that King David
went to South of the DeadSea, the Valley of Salt
in the book of Samuel, andthen he conquered the Edomites
and put garrisons all over the land.
- [Chris] Royal purple is also mentioned
in the New Testament.
Lydia from Thyatira in the book of Acts
was known as a seller of purple,
and purple is mentioned in the gospels.
- We hear that the Romans, they actually
forced Jesus to wear a purple robe
in preparation to the crucifixion.
The Romans claimed forthat He wanted to become
the King of the Jews.
- [Chris] Ben-Yosefbelieves this discovery
revolutionizes ourunderstanding of the Bible.
- I think that this is a game changer
in the way archeologistsand biblical scholars
understand the realityat that time period.
- [Chris] Some archeologistsdismiss the Bible
because there's no traditionalarchitectural evidence
for ancient kingdoms,like a city or a palace,
but he says they were nomadic kingdoms
that left little evidence behind.
- If you change the wayyou think about kings
and kingdoms in this earlyperiod and you understand
that nomadic tribescould have had a kingdom,
then suddenly, everything,I think, becomes much more
simpler to understand and to interpret.
- He sees the pieces of royalpurple fabric as evidence of
these ancient biblicalkingdoms and their kings.
This is one of the moreextraordinary stories
coming out of Israel,confirming the biblical record.
Well, that's all for thisedition of "Jerusalem Dateline."
Thanks for joining us.
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I'm Chris Mitchell.
We'll see you next timeon "Jerusalem Dateline."
(rock music)