'Equality Upside-Down': What Could Happen with President Biden's LGBTQ Executive Order
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- On Inauguration Day,
Kamala Harris embodiedwhat girls and women
across the country have long dreamed,
a woman Vice-President.
Hours later however,
President Biden signed an executive order
that crushed girls and women's rights.
Using detailed explicit language,
he ordered the children beallowed access to the restroom,
locker room, and sportsteam of their choosing.
Their gender, now describedas gender identity,
would have no consequence.
- It's turning equality upside down.
The entire reason we have
separate male and femalelocker rooms and sports teams
is that people with male and female bodies
should have a certainamount of privacy and safety
and fairness in competition.
LGBTQ advocates say theorder supports equality
and ends discrimination
against people whoidentify as transgender,
but conservatives and somefeminists have been crying foul
using the hashtag #BidenErasedWomen.
The Women's LiberationFront called the order
"a heartbreaking messageto women and girls
that their government does not
view them as worthy of consideration,
and is not willing to recognizethem as a discrete class."
Others view it as a FirstAmendment violation.
- This is a show of force.
This is about showing who's in control
and that dissent is punished.
- Federal agencies have 100 days
to determine how to implement the order
for any business, faith-basedorganization, or school,
receiving federal funding.
Opposing it could be a costly decision.
There's also concern theorder could confuse children,
and what it would meanfor girls in sports.
- We've watched as young female athletes
have lost out on medals on podium spots,
on championship opportunities.
- Attorney Christiana Holcomb
represents three femalehigh school track stars
who sued the State of Connecticut
after being forced to competeagainst biological boys.
Under President Trump,
the Department of Education defended them,
and that would likely now change.
Biden's executive order seeks to build
on the 2020 Supreme Court ruling
that redefined sex discrimination
to include gender identity, butonly in cases of employment.
Holcomb says the president'sorder contradicts Title IX,
the historic law that paved the way
for sports equality in 1972.
- [Christiana] Title IX isclear that young women deserve
to compete on a level playing field.
The whole reason we have women's sports
as a separate category
is because of those physicaldifferences between the sexes.
- It's now wait and see to find out
how this executive order will play out
among federal agencieslike Education and Labor.
States are also debatinggender with a host of new bills
on sports and transgender medicine.
Heather Sells, CBN News.