China on the move militarily, testing Biden’s resolve; China persecution against American missionary Francis Chan? Biden’s early executive actions hurting Black Americans? U.S. fails China’s Myanmar coup test. Here’s what Joe Biden ...
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(upbeat music)
- [Host] Today, from The Global Lane,
testing American resolve,
China's military on the move.
- It was in a test of strength,
from the South China sea,
and a test of strengthin the Taiwan Strait.
- [Host] His visa denied.
A divided church in Hong Kong.
Pastor Francis Chan, isback on the home front.
- So I think the biggest heartbreak,
was trying to get people to look higher,
and what God wants for his family,
that we don't fight with each other.
- [Host] PresidentBiden's executive actions,
hurting black Americans?
- Not only has he donethings to kill jobs,
and that he's doing thingsso that people can't eat.
- And it's all righthere on The Global Lane.
(upbeat music)
Aggressive and de-stabilizing.
That's how the U SIndo-Pacific Military Command,
describes recent military moves,
by communist China.
Late last month, the PRC, flew war planes
into the Taiwanese defenseidentification zone,
and stepped up Naval activities,
in the South China sea.
The United States responded,
by sending a carrierstrike group to the region.
Well, joining us with some insights,
on China's aggressive moves,
since Joe Biden entered the white house,
is Bradley Bowman.
Mr. Bowman is senior director
for the center on military,and political power,
at the Foundation forDefensive of Democracies.
Brad, thank you for being here.
So, with Donald Trump outof the white house now,
are the Chinese testingJoe Biden's resolve?
What do you think?
- I think that's exactlywhat they're doing,
but I also think they'replaying a longer game.
And, from an American perspective,
I see this long game,
as an effort to recastthe international order,
to make it more accommodating,
accommodating forauthority China for them.
And to do that, firstregionally, and then globally,
they need to push theAmerican military back,
so that they can more effectivelybully their neighbors,
and, control resources.
And so, we're seeing a test of strength,
in the South China sea,
and a test to strengthenthe Taiwan Strait.
And diplomacy and development,
all of that is essential,
but a lot of this is gonna come down,
to whether a Chinese militaryplanners believe that,
they can successfully accomplishtheir political objectives,
through military force.
- Now, president Biden responded,
by denouncing China's move,
and, then he sent the U S carrier fleet,
into the area.
So, what more should be done beyond that?
- I think there's a ton to do,
you know bipartisan experts,
have been saying for a while now,
that if China and the United States,
were gonna come to blows, andwe all want to avoid that,
it most likely would come,in the Taiwan Strait.
In fact, there was a 2018,
national defense strategy commission,
commissioned by Congressthat looked at this,
with bipartisan experts on it.
And the number one concernthey had in the entire globe,
was in the Taiwan Strait.
And for too long it,
frankly in the Obama administration,
there was a reluctance,
to give Taiwan the arms theyneeded to defend themselves.
The Trump administration to their credit,
reversed that policy,
and made the decision toprovide a lot of weapons,
but those weapons ended up themselves,
take time to deliver, and are not enough.
There also has to be,
as someone who served in the U S army,
you have to be able tooperate those weapons,
as individuals and as units.
And, you know, let's not kid ourselves.
We can give Taiwan,
you know, all the weaponsthey would ever want,
but in the end with enough time,
given the historic militarymodernization effort,
that the people's liberationarmy has undertaken,
the most significant,
in the history of thepeople's Republic of China,
sooner or later, Beijing will win that.
So the point here, is that Taiwan,
has to be able to hold on long enough,
for the U S military to come to their aid.
And so the longer we can makeTaiwan capable of holding off,
when under assault from the mainland,
the sooner we can get there and help them.
And so there really aremultiple components,
that we need to ensure,
we need to make Taiwan,
like a porcupine that isa unappealing candidate,
for consumption by a predator.
- Well apparently, theChinese coast guard,
has been authorized,
to fire on foreign vessels if necessary,
in the Taiwan straits,
and also in the South China sea.
So, your thought on that.
- There's a lot of times, as Americans,
we think, you know, hey,
we're either at war or peace with someone,
there's nothing in between.
That's not how China views it.
They really view it as a rheostat or dial,
is gets dialed up or down.
And they engage, what we,
you know, gray zonewarfare, hybrid warfare,
as various experts call it.
We see China using their coast guard,
and also civilian,
seemingly civilian fishing vessels,
to undertake, you know, state policy.
And, you know, this makes a larger point,
that I think Americans need to understand.
There is no such thing in my view,
as a private Chinese company.
There is no Chinese company,
that when they get the call from Beijing,
and the Chinese CommunistParty is gonna say no.
So when you're talking abouta Chinese fishing vessel,
in the South China sea,or Chinese company,
trying to do businesshere in the United States,
you need to understand,that to some degree,
there are either explicitly,
or implicitly working forthe Chinese Communist Party.
This is not a, is in aphobic comment, right?
We have no bone to pickwith the Chinese people.
The Chinese people,
deserve better than they'regetting from the government.
But let's be clear in my view,
the preeminent threatto the United States,
our security, our prosperity, our freedom,
from abroad right now, asa Chinese Communist Party,
it basically combined wealth,
their economy is eight timeslarger than that of Russia.
The most significantmilitary modernization,
we've seen in decades from any country,
and a hostile authoritarian ideology,
that they're honing athome, and exporting abroad.
- And, that thread continues,
and advanced cyber group,
affiliated with Chinese intelligence.
He's using a new, never seenbefore powerful hacking weapon,
in a series of attacks onembassies, government offices,
and state owned technology,
and science companiesin Asia and Australia.
So what can you tell us about it?
How great of a threatdoes that pose to the USA?
- Yeah, you know, a lot of times,
there's a tendency,
including by people like me,
to focus on ships andsubmarines and aircraft.
But Americans need tounderstand that this threat,
from the Chinese Communist Party,
as a comprehensive,
would include it in the cyber domain.
You know, our expertshere in the United States,
have said the theft ofintellectual property,
that China is undertakingagainst the United States,
is arguably, the mostsignificant transfer,
of intellectual property in human history.
And most of, a lot of this,
has been done licitly and illicitly,
and in the cyber domain.
And so we're in constant conflict,
with the Chinese Communist Party.
The only question is whetherAmericans realize it,
and whether we're willingto do something about it.
And I think the Trumpadministration got something right.
And they got something wrong.
What they got right was,
taking the China threat seriously.
What they got wrong was,
is too often,
they would try to take onthis threat unilaterally,
rather than getting thegood guys together first,
and then confronting Beijing together.
Kind of like on the playground, right?
When you've got a bully,
you don't go take onthe bullied by yourself.
You go build a coalitionof all the good guys,
and then you go to the bully.
So we should be getting together,
more systematically with the G7.
The seven largest economies democracies,
in the cyber domain and other areas,
where we see the CCP engaged,
and this conflict that I'm talking about.
- Okay, a lot for the Bidenadministration to address.
Bradley Bowman, FDD senior director,
for the center on militaryand political power.
Thank you Brad, for joining us today.
- Thank you.
(upbeat music)
- Daddy,
- Yeah buddy,
- How many nickels are in a dollar?
- There are 20 nickels in a dollar.
- How do (indistinct) fly?
Does (indistinct) make my bones stronger?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Daddy, when we die,will we go to heaven?
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(upbeat music)
- Sun Packing.
After spending about a year in Hong Kong,
where they started three house churches,
American pastor FrancisChan, and his family,
were forced to returnto the United States.
Although their visas were not renewed,
by the Chinese government,
pastor Chan, is hopingto eventually return,
to continue his evangelistic work there.
He joins us now, to explain what happened.
Pastor Chan thank you for joining us.
So, you weren't given much notice.
Tell us what transpired,
what explanation did thegovernment there give,
for not renewing your visas?
- Yeah, you know,
there've been somedifferent articles written,
about the situation.
And, I think people haveinterjected their own views,
or thoughts, of what may have happened.
But the truth is,
it very well could havebeen just my application,
for immigration,
that there were some thingswe didn't think through.
And so they had some questions for us.
And so, normally that processtakes about six weeks,
six to eight weeks I was told,
to get a two year work visa.
They took almost a year,
before they finally responded,
and they responded with a negative.
And, their reasoning was,
the sponsoring entity,
that was bringing me in,
wasn't clear enough,
and didn't give enough detail,
as to what we would bedoing there, in country.
You know, there are peoplewho were writing and saying,
oh you know, it's a communist government,
or this or that.
And it's like, ah, I never said that.
And it may not be at all.
So let's be careful,
not to make this bigger,
than what it actually is,
because it can also be damaging,
to the possibility of megoing back into Hong Kong.
When now we have American saying,
oh the communists kicked himout, and everything else.
And, that isn't the case that I know of,
it looks like just an immigration issue.
- Has the crackdown againstchurches on the mainland,
spilled over into Hong Kong?
What difficulties if any,
are churches in Hong Kong facing today?
- I think the biggest difficulty,
is the division within the church.
Obviously we see that in the U S,
that people begin to take sides of,
you know, pro-China, pro-democracy.
And then these people,
are leaving their churches,
and the churches are fighting,
and people are skeptical of each other.
And it all, all I know isit breaks the heart of God,
Jesus Christ died,
so that we could become perfectly one.
You know, there arethings that God has done,
that should make us one, inspirit with him and each other.
But instead I see this,
because of our opinions of,
well, I think, you know,
you know in Hong Kong it was,
you know, you gotta be blue or yellow.
You have to be, you know,pro-Hong Kong, or pro-China.
And then, there was all this clashing,
that I know God hates.
And in the U S we have a,
you know, a slew of reasonsto divide with one another.
And so that was,
I think the biggest heartbreak,
was trying to get people to look higher,
and what God wants of his family,
that we don't fight with each other,
and we become perfectly one.
- We've heard that as manyas 300 million Chinese,
could become Christian by the year 2030.
That's less than a decade away.
So, how rapidly is the gospel spreading,
and being accepted in Hong Kong,
and in mainland China?
- Numbers are really tricky,
when you talk about China.
I've heard every single number out there,
and then, you know, projections,
I, my personal, you know,when I read scripture,
I don't see this okay,
for the last three years,
we're going in this way,
therefore we can projectthis or this or this.
I mean I see a God, who just disrupts.
Anytime we think we haveanything figured out,
and okay, here's the keyto revival, or here's...
I do see in scripture,that there's something.
That's why the unity piece is so big,
that the unity of the church,
has a big impact on revival.
Jesus' prayer.
It's when you become perfectly one,
you do that so that the world,
may know, that Jesus wassent from the father.
So, I do see,
some very amazing, committed,followers of Christ.
I do see a spread of the gospel,
that is unlike anythingI've seen in the U S.
A revival like far beyondanything I've seen here.
- You may know a secret,
about starting three housechurches in Hong Kong.
Tell us about them,
and what your absence may mean for them.
- Yeah, I mean, you know,
it's decisions we have to make.
Like what are we going to do?
I'm very concerned during this time,
because you have people digging in,
going, no you know, wecan't do things online.
And others are saying,yes, we can do it online.
It was like, no, wehave to meet physically,
in a building with this number of people.
And others are like, no,we must meet in a home.
And you know, and it's just like,
you guys, you guys, let's just,
these are all methodologies,
these are all opinions.
Let's just come together before the Lord,
if we really want to,
let's look at the values,
the things we must do.
And there isn't a must,
about gathering in a building.
We know we need to confessour sins to one another.
We know we need to bear with one another.
We know that we need to aimat becoming perfectly one.
And as we obey these biblical mandates,
and figure out how toobey them in our context,
giving people freedom to dowhat is they're called to do it.
That's when we're gonna see the blessing.
That's when we're gonna see that power,
of that early church,
and the Lord adding to our numbers daily.
And as we praise him,
and it's in that praising,
that we're gonna become more and more,
the church that he wanted us to be.
- Okay, pastor Francis Chan.
Thank you for sharingyour time and insights.
- Great, thank you.
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(upbeat music)
- Continued COVID lock downs, job losses,
inter-city violence.
All these things are takinga big toll on the country,
especially for black Americans.
So are Joe Biden's proposal's,
going to make life better,for African-Americans?
We're here to set astraight, as Autry Pruitt.
Mr. Pruitt is CEO of New Journey PAC.
It's the largest politicalaction committee,
dedicated to the realignment,
of black American voters.
I know you can't speak forall black conservatives,
but the people you talk to.
What are they saying to you,
about Biden's initiative so far?
- Well, the people I talk to,
which by the way, includes those,
from the left side of the aisle,
who happen to also be African-Americans.
Biden's first term in office so far,
has been a disaster.
Because the first thinghe does, is issue edicts.
That's what these are,
edicts to kill jobs.
He's either issuing edicts to kill jobs,
or two, to push backagainst religious rights.
Those are the two things that he's done.
- I know Antifa and BLM riders,
caused a lot of destruction,
in some larger urban neighborhoods,
over the summer,
more recently, in Portland,
on Biden's inauguration day.
So, that certainly hashurt black families,
and business people more than others.
Also, these continued COVIDlock downs, eventual changes,
in immigration policies.
Now that may likely lead,
to fewer jobs for black Americans,
especially young people.
So, Autry what needs to be done,
to help them raise, help them.
I mean, should we raise theminimum wage to $15 per hour?
- No, not only has hedone things to kill jobs,
and now, he's doing thingsso that people can't eat.
His edicts at his own orders to tamp down,
on any enforcement against BLM and Antifa,
is actually harming the black community.
If you look back, one ofthe commercials we ran,
during the political season,
was the mother crying.
She was crying saying,
I can't go get my kids anything to eat.
Because Antifa and BLM,
were allowed to tear up the neighborhood.
And stores don't wantto go back there, right?
So now you wanna havehim come along and say,
not only are we gonna allow them,
to tear up your neighborhood,
but if you get a store back there,
we're gonna make the minimum wage so high,
that a store will only be ableto employ one or two people.
And guess what?
The one or two people that they employ,
will not come from the neighborhood.
They won't come from that neighborhood.
They're gonna come fromoutside their neighborhood.
They'll drive in every day,
they'll go to work,
and then they'll go back tothe other side of the tracks.
- Now I know about 12% ,
of black American voters castballots for Donald Trump.
Many liberal Democrats,
probably think thosevoters are delusional.
So why did Trump receivesuch a large percentage,
of black support,
compared to Republicansin previous elections?
- Because the Republicanparty has an issue.
The Republican partyrefuses to actually engage.
And by engage, I'm nottalking about a slick ad.
I'm not talking about slickdirect mail campaigns.
I'm talking about puttingpeople on the ground,
speaking plain language, every single day.
Trump was able to do that,
because despite his celebrity status,
because of his staturewith the apprentice,
and other Hollywood initiatives,
that he had taken on privately,
he began to develop alittle bit of relationship.
So someone watching him through the TV,
felt like, oh, I knew this.
One of the things, manypeople don't know that,
I believe Trump is the celebrity,
outside of other hip hop celebrities,
with the most name mentions,
inside of urban hip hop songs, right?
So he had a little bit of a start.
He had his foot in the door.
That's what it takes.
It takes being on the ground,
and develop a relationship.
Not a relationship whichrevolves around politics,
or BLM, or blue livesmatter, or anything else.
But just having a relationship.
So what Republicans need to do,
is they need to get there.
They need to be engaged.
They need to be on the ground.
Not to talk politics,
but just to help their fellow men.
- And I know that John James,
was a good example in Michigan,
as someone who was in the community,
a successful business person,
that people looked up to,
and he was working in the neighborhoods,
despite his election.
I mean, even before he ran,
people knew him, and hebarely lost that election.
So, what else must Republicans do?
- Politics is local.
Anyone that's been in the political game,
for five years or longer,
can tell you politics are local.
People look at Elise and say,
how can she keep winning?
How does she win that?
She's this, she says stupidstuff, but guess what?
She's there for her people.
John James, although he lost,
he barely lost.
And guess what?
We need to not give up the fight.
That's the difference.
Democrats and theprogressive left come in,
and even when they lose,
even when they lose by large margins,
look at Texas.
They stay there.
They put more money there.
They put more energy there.
Think about it like this.
Coca Cola will never say, you know what?
Pepsi beats us out in Lexington Kentucky.
So we're never gonna advertise there.
If anything they say,
no, let's keep our presence there.
And it may take a decade,
but eventually we'llcapture, the market share.
Republicans need to think the same way.
It doesn't matter.
You barely lost.
Or even if you lost bya margin, don't give up.
Don't give up on Illinois.
Don't give up on California.
Don't give up on New York city.
Just put some cracks there,
and eventually it will shatter,
and you can break through.
- Thinking long-term okay.
Autry Pruitt, CEO of New Journey PAC.
Thank you for settingus straight today Autry.
- Thank you so much for having me.
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(speaks in foreign language)
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(upbeat music)
- Religious freedom advocates,
are gravely concerned,
about the military coup and crack down,
on pro-democracy leadersin Myanmar this week.
Christians, in the countryformerly known as Burma,
fear the military takeover,
could lead to return to the persecution,
that they experienced for decades there.
I know it well,
because I reported about it extensively.
Starting in the early 1990's.
I even testified about it,
before a congressional committee.
- Karen and Karreni ethnics.
The majority of them Christian,
were forced to leave their homes,
and seek refuge, in neighboring Thailand.
Some of them never made it that far.
They died during Burmesearmy raids on their villages.
These parents wept fortheir murdered children.
Others were victims or witnesses of rape.
- We saw some women who got raped.
Some women even go, gang raped.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Human rights violations like that,
caused the U S government,
to impose economic sanctionson the Burmese military junta.
The sanctions were eventually lifted,
once free elections were held,
and the country embraced democracy.
But now it seems the military,
has reverted back to it's old habits.
It's no coincidence,that coup happened now.
And by the way, this is a real coup,
not a mythical one like,
those alleged to haveoccurred in Washington.
The coup most likelyoccurred at this time,
because Joe Biden not Donald Trump,
is now in the white house.
Myanmar and China aretesting Biden's resolve.
And so, what was his response?
Did he immediately impose sanctions,
or take other tough action?
President Biden issued a statement saying,
he'd be watching to see howother countries respond.
He called the qu quote,
"A direct assault on thecountry's transition,
to democracy and the rule of law."
And said that progress, toward democracy,
should be respected.
That stern statement,
will put the fear of God in them on it?
Instead, Mr. President,
how about a tougher statement like,
if you do not immediatelyrelease Aung San Suu Kyi,
and other political prisoners,
the United States,
will immediately reimposeeconomic sanctions.
And he should say,
if our allies expect to maintainfavorable trade relations,
with the United States,they'll do the same.
While we await a stronger U S response,
let's pray, for the people of Myanmar.
Pray that democracy will be restored.
That God will shield Christians,
from a return of persecution.
And let's all remember,
that we are one, in the body of Christ.
When Christians in Myanmar,
or anywhere else in the world suffer,
we all suffer.
Well that's it today,from The Global Lane,
be sure to follow us on Facebook,
YouTube, SoundCloud, iTunes, Twitter.
Hopefully again on Parler,
and now on MeWe.
And until next time,
be blessed.
(upbeat music)