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TX Pregnancy Center Celebrates 90,000 Babies Saved: 'We See It as a Divine Appointment'

TX Pregnancy Center Celebrates 90,000 Babies Saved: 'We See It as a Divine Appointment' Read Transcript

- A Texas pregnancy centeris celebrating 30 years

of providing women with guidance,

education and medical help.

The Prestonwood PregnancyCenter has also been sharing

the hope of the gospel

in the Dallas-Fort Worth area since 1991.

Its served 100,000 patientsand seen 90,000 women

choose to have their babies.

More than 400 people chose faith in Christ

in the last year alone.

And the center isdirectly across the street

from a planned parenthood clinic.

We spoke with its executive director.

- When that young woman or couple

walks in through the door of our center,

we see it as a divine appointment.

And in our experience,

they also are often brokenand looking for hope,

that they found themselvesin this circumstance,

and it really often revealsother areas of their life

that they're struggling in.

And so we, you know, we'rereally good listeners

and we're really there tohelp them problem-solve

and navigate their situation.

And I tell our volunteers and our staff,

"If you're a good listener,

then God is going to open that door."

- [Presenter] Now to seemore of this interview

and an exclusive interviewwith San Diego pastors

praying for all effectedby the COVID-19 pandemic,

be sure to catch The Prayer Link

on this station or onthe CBN News channel,

tonight at 6:30 Eastern Standard.


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