The March for Life goes virtual this year and is joined around the world. What the Prolife movement faces under the Biden Administration. San Francisco school board votes to remove the names of American Presidents Washington, Jefferson and ...
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(dramatic music)
- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.
- Hello, everyone, thank you so much
for joining us for CBNNewswatch, I'm George Thomas.
Today is the 48th annual March for Life.
It could be the biggestMarch for Life event ever
in terms of impact, withpeople all over the globe
watching the day's events online.
My man Mark Martin joins us with more.
Mark, tell us.
- George, the Marchfor Life is the largest
annual human rightsdemonstration in the world.
The event marks the day in January, 1973
when the U.S. Supreme Court decided
in its Roe v. Wade ruling that abortion
is a constitutional right.
But organizers say it'snot just a protest,
but a gathering to celebrate life.
In the past, the March for Life
has brought tens of thousands,
sometimes hundreds ofthousands of marchers
to Washington D.C., but not this year.
The event is being held virtually.
Organizers say it'sbecause of the pandemic
and the increased pressurethat law enforcement
and others are dealing with in
and around the Capitol building.
The 2021 theme is TogetherStrong, Life Unites.
The President of theMarch for Life Education
and Defense Fund, Jeanne Mancini,
elaborated on the theme duringthis year's virtual event.
- Our theme is meant notonly to highlight the unity
of our cause, but to alsohighlight the destructive
and divisive reality of abortion.
Abortion divides a mother from her child.
The abortion industry has deceived women
into believing her pregnancy is a disease,
that her motherhood meansgiving up her dreams
and that only abortionwill solve her problems.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
- While most participants will watch
the March for Life online, a small group
of pro-life leadersfrom around the country
will march to the Supreme Court today.
Pro-life organizers speakers, marchers,
and rally goers willkeep holding the march
until Roe v. Wade isoverturned or the thought
of aborting one's ownbaby becomes unthinkable.
Today's rally will befollowed this evening
by what's called the Rose Dinner Gala,
and it will take placevirtually tonight at 7:00 PM.
And Tim Teebo is the keynote speaker.
George, back to you.
- Thank you so much, Mark,I appreciate that report.
Many pro-life believers believethe nation has just moved
from the most pro-lifepresident to the least.
CBN's Paul Strand reports onwhat they think could happen
to their efforts with a newpresident in the White House.
- It's gonna be sad, a lot of good
that the Trump administrationdid on the life issue,
a lot of those thingsare gonna be rolled back
by the Biden administration,we're already seeing that.
- [Paul] Despite thissudden turn in Washington,
40 Days for Life official Steve Carlin
sees reason for optimism.
- Presidents change, legislators change,
judges change, but God never changes.
And the pro-life movement,including 40 Days for Life,
I think, has seen someof our biggest successes
with pro-abortion presidents.
- We went through eightyears of President Obama,
saw abortions reduce and clinics close.
Same with President Clinton.
- Maybe those winds camebecause pro-lifers pray
and fight harder during those years.
If that's the case, they're gonna need
that resolve now more than ever,
because with Democratscontrolling both houses
of Congress and the White House,
it means a unified frontmaking abortion more available.
- That's unfortunately something the left
is really focused on, and I know that
in sex education classes andall these things happening
in schools, they will definitelybe pushing abortion more.
- [Paul] And the push will be for laws
to make abortion feelmore acceptable and right.
- For all the talk that, "Well, you can't
impose your morality via the law,
you can't legislatemorality," that's exactly
what people look to the law to do,
to help us do what is right
and to help us avoid what is wrong.
- [Paul] One of the movement's goals
might go too far, though.
If they end the Hyde Amendment,a rule long supported
by both sides, that means allAmerican taxpayers would pay
for federally funded abortions.
- Not just radical Democrats,
but even moderate Democrats,as many think Biden is,
want to repeal the Hyde Amendment.
- [Paul] They'll arguethat abortion is a right,
and even a necessity.
- And make taxpayers,Christians, church members,
pro-life people, responsiblefor paying for abortions.
- [Paul] And if you makeit free, people will come.
- There's definitely a movementto subsidize abortions.
And what we subsidize, wewill expect to increase.
- [Paul] As it is, evennow Washington is basically
unlimited in allowing abortions,
even those into theninth month of pregnancy,
a practice also only allowed
by countries like China and North Korea.
- These gruesome late-term abortions,
and man, when we find ourselveson a human rights list
next to China and NorthKorea, it is a sign
that something has gonedramatically wrong.
- [Paul] Meanwhile, Gill is concerned
about the influence of celebrity culture.
- They will probablyelevate the voices of people
like Michelle Williamsand other celebrities
who have talked abouthow they wouldn't have
their Golden Globe Award and so on
if they hadn't gotten an abortion.
- [Paul] One result of allthis could be a backlash
among the American people.
The majority tend to befar more anti-abortion
than these proposed moves would allow.
- It's gonna be more difficult,
and we're gonna have to do a lot to resist
some of the radically pro-abortion things
they're gonna to try and pass.
- [Paul] Still, Carlin remains hopeful.
- I think we will continueto see many lives saved
and many abortion workers converted
and abortion facilities continue to go
out of business at a record rate,
regardless of what takesplace in the capital.
- If I was standing in frontof the Capitol 30 years ago,
there would have been 2,200abortion clinics in America.
Today there's under 700.
We are seeing Americans moreembrace a culture of life,
regardless of whathappened in the elections
on November 3rd.
- [Paul] Paul Strand,CBS News, Washington.
- Thank you, Paul.
The San Francisco school board recently
made a cancel culture move.
It voted to remove thenames of former presidents
George Washington, Abraham Lincoln,
and Thomas Jefferson from schools there.
Reportedly, the formerpresidents were presumed
by board members to have ties to racism
or dishonorable legacies.'sRandy Thomasson is here
for more on the story.
Randy, great to have youback on the broadcast.
What has been, I'm curious, the reaction
in California to thismove by the school board?
- You know, it's very interesting.
You even have parents of childrenin the government schools
in San Francisco saying no to this.
You even had the mayor of SanFrancisco saying no to this.
They don't want the words changed.
They don't want George Washington School
or Thomas JeffersonSchool being eliminated.
It was done without publiccomment until the last minute.
So this is really an oligarchy
of school board memberswho are radical leftists
who want to start a race war.
They are the ones that wantto say, "Hey, all blacks,
you hate whites, becauseall whites hate blacks."
That's a big fat lie.
And I'll tell you, Christianity
does not allow for race distinctions.
We should be seeking a colorblind society.
That's how we have peace.
And this eliminating ofpresidents' names on schools
because they happenedto be slave owners 200,
300 years ago, this isabsolutely going against America.
These were genius founding fathers.
They ought to be respectedfor the good they did.
- Yeah, and Randy, they also are going
after Democrat Senator from California
Dianne Feinstein's name.
They want her name to beremoved as well, right?
- Yes, because it was said that
when she was mayor of San Francisco,
that she allowed a Confederate flag
on the flag pole in San Francisco.
Here's the point.
This whole deal here is like Project 1619
from "The New York Times."
They're trying to igniteracial hatred by teaching,
in this case, littlechildren that whites are bad,
blacks should hate,
and that is the opposite of Christianity.
Remember, in the New Testament it's taught
that all Christians shouldhave their identity in Christ,
that there's neither Jew norGreek, not slave nor free.
And again, for someone to say, "Well
my identity's primarily my race,"
or "I have identity of a slave,"
when I've never been aslave, that's a big fat lie
of the devil, and it's being demonstrated
through the sons anddaughters of the devils
who are on these government school boards.
- Yeah, real quickly, Randy, tell us
what is the danger of thiscancel culture movement,
and what can folks do to counter it?
- Well, one, speak against it.
The danger of it is what we've said,
it goes against Americanism.
You are an American, not identified
by anything else primarily,
if you are a citizen of this country.
And you need to understandthat our constitution is good.
We have equal opportunity in this country.
We should never go toward equal condition,
which is a communist ideal.
And we have to understand also that
in the government schools,the leftists have taken over,
and this is nationwide.
You can't say God created youor God created the universe
in any government schools.
And in California, there are11 sexual indoctrination laws.
So use this as anotheropportunity, if you're angry
about the government schoolschanging the names of schools,
and this is not just San Francisco,
it's happened in Berkeley nearby,
it's also happened in LosAngeles school district
it's gonna happen more,use this as an opportunity
to get your kids permanently out
of the godless government schools
and into homeschoolingor church schooling.
We're learning that the teacher unions
don't even want to havechildren in government schools
because they have a newcommunist agenda of saying
let's destroy societyusing the COVID crisis
as a punting project.
- Okay, Randy, we'llhave to leave it there.
Randy Thomasson with
Thank you so much for your insights.
COVID response team's Dr. Anthony Fauci
used a morning briefing to say he believes
the best way to ward off COVID mutations
and spread is by getting vaccinated.
Mounting concern as healthofficials try to assess
how widespread multiplecoronavirus strains are
here in the U.S.
One causing the greatest concern right now
is a strand originating from South Africa
that has now been detectedin South Carolina.
Officials say it's morecontagious than the original virus
and less susceptible tovaccines on the market.
- Well, the one in SouthAfrica, George troubles me.
- My biggest fear at thismoment is that these variants
are gonna take hold and really take off
across the United States.
And if that happens, we'regonna see a huge spike in cases,
lots of infections, lots of deaths.
- Right now, the Bidenadministration is working
on getting millions of morevaccine doses into the system
and calling on evenretired healthcare workers
to help administer them.
A post on Christian singerCarmen's Facebook page
says he's improving every day.
His blood pressure dropped tonearly fatal levels last week
after he experienced internal bleeding
following hernia surgery.
In recent years, he's battled cancer
and called on fans topray for his healing.
The Facebook post also said he's ready
to get back to his ministry.
Coming up, the killer ofan American journalist
Daniel Pearl goes free in Pakistan.
Reaction to the moveand whether it was done
simply due to a legal technicality.
we'll explore that in a moment.
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- Welcome back to the broadcast.
We head overseas where Pakistan'sSupreme Court's decision
to acquit the radicalIslamist men involved
in the brutal killingof American Daniel Pearl
is drawing widespreadshock and condemnation.
Pearl, a reporter withthe "Wall Street Journal,"
was kidnapped back in2002 and later beheaded.
Now the man accused of beheading Pearl,
Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikhis set to walk free,
along with three othersinvolved in the kidnapping.
Pearl's family called the decision
a complete travesty of justice.
The White House was alsocritical of the court's decision.
- The United States is outraged
by the Pakistani Supreme Court's decision
to affirm the acquittalsof those responsible
for "Wall Street Journal" reporter
Daniel Pearl's kidnappingand brutal murder,
which shocked the world'sconscience in 2002.
This decision to exonerateand release Sheikh
and the other suspects is an affront
to terrorism victims everywhere,including in Pakistan.
- Pakistan Supreme Courtsaid it will release
a detailed explanation forits decision in coming days.
Joining me is Husain Haqqani,
former Pakistan Ambassadorto the United States
and now a Senior Fellowwith Hudson Institute.
Mr. Haqqani, thank you somuch for coming on the show.
So Pakistan Supreme Courtsays that investigators
didn't follow lawfulinterrogation procedures
when the assailants were first arrested.
What do you make of their argument?
- I would believe their argument
if it was consistently applied
in all legal proceedings in Pakistan.
Unfortunately, when it comes to dissidents
and people considered enemies of the state
by Pakistan security services,
procedures are routinely not followed.
So I do not think thatthe court's arguments
are the real reason whyit acquitted the accused.
- And my second questionis probably going to lead
to your answer in terms ofwhat was the real reason.
You wrote in the "WallStreet Journal" today
that acquitting DanielPearl's killers is part
of Pakistan's dance with jihadism.
Can you explain this?
- Pakistan was the stagingground for the jihad
against the Soviet Union during the 1980s.
The U.S. supported that, if you remember.
But then later on thejihadis went on rampage
around the world and Afghanistanbecame home to Al-Qaida.
The Taliban were supportedby Pakistan during the 1990s
because Pakistan thoughtthat they would help Pakistan
in its rivalry with India.
All of those factorshave made Pakistan a home
to many, many extremists jihadis.
Mr. Omar Sheikh, who is the gentleman
at the heart of this Daniel Pearl case,
Daniel Pearl murder case,he helped Pakistan's
Intelligence Services runcertain operations in India
where Pakistan has a disputeover the Kashmir region.
And so therefore a lot ofthese people who are wanted
by the rest of the world forterrorism are actually seen
as regional and localheroes by Pakistanis.
And that has been the dance with jihadism
that I talk about in my "WallStreet Journal" articles.
- Mr. Haqqani, research shows terrorism
in Pakistan has declined,but is the underlying roots
of Islamic extremism still thriving?
- Absolutely, and whyterrorism that is directed
at Pakistanis has subsidedand the Pakistani authorities
have done a good jobof shutting all groups
and individuals down that wereattacking inside Pakistan.
Pakistan has beenrelatively reluctant to act
against groups that operateoutside of Pakistan.
It's almost like saying as long
as you don't do bad things at home
we are going to look the other way,
if your targets are outside of Pakistan,
especially those, like India,
that Pakistan considers an enemy.
- Real quickly, has Pakistan's government
under Imran Kahn doneanything to stamp out
this extremism within their borders?
- Mr. Imran Khan calledOsama bin Laden a martyr
in Pakistan's parliament.
He has called the Taliban heroes
for resisting foreignoccupation of Afghanistan.
That kind of discourseactually helps the Islamists,
even though Mr. Imran Kahn also says
that he's not one himself.
- Okay, Mr. Haqqani, we'llhave to leave it there.
Thank you so much for coming on the show.
Hope you'll be back again, please.
- Thank you.- You're welcome.
Folks, we'll be back rightafter this, stay with us.
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- Welcome back to the broadcast.
Well, January is almostover, and many of us
may already need a reboot withour new year's resolutions.
Well, there's an app for that,
if one of your goalsis to grow your faith.
Studio 5's Efrem Grahamtalks with Judah Smith,
pastor and chaplain of theSeattle Seahawks, about it.
Take a look.
- Deeply distressing ordisturbing experiences.
Yeah, that's 2020.
That's pretty accurate.
In fact, even into 2021 wesee disturbing developments
in the news in Washington,D.C. or other places.
And we ask ourselves, whenis the trauma gonna stop?
- That's just a tiny sampleof a Judah Smith sermon.
And he joins us right now to talk more
about the Faithful app.
Before we get to the app, real quick,
I know you've launcheda series at your church
on Jesus on trauma and in light of
what we went through just last week,
not even to mention 2020, it seems timely.
Why focus on Jesus on trauma right now?
- Well, trauma seems to be,from the professional world,
those who study brainhealth and mental health.
are telling us that that iskind of the word for 2020.
Trauma, of course, meaninga deeply distressing
or disturbing experience.
And they're saying collectively
we have all gone through that.
They're saying things likecompassion fatigue is setting in,
empathy fatigue, it'svery difficult for us now
to empathize or becompassionate with one another.
And so in reality, we'redealing with yes, a pandemic,
but we're also dealing withanother critical crisis,
and that is that we're allexperiencing emotional fatigue
as a result of the trauma.
So we're trying to speak tothat and see the faith, hope,
and love that comes throughthe person of Jesus.
- And a platform or a placefor us to at least work
on that process daily is the app Faithful.
I've been doing it now, I'vegot my daily faith goal.
I haven't quite climbed asmuch as I should for today,
but I'm gonna get there (laughs).
Tell me about the app.
- Well, you just said it right there.
That's exactly why we built it.
Because I think all ofus feel a little behind.
We feel like we're not doingenough to grow spiritually,
to grow mentally and emotionally.
And I think the Faithfulapp, we put together a roster
of over 50 of the mostconsiderable preachers,
teachers, and thinkers in the faith space.
And this is an opportunity ina matter of two, three, four,
five minutes a day, you canexperience incredible progress.
For instance, you cansee a verse of the day
and there's one of thoseincredible teachers
and preachers who for twominutes will explain one verse
to you, and that alone couldhelp you throughout your day.
And so I think all of us feela little bit overwhelmed,
like I'm not doingenough, I'm not growing,
my faith isn't progressing.
I'm in quarantine andCOVID is so overwhelming.
And this is the applicationthat we're saying,
hey, listen, tell us whatyou're going through.
We're gonna give youcurated content served up
every single day from some ofyour favorite communicators
to help you take at leastone step of progress
on the given day you're in.
- How would you compare thisto other spiritual apps,
if you will, that are out there?
How do you think this is different?
- Well, for instance,50% of millennials today
are watching their faith-basedcontent from YouTube
and a few other platforms.
And the challenge forthat is those platforms
are not specifically designed like ours is
to curate for you the contentthat actually is tailor-made.
For instance, YouTube,you can be watching one
of your favorite preacher and then YouTube
will suggest potentiallyanother communicator
that has a completelydifferent world religion,
worldview, or even theology.
What we have done in oursimple onboarding process
is you'll be able to get the content
from the communicators who is consistent
with your belief systemthat I think will really,
really encourage you in your journey.
And there's a verydiverse roster of leaders
that we're really proud of.
- If you could, rightnow, before we let you go,
give us a word for the day in terms of,
if I'm tuning into this,if this were my app,
what would you say in light of
what we're going through right now?
- Well, I would saythat you're doing better
than you think you are.
And I think we all havejust got to give ourselves
a little bit more credit.
And I know people don't like to do that,
but that's where this whole thing begins,
that you are of valueand worth and dignity.
That's why you're suckingoxygen on planet Earth.
There is a Creator, Hedesigned you for a purpose.
He is so proud of you and He loves you.
And He's not mad at youand you're not behind,
like you think you are.
You're not the personthat you think you are.
You're doing great andwe're all going through
extraordinary amounts oftrauma that are frankly
beyond our understanding.
And today is a brand new opportunity
to take one little step.
Don't get caught up with the destination.
Life's not about the destination.
It really is about the journey.
And today is an opportunityto take another step.
- And we take that, thankyou so much, Judah Smith.
The app is the Faithful app,
and we certainly appreciate your time.
God bless you.
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- [Announcer] On the Home Front.
- Thanks for joining us forCBN's On the Home Front,
where we highlight what the men and women
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- Former NFL player BenWatson is known not just
for his 16 years in professional football,
but he's also known as a strong Christian.
The father of sevenspoke at an Evangelicals
for Life Event, saying thegospel is the most important part
of the pro-life message.
- We want to show people the gospel.
We want to point peopleto the gospel and the lie,
but also the stereotype of many
that will consider themselves pro-life is
that they don't care about life after.
We know that not to be true for many,
but we also know thatwhen the world looks at us
and sees that, we needto show them that we care
about all mankind from womball the way to the tomb.
- Important message.
Watson showing the loveand compassion of God is
what will change people'shearts on the issue.
Well, folks, that is it forthis edition of CBS Newswatch.
Find out more anytime on news anytime
on our CBS app,as well as our channel.
From all of us here,goodbye and God bless.