Senate Filibuster’s Future Shaky, Meaning Radical Agenda Could Someday be Imposed by 51-to-50 Vote
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- [Paul] In a Senate split 51 to 50,
one of the only waysthe Democrats can pass
extremely controversial laws
would be to abolish the filibuster,
which gives the minority it's only way
to block those changes.
- If the filibuster goesaway, if in a tied Senate
the Democratic partyis able to ram through
a radicle agenda that is out of sync
with the American people
without deliberation, without debate.
- [Paul] At a Heritage Foundation webinar,
Binion discussed what might possibly pass
only if the filibuster goes away.
- Increased federalgun control legislation
is on President Biden's agenda
and it definitely falls into the category
of legislation that may enjoy 51 votes,
but could not overcome afilibuster or extended debate.
- [Paul] Same goes for amnesty
for the millions of illegalimmigrants in the US,
and a hot-button issuelike climate control.
- Climate change legislation enjoys
unanimous support on the left,
but it enjoys unanimousopposition on the right.
- [Paul] Since thefilibuster's been around
for a couple of centuries,Democrats in the past,
including the new majority leader,
defended it as sacred.
- Senator Schumer asked his colleagues
to quote, protect thesacred checks and balances
at the core of the republic.
- [Paul] Schumer realized this week
he doesn't have the votesto kill the filibuster
right now, but won't rule out
trying to eliminate it in the future.
He's hinted at it, much like the last
Democrat majority leader,Senator Harry Reid.
Here's Schumer from August.
- [Chuck] We have the moral imperative,
an imperative to the people of America
to get a whole lot doneif we get the majority,
which god willing we will,and keep it in the House
and Biden becomes President.
And nothing is off the table.
We will do what it takes to get this done.
- [Paul] If that includeswiping out the filibuster
and passing red hot lawsby a vote of 51 to 50,
Binion fears what itwill do to the nation.
- I think it will further divide us,
further inflame our country
and I think that the policyoutcome could be devastating.
- [Paul] Paul Strand,CBN News, Washington.