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Two Financial Strategies—But Only One Worked

William and Emily didn’t see eye to eye on how to manage finances. They each had a different strategy, but only one of them was getting the results they wanted. Find out what happened to unite—and bless—them and learn the strategy that ... ... Read Transcript

- [Narrator] When Emily andWilliam Macaulay first married,

they didn't see eye to eye on finances.

- I didn't want him to keep buying stuff

until he was out ofdebt with other things.

We would argue a lotabout all different kinds

of finance problems.

He knew that that's whatI did with my money,

was give 10% to the church.

I was a waitress so I took,

if I made $80, I took $8 and would set it

in my drawer until Sunday,when I would go to church.

- When we first gotmarried, we both had our own

checking accounts anyway,so we just kinda kept goin',

this is her money, this is my money.

She did what she did with hers

and I did what I did with mine.

- [Narrator] The couplebought a working farm

near Lexington, Kentucky,

and William started anexcavation business.

Emily worked as a MedicalBilling Specialist.

- Most of my debt westarted off with came from

buying the equipment tostart out excavating.

The business is kinda high cost to entry.

- You know, you gottaspend money to make money,

is his mentality on things.

I also think that God's gonna provide

if we're doin' the rightthing with our money.

- It didn't take long tosnowball a lot of money

together in debt.

It did strain our marriage.

It was tough.

- [Narrator] William and Emily continued

to have separate bank accounts.

But Emily tithed faithfully from hers.

- Her expenses never did exceedwhat she had in her account

and she was always able to save money.

And I could run six or seven days a week

and never could get ahead.

- [Narrator] After thebirth of their first child,

William asked his wife toconsider being a full-time mom.

She agreed, but under one condition.

- She pretty much told me,for her to quit her job,

that I had to start tithing.

And I was so amped for her tocome home and raise our kids,

that I said "Sure, we'll start tithing."

- [Narrator] Soon, God beganto bless their business.

- Instead of having aday or two long jobs,

we were there for months.

So all our jobs were gettinglonger and better paying jobs.

Checks just showed up.

- [Narrator] Now nearly allof their debts are paid off

and William is sold onthe principle of tithing.

- Well, I've probably turned180 from where I started.

I was trying to pay my bills first,

before I'd give the money to the church.

That was wrong, that was completely wrong.

But it took a long timefor me to figure that out.

- He's as excited about it as I am.

And he'll say now thatthere's no way that he would

ever go back to not tithing.

- [Narrator] Today theMacauleys enjoy giving

to their church, to missions work,

and to the local community.

- We're able at church, youknow, to be able to help

all the missionaries.

- Because we tithe,the Lord has blessed us

and we are able to provide formore people in the community.

At the end of the day, youcan't afford not to give.

It's just not worth it.

- You know you seepeople every day that are

working night and day, working so hard.

And you just wanna set down and tell them,

"Look, if you just knewthat if you would give 10%

"to the church, that things would

"drastically change for you."

Rich or poor, it doesn'tmatter until you've realized

that this is all God's and it'sfor us to be generous with.

You'll always be chasin' the wind,

lookin' for the next dollar.

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