Biden Pushes for 100 Million Vaccines in 100 Days, Snaps at Reporter Who Asks About Plan: 'Come on, Give Me a Break, Man'
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- President Biden says thatAmerica's vaccine rollout
has been a dismal failure so far
and blames the Trump administration
for not acting with moreurgency and coordination.
- We didn't get into this mess overnight
and it's gonna take monthsfor us to turn things around,
but let me be equally clear,we will get through this.
We will defeat this pandemic.
- [Heather] The CDC saysthat just 2.4 million
have received the neededtwo doses of the vaccine,
with 100s of millionsnecessary to end the outbreak.
On Thursday, Biden signed
10 executive orders to do just that.
One expands vaccine production,others mandate masks
for travel, lay the groundwork
for reopening schools and businesses,
and order FEMA to setup vaccination centers.
Next month, the CDC will make
vaccines available in pharmacies.
Biden is promising 100 million
vaccinations in his first 100 days.
It sounds good, but it'sactually just a 10% increase
over the current daily pace already set
under the Trump administration program.
An AP reporter asked Biden
if his target should be more ambitious,
a point pushed by somepublic health experts.
- [Reporter] Is that high enough.
Shouldn't we set the bar higher?
That's basically wherethe US is right now.
- When I announced it, youall said it's not possible.
Come on give me a break, man.
It's a good start, 100 million, thank you.
- [Heather] The President dismissing
the question before leaving the room.
Meanwhile, Biden's chief medical advisor,
Dr. Anthony Fauci, saysthe coveted herd immunity,
where a large percent of thepopulation is naturally immune
to the virus could beachieved later this year.
- If we get the majority ofAmerican, 70 to 85% vaccinated
by then we could have adegree of herd immunity
that would get us back to normal.
The best case scenario forme is that we'd get 85%
of the people vaccinatedby the end of the summer.
- [Heather] The Other big concern,
new mutations of the virusin the United Kingdom
and South Africa, andscientists wonder if one
in California is behind thesurge in cases in Los Angeles,
and if some of those mutations
could weaken theeffectiveness of the vaccines.
- Work needs to be done inthe laboratory to confirm
whether or not the vaccineis gonna protective.
- One study says the South Africa-variant
could pose a problem for the vaccines,
but Fauci and other expertsbelieve the mutations
won't significantly decreasethe vaccine's effectiveness,
although more research is still needed.
But, since the mutationsare more contagious
they could lead to afaster spread of the virus
meaning more cases anddeaths, and that increases
the urgency to get as many people
vaccinated as soon as possible.
Heather Sells, CBN News.